在ASP.Net Core项目APIGateway中添加Ocelot+Consul然后运行时 ,VS2017报如下错 :
内部异常 1:
Exception: Unable to start Ocelot, errors are: Unable to start Ocelot, errors are: Unable to start Ocelot because either a ReRoute or GlobalConfiguration are using ServiceDiscoveryOptions but no ServiceDiscoveryFinderDelegate has been registered in dependency injection container. Are you missing a package like Ocelot.Provider.Consul and services.AddConsul() or Ocelot.Provider.Eureka and services.AddEureka()?,Unable to start Ocelot, errors are: Unable to start Ocelot because either a ReRoute or GlobalConfiguration are using ServiceDiscoveryOptions but no ServiceDiscoveryFinderDelegate has been registered in dependency injection container. Are you missing a package like Ocelot.Provider.Consul and services.AddConsul() or Ocelot.Provider.Eureka and services.AddEureka()?
问题原因: 容器中缺少相应的服务
- install-package Ocelot.Provider.Consul
- ConfigureServices服务注册中修改为 : services.AddOcelot(Configuration).AddConsul();