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  • Exce信息提取


    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Sub 信息汇总()
        Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook, wb3 As Workbook, wb0 As Workbook
        Dim sh0 As Worksheet, sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, sh3 As Worksheet
        Dim ce As Range, ce_pic As Range
        Dim shp As Shape
        Dim arr(3) As String, brr(), crr(), drr()
        Dim d1 As Object, d2 As Object, d3 As Object, d4 As Object, dpic As Object, dbt As Object, dpic2 As Object
        新表 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
        Set d1 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        Set d2 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        Set d3 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        Set d4 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        Set dpic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")    '图片
        Set dbt = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")    '标题
        Set dpic2 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")    '标题
        d1.Add "均码", 7    '字典,后面的可以重复,但是前面的不可重复
        d1.Add "42cm", 8
        d1.Add "44cm", 9
        d1.Add "46-50cm", 10
        d1.Add "46cm", 11
        d1.Add "48cm", 12
        d1.Add "50-54cm", 13
        d1.Add "50cm", 14
        d1.Add "52cm", 15
        d2.Add "新生儿", 7    '字典,后面的可以重复,但是前面的不可重复
        d2.Add "3个月", 8
        d2.Add "6个月", 9
        d2.Add "9个月", 10
        d2.Add "01岁", 11
        d2.Add "02岁", 12
        d2.Add "03岁", 13
        d2.Add "04岁", 14
        d2.Add "06岁", 15
        d2.Add "08岁", 16
        d2.Add "10岁", 17
        d2.Add "均码", 18
        arr(1) = "销售"
        arr(2) = "本地库存"
        arr(3) = "公司库存"
        Set wb0 = Application.Workbooks(新表)    '动态名称
        'Set wb0 = Application.Workbooks("新表格式")    '动态名称
        Set wb1 = Application.Workbooks.Open(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "货号本.xlsx")    '
        '    Set wb1 = Application.Workbooks("货号本.xlsx")
        Set wb2 = Application.Workbooks.Open(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "销售表.xlsx")    '
        '    Set wb2 = Application.Workbooks("销售表.xlsx")
        Set wb3 = Application.Workbooks.Open(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "本地库存.xlsx")    '
        '   Set wb3 = Application.Workbooks("本地库存.xlsx")
        Set sh0 = wb0.Sheets("sheet1")
        Set sh02 = wb0.Sheets("sheet2")
        'Set sh1 = wb1.Sheets(1)
        Set sh2 = wb2.Sheets(1)
        Set sh3 = wb3.Sheets(1)
        For Each shp In sh0.Shapes    '清除掉现有图片
            If shp.TopLeftCell.Row > 5 Then shp.Delete
        For Each shp In sh02.Shapes
            If shp.TopLeftCell.Row > 5 Then shp.Delete
        For i = 2 To sh2.Range("E65536").End(3).Row
            If d3.exists(Replace(sh2.Range("E" & i).Value, "'", "")) Then
                d3(Replace(sh2.Range("E" & i).Value, "'", "")) = d3(Replace(sh2.Range("E" & i).Value, "'", "")) + 1
                d3.Add Replace(sh2.Range("E" & i).Value, "'", ""), sh2.Range("H" & i).Value    '销售表--存活编码+数量
            End If
        For i = 2 To sh3.Range("E65536").End(3).Row
            If d4.exists(Replace(sh3.Range("A" & i).Value, "'", "")) Then
                d4(Replace(sh3.Range("A" & i).Value, "'", "")) = d4(Replace(sh3.Range("K" & i).Value, "'", "")) + 1
                d4.Add Replace(sh3.Range("A" & i).Value, "'", ""), sh3.Range("K" & i).Value    '本地库存--货号+数量
            End If
        st_bh = 1
        For Each sh1 In wb1.Sheets
            If InStr(sh1.Cells(1, 1).Value, "款式图") Then
                dpic.RemoveAll    '清空图片词典
                crr = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(sh1.Range("A1:Z1")))
                For bt_i = 1 To UBound(crr)
                    dbt(crr(bt_i)) = bt_i    '标题加入字典
                pic_i = 0
                For Each shp In sh1.Shapes
                    If sh1.Cells(shp.TopLeftCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Cells.Count = 1 Then
                        linName = sh1.Range(Replace(sh1.Cells(shp.TopLeftCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Address, "A", Chr(64 + dbt("编号"))))    '只有一个单元格的情况;
                        'shp.Name = Left(shp.Name, 13) & Int(Rnd(10))
                        dpic(linName) = shp.Name
                        For Each linName In Application.Transpose(sh1.Range(Replace(sh1.Cells(shp.TopLeftCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Address, "A", Chr(64 + dbt("编号")))))    '"B"
                            'shp.Name = Left(shp.Name, 13) & Int(Rnd(10))
                            dpic(linName) = shp.Name    '解决了合并单元格右侧有多个编号的问题
                        If (sh1.Cells(shp.TopLeftCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Address <> sh1.Cells(shp.BottomRightCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Address) Then    '规避有合并单元格的问题
                            For Each linName In Application.Transpose(sh1.Range(Replace(sh1.Cells(shp.BottomRightCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Address, "A", Chr(64 + dbt("编号")))))    '"B"
                                dpic(linName) = shp.Name    '解决了合并单元格右侧有多个编号的问题
                            Debug.Print sh1.Cells(shp.TopLeftCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Address, sh1.Cells(shp.BottomRightCell.Row, 1).MergeArea.Address
                        End If
                    End If
                If r1 = 0 Then r1 = 4    'r加1便是第五行;
                If r2 = 0 Then r2 = 4    'r加1便是第五行;
                st_1 = 2: st = 2    '每个工作簿中的目标工作表从第二行开始统计
                Do While sh1.Cells(st, dbt("颜色")).Value <> ""
                    If sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("编号")).Value <> sh1.Cells(st, dbt("编号")).Value Then
                        'If sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("编号")).Value & sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("颜色")).Value <> sh1.Cells(st, dbt("编号")).Value & sh1.Cells(st, dbt("颜色")).Value Then
                        st_1 = st
                        st_3_1 = r1    '同一编号开始
                        st_3_2 = r2    '同一编号开始
                    End If
                    Do While sh1.Cells(st, dbt("编号")).Value & sh1.Cells(st, dbt("颜色")).Value = sh1.Cells(st + 1, dbt("编号")).Value & sh1.Cells(st + 1, dbt("颜色")).Value    '当前颜色未到终点;
                        huohao = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("货号")).Value    '货号
                        pdm = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("岁段")).Value    'Left(Right(huohao, 3), 2) '判断码
                        For i = 1 To 3    '对同一个货号进行3次判断,赋予三行岁段的值;       [我目前的困境是:由于st值和r都分流了一部分,剩下的如何对齐?]
                            If InStr(pdm, "cm") Or pdm = "均码" Then
                                rpd = 0
                                If sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 2).Value = "" Then sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 2).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("编号")).Value    '编号
                                If sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 3).Value = "" Then sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 3).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("品名")).Value    '品名
                                If sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 4).Value = "" Then sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 4).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("颜色")).Value    '颜色
                                If sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 5).Value = "" Then sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 5).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("牌价")).Value   '牌价
                                If sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 6).Value = "" Then sh02.Cells(r2 + i, 6).Value = arr(i)  '库存名
                                If i = 1 Then  '销售
                                    If d3.exists(huohao) Then
                                        sh02.Cells(r2 + i, d1(pdm)).Value = d3(huohao)                                'sheet2岁段的赋值
                                    End If
                                ElseIf i = 2 Then  '本地库存
                                    If d4.exists(huohao) Then
                                        sh02.Cells(r2 + i, d1(pdm)).Value = d4(huohao)                                'sheet2岁段的赋值
                                    End If
                                ElseIf i = 3 Then   '公司库存
                                    kucun = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("库存")).Value    '库存
                                    On Error Resume Next
                                    If Asc("kucun") > 0 Then kucun = IIf(CLng(kucun) = 2042, "", kucun)
                                    On Error GoTo 0
                                    sh02.Cells(r2 + i, d1(pdm)).Value = kucun                                'sheet2岁段的赋值
                                End If
                                rpd = 1
                                If sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 2).Value = "" Then sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 2).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("编号")).Value    '编号
                                If sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 3).Value = "" Then sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 3).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("品名")).Value    '品名
                                If sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 4).Value = "" Then sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 4).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("颜色")).Value    '颜色
                                If sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 5).Value = "" Then sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 5).Value = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("牌价")).Value   '牌价
                                If sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 6).Value = "" Then sh0.Cells(r1 + i, 6).Value = arr(i)  '库存名
                                If i = 1 Then  '销售
                                    If d3.exists(huohao) Then
                                        sh0.Cells(r1 + i, d2(pdm)).Value = d3(huohao)                              'sheet1岁段的赋值
                                    End If
                                ElseIf i = 2 Then  '本地库存
                                    If d4.exists(huohao) Then
                                        sh0.Cells(r1 + i, d2(pdm)).Value = d4(huohao)
                                    End If
                                ElseIf i = 3 Then   '公司库存
                                    kucun = sh1.Cells(st, dbt("库存")).Value    '库存
                                    On Error Resume Next
                                    If Asc("kucun") > 0 Then kucun = IIf(CLng(kucun) = 2042, "", kucun)
                                    On Error GoTo 0
                                    sh0.Cells(r1 + i, d2(pdm)).Value = kucun    'sheet1岁段的赋值
                                End If
                            End If
                        st = st + 1    '挪到下一行;
                        If tf = 1 Then GoTo aa2:
                    tf = 1  '断点位置;
                    GoTo aa1:
                    tf = 0  '断点位置
                    If sh0.Cells(r1 + 3, 2).Value <> "" Then r1 = r1 + 3    '每隔3个进行一次挪移;
                    If sh02.Cells(r2 + 3, 2).Value <> "" Then r2 = r2 + 3    '每隔3个进行一次挪移;
                    '        Debug.Print sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("编号")).Value, sh1.Cells(st, dbt("编号")).Value
                    If sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("编号")).Value <> sh1.Cells(st, dbt("编号")).Value Then
                        st_2 = st - 1  '表1同一编号的最后一行;
                        st_4_1 = r1    '表0同一编号的最后一行
                        st_4_2 = r2    '表0同一编号的最后一行
                        st_mid2 = st_3_1 + 1    ' Int((st_3 + st_4) / 3) '目标图片位置行
                        st_mid2_2 = st_3_2 + 1    ' Int((st_3 + st_4) / 3) '目标图片位置行
                        'Debug.Print sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("编号")).Value
                        picName = dpic(sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("编号")).Value)
                        pic_i = pic_i + 1
                        Debug.Print sh1.Cells(st - 1, dbt("编号")).Value
                        'Shell "cmd /c md c:	emp"
                        With sh1.ChartObjects.Add(500, 0, sh1.Shapes(picName).Width * 3, sh1.Shapes(picName).Height * 3).Chart
                            .Export "c:	em.JPG"
                        End With
                        If rpd = 1 Then
                            'sh1.Paste sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1)
                            sh0.Shapes.AddPicture "c:	em.JPG", True, True, 0, 0, 212, 105
                            picName = sh0.Shapes(sh0.Shapes.Count).Name  '解决掉组合图片
                            With sh0.Shapes(picName)
                                .Name = .Name & Rnd(1000)
                                wt = sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Width    '单元格区域宽度;
                                ht = sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Height * (st_4_1 - st_3_1)    '单元格区域高度
                                bl = .Width / .Height
                                If wt / ht < bl Then
                                    .Width = wt    ' sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Width
                                    .Height = .Width / bl
                                    .Left = sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Left    ' + 2
                                    .Top = sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Top + (ht - .Height) / 2
                                    .Height = ht
                                    .Width = .Height * bl
                                    .Top = sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Top
                                    .Left = sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Left + (wt - .Width) / 2
                                End If
                            End With
                            'sh1.Paste sh02.Cells(st_mid2_2, 1)
                            sh02.Shapes.AddPicture "c:	em.JPG", True, True, 0, 0, 212, 105
                            If InStr(picName, "Group") Then
                                picName = sh02.Shapes(sh02.Shapes.Count).Name  '解决掉组合图片
                            End If
                            picName = sh02.Shapes(sh02.Shapes.Count).Name  '解决掉组合图片
                            With sh02.Shapes(picName)
                                .Name = .Name & Rnd(1000)
                                wt = sh02.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Width    '单元格区域宽度;
                                ht = sh02.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Height * (st_4_2 - st_3_2)    '单元格区域高度
                                bl = .Width / .Height
                                If wt / ht < bl Then
                                    .Width = wt    ' sh0.Cells(st_mid2, 1).Width
                                    If Round(.Width / .Height, 2) <> Round(bl, 2) Then .Height = .Width / bl
                                    .Left = sh02.Cells(st_mid2_2, 1).Left    ' + 2
                                    .Top = sh02.Cells(st_mid2_2, 1).Top + (ht - .Height) / 2
                                    .Height = ht
                                    If Round(.Width / .Height, 2) <> Round(bl, 2) Then .Width = .Height * bl
                                    .Top = sh02.Cells(st_mid2_2, 1).Top
                                    .Left = sh02.Cells(st_mid2_2, 1).Left + (wt - .Width) / 2
                                End If
                            End With
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
        MsgBox "已完成!!!"
        Set d1 = Nothing
        Set d2 = Nothing
        Set d3 = Nothing
        Set d4 = Nothing
        Set dpic = Nothing
        Set dbt = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub 清空当前两个表数据()
        Dim wb As Workbook, sh As Worksheet, shp As Shape
        Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
        For Each sh In wb.Sheets
            sh.Range(sh.Cells(5, 1), sh.Cells(65536, 256)).ClearContents
            For Each shp In sh.Shapes
                If shp.TopLeftCell.Row > 5 Then shp.Delete
    End Sub
    Function chaxun(ByVal varFindValue As Variant, ByVal intFindColumn As Integer, Name$) As Boolean    '查询
        Dim myCell As Range
        chaxun = ""
        With Application.Workbooks(Name).Range
            For Each myCell In .Columns(intFindColumn).Cells
                If myCell.Value = varFindValue Then
                    r = myCell.Row: c = myCell.Column
                    chaxun = .Cells(r, c + 3)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next myCell
        End With
    End Function


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhanglei1371/p/6442261.html
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