Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986
Tomcat的coyote-connector解析到请求中包含了不合法的字符,比如 { } ( ) ^ ` | # \
这是典型的400错误,不合法的请求,根据RFC (Request Format Comment)文档的规定,以上字符不能被用在Request Header,也就是request的URI中。
很显然,这个请求中包含 ( | 这三个不合法的字符;转义是不能解决问题的;因为tomcat会对请求中每个字符都进行检查;
我的解决办法就是 将 .*.(css|js|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|woff)$ 换成 .*tpl$,.*css$,.*js$,.*jpg$,.*jpeg$,.*bmp$,.*png$,.*gif$,.*ico$,.*woff$
public class InternalInputBuffer extends AbstractInputBuffer<Socket> { ....省略 /** * Read the request line. This function is meant to be used during the * HTTP request header parsing. Do NOT attempt to read the request body * using it. * * @throws IOException If an exception occurs during the underlying socket * read operations, or if the given buffer is not big enough to accommodate * the whole line. */ @Override public boolean parseRequestLine(boolean useAvailableDataOnly) throws IOException { ...省略 // // Reading the URI // boolean eol = false; while (!space) { // Read new bytes if needed if (pos >= lastValid) { if (!fill()) throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error")); } // Spec says single SP but it also says be tolerant of HT if (buf[pos] == Constants.SP || buf[pos] == Constants.HT) { space = true; end = pos; }else if (HttpParser.isNotRequestTarget(buf[pos])) {
//如果请求参数中的字符不是被允许的字符,则抛异常 HttpParser这个类 看下面代码片 throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidRequestTarget")); } pos++; } ... 省略 return true; } }
private static final int ARRAY_SIZE = 128;
private static final boolean[] IS_NOT_REQUEST_TARGET = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE];
static { // Digest field types.for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { // Control> 0-31, 127 if (i < 32 || i == 127) { IS_CONTROL[i] = true; }// Not valid for request target. // Combination of multiple rules from RFC7230 and RFC 3986. Must be // ASCII, no controls plus a few additional characters excluded // 不合法的字符在这里都会导致请求不合法而抛异常 请求失败 if (IS_CONTROL[i] || i > 127 || i == ' ' || i == '"' || i == '#' || i == '<' || i == '>' || i == '\' || i == '^' || i == '`' || i == '{' || i == '|' || i == '}') { IS_NOT_REQUEST_TARGET[i] = true; } } }
HTTP协议只是一个OSI应用层通讯的标准,在tomcat源码中对HTTP进行了实现,可能在一些Tomcat版本中没有实现对请求字符的限制,可以预见,在Tomcat7.0.64之后的版本以及 Tomcat8、9都会对请求头的字符进行限制。