@Test public void precedence() { int x=1,y=2,z=3; int a = x+y-2/2+z; int b = x + (y -2)/(2 - z); System.out.println("a = " + a + "b = " + b); //a = 5b = 1 }/* Output:a = 5 b = 1*///:~
class Tank { float level; } public class Assignment { public static void main(String[] args) { TankOld t1 = new TankOld(); TankOld t2 = new TankOld(); t1.level = 18; t2.level = 24; System.out.println("1:t1.level: "+t1.level + ", t2.level: "+t2.level); t1 = t2; System.out.println("1:t1.level: "+t1.level + ", t2.level: "+t2.level); t1.level = 33; System.out.println("1:t1.level: "+t1.level + ", t2.level: "+t2.level); test(); }/* Output: 1:t1.level: 18.0, t2.level: 24.0 1:t1.level: 24.0, t2.level: 24.0 1:t1.level: 33.0, t2.level: 33.0 test--------------- 1:t1.level: 18.0, t2.level: 24.0 1:t1.level: 24.0, t2.level: 24.0 1:t1.level: 33.0, t2.level: 24.0 *///:~ public static void test() { System.out.println("test---------------"); TankOld t1 = new TankOld(); TankOld t2 = new TankOld(); t1.level = 18; t2.level = 24; System.out.println("1:t1.level: "+t1.level + ", t2.level: "+t2.level); t1.level = t2.level; System.out.println("1:t1.level: "+t1.level + ", t2.level: "+t2.level); t1.level = 33; System.out.println("1:t1.level: "+t1.level + ", t2.level: "+t2.level); } }
避免错误可以写成:t1.level = t2.level;
class Letter{ char c; } public class PassObject{ static voic f(Letter y){ y.c = 'z'; } public static void main(String[] args){ Letter x = new Letter(); x.c = 'a'; print("1:x.c:"+x.c); f(x); print("2:x.c:"+x.c); } }/* Output: 1:x.c:a 2:x.c:z *///~
简化符号同时进行运算和赋值操作。如x = x + 4,可以写为 x += 4。
public class Equivalence { public static void main(String[]args){ Integer n1 = new Integer(47); Integer n2 = new Integer(47); System.out.println(n1 == n2); System.out.println(n1 != n2); } }/*Output: false true *///:~
class Value{ int i; } public class EqualsMethod2{ public static void main(String[] args) { Value v1 = new Value(); Value v2 = new Value(); v1.i = v2.i = 100; System.out.println(v1.equals (v2)); } }/*Output: false *///:~
逻辑操作符“与”(&&)、“或”(||)、“非”(! )能根据参数的逻辑关系,生成一个布尔值(true或false)。
3.8.1 短路
public class ShortCircult{ static boolean test1(int val){ System.out.println("test1(" + val + ")"); System.out.println("result: " + (val < 1)); return val < 1; } static boolean test2(int val){ System.out.println("test2(" + val + ")"); System.out.println("result: " + (val < 2)); return val < 2; } static boolean test3(int val){ System.out.println("test3(" + val + ")"); System.out.println("result: " + (val < 3)); return val < 3; } public static void main(String[] args) { boolean b=test1(0)&&test2(2)&&test3(2); System.out.println("expression is " + b); } }/*Output: test1 (0) result: true test2 (2) result: false expression is false *///:~
3.9 直接常量
@Test public void literalsTest1() { int i1 = 0x2f; // 十六进制(小写标识) System.out.println("i1: " + Integer.toBinaryString(i1)); int i2 = 0x2F; // 十六进制(大写标识) System.out.println("i2: " + Integer.toBinaryString(i2)); int i3 = 0177; // 八进制(前导零) System.out.println("i3: " + Integer.toBinaryString(i3)); char c = 0xffff; // 超出char自身的范围 System.out.println("c: " + Integer.toBinaryString(c)); byte b = 0x7f; // 超出byte自身范围 System.out.println("b: " + Integer.toBinaryString(b)); short s = 0x7fff; // 超出short自身范围 System.out.println("s: " + Integer.toBinaryString(s)); long n1 = 200L; // long后缀 System.out.println("n1: " + Long.toBinaryString(n1)); long n2 = 200l; // long后缀(和1容易引起混淆) System.out.println("n2: " + Long.toBinaryString(n2)); long n3 = 200; System.out.println("n3: " + Long.toBinaryString(n3)); float f1 = 1; float f2 = 1f; // float后缀 float f3 = 1F; // float后缀 double d1 = 1d; // double后缀 double d2 = 1D; // double后缀 } /* Output: i1: 101111 i2: 101111 i3: 1111111 c: 1111111111111111 b: 1111111 s: 111111111111111 n1: 11001000 n2: 11001000 n3: 11001000 *///:~
3.9.1 指数记数法
@Test public void exponents() { //大写和小写一样 float expFloat = 1.39e-43f; expFloat = 1.39E-43f; System.out.println(expFloat); double expDouble = 47e47d; // 'd'可选 double expDouble2 = 47e47d; // 自动转为double System.out.println(expDouble); float f4 = 1e-43f; // 10的次方 float f5 = (float) Math.pow(10, -43f); System.out.println(f4); System.out.println(f5); System.out.println(f4 == f5); } /* Output: 1.39E-43 4.7E48 1.0E-43 1.0E-43 true *///:~
那么在Java中看到像1.39e-43f 这样的表达式时,请转换思维,它真正的含义是1.39×10-43。
3.10 按位操作符
②如果两个输入位里只要有一个是1,则按位“或”操作符 (|) 生成一个输出位1;只有在两个输入位都是0的情况下,它才会生成一个输出位0。
③如果输入位的某一个是1,但不全都是1,那么按位“异或”操作 (^) 生成一个输出位1。
3.11 移位操作符
">>" "<<"
@Test public void bitManipulation() { Random rand = new Random(47); int i = rand.nextInt(); int j = rand.nextInt(); printBinaryInt("-1", -1); printBinaryInt("+1", +1); int maxpos = 2147483647; printBinaryInt("maxpos", maxpos); int maxeng = -2147483648; printBinaryInt("maxeng", maxeng); printBinaryInt("i", i); printBinaryInt("j", j); printBinaryInt("~j", ~j); printBinaryInt("-i", -i); printBinaryInt("i & j", i & j); printBinaryInt("i | j", i | j); printBinaryInt("i ^ j", i ^ j); printBinaryInt("i << 5", i << 5); printBinaryInt("i >> 5", i >> 5); printBinaryInt("(~i) >> 5", (~i) >> 5); printBinaryInt("i >>> 5", i >>> 5); printBinaryInt("(~i) >>> 5", (~i) >>> 5); // 10111010001001000100001010010101 //11111101110100010010001000010100 //00000101110100010010001000010100 /* Output: -1, int: -1, binary: 11111111111111111111111111111111 +1, int: 1, binary: 1 maxpos, int: 2147483647, binary: 1111111111111111111111111111111 maxeng, int: -2147483648, binary: 10000000000000000000000000000000 i, int: -1172028779, binary: 10111010001001000100001010010101 j, int: 1717241110, binary: 1100110010110110000010100010110 ~j, int: -1717241111, binary: 10011001101001001111101011101001 -i, int: 1172028779, binary: 1000101110110111011110101101011 i & j, int: 570425364, binary: 100010000000000000000000010100 i | j, int: -25213033, binary: 11111110011111110100011110010111 i ^ j, int: -595638397, binary: 11011100011111110100011110000011 i << 5, int: 1149784736, binary: 1000100100010000101001010100000 i >> 5, int: -36625900, binary: 11111101110100010010001000010100 (~i) >> 5, int: 36625899, binary: 10001011101101110111101011 i >>> 5, int: 97591828, binary: 101110100010010001000010100 (~i) >>> 5, int: 36625899, binary: 10001011101101110111101011 */ long l = rand.nextLong(); long m = rand.nextLong(); printBinaryLong("-1L", -1L); printBinaryLong("+1L", +1L); long ll = 9223372036854775807L; printBinaryLong("maxpos", ll); long lln = -9223372036854775808L; printBinaryLong("maxeng", lln); printBinaryLong("l", l); printBinaryLong("m", m); printBinaryLong("~m", ~m); printBinaryLong("-l", -l); printBinaryLong("l & m", l & m); printBinaryLong("l | m", l | m); printBinaryLong("l ^ m", l ^ m); printBinaryLong("l << 5", l << 5); printBinaryLong("l >> 5", l >> 5); printBinaryLong("(~l) >> 5", (~l) >> 5); printBinaryLong("l >>> 5", l >>> 5); printBinaryLong("(~l) >>> 5", (~l) >>> 5); /* Output: -1L, Long: -1, binary: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 +1L, Long: 1, binary: 1 maxpos, Long: 9223372036854775807, binary: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 maxeng, Long: -9223372036854775808, binary: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 l, Long: -8652529054300476342, binary: 1000011111101100000010101010101100001101101011000110110001001010 m, Long: 2955289354441303771, binary: 10100100000011010011000000001010010011111101111010011011011011 ~m, Long: -2955289354441303772, binary: 1101011011111100101100111111110101101100000010000101100100100100 -l, Long: 8652529054300476342, binary: 111100000010011111101010101010011110010010100111001001110110110 l & m, Long: 72066398748419146, binary: 100000000000010000000001000000001101001000010010001001010 l | m, Long: -5769306098607591717, binary: 1010111111101111010011101010101110011111111111111110111011011011 l ^ m, Long: -5841372497356010863, binary: 1010111011101111010001101010100110011110010110111100101010010001 l << 5, Long: -179768631971968704, binary: 1111110110000001010101010110000110110101100011011000100101000000 l >> 5, Long: -270391532946889886, binary: 1111110000111111011000000101010101011000011011010110001101100010 (~l) >> 5, Long: 270391532946889885, binary: 1111000000100111111010101010100111100100101001110010011101 l >>> 5, Long: 306069219356533602, binary: 10000111111011000000101010101011000011011010110001101100010 (~l) >>> 5, Long: 270391532946889885, binary: 1111000000100111111010101010100111100100101001110010011101 */ printBinaryLong("i ^ m", i ^ m); /* Output: * i ^ m, Long: -2955289355552037810, binary: * 1101011011111100101100111111110100101001110100111110010001001110 */ char cone = 'a'; int conei = 'a'; char ctwo = 2; char cthree = '0'; printBinaryInt("cthree", cthree); cthree = (char) (cone + ctwo); printBinaryInt("cone", cone); printBinaryInt("conei", conei); printBinaryInt("ctwo", ctwo); printBinaryInt("cthree", cthree); /* Output: * 扩展 cthree, int: 48, binary: 110000 cone, int: 97, binary: 1100001 conei, int: 97, binary: 1100001 ctwo, int: 2, binary: 10 cthree, int: 99, binary: 1100011 */ } public void printBinaryInt(String s, int i) { System.out.println(s + ", int: " + i + ", binary: " + Integer.toBinaryString(i)); } public void printBinaryLong(String s, Long l) { System.out.println(s + ", Long: " + l + ", binary: " + Long.toBinaryString(l)); }
3.12 三元操作符if-else
三元操作符: boolean-exp ? value0 : value1
3.13 字符串操作符+和+=
引入了操作符重载(operator overloading)机制。表达式以一个字符串起头,那么后续所有操作数都必须是字符串型。
3.14 使用操作符时常犯的错误
while(x=y){ //...... }
3.15 类型转换操作符
如果要执行一种名为窄化转换(narrowing conversion)的操作(也就是说,将能容纳更多信息的数据类型转换成无法容纳那么多信息的类型),就有可能面临信息丢失的危险。而对于扩展转换(widelung conversion).则不必显式地进行类型转换,因为新类型肯定能容纳原来类型的信息,不会造成任何信息的丢失。
3.15.1 截尾和舍入
3.15.2 提升
3.16 Java没有sizeof
3.17 操作符小结
//:operators/AllOps.java //Tests all the operators on all the primitive data types to show which ones are //accepted by the Java compiler. public class AllOps{ //To accept the results of a boolean test: void f(boolean b){ } void boolTest(boolean x, boolean y){ //Arithmetic operators: //! x=x*y; //! x=x/y; //! x=x%y; //! x=x+y; //! x=x-y; //! x++; //! x--; //! x=+y; //! x=-y; //Relational and logical: //! f(x>y); //! f(x>=y); //! f(x<y); //! f(x<=y); f(x == y); f(x != y); f(!y); x = x && y; x = x || y; //Bitwise operators: //! x=~y; x = x & y; x = x | y; x = x ^ y; //! x=x<<1; //! x=x>>1; //! x=x>>>1; //Compound assignment: //! x+=y; //! x-=y; //! x*=y; //! x/=y; //! x%=y; //! x<<=1; //! x>>=1; //! x>>>=1; x &= y; x ^= y; x |= y; //Casting: //! char c=(char)x; //! byte b=(byte)x; //! short s=(short)x; //! int i=(int)x; //! long l=(long)x; //! double d=(double)x; } void charTest(char x, char y){ //Arithmetic operators: x = (char) (x * y); x = (char) (x / y); x = (char) (x % y); x = (char) (x + y); x = (char) (x - y); x++; x--; x = (char) +y; x = (char) -y; //Relational and logical f(x > y); f(x >= y); f(x < y); f(x <= y); f(x == y); f(x != y); //! f(!x); //! f(x&&y); //! f(x||y); //Bitwise operators: x = (char) ~y; x = (char) (x & y); x = (char) (x | y); x = (char) (x ^ y); x = (char) (x << 1); x = (char) (x >> 1); x = (char) (x >>> 1); //Compound assignment: x += y; x -= y; x *= y; x /= y; x %= y; x <<= 1; x >>= 1; x >>>= 1; x &= y; x ^= y; x |= y; //Casting: //! boolean b1=(boolean)x; byte b = (byte) x; short s = (short) x; int i = (int) x; long l = (long) x; float f = (float) x; double d = (double) x; } void byteTest(byte x, byte y){ //Arithmetic operators: x = (byte) (x * y); x = (byte) (x / y); x = (byte) (x % y); x = (byte) (x + y); x = (byte) (x - y); x++; x--; x = (byte) +y; x = (byte) -y; //Relational and logical f(x > y); f(x >= y); f(x < y); f(x <= y); f(x == y); f(x != y); //! f(!x); //! f(x&&y); //! f(x||y); //Bitwise operators: x = (byte) ~y; x = (byte) (x & y); x = (byte) (x | y); x = (byte) (x ^ y); x = (byte) (x << 1); x = (byte) (x >> 1); x = (byte) (x >>> 1); //Compound assignment: x += y; x -= y; x *= y; x /= y; x %= y; x <<= 1; x >>= 1; x >>>= 1; x &= y; x ^= y; x |= y; //Casting: //! boolean b1=(boolean)x; char c = (char) x; short s = (short) x; int i = (int) x; long l = (long) x; float f = (float) x; double d = (double) x; } void shortTest(short x, short y){ //Arithmetic operators: x = (short) (x * y); x = (short) (x / y); x = (short) (x % y); x = (short) (x + y); x = (short) (x - y); x++; x--; x = (short) +y; x = (short) -y; //Relational and logical f(x > y); f(x >= y); f(x < y); f(x <= y); f(x == y); f(x != y); //! f(!x); //! f(x&&y); //! f(x||y); //Bitwise operators: x = (short) ~y; x = (short) (x & y); x = (short) (x | y); x = (short) (x ^ y); x = (short) (x << 1); x = (short) (x >> 1); x = (short) (x >>> 1); //Compound assignment: x += y; x -= y; x *= y; x /= y; x %= y; x <<= 1; x >>= 1; x >>>= 1; x &= y; x ^= y; x |= y; //Casting: //! boolean b1=(boolean)x; char c = (char) x; byte b = (byte) x; int i = (int) x; long l = (long) x; float f = (float) x; double d = (double) x; } void intTest(int x, int y){ //Arithmetic operators: x = x * y; x = x / y; x = x % y; x = x + y; x = x - y; x++; x--; x = +y; x = -y; //Relational and logical f(x > y); f(x >= y); f(x < y); f(x <= y); f(x == y); f(x != y); //! f(!x); //! f(x&&y); //! f(x||y); //Bitwise operators: x = ~y; x = x & y; x = x | y; x = x ^ y; x = x << 1; x = x >> 1; x = x >>> 1; //Compound assignment: x += y; x -= y; x *= y; x /= y; x %= y; x <<= 1; x >>= 1; x >>>= 1; x &= y; x ^= y; x |= y; //Casting: //! boolean b1=(boolean)x; char c = (char) x; byte b = (byte) x; short s = (short) x; long l = (long) x; float f = (float) x; double d = (double) x; } void longTest(long x, long y){ //Arithmetic operators: x = x * y; x = x / y; x = x % y; x = x + y; x = x - y; x++; x--; x = +y; x = -y; //Relational and logical f(x > y); f(x >= y); f(x < y); f(x <= y); f(x == y); f(x != y); //! f(!x); //! f(x&&y); //! f(x||y); //Bitwise operators: x = ~y; x = x & y; x = x | y; x = x ^ y; x = x << 1; x = x >> 1; x = x >>> 1; //Compound assignment: x += y; x -= y; x *= y; x /= y; x %= y; x <<= 1; x >>= 1; x >>>= 1; x &= y; x ^= y; x |= y; //Casting: //! boolean b1=(boolean)x; char c = (char) x; byte b = (byte) x; short s = (short) x; int i = (int) x; float f = (float) x; double d = (double) x; } void floatTest(float x, float y){ //Arithmetic operators: x = (x * y); x = (x / y); x = (x % y); x = (x + y); x = (x - y); x++; x--; x = +y; x = -y; //Relational and logical f(x > y); f(x >= y); f(x < y); f(x <= y); f(x == y); f(x != y); //! f(!x); //! f(x&&y); //! f(x||y); //Bitwise operators: //! x = (float) ~y; //! x = (float) (x & y); //! x = (float) (x | y); //! x = (float) (x ^ y); //! x = (float) (x << 1); //! x = (float) (x >> 1); //! x = (float) (x >>> 1); //Compound assignment: x += y; x -= y; x *= y; x /= y; x %= y; //! x <<= 1; //! x >>= 1; //! x >>>= 1; //! x &= y; //! x ^= y; //! x |= y; //Casting: //! boolean b1=(boolean)x; char c = (char) x; byte b = (byte) x; short s = (short) x; int i = (int) x; long l = (long) x; double d = (double) x; } void doubleTest(double x, double y){ //Arithmetic operators: x = (x * y); x = (x / y); x = (x % y); x = (x + y); x = (x - y); x++; x--; x = +y; x = -y; //Relational and logical f(x > y); f(x >= y); f(x < y); f(x <= y); f(x == y); f(x != y); //! f(!x); //! f(x&&y); //! f(x||y); //Bitwise operators: //! x = (float) ~y; //! x = (float) (x & y); //! x = (float) (x | y); //! x = (float) (x ^ y); //! x = (float) (x << 1); //! x = (float) (x >> 1); //! x = (float) (x >>> 1); //Compound assignment: x += y; x -= y; x *= y; x /= y; x %= y; //! x <<= 1; //! x >>= 1; //! x >>>= 1; //! x &= y; //! x ^= y; //! x |= y; //Casting: //! boolean b1=(boolean)x; char c = (char) x; byte b = (byte) x; short s = (short) x; int i = (int) x; long l = (long) x; } }
//:operators/Overflow.java //Surprise! Java lets you overflow. public class Overflow{ public static void main(String[] args) { int big = Integer.MAX_VALUE; System.out.println("big = " + big); int bigger = big * 4; System.out.println("bigger = " + bigger); } }/*Output: big = 2147483647 bigger = -4 *///:~