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  • 原创最简单的ORM例子


     public class DB     {        

    public static string GetClassName(Type type)        


    if (type == null)               

      throw new ArgumentException("参数type不能为空");


      if (type.HasAttribute<DBTableNameAttribute>())    

         return type.GetAttribute<DBTableNameAttribute>().Name;           


    return type.Name;



    public static T AddObject<T>(T o) where T :class         


    string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));        

         string fieldName;           

      object fieldValue;            

    string[] fieldNames;           

      object[] fieldValues;         

        System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties();    

             fieldNames=new string[Props.Length ];            

    fieldValues =new object [Props.Length ];        

         string checkstr = "";          

       for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)         


       fieldName = Props[i].Name;      

               fieldValue = Props[i].GetValue(o, null);         

            if (fieldValue == null)                     continue;        

             fieldValue = CommonFunction.SafeSQL(fieldValue.ToString());          

           fieldNames[i] = fieldName;           

          fieldValues[i] = fieldValue;              

       object[] attributes = Props[i].GetCustomAttributes(false);        

             foreach (Attribute a in attributes)             


        //判断Attribute 中是否 为 UniqueColumnAttribute          

            if (a is UniqueColumnAttribute)             


      checkstr = "not exists(select * from " +tablename + " where " + fieldName  + "='" + fieldValue + "')";      




    if (checkstr != "")            


    checkstr = "if("+checkstr +")";    


    string insert = "" ,tail="";         

        insert = "insert into " + tablename + " (";          

                   tail = "values(";          

       for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)         


       fieldName = fieldNames[i] ;

        if (fieldName.ToUpper() == "ID") continue;

                    object  _fieldValue = fieldValues[i];         

            if (_fieldValue == null)          

           { }              



                        insert += fieldName + ",";

                        tail += "'" + _fieldValue + "',";    



      insert = insert.Remove(insert.Length - 1);      

      tail = tail.Remove(tail.Length - 1);   

       string insertstr = insert + ")" + " " + tail + ")";      

           if (checkstr != "")              

       insertstr = checkstr +"begin "+ insertstr+" end";    

      insertstr+=" select @@identity"

      SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();         

      int r=  link.UpdateDataBase(insertstr);               

        if(r>0)     {


        return o;    


         return null;   


      public static bool  DelObject<T>( int id) where T : class        


    if (id == 0) return false;            

    string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));            

    string insert = "";           

     insert =string.Format( "delete from {0} where id={1}",tablename,id)            

    SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();            

    int r = link.UpdateDataBase(insert);           

      return true;       


    public static bool  DelObject<T>(T o) where T : class        


    string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));            

    string fieldName;            

    object fieldValue;            

    string[] fieldNames;            

    object[] fieldValues;            

    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties();            

    fieldNames = new string[Props.Length];            

    fieldValues = new object[Props.Length];            

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    fieldName = Props[i].Name;                

    fieldValue = Props[i].GetValue(o, null);                

    fieldNames[i] = fieldName;                

    fieldValues[i] = fieldValue;            


    string str="";            

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    fieldName = fieldNames[i];                

    string _fieldValue = fieldValues[i].ToString();                

    if (fieldName.ToUpper() == "ID")                


    str = "delete from " + tablename + " where id=" + _fieldValue ;                              






    SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();            

    int r = link.UpdateDataBase(str);            

    return true;     


    return false;                           


    public static bool UpdateObject<T>(T o) where T : class        


    string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));            

    string fieldName;            

    object fieldValue;            

    string[] fieldNames;            

    object[] fieldValues;            

    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties();            

    fieldNames = new string[Props.Length];            

    fieldValues = new object[Props.Length];            

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    if (Props[i].DeclaringType.IsValueType)                


    fieldName = Props[i].Name;                    

    fieldValue = Props[i].GetValue(o, null);                    

    fieldNames[i] = fieldName;                    

    fieldValues[i] = fieldValue;                




    fieldNames[i] = null;

    fieldValues[i] = null;                



    string str = "update "+tablename +" set ",where=" where id=";            

    int id = 0;            

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    fieldName = fieldNames[i];                

    object  _fieldValue = fieldValues[i] ;                

    if (fieldName == null) continue;                

    if (fieldName.ToUpper() == "ID")                


    if (_fieldValue == null)                    





    int.TryParse(_fieldValue.ToString(), out id);                        

    //str = "delete from " + tablename + " where id=" + _fieldValue;                        

    where += id.ToString();                    






    if (_fieldValue == null)                    




    str += fieldName +  "='" + _fieldValue.ToString() + "',";                




    if (id <= 0) return false;            

    str = str.Remove(str.Length - 1);            

    str += where;            

    SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();            

    int r = link.UpdateDataBase(str);            

    return true;


    public static T SelObject<T>(int id) where T : class        


    if (id <= 0) return null ;            

    string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));            

    string insert = "";            

    insert = "select * from " + tablename + " where id=" + id.ToString();            

    SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();            

    DataTable dt = link.SelectDataBase(insert);            

    if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) return null;            

    Type type = typeof(T);            

    Object obj = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName);            

    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties();                       

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    Props[i].SetValue(obj, dt.Rows[0][Props[i].Name], null);            


    return (T)obj;        


    public static T SelObject<T>(BaseQuery query  ) where T : class        


    if (query==null )                

    return null;            

    string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));            

    if (tablename.EndsWith("Query"))                

    tablename = tablename.Replace("Query","");            

    string fieldName;            

    object fieldValue;            

    string[] fieldNames;            

    object[] fieldValues;

     System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props = query.GetType().GetProperties();            

    fieldNames = new string[Props.Length];            

    fieldValues = new object[Props.Length];            

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    fieldName = Props[i].Name;                

    fieldValue = Props[i].GetValue(query, null);                

    fieldNames[i] = fieldName;                

    fieldValues[i] = fieldValue;            


    string insert = "",where="1=1";            

    insert = "select * from " + tablename + " where "  ;            

    int id = 0;            

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    fieldName = fieldNames[i];                

    object _fieldValue = fieldValues[i];                

    if (fieldName.ToUpper() == "ID")                


    if (_fieldValue == null)                    

    { }                    



    int.TryParse(_fieldValue.ToString(), out id);                        

    //str = "delete from " + tablename + " where id=" + _fieldValue;                        

    where +="Id="+ id.ToString();                    






    if (_fieldValue == null)                    

    { }                    



    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fieldValue.ToString()))                        

    { }                        


    where += " and " + fieldName + "='" + _fieldValue.ToString() + "'";                    






    insert = insert + where;            

    SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();            

    DataTable dt = link.SelectDataBase(insert);            

    if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) return null;            

    Type type = typeof(T);            

    Object obj = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName );            

    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props2 = typeof(T).GetProperties();

    for (int i = 0; i < Props2.Length; i++)            


    Props2[i].SetValue(obj, dt.Rows[0][Props2[i].Name], null);            


    return (T)obj;        


    public static T SelObject<T>(string where) where T : class        


    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) )                 return null;

     string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));            

    string insert = "";            

    insert = "select * from " + tablename + " where " + where;            

    SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();            

    DataTable dt = link.SelectDataBase(insert);            

    if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) return null;            

    Type type = typeof(T);            

    Object obj = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName);            

    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties();

     for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)            


    Props[i].SetValue(obj, dt.Rows[0][Props[i].Name], null);            


    return (T)obj;        


            public static List<T> ListObjects<T>(string where) where T : class        




    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))                

    where = "1=1";                

    string tablename = GetClassName(typeof(T));                

    string insert = "";                

    insert = "select * from " + tablename + " where " + where;                

    SqlHelper link = new SqlHelper();                

    DataTable dt = link.SelectDataBase(insert);                

    if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) return null;                

    Type type = typeof(T);                

    List<T> list = new List<T>();                

    for (int row = 0; row < dt.Rows.Count; row++)                


    Object obj = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName );                    

    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties();

    for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++)                    


    Props[i].SetValue(obj, dt.Rows[row][Props[i].Name], null);                    




    return list;            




    return null;            




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