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  • M451定时器的寄存器讲解


     * @brief       Timer0 IRQ
     * @param       None
     * @return      None
     * @details     The Timer0 default IRQ, declared in startup_M451Series.s.
    void TMR0_IRQHandler(void)
        if(TIMER_GetIntFlag(TIMER0) == 1)
            /* Clear Timer0 time-out interrupt flag */
     * @brief       Timer1 IRQ
     * @param       None
     * @return      None
     * @details     The Timer1 default IRQ, declared in startup_M451Series.s.
    void TMR1_IRQHandler(void)
        if(TIMER_GetIntFlag(TIMER1) == 1)
            /* Clear Timer1 time-out interrupt flag */
     * @brief       Timer2 IRQ
     * @param       None
     * @return      None
     * @details     The Timer2 default IRQ, declared in startup_M451Series.s.
    void TMR2_IRQHandler(void)
        if(TIMER_GetIntFlag(TIMER2) == 1)
            /* Clear Timer2 time-out interrupt flag */
     * @brief       Timer3 IRQ
     * @param       None
     * @return      None
     * @details     The Timer3 default IRQ, declared in startup_M451Series.s.
    void TMR3_IRQHandler(void)
        if(TIMER_GetIntFlag(TIMER3) == 1)
            /* Clear Timer3 time-out interrupt flag */
    void SYS_Init(void)
        /* Init System Clock                                                                                       */
        /* Enable HIRC clock */
        /* Waiting for HIRC clock ready */
        while(!(CLK->STATUS & CLK_STATUS_HIRCSTB_Msk));
        /* Switch HCLK clock source to HIRC */
        /* Set PLL to Power-down mode and PLLSTB bit in CLK_STATUS register will be cleared by hardware.*/
        /* Enable HXT */
        /* Enable PLL and Set PLL frequency */
        /* Waiting for clock ready */
        while(!(CLK->STATUS & CLK_STATUS_PLLSTB_Msk));
        while(!(CLK->STATUS & CLK_STATUS_HXTSTB_Msk));
        /* Switch STCLK source to HCLK/2 and HCLK clock source to PLL */
        /* Enable peripheral clock */
                       CLK_APBCLK0_TMR0CKEN_Msk | CLK_APBCLK0_TMR1CKEN_Msk |
                       CLK_APBCLK0_TMR2CKEN_Msk | CLK_APBCLK0_TMR3CKEN_Msk;
        /* Peripheral clock source */
        /* Update System Core Clock */
        /* User can use SystemCoreClockUpdate() to calculate PllClock, SystemCoreClock and CycylesPerUs automatically. */
        /* Init I/O Multi-function                                                                                 */
        /* Set PD multi-function pins for UART0 RXD, TXD */
    void UART0_Init(void)
        /* Init UART                                                                                               */
        /* Reset UART module */
        SYS->IPRST1 |=  SYS_IPRST1_UART0RST_Msk;
        SYS->IPRST1 &= ~SYS_IPRST1_UART0RST_Msk;
        /* Configure UART0 and set UART0 Baudrate */
        UART0->BAUD = UART_BAUD_MODE2 | UART_BAUD_MODE2_DIVIDER(PllClock, 115200);
    /*  MAIN function                                                                                          */
    int main(void)
        volatile uint32_t u32InitCount;
        /* Unlock protected registers */
        /* Init System, peripheral clock and multi-function I/O */
        /* Lock protected registers */
        /* Init UART0 for printf */
    CPU @ %d Hz
    ", SystemCoreClock);
        printf("|    Timer Periodic Interrupt Sample Code    |
        printf("# Timer0 Settings:
        printf("    - Clock source is HXT       
        printf("    - Time-out frequency is 1 Hz
        printf("    - Periodic mode             
        printf("    - Interrupt enable          
        printf("# Timer1 Settings:
        printf("    - Clock source is HCLK      
        printf("    - Time-out frequency is 2 Hz
        printf("    - Periodic mode             
        printf("    - Interrupt enable          
        printf("# Timer2 Settings:
        printf("    - Clock source is HIRC      
        printf("    - Time-out frequency is 4 Hz
        printf("    - Periodic mode             
        printf("    - Interrupt enable          
        printf("# Timer3 Settings:
        printf("    - Clock source is HXT       
        printf("    - Time-out frequency is 8 Hz
        printf("    - Periodic mode             
        printf("    - Interrupt enable          
        printf("# Check Timer0 ~ Timer3 interrupt counts are reasonable or not.
        /* Open Timer0 in periodic mode, enable interrupt and 1 interrupt tick per second */
        TIMER0->CMP = __HXT;
        /* Open Timer1 in periodic mode, enable interrupt and 2 interrupt ticks per second */
        TIMER1->CMP = ((SystemCoreClock / 4) / 2);
        /* Open Timer2 in periodic mode, enable interrupt and 4 interrupt ticks per second */
        TIMER2->CMP = ((__HIRC / 1) / 4);
        /* Open Timer3 in periodic mode, enable interrupt and 8 interrupt ticks per second */
        TIMER3->CMP = ((__HXT / 1) / 8);
        /* Enable Timer0 ~ Timer3 NVIC */
        /* Clear Timer0 ~ Timer3 interrupt counts to 0 */
        g_au32TMRINTCount[0] = g_au32TMRINTCount[1] = g_au32TMRINTCount[2] = g_au32TMRINTCount[3] = 0;
        u32InitCount = g_au32TMRINTCount[0];
        /* Start Timer0 ~ Timer3 counting */
        /* Check Timer0 ~ Timer3 interrupt counts */
        printf("# Timer interrupt counts :
        while(u32InitCount < 20)
            if(g_au32TMRINTCount[0] != u32InitCount)
                printf("    TMR0:%3d    TMR1:%3d    TMR2:%3d    TMR3:%3d
                       g_au32TMRINTCount[0], g_au32TMRINTCount[1], g_au32TMRINTCount[2], g_au32TMRINTCount[3]);
                u32InitCount = g_au32TMRINTCount[0];
                if((g_au32TMRINTCount[1] > (g_au32TMRINTCount[0] * 2 + 1)) || (g_au32TMRINTCount[1] < (g_au32TMRINTCount[0] * 2 - 1)) ||
                        (g_au32TMRINTCount[2] > (g_au32TMRINTCount[0] * 4 + 1)) || (g_au32TMRINTCount[2] < (g_au32TMRINTCount[0] * 4 - 1)) ||
                        (g_au32TMRINTCount[3] > (g_au32TMRINTCount[0] * 8 + 1)) || (g_au32TMRINTCount[3] < (g_au32TMRINTCount[0] * 8 - 1)))
                    printf("*** FAIL ***
        printf("*** PASS ***
    /*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2013~2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/


    typedef struct
     * @var TIMER_T::CTL
     * Offset: 0x00  Timer Control and Status Register
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
     * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
     * |[7:0]   |PSC       |Prescale Counter
     * |        |          |Timer input clock or event source is divided by (PSC+1) before it is fed to the timer up counter.
     * |        |          |If this field is 0 (PSC = 0), then there is no scaling.
     * |[17]    |WKTKEN    |Wake-Up Touch-Key Scan Enable Bit
     * |        |          |If this bit is set to 1, timer time-out interrupt in Power-down mode can be triggered Touch-Key start scan.
     * |        |          |0 = Timer time-out interrupt signal trigger Touch-Key start scan Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Timer time-out interrupt signal trigger Touch-Key start scan Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: This bit is only available in TIMER0_CTL.
     * |[18]    |TRGSSEL   |Trigger Source Select Bit
     * |        |          |This bit is used to select trigger source is form Timer time-out interrupt signal or capture interrupt signal.
     * |        |          |0 = Timer time-out interrupt signal is used to trigger PWM, EADC and DAC.
     * |        |          |1 = Capture interrupt signal is used to trigger PWM, EADC and DAC.
     * |[19]    |TRGPWM    |Trigger PWM Enable Bit
     * |        |          |If this bit is set to 1, timer time-out interrupt or capture interrupt can be triggered PWM.
     * |        |          |0 = Timer interrupt trigger PWM Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Timer interrupt trigger PWM Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_CTL[18]) = 0, time-out interrupt signal will trigger PWM.
     * |        |          |If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_CTL[18]) = 1, capture interrupt signal will trigger PWM.
     * |[20]    |TRGDAC    |Trigger DAC Enable Bit
     * |        |          |If this bit is set to 1, timer time-out interrupt or capture interrupt can be triggered DAC.
     * |        |          |0 = Timer interrupt trigger DAC Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Timer interrupt trigger DAC Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_CTL[18]) = 0, time-out interrupt signal will trigger DAC.
     * |        |          |If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_CTL[18]) = 1, capture interrupt signal will trigger DAC.
     * |[21]    |TRGEADC   |Trigger EADC Enable Bit
     * |        |          |If this bit is set to 1, timer time-out interrupt or capture interrupt can be triggered EADC.
     * |        |          |0 = Timer interrupt trigger EADC Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Timer interrupt trigger EADC Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_CTL[18]) = 0, time-out interrupt signal will trigger EADC.
     * |        |          |If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_CTL[18]) = 1, capture interrupt signal will trigger EADC.
     * |[22]    |TGLPINSEL |Toggle-Output Pin Select
     * |        |          |0 = Toggle mode output to Tx_OUT (Timer Event Counter Pin).
     * |        |          |1 = Toggle mode output to Tx_EXT(Timer External Capture Pin).
     * |[23]    |WKEN      |Wake-Up Function Enable Bit
     * |        |          |If this bit is set to 1, while timer interrupt flag TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0]) is 1 and INTEN (TIMERx_CTL[29]) is enabled, the timer interrupt signal will generate a wake-up trigger event to CPU.
     * |        |          |0 = Wake-up function Disabled if timer interrupt signal generated.
     * |        |          |1 = Wake-up function Enabled if timer interrupt signal generated.
     * |[24]    |EXTCNTEN  |Event Counter Mode Enable Bit
     * |        |          |This bit is for external counting pin function enabled.
     * |        |          |0 = Event counter mode Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Event counter mode Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: When timer is used as an event counter, this bit should be set to 1 and select HCLK as timer clock source.
     * |[25]    |ACTSTS    |Timer Active Status Bit (Read Only)
     * |        |          |This bit indicates the 24-bit up counter status.
     * |        |          |0 = 24-bit up counter is not active.
     * |        |          |1 = 24-bit up counter is active.
     * |[26]    |RSTCNT    |Timer Counter Reset Bit
     * |        |          |Setting this bit will reset the 24-bit up counter value CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0]) and also force CNTEN (TIMERx_CTL[30]) to 0 if ACTSTS (TIMERx_CTL[25]) is 1.
     * |        |          |0 = No effect.
     * |        |          |1 = Reset internal 8-bit prescale counter, 24-bit up counter value and CNTEN bit.
     * |[28:27] |OPMODE    |Timer Counting Mode Select
     * |        |          |00 = The Timer controller is operated in One-shot mode.
     * |        |          |01 = The Timer controller is operated in Periodic mode.
     * |        |          |10 = The Timer controller is operated in Toggle-output mode.
     * |        |          |11 = The Timer controller is operated in Continuous Counting mode.
     * |[29]    |INTEN     |Timer Interrupt Enable Bit
     * |        |          |0 = Timer Interrupt Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Timer Interrupt Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: If this bit is enabled, when the timer interrupt flag TIF is set to 1, the timer interrupt signal is generated and inform to CPU.
     * |[30]    |CNTEN     |Timer Counting Enable Bit
     * |        |          |0 = Stops/Suspends counting.
     * |        |          |1 = Starts counting.
     * |        |          |Note1: In stop status, and then set CNTEN to 1 will enable the 24-bit up counter to keep counting from the last stop counting value.
     * |        |          |Note2: This bit is auto-cleared by hardware in one-shot mode (TIMER_CTL[28:27] = 00) when the timer interrupt flag TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0]) is generated.
     * |[31]    |ICEDEBUG  |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable
     * |        |          |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects TIMER counting.
     * |        |          |TIMER counter will be held while CPU is held by ICE.
     * |        |          |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement Disabled.
     * |        |          |TIMER counter will keep going no matter CPU is held by ICE or not.
     * @var TIMER_T::CMP
     * Offset: 0x04  Timer Compare Register
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
     * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
     * |[23:0]  |CMPDAT    |Timer Compared Value
     * |        |          |CMPDAT is a 24-bit compared value register.
     * |        |          |When the internal 24-bit up counter value is equal to CMPDAT value, the TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0] Timer Interrupt Flag) will set to 1.
     * |        |          |Time-out period = (Period of timer clock input) * (8-bit PSC + 1) * (24-bit CMPDAT).
     * |        |          |Note1: Never write 0x0 or 0x1 in CMPDAT field, or the core will run into unknown state.
     * |        |          |Note2: When timer is operating at continuous counting mode, the 24-bit up counter will keep counting continuously even if user writes a new value into CMPDAT field.
     * |        |          |But if timer is operating at other modes, the 24-bit up counter will restart counting from 0 and using newest CMPDAT value to be the timer compared value while user writes a new value into CMPDAT field.
     * @var TIMER_T::INTSTS
     * Offset: 0x08  Timer Interrupt Status Register
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
     * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
     * |[0]     |TIF       |Timer Interrupt Flag
     * |        |          |This bit indicates the interrupt flag status of Timer while 24-bit timer up counter CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0]) value reaches to CMPDAT (TIMERx_CMP[23:0]) value.
     * |        |          |0 = No effect.
     * |        |          |1 = CNT value matches the CMPDAT value.
     * |        |          |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
     * |[1]     |TWKF      |Timer Wake-Up Flag
     * |        |          |This bit indicates the interrupt wake-up flag status of timer.
     * |        |          |0 = Timer does not cause CPU wake-up.
     * |        |          |1 = CPU wake-up from Idle or Power-down mode if timer time-out interrupt signal generated.
     * |        |          |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
     * @var TIMER_T::CNT
     * Offset: 0x0C  Timer Data Register
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
     * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
     * |[23:0]  |CNT       |Timer Data Register
     * |        |          |This field can be reflected the internal 24-bit timer counter value or external event input counter value from Tx_CNT (x=0~3) pin.
     * |        |          |If EXTCNTEN (TIMERx_CTL[24] ) is 0, user can read CNT value for getting current 24- bit counter value .
     * |        |          |If EXTCNTEN (TIMERx_CTL[24] ) is 1, user can read CNT value for getting current 24- bit event input counter value.
     * @var TIMER_T::CAP
     * Offset: 0x10  Timer Capture Data Register
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
     * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
     * |[23:0]  |CAPDAT    |Timer Capture Data Register
     * |        |          |When CAPEN (TIMERx_EXTCTL[3]) bit is set, CAPFUNCS (TIMERx_EXTCTL[4]) bit is 0, and a transition on Tx_EXT pin matched the CAPEDGE (TIMERx_EXTCTL[2:1]) setting, CAPIF (TIMERx_EINTSTS[0]) will set to 1 and the current timer counter value CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0]) will be auto-loaded into this CAPDAT field.
     * @var TIMER_T::EXTCTL
     * Offset: 0x14  Timer External Control Register
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
     * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
     * |[0]     |CNTPHASE  |Timer External Count Phase
     * |        |          |This bit indicates the detection phase of external counting pin Tx_CNT (x= 0~3).
     * |        |          |0 = A Falling edge of external counting pin will be counted.
     * |        |          |1 = A Rising edge of external counting pin will be counted.
     * |[2:1]   |CAPEDGE   |Timer External Capture Pin Edge Detect
     * |        |          |00 = A Falling edge on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin will be detected.
     * |        |          |01 = A Rising edge on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin will be detected.
     * |        |          |10 = Either Rising or Falling edge on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin will be detected.
     * |        |          |11 = Reserved.
     * |[3]     |CAPEN     |Timer External Capture Pin Enable
     * |        |          |This bit enables the Tx_EXT pin.
     * |        |          |0 =Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 =Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin Enabled.
     * |[4]     |CAPFUNCS  |Capture Function Selection
     * |        |          |0 = External Capture Mode Enabled.
     * |        |          |1 = External Reset Mode Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note1: When CAPFUNCS is 0, transition on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin is using to save the 24-bit timer counter value.
     * |        |          |Note2: When CAPFUNCS is 1, transition on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin is using to reset the 24-bit timer counter value.
     * |[5]     |CAPIEN    |Timer External Capture Interrupt Enable
     * |        |          |0 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin detection Interrupt Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin detection Interrupt Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: CAPIEN is used to enable timer external interrupt.
     * |        |          |If CAPIEN enabled, timer will rise an interrupt when CAPIF (TIMERx_EINTSTS[0]) is 1.
     * |        |          |For example, while CAPIEN = 1, CAPEN = 1, and CAPEDGE = 00, a 1 to 0 transition on the Tx_EXT pin will cause the CAPIF to be set then the interrupt signal is generated and sent to NVIC to inform CPU.
     * |[6]     |CAPDBEN   |Timer External Capture Pin De-Bounce Enable
     * |        |          |0 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: If this bit is enabled, the edge detection of Tx_EXT pin is detected with de-bounce circuit.
     * |[7]     |CNTDBEN   |Timer Counter Pin De-Bounce Enable
     * |        |          |0 = Tx_CNT (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce Disabled.
     * |        |          |1 = Tx_CNT (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce Enabled.
     * |        |          |Note: If this bit is enabled, the edge detection of Tx_CNT pin is detected with de-bounce circuit.
     * @var TIMER_T::EINTSTS
     * Offset: 0x18  Timer External Interrupt Status Register
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
     * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
     * |[0]     |CAPIF     |Timer External Capture Interrupt Flag
     * |        |          |This bit indicates the timer external capture interrupt flag status.
     * |        |          |0 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin interrupt did not occur.
     * |        |          |1 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin interrupt occurred.
     * |        |          |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
     * |        |          |Note2: When CAPEN (TIMERx_EXTCTL[3]) bit is set, CAPFUNCS (TIMERx_EXTCTL[4]) bit is 0, and a transition on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin matched the CAPEDGE (TIMERx_EXTCTL[2:1]) setting, this bit will set to 1 by hardware.
     * |        |          |Note3: There is a new incoming capture event detected before CPU clearing the CAPIF status.
     * |        |          |If the above condition occurred, the Timer will keep register TIMERx_CAP unchanged and drop the new capture value.
        __IO uint32_t CTL;           /* Offset: 0x00  Timer Control and Status Register                                  */
        __IO uint32_t CMP;           /* Offset: 0x04  Timer Compare Register                                             */
        __IO uint32_t INTSTS;        /* Offset: 0x08  Timer Interrupt Status Register                                    */
        __I  uint32_t CNT;           /* Offset: 0x0C  Timer Data Register                                                */
        __I  uint32_t CAP;           /* Offset: 0x10  Timer Capture Data Register                                        */
        __IO uint32_t EXTCTL;        /* Offset: 0x14  Timer External Control Register                                    */
        __IO uint32_t EINTSTS;       /* Offset: 0x18  Timer External Interrupt Status Register                           */
    } TIMER_T;
        @addtogroup TMR_CONST TMR Bit Field Definition
        Constant Definitions for TMR Controller
    @{ */
    #define TIMER_CTL_PSC_Pos                  (0)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: PSC Position                  */
    #define TIMER_CTL_PSC_Msk                  (0xfful << TIMER_CTL_PSC_Pos)                   /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: PSC Mask                      */
    #define TIMER_CTL_WKTKEN_Pos               (17)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: WKTKEN Position               */
    #define TIMER_CTL_WKTKEN_Msk               (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_WKTKEN_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: WKTKEN Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGSSEL_Pos              (18)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGSSEL Position              */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGSSEL_Msk              (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_TRGSSEL_Pos)                /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGSSEL Mask                  */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGPWM_Pos               (19)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGPWM Position               */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGPWM_Msk               (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_TRGPWM_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGPWM Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGDAC_Pos               (20)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGDAC Position               */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGDAC_Msk               (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_TRGDAC_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGDAC Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGEADC_Pos              (21)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGEADC Position              */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TRGEADC_Msk              (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_TRGEADC_Pos)                /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TRGEADC Mask                  */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Pos            (22)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TGLPINSEL Position            */
    #define TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Msk            (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Pos)              /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TGLPINSEL Mask                */
    #define TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Pos                 (23)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: WKEN Position                 */
    #define TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Msk                 (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Pos)                   /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: WKEN Mask                     */
    #define TIMER_CTL_EXTCNTEN_Pos             (24)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: EXTCNTEN Position             */
    #define TIMER_CTL_EXTCNTEN_Msk             (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_EXTCNTEN_Pos)               /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: EXTCNTEN Mask                 */
    #define TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Pos               (25)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: ACTSTS Position               */
    #define TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Msk               (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: ACTSTS Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_CTL_RSTCNT_Pos               (26)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: RSTCNT Position               */
    #define TIMER_CTL_RSTCNT_Msk               (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_RSTCNT_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: RSTCNT Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos               (27)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: OPMODE Position               */
    #define TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Msk               (0x3ul << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: OPMODE Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Pos                (29)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: INTEN Position                */
    #define TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Msk                (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Pos)                  /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: INTEN Mask                    */
    #define TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Pos                (30)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: CNTEN Position                */
    #define TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Msk                (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Pos)                  /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: CNTEN Mask                    */
    #define TIMER_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Pos             (31)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: ICEDEBUG Position             */
    #define TIMER_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Msk             (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Pos)               /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: ICEDEBUG Mask                 */
    #define TIMER_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos               (0)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::CMP: CMPDAT Position               */
    #define TIMER_CMP_CMPDAT_Msk               (0xfffffful << TIMER_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos)            /*!< TIMER_T::CMP: CMPDAT Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Pos               (0)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TIF Position               */
    #define TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Msk               (0x1ul << TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TIF Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Pos              (1)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TWKF Position              */
    #define TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Msk              (0x1ul << TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Pos)                /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TWKF Mask                  */
    #define TIMER_CNT_CNT_Pos                  (0)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::CNT: CNT Position                  */
    #define TIMER_CNT_CNT_Msk                  (0xfffffful << TIMER_CNT_CNT_Pos)               /*!< TIMER_T::CNT: CNT Mask                      */
    #define TIMER_CAP_CAPDAT_Pos               (0)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::CAP: CAPDAT Position               */
    #define TIMER_CAP_CAPDAT_Msk               (0xfffffful << TIMER_CAP_CAPDAT_Pos)            /*!< TIMER_T::CAP: CAPDAT Mask                   */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Pos          (0)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CNTPHASE Position          */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Msk          (0x1ul << TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Pos)            /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CNTPHASE Mask              */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos           (1)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPEDGE Position           */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Msk           (0x3ul << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPEDGE Mask               */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Pos             (3)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPEN Position             */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Msk             (0x1ul << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Pos)               /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPEN Mask                 */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPFUNCS_Pos          (4)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPFUNCS Position          */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPFUNCS_Msk          (0x1ul << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPFUNCS_Pos)            /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPFUNCS Mask              */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPIEN_Pos            (5)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPIEN Position            */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPIEN_Msk            (0x1ul << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPIEN_Pos)              /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPIEN Mask                */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPDBEN_Pos           (6)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPDBEN Position           */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPDBEN_Msk           (0x1ul << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPDBEN_Pos)             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPDBEN Mask               */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTDBEN_Pos           (7)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CNTDBEN Position           */
    #define TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTDBEN_Msk           (0x1ul << TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTDBEN_Pos)             /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CNTDBEN Mask               */
    #define TIMER_EINTSTS_CAPIF_Pos            (0)                                             /*!< TIMER_T::EINTSTS: CAPIF Position            */
    #define TIMER_EINTSTS_CAPIF_Msk            (0x1ul << TIMER_EINTSTS_CAPIF_Pos)              /*!< TIMER_T::EINTSTS: CAPIF Mask                */
    /**@}*/ /* TIMER_CONST */
    /**@}*/ /* end of TIMER register group */
    #define TIMER0               ((TIMER_T *) TMR01_BASE)
    #define TIMER1               ((TIMER_T *) (TMR01_BASE + 0x20))
    #define TIMER2               ((TIMER_T *) TMR23_BASE)
    #define TIMER3               ((TIMER_T *) (TMR23_BASE+ 0x20))
    /** @addtogroup TIMER_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS TIMER Exported Constants
    /*  TIMER Operation Mode, External Counter and Capture Mode Constant Definitions                           */
    #define TIMER_ONESHOT_MODE                      (0UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in one-shot mode */
    #define TIMER_PERIODIC_MODE                     (1UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in periodic mode */
    #define TIMER_TOGGLE_MODE                       (2UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in toggle-output mode */
    #define TIMER_CONTINUOUS_MODE                   (3UL << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)      /*!< Timer working in continuous counting mode */
    #define TIMER_TOUT_PIN_FROM_TX                  (0UL << TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Pos)   /*!< Timer toggle-output pin is from Tx pin */
    #define TIMER_TOUT_PIN_FROM_TX_EXT              (1UL << TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Pos)   /*!< Timer toggle-output pin is from Tx_EXT pin */
    #define TIMER_CAPTURE_FREE_COUNTING_MODE        (0UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPFUNCS_Pos) /*!< Timer capture event to get timer counter value */
    #define TIMER_CAPTURE_COUNTER_RESET_MODE        (1UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPFUNCS_Pos) /*!< Timer capture event to reset timer counter */
    #define TIMER_CAPTURE_FALLING_EDGE              (0UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< Falling edge detection to trigger timer capture */
    #define TIMER_CAPTURE_RISING_EDGE               (1UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< Rising edge detection to trigger timer capture */
    #define TIMER_CAPTURE_FALLING_AND_RISING_EDGE   (2UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos)  /*!< Both falling and rising edge detection to trigger timer capture */
    #define TIMER_COUNTER_FALLING_EDGE              (0UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Pos) /*!< Counter increase on falling edge detection */
    #define TIMER_COUNTER_RISING_EDGE               (1UL << TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTPHASE_Pos) /*!< Counter increase on rising edge detection */
    /*@}*/ /* end of group TIMER_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */


    如果定时器工作在单周期 (one-shot) 模式(TIMERx_CTL[28:27]为00,且CNTEN (TIMERx_CTL[30])置1),则定时器的计数器开始计数。一旦CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0])计数器的值达到CMPDAT (TIMERx_CMP[23:0])的值时,TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0])标志将变为1,CNT的值和 CNTEN位将由定时器控制器自动清零,然后定时器计数操作停止。与此同时,如果INTEN (TIMERx_CTL[29])位使能,则定时器中断信号产生并送到 NVIC通知CPU。(参见数据手册上的数据)

    #define TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos               (27)                                            /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: OPMODE Position               */
    #define TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Msk               (0x3ul << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos)                 /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: OPMODE Mask  

    如果定时器工作在周期 (periodic) 模式(TIMERx_CTL[28:27]为01)且CNTEN (TIMERx_CTL[30])置1,则定时器的计数器开始向上计数。一旦CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0])计数器的值达到CMPDAT (TIMERx_CMP[23:0])的值时,TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0])标志将变为1,CNT的值将由定时器控制器自动清零,然后定时器重新计数。与此同时,如果INTEN (TIMERx_CTL[29])使能,则定时器中断信号产生并送到 NVIC 通知 CPU 。在该模式,定时器控制器周期性地操作计数和 与CMPDAT的值比较,直到CNTEN位由软件清0。


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