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  • uva 10047 The Monocycle(搜索)



    不过这个代码交了十几遍的submission error,手都软了


     1 #include<stdio.h>
     2 #include<string.h>
     3 #include<algorithm>
     4 using namespace std;
     6 const int MAXN=30;
     8 struct P{
     9     int x,y,d,c;
    10     int bfn;
    11     P(){}
    12     P(int _x,int _y,int _d,int _c,int _bfn):x(_x),y(_y),d(_d),c(_c),bfn(_bfn){}
    13 }que[MAXN*MAXN*20];
    15 char mp[MAXN][MAXN],n,m;
    16 int vis[MAXN][MAXN][10][10],tot;
    17 int dis[4][2]={-1,0,0,-1,1,0,0,1};
    18 int ex,ey;
    20 void bfs(int a,int b)
    21 {
    22     int l,r;
    23     l=r=0;
    24     que[r].x=a;
    25     que[r].y=b;
    26     que[r].d=0;
    27     que[r].c=0;
    28     que[r++].bfn=0;
    29     vis[a][b][0][0]=1;
    30     while(l<r)
    31     {
    32         int x=que[l].x;
    33         int y=que[l].y;
    34         int d=que[l].d;
    35         int c=que[l].c;
    36         int bfn=que[l++].bfn;
    38         if(x==ex&&y==ey&&c==0)
    39             break;
    41         int dx=dis[d][0];
    42         int dy=dis[d][1];
    43         if(!vis[x+dx][y+dy][d][(c+1)%5]&&mp[x+dx][y+dy]!='#'&&x+dx>=0&&x+dx<n&&y+dy>=0&&y+dy<m){
    44             que[r++]=P(x+dx,y+dy,d,(c+1)%5,bfn+1);
    45             vis[x+dx][y+dy][d][(c+1)%5]=1;
    46         }
    47         if(!vis[x][y][(d+4-1)%4][c]){
    48             que[r++]=P(x,y,(d+4-1)%4,c,bfn+1);
    49             vis[x][y][(d+4-1)%4][c]=1;
    50         }
    51         if(!vis[x][y][(d+1)%4][c]){
    52             que[r++]=P(x,y,(d+1)%4,c,bfn+1);
    53             vis[x][y][(d+1)%4][c]=1;
    54         }
    55     }
    56     if(l<r)
    57         printf("Case #%d
    minimum time = %d sec
    58     else
    59         printf("Case #%d
    destination not reachable
    60 }
    62 int main()
    63 {
    64     int sx,sy;
    65     int i,j;
    66     tot=0;
    67     while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF)
    68     {
    70         if(tot)
    71             printf("
    72         if(!n&&!m)
    73             return 0;
    74         for(i=0;i<n;i++)
    75         {
    76             getchar();
    77             for(j=0;j<m;j++)
    78             {
    79                 scanf("%c",&mp[i][j]);
    80                 if(mp[i][j]=='S'){
    81                     sx=i;sy=j;
    82                 }
    83                 if(mp[i][j]=='T'){
    84                     ex=i;ey=j;
    85                 }
    86             }
    87         }
    88         bfs(sx,sy);
    89     }
    90     return 0;
    91 }
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