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  • Are virtual interfaces supported on Quagga v0.98.3 (on Debian GNU/Linux 2.6.16)?


    Are virtual interfaces supported on Quagga v0.98.3 (on Debian GNU/Linux
    2.6.16)? (Zebra, OSPF and BGP)

    On Zebra, I have this in my config:

    interface eth1:1
    ipv6 nd suppress-ra

    show interface shows:

    Interface eth1:1 is down
    index -1 inactive interface

    If I then do a "no shutdown" on this interface from Zebra, I get:

    Interface eth1:1 is up, line protocol is up
    index -1 inactive interface

    So it has added "line protocol is up" despite the interface not being
    shutdown before. Now I tried shutting the interface down via Zebra, but it
    still said:
    Interface eth1:1 is up, line protocol is up
    index -1 inactive interface

    I noticed that it had shutdown the interface though. I tried:

    # no shutdown
    Can't up interface

    Then restarting Quagga and show interface now showed:

    Interface eth1:1 is down
    index -1 inactive interface

    I still can't unshut it down though.

    In zebra.log I get this when I try and do a no shutdown:
    2007/02/26 12:27:06 ZEBRA: can't set interface flags

    Am I doing something wrong, or are virtual interfaces just not supported?
    Or has support been added / fixed since version 0.98.3?

    Any suggestions?

    Many thanks,

    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Hi, atleast I have quagga running on machine with subinterfaces.
    Distributing routes with ospf and bgp and everything works fine. Didn't do
    enything special compared to normal subinterface configs when deployiong
    quagga so I think there something else wrong with your config. What linux
    are you using?


    On 2/26/07, Seb <sebqu@syntec.co.uk> wrote:
    > Are virtual interfaces supported on Quagga v0.98.3 (on Debian GNU/Linux
    > 2.6.16)? (Zebra, OSPF and BGP)
    > On Zebra, I have this in my config:
    > interface eth1:1
    > link-detect
    > ipv6 nd suppress-ra
    > !
    > show interface shows:
    > Interface eth1:1 is down
    > index -1 inactive interface
    > If I then do a "no shutdown" on this interface from Zebra, I get:
    > Interface eth1:1 is up, line protocol is up
    > index -1 inactive interface
    > So it has added "line protocol is up" despite the interface not being
    > shutdown before. Now I tried shutting the interface down via Zebra, but it
    > still said:
    > Interface eth1:1 is up, line protocol is up
    > index -1 inactive interface
    > I noticed that it had shutdown the interface though. I tried:
    > # no shutdown
    > Can't up interface
    > Then restarting Quagga and show interface now showed:
    > Interface eth1:1 is down
    > index -1 inactive interface
    > I still can't unshut it down though.
    > In zebra.log I get this when I try and do a no shutdown:
    > 2007/02/26 12:27:06 ZEBRA: can't set interface flags
    > Am I doing something wrong, or are virtual interfaces just not supported?
    > Or has support been added / fixed since version 0.98.3?
    > Any suggestions?
    > Many thanks,
    > Seb
    > _______________________________________________
    > Quagga-users mailing list
    > Quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    > http://lists.quagga.net/mailman/listinfo/quagga-users
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Good to know it is working for you.

    As I said (but more detail now), Linux version 2.6.16-2-686 (Debian
    2.6.16-18) ... (Debian 4.0.3-6)

    What are the names of your subinterfaces?

    This may be relevant to my situation: eth1:1 didn't appear in ifconfig, so
    I tried the following:

    $ <mailto:seb@thegw1:/etc/network$> sudo ifup eth1:1
    ifup: interface eth1:1 already configured
    $ <mailto:seb@thegw1:/etc/network$> sudo ifdown eth1:1
    SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address
    $ <mailto:seb@thegw1:/etc/network$> sudo ifup eth1:1
    $ <mailto:seb@thegw1:/etc/network$> Error : Name or service not known
    Error : Name or service not known
    Error : Name or service not known

    Now eth1:1 appears in ifconfig and starts working again. (The same
    behaviour applies to eth1:2 BTW.)

    Maybe I'll try this (virtual interfaces with Quagga) in Fedora...




    From: Pete [mailto:nyfors@gmail.com]
    Sent: 26 February 2007 14:34
    To: Seb
    Cc: quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    Subject: Re: [quagga-users 8069] Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?

    Hi, atleast I have quagga running on machine with subinterfaces.
    Distributing routes with ospf and bgp and everything works fine. Didn't do
    enything special compared to normal subinterface configs when deployiong
    quagga so I think there something else wrong with your config. What linux
    are you using?


    On 2/26/07, Seb <sebqu@syntec.co.uk> wrote:

    Are virtual interfaces supported on Quagga v0.98.3 (on Debian GNU/Linux
    2.6.16)? (Zebra, OSPF and BGP)

    On Zebra, I have this in my config:

    interface eth1:1
    ipv6 nd suppress-ra

    show interface shows:

    Interface eth1:1 is down
    index -1 inactive interface

    If I then do a "no shutdown" on this interface from Zebra, I get:

    Interface eth1:1 is up, line protocol is up
    index -1 inactive interface

    So it has added "line protocol is up" despite the interface not being
    shutdown before. Now I tried shutting the interface down via Zebra, but it
    still said:

    Interface eth1:1 is up, line protocol is up
    index -1 inactive interface

    I noticed that it had shutdown the interface though. I tried:

    # no shutdown
    Can't up interface

    Then restarting Quagga and show interface now showed:

    Interface eth1:1 is down
    index -1 inactive interface

    I still can't unshut it down though.

    In zebra.log I get this when I try and do a no shutdown:
    2007/02/26 12:27:06 ZEBRA: can't set interface flags

    Am I doing something wrong, or are virtual interfaces just not supported?
    Or has support been added / fixed since version 0.98.3?

    Any suggestions?

    Many thanks,


    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Dnia poniedzia³ek, 26 lutego 2007, Seb napisa³(a):

    > Are virtual interfaces supported on Quagga v0.98.3 (on Debian GNU/Linux
    > 2.6.16)? (Zebra, OSPF and BGP)

    There is no such thing as virtual interfaces or aliases in Linux for may years
    now. It was working this way on 2.2 (or 2.0?) kernels. Try to list your
    interfaces and addresses with `ip address list` and it will show you real
    interfaces - and probably the ones which quagga is seeing.

    | pozdrawiam / greetings | powered by Trustix, Gentoo and FreeBSD |
    | Kajetan Staszkiewicz | jabber,email,www: vegeta()tuxpowered net |
    | Vegeta | IMQ devnames: http://tuxpowered.net |

    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    OK. They are listed so:

    $ ip addr show eth1 (some stuff x'ed out)
    3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1600 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet xxx.xxx.136.50/29 brd xxx.xxx.136.55 scope global eth1
    inet xx.xxx.1.1/26 brd xx.xxx.1.63 scope global eth1:1
    inet xx.xxx.0.130/30 brd xx.xxx.0.131 scope global eth1:2
    inet6 xxxx::xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/64 scope link
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    And now that I look at "show interface" again on the zebra interface, I see
    that all 3 IP addresses are listed on eth1, so my bad there. So I removed
    the config from zebra for eth1:1 and eth1:2.

    However, that doesn't bring me much closer to getting OSPF and BGP working
    on these two additional networks corresponding to eth1:1 and eth1:2...
    (What does one call them if not a virtual interface or an alias now then?)

    Thanks, Seb

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kajetan Staszkiewicz [mailto:vegeta@tuxpowered.net]
    Sent: 26 February 2007 16:56
    To: quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    Cc: Seb
    Subject: Re: [quagga-users 8069] Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?

    Dnia poniedzia³ek, 26 lutego 2007, Seb napisa³(a):

    > Are virtual interfaces supported on Quagga v0.98.3 (on Debian GNU/Linux
    > 2.6.16)? (Zebra, OSPF and BGP)

    There is no such thing as virtual interfaces or aliases in Linux for may
    now. It was working this way on 2.2 (or 2.0?) kernels. Try to list your
    interfaces and addresses with `ip address list` and it will show you real
    interfaces - and probably the ones which quagga is seeing.

    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Seb wrote:

    > Are virtual interfaces supported on Quagga v0.98.3 (on Debian GNU/Linux
    > 2.6.16)? (Zebra, OSPF and BGP)
    > On Zebra, I have this in my config:
    > interface eth1:1

    Change this to 'eth1'.

    There is no such thing on Linux 2.4+ as a 'eth1:X' interface
    (presuming an "eth1" interface exists with same ifindex, as seen by
    ifconfig). It's just a label attached to an address to allow older
    tools like ifconfig to work.

    Type 'show interface' to see zebra's view of interfaces and the
    addresses attached to them..

    Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie paul@jakma.org Key ID: 64A2FF6A
    Walk softly and carry a big stick.
    -- Theodore Roosevelt
    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Thanks for the response. I think your message and my last message, where I
    removed eth1:1 from zebra.conf, passed like ships in the night.

    However, just to clarify, I want to be able to run BGP over more networks
    than I have physical interfaces (plugged in at a remote location). OSPF and
    BGP are already running over eth1. I'm unsure how to separate out the BGP
    config for one label compared to another label for eth1.



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Paul Jakma [mailto:paul@clubi.ie]
    Sent: 26 February 2007 17:46
    To: Seb
    Cc: quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    Subject: Re: [quagga-users 8069] Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?

    Change this to 'eth1'.

    There is no such thing on Linux 2.4+ as a 'eth1:X' interface
    (presuming an "eth1" interface exists with same ifindex, as seen by
    ifconfig). It's just a label attached to an address to allow older
    tools like ifconfig to work.

    Type 'show interface' to see zebra's view of interfaces and the
    addresses attached to them..

    Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie paul@jakma.org Key ID: 64A2FF6A

    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    How have you created the interfaces? Have you used vconfig?


    On 2/26/07, Seb <sebqu@syntec.co.uk> wrote:
    > Thanks for the response. I think your message and my last message, where I
    > removed eth1:1 from zebra.conf, passed like ships in the night.
    > However, just to clarify, I want to be able to run BGP over more networks
    > than I have physical interfaces (plugged in at a remote location). OSPF
    > and
    > BGP are already running over eth1. I'm unsure how to separate out the BGP
    > config for one label compared to another label for eth1.
    > Thanks.
    > Seb
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Paul Jakma [mailto:paul@clubi.ie]
    > Sent: 26 February 2007 17:46
    > To: Seb
    > Cc: quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    > Subject: Re: [quagga-users 8069] Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?
    > Change this to 'eth1'.
    > There is no such thing on Linux 2.4+ as a 'eth1:X' interface
    > (presuming an "eth1" interface exists with same ifindex, as seen by
    > ifconfig). It's just a label attached to an address to allow older
    > tools like ifconfig to work.
    > Type 'show interface' to see zebra's view of interfaces and the
    > addresses attached to them..
    > regards,
    > --
    > Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie paul@jakma.org Key ID: 64A2FF6A
    > _______________________________________________
    > Quagga-users mailing list
    > Quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    > http://lists.quagga.net/mailman/listinfo/quagga-users
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Seb wrote:

    > Thanks for the response. I think your message and my last message,
    > where I removed eth1:1 from zebra.conf, passed like ships in the
    > night.

    Perhaps. Removing it / changing it to 'eth1' is step 1 though ;).

    > However, just to clarify, I want to be able to run BGP over more
    > networks than I have physical interfaces (plugged in at a remote
    > location). OSPF and BGP are already running over eth1. I'm unsure
    > how to separate out the BGP config for one label compared to
    > another label for eth1.

    You're confused between interfaces and addresses.

    A single interface can have multiple addresses (on many systems).

    Systems which assign unique psuedo-interface names to each address
    configured to an interface nearly always do so for
    backwards-compatibility reasons (e.g. in your Linux case, to retain
    compatibility with ifconfig/IFCONF).

    Regardless though, interfaces and addresses are different things,
    trying to think of the latter as being equivalent to the former is
    senseless (e.g. BGP cares little about interfaces, it cares about

    And regardless of the system, Quagga models (tries hard) addresses as
    being /addresses/, and tries to avoid treating psuedo-interfaces as
    actual interfaces (cause they're not, and trying to do so usually
    leads to bigger problems)..

    Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie paul@jakma.org Key ID: 64A2FF6A
    A feature is nothing more than a bug with seniority.
    -- Unknown source
    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Er no. I just edited /etc/network/interfaces (as per
    http://handsonhowto.com/virt.html) and restarted the network.

    Here is an extract:

    auto eth1
    iface eth1 inet static
    address xxx.xxx.136.50
    network xxx.xxx.136.48
    broadcast xxx.xxx.136.55
    post-up /sbin/ifconfig eth1 mtu 1600

    auto eth1:1
    iface eth1:1 inet static
    address xx.xxx.1.1
    network xx.xxx.1.0
    broadcast xx.xxx.1.63

    auto eth1:2
    iface eth1:2 inet static
    address xx.xxx.0.130
    netmask xxx.xxx.255.252
    network xx.xxx.0.128
    broadcast xx.xxx.0.131

    Is this bad? :-) There is a lot of out-of-date information on the web, and
    I don't usually use Debian.



    From: Pete [mailto:nyfors@gmail.com]
    Sent: 26 February 2007 18:23
    To: Seb
    Cc: Paul Jakma; quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    Subject: Re: [quagga-users 8077] Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?

    How have you created the interfaces? Have you used vconfig?


    On 2/26/07, Seb <sebqu@syntec.co.uk> wrote:

    Thanks for the response. I think your message and my last message, where I
    removed eth1:1 from zebra.conf, passed like ships in the night.

    However, just to clarify, I want to be able to run BGP over more networks
    than I have physical interfaces (plugged in at a remote location). OSPF and
    BGP are already running over eth1. I'm unsure how to separate out the BGP
    config for one label compared to another label for eth1.



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Paul Jakma [mailto:paul@clubi.ie]
    Sent: 26 February 2007 17:46
    To: Seb
    Cc: quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    Subject: Re: [quagga-users 8069] Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?

    Change this to 'eth1'.

    There is no such thing on Linux 2.4+ as a 'eth1:X' interface
    (presuming an "eth1" interface exists with same ifindex, as seen by
    ifconfig). It's just a label attached to an address to allow older
    tools like ifconfig to work.

    Type 'show interface' to see zebra's view of interfaces and the
    addresses attached to them..

    Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie <mailto:paul@clubi.ie> paul@jakma.org Key
    ID: 64A2FF6A
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Unfortunately I'm not confused about interfaces and addresses. It's just
    that the way the Quagga commands are set-up they seem to be aimed at
    interfaces rather than addresses. For example, the command is "show ip ospf
    interface" and not "show ip ospf address". Now, I can well understand that
    the former might make more sense, and it could well be that Quagga has
    understood all the configured addresses and that ospf is actually working
    fine (unfortunately the person maintaining this system has left and I have
    to try and figure it out). However, BGP is not establishing between the
    nodes of our network (but it is establishing with external networks) ever
    since I had to disable an interface that was not working properly and move
    its address to a secondary address on a different interface (which ought to
    work as both interfaces are plugged into the same managed switching hub -
    and indeed they can ping / connect to each other fine).

    I'm sorry - I'm pretty new to Quagga as you've guessed. Maybe the
    multiple-ip address thing is a red herring, but that's why I wanted to check
    if it was supported.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Paul Jakma [mailto:paul@clubi.ie]
    Sent: 26 February 2007 18:39
    To: Seb
    Cc: quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    Subject: RE: [quagga-users 8069] Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?

    On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Seb wrote:

    > However, just to clarify, I want to be able to run BGP over more
    > networks than I have physical interfaces (plugged in at a remote
    > location). OSPF and BGP are already running over eth1. I'm unsure
    > how to separate out the BGP config for one label compared to
    > another label for eth1.

    You're confused between interfaces and addresses.

    A single interface can have multiple addresses (on many systems).

    Systems which assign unique psuedo-interface names to each address
    configured to an interface nearly always do so for
    backwards-compatibility reasons (e.g. in your Linux case, to retain
    compatibility with ifconfig/IFCONF).

    Regardless though, interfaces and addresses are different things,
    trying to think of the latter as being equivalent to the former is
    senseless (e.g. BGP cares little about interfaces, it cares about

    And regardless of the system, Quagga models (tries hard) addresses as
    being /addresses/, and tries to avoid treating psuedo-interfaces as
    actual interfaces (cause they're not, and trying to do so usually
    leads to bigger problems)..

    Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie paul@jakma.org Key ID: 64A2FF6A

    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Seb wrote:

    > I'm sorry - I'm pretty new to Quagga as you've guessed. Maybe the
    > multiple-ip address thing is a red herring, but that's why I wanted
    > to check if it was supported.

    It is.

    You may want to supply your configs, so readers can sanity check.

    Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie paul@jakma.org Key ID: 64A2FF6A
    "If you keep an open mind people will throw a lot of garbage in it."
    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Here is how i've done it with vlans and it works.
    modprobe 8021q
    vconfig add eth1 2
    ifconfig eth1.2 netmask
    vconfig add eth1 3
    ifconfig eth1.3 netmask
    ifconfig eth1.2 up
    ifconfig eth1.3 up


    On 2/26/07, Seb <sebqu@syntec.co.uk> wrote:
    > Unfortunately I'm not confused about interfaces and addresses. It's just
    > that the way the Quagga commands are set-up they seem to be aimed at
    > interfaces rather than addresses. For example, the command is "show ip
    > ospf
    > interface" and not "show ip ospf address". Now, I can well understand that
    > the former might make more sense, and it could well be that Quagga has
    > understood all the configured addresses and that ospf is actually working
    > fine (unfortunately the person maintaining this system has left and I have
    > to try and figure it out). However, BGP is not establishing between the
    > nodes of our network (but it is establishing with external networks) ever
    > since I had to disable an interface that was not working properly and move
    > its address to a secondary address on a different interface (which ought
    > to
    > work as both interfaces are plugged into the same managed switching hub -
    > and indeed they can ping / connect to each other fine).
    > I'm sorry - I'm pretty new to Quagga as you've guessed. Maybe the
    > multiple-ip address thing is a red herring, but that's why I wanted to
    > check
    > if it was supported.
    > Seb
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Paul Jakma [mailto:paul@clubi.ie]
    > Sent: 26 February 2007 18:39
    > To: Seb
    > Cc: quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    > Subject: RE: [quagga-users 8069] Virtual interfaces / aliases supported?
    > On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Seb wrote:
    > > However, just to clarify, I want to be able to run BGP over more
    > > networks than I have physical interfaces (plugged in at a remote
    > > location). OSPF and BGP are already running over eth1. I'm unsure
    > > how to separate out the BGP config for one label compared to
    > > another label for eth1.
    > You're confused between interfaces and addresses.
    > A single interface can have multiple addresses (on many systems).
    > Systems which assign unique psuedo-interface names to each address
    > configured to an interface nearly always do so for
    > backwards-compatibility reasons (e.g. in your Linux case, to retain
    > compatibility with ifconfig/IFCONF).
    > Regardless though, interfaces and addresses are different things,
    > trying to think of the latter as being equivalent to the former is
    > senseless (e.g. BGP cares little about interfaces, it cares about
    > /addresses/).
    > And regardless of the system, Quagga models (tries hard) addresses as
    > being /addresses/, and tries to avoid treating psuedo-interfaces as
    > actual interfaces (cause they're not, and trying to do so usually
    > leads to bigger problems)..
    > regards,
    > --
    > Paul Jakma paul@clubi.ie paul@jakma.org Key ID: 64A2FF6A
    > _______________________________________________
    > Quagga-users mailing list
    > Quagga-users@lists.quagga.net
    > http://lists.quagga.net/mailman/listinfo/quagga-users
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Dnia wtorek, 27 lutego 2007, Pete napisa³(a):
    > Here is how i've done it with vlans and it works.
    > --->
    > modprobe 8021q
    > vconfig add eth1 2
    > ifconfig eth1.2 netmask
    > vconfig add eth1 3
    > ifconfig eth1.3 netmask
    > ifconfig eth1.2 up
    > ifconfig eth1.3 up

    VLANs are also a good aproach to this, but you need to be sure that your
    equipment (NICs, switches) will work correctly with them. Ofcourse with nice
    manageable switches there will be much more fun to do ;)

    Please do not toppost. It really makes your posts hard to read.

    | pozdrawiam / greetings | powered by Trustix, Gentoo and FreeBSD |
    | Kajetan Staszkiewicz | jabber,email,www: vegeta()tuxpowered net |
    | Vegeta | IMQ devnames: http://tuxpowered.net |

    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Dnia poniedzia³ek, 26 lutego 2007, Seb napisa³(a):

    > which ought to
    > work as both interfaces are plugged into the same managed switching hub -
    > and indeed they can ping / connect to each other fine).

    Be careful with multiple intefaces of single machine belonging to same
    ethernet network, there are some bad suprises with ARP awainting...

    > I'm sorry - I'm pretty new to Quagga as you've guessed. Maybe the
    > multiple-ip address thing is a red herring, but that's why I wanted to
    > check if it was supported.

    Remember that you enable OSPF on an interface by using 'network' command with
    network address used on that interface. If you have multiple addresses on
    single interface, use mutiple 'network' commands.

    | pozdrawiam / greetings | powered by Trustix, Gentoo and FreeBSD |
    | Kajetan Staszkiewicz | jabber,email,www: vegeta()tuxpowered net |
    | Vegeta | IMQ devnames: http://tuxpowered.net |

    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Thanks everyone for all their help. I will be trying out your suggestions
    soon, but I'm not sure exactly when I have some more urgent stuff at the

    Kajetan Staszkiewicz wrote:
    > PS.
    > Please do not toppost. It really makes your posts hard to read.

    Unfortunately I have to use Outlook (2003) for e-mail (or most of it) and it
    doesn't seem to have any alternatives to top-posting. I could probably use
    a different e-mail client for mailing lists though... I'll look into it.


    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 11:41:26AM -0000, Seb wrote:
    > Kajetan Staszkiewicz wrote:
    > > PS.
    > > Please do not toppost. It really makes your posts hard to read.
    > Unfortunately I have to use Outlook (2003) for e-mail (or most of it) and it
    > doesn't seem to have any alternatives to top-posting. I could probably use
    > a different e-mail client for mailing lists though... I'll look into it.

    This is reported to work quite well in fixing Outlook:


    However, I don't use Outlook myself, so I can't guarantee anything.

    Charles Briscoe-Smith Hacking Free Software for fun and profit
    Mead error: Connection reset by beer. -- seen on IRC

    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 11:41:26AM -0000, Seb wrote:
    > Thanks everyone for all their help. I will be trying out your suggestions
    > soon, but I'm not sure exactly when I have some more urgent stuff at the
    > moment.
    > Kajetan Staszkiewicz wrote:
    > > PS.
    > > Please do not toppost. It really makes your posts hard to read.
    > Unfortunately I have to use Outlook (2003) for e-mail (or most of it) and it
    > doesn't seem to have any alternatives to top-posting. I could probably use
    > a different e-mail client for mailing lists though... I'll look into it.

    Sure it does. It's called cursor keys and/or clicking with the mouse.
    It certainly has options for quating style, and as long as it quotes
    properly with indenting rather than just a header above the quoted text,
    then moving to the right place to reply is simple.

    Lazyness is no excuse. :)

    Len Sorensen
    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    > From: Lennart Sorensen

    > > Kajetan Staszkiewicz wrote:
    > > > PS.
    > > > Please do not toppost. It really makes your posts hard to read.
    > >
    > > Unfortunately I have to use Outlook (2003) for e-mail (or
    > most of it) and it
    > > doesn't seem to have any alternatives to top-posting. I
    > could probably use
    > > a different e-mail client for mailing lists though... I'll
    > look into it.
    > Sure it does. It's called cursor keys and/or clicking with the mouse.
    > It certainly has options for quating style, and as long as it quotes
    > properly with indenting rather than just a header above the
    > quoted text,
    > then moving to the right place to reply is simple.

    Well I know Outlook does have some options for quoting style but I need
    something that works with HTML, rich text and plain text e-mails, and I had
    it set to indent the original message text (which is what I prefer) and this
    doesn't work with plain text e-mails, which this mailing list uses. However,
    I've changed Outlook to use prefixing and this works for plain text and
    bizarrely still indents for HTML and rich text e-mails, so this seems to be
    the best option - I get the best of both worlds. Thanks for encouraging me
    to experiment though.


    Quagga-users mailing list
    Re: Virtual interfaces / aliases supported? [ In reply to ]
    Charles Briscoe-Smith wrote:

    quagga-users-bounces@lists.quagga.net <> scribbled on :

    > On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 11:41:26AM -0000, Seb wrote:
    >> Kajetan Staszkiewicz wrote:
    >>> PS.
    >>> Please do not toppost. It really makes your posts hard to read.
    >> Unfortunately I have to use Outlook (2003) for e-mail (or most of
    >> it) and it doesn't seem to have any alternatives to top-posting. I
    >> could probably use a different e-mail client for mailing lists
    >> though... I'll look into it.
    > This is reported to work quite well in fixing Outlook:
    > http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/software/outlook-quotefix/
    > However, I don't use Outlook myself, so I can't guarantee anything.

    Thanks! I'm trying Outlook-QuoteFix now and it does seem to work pretty well
    except for the header line (which is fairly customisable, but doesn't seem
    to work too well for this mailing list (see the scribbled header above)).
    Even so, it is an improvement over the standard Outlook quoting for plain
    text messages.


    Quagga-users mailing list

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