What is Lineageos ? Linage os is a new avatar of Cyanogenmod.
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Lineageosrom as all of us know that now cyanogen mod inc. is no more, Yes you have listen right cyanogen mod Inc. launched its last rom CM 14.1 based on nougat and it is repacling by lineage Os.
You guys are wondering or may be you are little bit confused what’s going on stay tuned with us we will clear all the doubts.
What is lineage Os?
LineageOS is new a custom rom company which is going to continue Cyanogen mod. No one knows how good will their roms? They will continue Custom roms in future.
What is stock Rom?
A stock ROM is the version of the phone's operating system that comes with your phone when you buy it.
What is Custom Roms?
A Custom Rom is operating system which can replace our phone android system. Custom roms are really good as in comparion of stock roms, it has good feature less bugs and nice themes.
However, the term “ROM” is not necessarily used correctly when talking about the third party custom firmware. A “ROM” in computer science is “Read-Only Memory” which can only be read and not written to more than once in the most basic sense. Smartphones and tablets use flash memory to store the Android OS, so the correct term should be “custom firmware”. This naming convention may lead to some confusion when talking about custom ROMs, just remember, the firmware is being changed, not any ROMs that might be in the device.
What is cyanogenmods?
CyanogenMod is one of the best known custom ROMs out there, enabling millions of users around the world to customize their devices to the fullest. With the popularity of CyanogenMod, the developer community has enjoyed great success over the years. So much so, that the people behind CyanogenMod started Cyanogen Inc, and developed partnerships with phone manufacturers to have CyanogenMod as the default operating system. This commercial wing of CyanogenMod hasn’t been as successful as the community driven version, however more about that later.Cyanogenmods is company which makes best custom roms for android devices but company is going to be shut down and there will be a new custom rom company name Lineage Os . Cyanogenmods inc. announced this before Christmas that there Official site has been closed, for more information check in google.
Difference B/w Lineage Os and cyanogenmod
I think there will be less difference b/w in lineage Os and cyanogenmod, because lineage Os is going to continues cyanogenmod.
- Unlock your device’s bootloader – This can be very difficult in some cases and is pretty much different for all devices. This will wipe the device clean, so make sure to backup any important data.
- Install a custom recovery like TWRP or CWM Recovery. This can be done a few different ways, but the best way is through the terminal. Simply download the .img file from the respective site then save it to your computer in a convenient location. once downloaded, make sure ADB and the Android SDK are installed on your computer and working properly. In the terminal or command prompt
- Flash the ROM zip file, it is basically the same for each recovery, just click “install” then navigate to the folder with the file or if you are using CWM Recovery click “Install” then “Choose zip from SDCard” then navigate to the folder with the file. Then accept the prompt to install it, do not reboot yet, stay in recovery.
- Flash GApps zip – GApps stands for Google Apps, since these are owned by Google, CyanogenMod can not come pre-installed with them, so just simply flash the zip like you would for the ROM right after installing CyanogenMod. Android 5.1.x GApps and Android 6.0 GApps.
- Reboot! If everything went according to plan, the device should boot into CyanogenMod.
Hope you like this article.
Have a good day.