I'm kind of new to Java, Android and even Stackoverflow, sorry if my question is not well written.
I followed many guides online that showed me how to connect two devices using Wifi-direct. I managed to do this and now I just need to close the connection.
I have a C++ "server" peer and an Android "client" peer and for the client side I am using the Wifi-Direct Demo (linked below)
- I create a Wifi-Direct group C++ side
- From Android I search for servers
- The user chooses the server
- Socket connection
- Transmission
Now I don't need the connection anymore, so I want to close it and immediately reconnect both devices to the normal Wifi.
If I try to launch the disconnect() function of the demo, it enter OnSuccess(), but the Wifi-Direct icon simply won't go away; Strangely, I can't find any guide at all on how to do this.
There is also another problem with my app... If I am connected, and I close the app, the Wifi-direct icon is still on and I can't connect to Internet using Wifi... I think the socket may still be in the TIME_WAIT status, but I'm not sure on how to check this...
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: some answer that I found useful, but do not show how to turn off Wifi-Direct:
how to create the server & client connection between android mobile and PC