class Solution: def helper(self,l,r,clips)->int: maxL,maxR=0,0 iL,iR=-1,-1 for i,c in enumerate(clips): if c[0]<=l and c[1]>=r: return 1 if c[0]<=l: if c[1]-l>maxL: maxL=c[1]-l iL=i if c[1]>=r: print(r,c[0],c[1],maxR) if r-c[0]>maxR: maxR=r-c[0] iR=i if iL==-1 or iR==-1: return -1 new_l=clips[iL][1] new_r=clips[iR][0] if clips[iL][0]==clips[iR][0] and clips[iL][1]==clips[iR][1]: return 1 if new_l>=new_r: return 2 clips=[c for i,c in enumerate(clips) if i not in (iL,iR)] return 2+self.helper(new_l,new_r,clips) def videoStitching(self, clips: List[List[int]], T: int) -> int: return self.helper(0,T,clips)