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  • 人工蜂群算法


    人工蜂群算法 (Artificial Bee Colony, ABC) 是由 Karaboga 于 2005 年提出的一种新颖的基于集群智能的全局优化算法,其直观背景来源于蜂群的采蜜行为。它的主要特点是不需要了解问题的特殊信息,只需要对问题进行优劣的比较,通过各人工蜂个体的局部寻优行为,最终在群体中使全局最优值突现出来,有着较快的收敛速度。






    1. 基于原有蜜源进行邻域突变
    2. 保证邻域突变的有效性
    3. 若为优质突变,则进行蜜源替换
    4. 若为劣质突变,则进行蜜源开采






    Java 实现


    public class test {
    	// 建立蜂群
        static beeColony bee = new beeColony();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int iter = 0;
            int run = 0;
            int j = 0;
            double mean = 0;
    		// 重复计算,获得平均情况下的全局最优解
            for (run = 0; run < bee.runtime; run++) {
              	// 初始化蜜源
                for (iter = 0; iter < bee.maxCycle; iter++) {
                    // 雇佣蜂的逻辑: 更新所有蜜源(确保能跳出局部蜜源)
                    // 观察蜂的逻辑: 好蜜源正向反馈(加速收敛的作用)
                    // 仅仅重制枯竭的蜜源 (局部优质蜜源枯竭的快)
                // 打印最优的坐标,以及最终的函数值
                for (j = 0; j < bee.D; j++) {
                    //System.out.println("GlobalParam[%d]: %f
                    System.out.println("GlobalParam[" + (j + 1) + "]:" + bee.GlobalParams[j]);
                //System.out.println("%d. run: %e 
                System.out.println((run + 1) + ".run:" + bee.GlobalMin);
                bee.GlobalMins[run] = bee.GlobalMin;
                mean = mean + bee.GlobalMin;
            mean = mean / bee.runtime;
            //System.out.println("Means of %d runs: %e
            System.out.println("Means  of " + bee.runtime + "runs: " + mean);


    import java.lang.Math;
    public class beeColony {
        /* Control Parameters of ABC algorithm*/
        int NP = 20; /* The number of colony size (employed bees+onlooker bees)*/
        int FoodNumber = NP / 2; /*The number of food sources equals the half of the colony size*/
        int limit = 100;  /*A food source which could not be improved through "limit" trials is abandoned by its employed bee*/
        int maxCycle = 2500; /*The number of cycles for foraging {a stopping criteria}*/
        /* Problem specific variables*/
        int D = 100; /*The number of parameters of the problem to be optimized*/
        double lb = -5.12; /*lower bound of the parameters. */
        double ub = 5.12; /*upper bound of the parameters. lb and ub can be defined as arrays for the problems of which parameters have different bounds*/
        int runtime = 30;  /*Algorithm can be run many times in order to see its robustness*/
        int dizi1[] = new int[10];
        double Foods[][] = new double[FoodNumber][D];        /*Foods is the population of food sources. Each row of Foods matrix is a vector holding D parameters to be optimized. The number of rows of Foods matrix equals to the FoodNumber*/
        double f[] = new double[FoodNumber];        /*f is a vector holding objective function values associated with food sources */
        double fitness[] = new double[FoodNumber];      /*fitness is a vector holding fitness (quality) values associated with food sources*/
        double trial[] = new double[FoodNumber];         /*trial is a vector holding trial numbers through which solutions can not be improved*/
        double prob[] = new double[FoodNumber];          /*prob is a vector holding probabilities of food sources (solutions) to be chosen*/
        double solution[] = new double[D];            /*New solution (neighbour) produced by v_{ij}=x_{ij}+phi_{ij}*(x_{kj}-x_{ij}) j is a randomly chosen parameter and k is a randomlu chosen solution different from i*/
        double ObjValSol;              /*Objective function value of new solution*/
        double FitnessSol;              /*Fitness value of new solution*/
        int neighbour, param2change;                   /*param2change corrresponds to j, neighbour corresponds to k in equation v_{ij}=x_{ij}+phi_{ij}*(x_{kj}-x_{ij})*/
        double GlobalMin;                       /*Optimum solution obtained by ABC algorithm*/
        double GlobalParams[] = new double[D];                   /*Parameters of the optimum solution*/
        double GlobalMins[] = new double[runtime];
        /*GlobalMins holds the GlobalMin of each run in multiple runs*/
        double r; /*a random number in the range [0,1)*/
        /*a function pointer returning double and taking a D-dimensional array as argument */
        /*If your function takes additional arguments then change function pointer definition and lines calling "...=function(solution);" in the code*/
    //	typedef double (*FunctionCallback)(double sol[D]);  
        /*benchmark functions */
    //	double sphere(double sol[D]);
    //	double Rosenbrock(double sol[D]);
    //	double Griewank(double sol[D]);
    //	double Rastrigin(double sol[D]);
        /*Write your own objective function name instead of sphere*/
    //	FunctionCallback function = &sphere;
        /*Fitness function*/
        double CalculateFitness(double fun) {
            double result = 0;
            if (fun >= 0) {
                result = 1 / (fun + 1);
            } else {
                result = 1 + Math.abs(fun);
            return result;
        /*The best food source is memorized*/
        void MemorizeBestSource() {
            int i, j;
            for (i = 0; i < FoodNumber; i++) {
                if (f[i] < GlobalMin) {
                    GlobalMin = f[i];
                    for (j = 0; j < D; j++)
                        GlobalParams[j] = Foods[i][j];
        /*Variables are initialized in the range [lb,ub]. If each parameter has different range, use arrays lb[j], ub[j] instead of lb and ub */
        /* Counters of food sources are also initialized in this function*/
        void init(int index) {
            int j;
            for (j = 0; j < D; j++) {
                r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) 32767 + (double) (1)));
                Foods[index][j] = r * (ub - lb) + lb;
                solution[j] = Foods[index][j];
            f[index] = calculateFunction(solution);
            fitness[index] = CalculateFitness(f[index]);
            trial[index] = 0;
        /*All food sources are initialized */
        void initial() {
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < FoodNumber; i++) {
            GlobalMin = f[0];
            for (i = 0; i < D; i++)
                GlobalParams[i] = Foods[0][i];
        void SendEmployedBees() {
            int i, j;
            /*Employed Bee Phase*/
            for (i = 0; i < FoodNumber; i++) {
                /*The parameter to be changed is determined randomly*/
                r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                param2change = (int) (r * D);
                /*A randomly chosen solution is used in producing a mutant solution of the solution i*/
                r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                neighbour = (int) (r * FoodNumber);
                /*Randomly selected solution must be different from the solution i*/
                // while(neighbour==i)
                // {
                // r = (   (double)Math.random()*32767 / ((double)(32767)+(double)(1)) );
                // neighbour=(int)(r*FoodNumber);
                // }
                for (j = 0; j < D; j++)
                    solution[j] = Foods[i][j];
                /*v_{ij}=x_{ij}+phi_{ij}*(x_{kj}-x_{ij}) */
                r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                solution[param2change] = Foods[i][param2change] + (Foods[i][param2change] - Foods[neighbour][param2change]) * (r - 0.5) * 2;
                /*if generated parameter value is out of boundaries, it is shifted onto the boundaries*/
                if (solution[param2change] < lb)
                    solution[param2change] = lb;
                if (solution[param2change] > ub)
                    solution[param2change] = ub;
                ObjValSol = calculateFunction(solution);
                FitnessSol = CalculateFitness(ObjValSol);
                /*a greedy selection is applied between the current solution i and its mutant*/
                if (FitnessSol > fitness[i]) {
                    /*If the mutant solution is better than the current solution i, replace the solution with the mutant and reset the trial counter of solution i*/
                    trial[i] = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < D; j++)
                        Foods[i][j] = solution[j];
                    f[i] = ObjValSol;
                    fitness[i] = FitnessSol;
                } else {   /*if the solution i can not be improved, increase its trial counter*/
                    trial[i] = trial[i] + 1;
            /*end of employed bee phase*/
        /* A food source is chosen with the probability which is proportioal to its quality*/
        /*Different schemes can be used to calculate the probability values*/
        /*For example prob(i)=fitness(i)/sum(fitness)*/
        /*or in a way used in the metot below prob(i)=a*fitness(i)/max(fitness)+b*/
        /*probability values are calculated by using fitness values and normalized by dividing maximum fitness value*/
        void CalculateProbabilities() {
            int i;
            double maxfit;
            maxfit = fitness[0];
            for (i = 1; i < FoodNumber; i++) {
                if (fitness[i] > maxfit)
                    maxfit = fitness[i];
            for (i = 0; i < FoodNumber; i++) {
                prob[i] = (0.9 * (fitness[i] / maxfit)) + 0.1;
        // just add choose tactic, the center logic is as same as sendEmployedBees
        void SendOnlookerBees() {
            int i, j, t;
            i = 0;
            t = 0;
            /*onlooker Bee Phase*/
            while (t < FoodNumber) {
                r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                if (r < prob[i]) /*choose a food source depending on its probability to be chosen*/ {
                    /*The parameter to be changed is determined randomly*/
                    r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                    param2change = (int) (r * D);
                    /*A randomly chosen solution is used in producing a mutant solution of the solution i*/
                    r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                    neighbour = (int) (r * FoodNumber);
                    /*Randomly selected solution must be different from the solution i*/
                    while (neighbour == i) {
                        //System.out.println(Math.random()*32767+"  "+32767);
                        r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                        neighbour = (int) (r * FoodNumber);
                    for (j = 0; j < D; j++)
                        solution[j] = Foods[i][j];
                    /*v_{ij}=x_{ij}+phi_{ij}*(x_{kj}-x_{ij}) */
                    r = ((double) Math.random() * 32767 / ((double) (32767) + (double) (1)));
                    solution[param2change] = Foods[i][param2change] + (Foods[i][param2change] - Foods[neighbour][param2change]) * (r - 0.5) * 2;
                    /*if generated parameter value is out of boundaries, it is shifted onto the boundaries*/
                    if (solution[param2change] < lb)
                        solution[param2change] = lb;
                    if (solution[param2change] > ub)
                        solution[param2change] = ub;
                    ObjValSol = calculateFunction(solution);
                    FitnessSol = CalculateFitness(ObjValSol);
                    /*a greedy selection is applied between the current solution i and its mutant*/
                    if (FitnessSol > fitness[i]) {
                        /*If the mutant solution is better than the current solution i, replace the solution with the mutant and reset the trial counter of solution i*/
                        trial[i] = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j < D; j++)
                            Foods[i][j] = solution[j];
                        f[i] = ObjValSol;
                        fitness[i] = FitnessSol;
                    } else {   /*if the solution i can not be improved, increase its trial counter*/
                        trial[i] = trial[i] + 1;
                } /*if */
                if (i == FoodNumber)
                    i = 0;
            /*end of onlooker bee phase     */
        /*determine the food sources whose trial counter exceeds the "limit" value. In Basic ABC, only one scout is allowed to occur in each cycle*/
        void SendScoutBees() {
            int maxtrialindex, i;
            maxtrialindex = 0;
            // 遍历当前所有食物源,寻找最大的trail
            for (i = 1; i < FoodNumber; i++) {
                if (trial[i] > trial[maxtrialindex])
                    maxtrialindex = i;
            if (trial[maxtrialindex] >= limit) {
    		// target function for calculate
        double calculateFunction(double sol[]) {
            return Rastrigin(sol);
        double sphere(double sol[]) {
            int j;
            double top = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < D; j++) {
                top = top + sol[j] * sol[j];
            return top;
        double Rosenbrock(double sol[]) {
            int j;
            double top = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < D - 1; j++) {
                top = top + 100 * Math.pow((sol[j + 1] - Math.pow((sol[j]), (double) 2)), (double) 2) + Math.pow((sol[j] - 1), (double) 2);
            return top;
        double Griewank(double sol[]) {
            int j;
            double top1, top2, top;
            top = 0;
            top1 = 0;
            top2 = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < D; j++) {
                top1 = top1 + Math.pow((sol[j]), (double) 2);
                top2 = top2 * Math.cos((((sol[j]) / Math.sqrt((double) (j + 1))) * Math.PI) / 180);
            top = (1 / (double) 4000) * top1 - top2 + 1;
            return top;
        double Rastrigin(double sol[]) {
            int j;
            double top = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < D; j++) {
                top = top + (Math.pow(sol[j], (double) 2) - 10 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * sol[j]) + 10);
            return top;


    [1] https://abc.erciyes.edu.tr/
    [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_functions_for_optimization
    [3] https://www.pianshen.com/article/729179041/
    [4] https://www.jianshu.com/p/ebd436d27cf8

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zzzz76/p/14855283.html
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