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  • netapi32的一些利用方式

    添加用户并且把用户加到管理员组的cpp文件 调用了netapi32

    #ifndef UNICODE
    #define UNICODE
    #pragma comment(lib, "netapi32.lib")
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <windows.h> 
    #include <lm.h>
    int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
        USER_INFO_1 ui;
        DWORD dwLevel = 1;
        DWORD dwError = 0;
        NET_API_STATUS nStatus;
        if (argc != 3)
            fwprintf(stderr, L"Usage: %s \\ users
    ", argv[0]);
        // Set up the USER_INFO_1 structure.
        //  USER_PRIV_USER: name identifies a user, 
        //    rather than an administrator or a guest.
        //  UF_SCRIPT: required 
        ui.usri1_name = argv[2];
        ui.usri1_password = argv[2];
        ui.usri1_priv = USER_PRIV_USER;
        ui.usri1_home_dir = NULL;
        ui.usri1_comment = NULL;
        ui.usri1_flags = UF_SCRIPT;
        ui.usri1_script_path = NULL;
        // Call the NetUserAdd function, specifying level 1.
        nStatus = NetUserAdd(argv[1],
        LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_3 account;
        account.lgrmi3_domainandname = ui.usri1_name;
        NetLocalGroupAddMembers(NULL, L"Administrators", 3, (LPBYTE)&account, 1);
        // If the call succeeds, inform the user.
        if (nStatus == NERR_Success)
            fwprintf(stderr, L"Add success%s %s
                argv[2], argv[1]);
        // Otherwise, print the system error.
            fprintf(stderr, "error : %d
    ", nStatus);
        return 0;


    // WindowsAPIReuser.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
    #ifndef UNICODE
    #define UNICODE
    #pragma comment(lib, "netapi32.lib")
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <Ntsecapi.h>
    #include <ntstatus.h>
    #include <LM.h>
    #include <winnt.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    static int get_all_local_users()
    	NET_API_STATUS status;
    	USER_INFO_0* buffer = NULL;
    	DWORD preffered_max_len = MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH;
    	DWORD entries_read = 0;
    	DWORD total_entries = 0;
    	DWORD resume_handle = 0;
    	status = NetUserEnum(L"\\", 0, 0, (LPBYTE*)&buffer, preffered_max_len, &entries_read, &total_entries, &resume_handle);
    	if (status != NERR_Success) {
    		fwprintf(stderr, L"False");
    		return 1;
    	for (DWORD i = 0; i < entries_read; i++) {
    		WCHAR* user_name = buffer[i].usri0_name;
    		fwprintf(stderr, user_name);
    	return 0;
    int main()
    	return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/-zhong/p/14513761.html
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