sql语句 关键字等
--打开IO统计 set statistics io on --打开时间统计 set statistics time on select * from Product where[name] like 'p%' --关闭IO统计 set statistics io off --关闭时间统计 set statistics time off dbcc loginfo--查看日志信息 --非聚集索引覆盖 create nonclustered index test_coverage_soh on xxx(customerid,adressid) --include的魔力 前边俩个是有序的后边total无序的 create nonclustered index test_coverage_soh on xxx(customerid,adressid) include (total) --非聚集索引的交叉 --非聚集索引的交叉看以看作是覆盖索引的扩展! create nonclustered index test_coverage_soh on xxx(customerid) create nonclustered index test_coverage_soh on xxx(adressid) select * from xxx where customerid=? and adressid=? --非聚集索引的连接 --非聚集索引的连接实际上是非聚集索引的交叉的一种特例。使得多个非聚集索引交叉后可以覆盖所要查询的数据,从而使得从减少查询基本表变成了完全不用查询基本表: create nonclustered index test_coverage_soh on xxx(customerid) create nonclustered index test_coverage_soh on xxx(adressid) select customerid,adressid from xxx where customerid=? and adressid=? --非聚集索引的过滤 --很多时候,我们并不需要将基本表中索引列的所有数据全部索引,比如说含有NULL的值不希望被索引,或者根据具体的业务场景,有一些数据我们不想索引 create nonclustered index test_coverage_soh on xxx(customerid,ordernumber) where ordernumber is not null select customerid,ordernumber from xxx where ordernumber is not null
再说说 count() 的写法,不管是 count(0),count(1),还是count(*)的差异,实践才是硬道理,不要浮于理论。
select rows from sysindexes
where indid in(0,1) and id = object_id('你的表名称')
select rows from sys.partitions
where index_id in(0,1) and object_id = object_id('你的表名称')