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  • Applied Spatiotemporal Data Mining应用时空数据挖掘

    Course description
    With the continuing advances of geographic information science and geospatial
    technologies, spatially referenced information have been easily and increasingly
    available in the past decades and becoming important information sources in
    scientific research and decision making processes. To effectively take advantage
    of the rich collection of spatial (and temporal) data, statistical analysis is
    often necessary, e.g., to extract implicit knowledge such as spatial relations and
    patterns that are not explicit in the data. Spatial data analysis distinguishes
    itself from classical data analysis in that spatial analysis focuses on locations,
    areas, distances, relationships and interactions of measurements that are usually
    referenced as points, lines, and areal units in geographical spaces. In the
    past decades, a plethora of theory, methods and tools of spatial analysis have
    been developed from different perspectives, and converged as fruitful fields of
    geographic information science (GIScience) and spatial statistics.
    The purpose of this class is to present the commonly used methods and current
    trends in spatial and spatiotemporal data analysis, and innovative applications
    in relevant fields (e.g., environmental science and engineering, natural resources
    management, ecology, public health, climate sciences, civil engineering, and social
    sciences). In this class, we will review the basic principles in spatiotemporal
    analysis and modeling, and discuss commonly used methods and tools. Students
    are expected to actively participate in class lecture, complete lab assignments,
    read assigned articles and develop a project of their own choice or directly related
    to their thesis/dissertation topics. The following topics will be covered in the
    class, but can be adjustable to meet the students’ interests:
    • Exploratory spatial data analysis
    • Space-time geostatistics
    • Spatial point process and species distribution modeling
    • Spatiotemporal disease mapping
    • Time series map analysis and change detection
    Prerequisites of this course includes an understanding of basic concepts of spatial
    analysis and statistics, which could be fulfilled with basic statistics courses or
    graduate level of GIS course. Students from different disciplines are welcome,
    please contact the instructor should there any question about the prerequisites.
    Learning outcomes
    After completing this course, the students of this class are expected to be able
    • formulate real-world problems in the context of spatial and spatiotemporal
    analysis with a knowledge of basic concepts and principles in this field;
    • understand commonly used concepts and methods in statistical analysis of
    spatiotemporal data;
    • apply appropriate spatial and spatiotemporal analytical methods to solve
    the formulated problems, and be able to critically review alternative
    • utilize programmable scientific computing tools (e.g., R) to make maps,
    solve spatial and spatiotemporal analysis problems, and evaluate and assess
    the results of alternative methods;
    • A reading list of articles will be provided. The following books will be
    frequently referred to for reading:
    Bivand Roger S., Pebesma, Edzer J., and Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio
    (2008), Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R, Springer (eBook available at TTU library).
    Cressie, N., & Wikle, C. K. (2011). Statistics for Spatio-temporal
    Data. John Wiley & Sons.
    Sample course outline
    Day Sample topics Readings Hours
    1 Class overview and introduction Handouts 3
    2 Point pattern analysis Ch.7 BPG 3
    3 Species distribution modeling Handouts 3
    4 Space-time geostatistics Ch.8 BPG 3
    5 Spatiotemporal regression Ch.9,10 BPG 3
    6 Time series map analysis Handouts 3
    7 Discussion and student presentation 5

    Background of Instructor
    Dr. Guofeng Cao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences
    at Texas Tech University. His research interests include geographic information
    science and systems (GIS), cyberGIS and spatiotemporal statistics, with a
    primary focus on statistical learning of complex spatial and spatiotemporal
    patterns across different domains. His research has been supported by different
    funding agency. He has published 45 peer-reviewed papers including 30 journal
    articles. He received a B.S. in Earth Science from Zhejiang University, an M.S. in
    GIS from Chinese Academy of Science, and a M.A. in Statistics and a Ph.D. in
    Geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He also had several
    years of industrial experiences before moving back to academia.


    title: "Day 1: Use R as GIS"
    output: github_document

    ```{r global_options, results='asis', warning=FALSE}
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=12, fig.height=8, fig.path='Figs/', warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

    ```{r load, echo=F, eval=T}
    x <- c("sp", "rgdal", "rgeos", "maptools", "classInt", "RColorBrewer", "GISTools", "maps", "raster", "ggmap")
    #install.packages(x) # warning: this may take a number of minutes
    lapply(x, library, character.only = TRUE) #load the required packages

    # Spatial Objects

    | | Without attributes | With attributes |
    | ----- | ------------------ | -------------- |
    |Points | SpatialPoints | SpatialPointsDataFrame|
    |Lines | SpatialLines | SpatialLinesDataFrame|
    |Polygons | SpatialPolygons | SpatialPolygonsDataFrame|
    |Raster | SpatialGrid | SpatialGridDataFrame|
    |Raster | SpatialPixels | SpatialPixelsDataFrame|

    ```{r load_library1, echo=T, eval=T}
    LubbockBlock<-readShapePoly("Data/LubbockBlockNew.shp") #read polygon shapefile
    HouseLocation<-read.csv("Data/HouseLatLon.csv") #read GPS data
    coordinates(HouseLocation)<-c('Lon', 'Lat')

    tmin <- getData("worldclim", var = "tmin", res = 10) # this will download

    ```{r load_library2, echo=T, eval=T}
    LubbockBlock<-readOGR("./Data", "LubbockBlockNew") #read polygon shapefile

    # Mapping with R

    ## Basic Mapping

    ```{r mapping, echo=T, eval=T}
    LubbockBlock<-readShapePoly("Data/LubbockBlockNew.shp") #read polygon shapefile
    plot(LubbockBlock,axes=TRUE, col=alpha("gray70", 0.6)) #plot Lubbock block shapefile
    #add title, scalebar, north arrow, and legend
    HouseLocation<-read.csv("Data/HouseLatLon.csv") #read GPS data
    priceclr<-brewer.pal(nclr, "Reds")
    class<-classIntervals(price, nclr, style="quantile")
    clocode<-findColours(class, priceclr)

    points(HouseLocation$Lon, HouseLocation$Lat, pch=19, col=clocode, cex=0.5) #add houses on top of Lubbock block shapefile
    title(main="Houses on Sale in Lubbock, 2014")

    legend(-101.95, 33.65, legend=names(attr(clocode, "table")), fill =attr(clocode, "palette"), cex=0.5, bty="n")
    #map.scale(x=-101.85, y=33.49,0.001,"Miles",4,0.5,sfcol='red')
    north.arrow(xb=-101.95, yb=33.65, len=0.005, lab="N")

    #plot raster
    #plot raster stack
    tmin <- getData("worldclim", var = "tmin", res = 10) # this will download

    ## Mapping with static Google Maps

    ```{R mapping2, echo=F, eval=F}

    newmap <- GetMap(center = c(lubbock$lat, lubbock$lon), zoom = 12, destfile = "newmap.png", maptype = "roadmap")

    PlotOnStaticMap(newmap, lat=HouseLocation$Lat, lon=HouseLocation$Lon, col='red')
    lubbock<-SpatialPolygons(LubbockBlock@polygons, proj4string=CRS("+init=EPSG:4326"))
    PlotPolysOnStaticMap(newmap, lubbock, col=alpha('blue', 0.2))

    ## Mapping with dynamic Google Maps

    ```{R mapping3, echo=F, eval=F}

    proj4string(meuse) = CRS('+init=epsg:28992')
    plotGoogleMaps(meuse, filename='meuse.html')

    HouseLocation<-read.csv("Data/HouseLatLon.csv") #read GPS data
    coordinates(HouseLocation)<-c('Lon', 'Lat')
    plotGoogleMaps(HouseLocation, filename='house.html')

    ic = iconlabels(meuse$zinc, height=12)
    plotGoogleMaps(meuse, iconMarker=ic, mapTypeId='ROADMAP', filename='meuse2.html')

    #plot raster
    coordinates(meuse.grid)<-c('x', 'y')
    meuse.grid<-as(meuse.grid, 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame')
    proj4string(meuse.grid) <- CRS('+init=epsg:28992')
    mapMeuseCl<- plotGoogleMaps(meuse.grid,zcol= 'dist',at=seq(0,0.9,0.1),colPalette= brewer.pal(9,"Reds"), filename='meuse3.html')

    #plot polygons
    m<-plotGoogleMaps(LubbockBlock,zcol="Pop2010",filename= 'MyMap6.htm' , mapTypeId= ' TERRAIN ' ,colPalette= brewer.pal(7,"Reds"), strokeColor="white")

    #plot line
    meuse.grid<-as(meuse.grid, 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame')
    im<-as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(meuse.grid[ 'dist' ])
    proj4string(cl) <- CRS( '+init=epsg:28992')
    mapMeuseCl<- plotGoogleMaps(cl,zcol= 'level' ,strokeWeight=1:9, filename= 'myMap6.htm',mapTypeId= 'ROADMAP')


    ## Changing map projections

    ```{r projection, eval=T }

    #project a vector

    proj4string(boudary) <-CRS("+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
    boudaryProj<-spTransform(boudary, CRS("+init=epsg:3857"))

    #project a raster
    aea <- CRS("+init=ESRI:102003") #Albert equal area
    projCropland=projectRaster(cropland, crs=aea)

    # Spatial analysis with R

    ```{r load_library4, echo=F, eval=T}

    #subsetting a spatial dataframe
    LubbockBlock<-readOGR("./Data", "LubbockBlockNew") #read polygon shapefile

    selection = LubbockBlock[LubbockBlock$Pop2010>500,]

    #select by clicking
    selected = click(LubbockBlock)

    extent = drawExtent()


    # performace erase
    plot(erase(selection, extent))

    poly = drawPoly()
    proj4string(poly) = proj4string(LubbockBlock)

    # performe clip
    cropselection = crop(LubbockBlock,poly)

    ## vector analysis (overlay)

    ```{r vector, echo=T, eval=T }
    #project a vector

    # Datasets
    # * CSV table of (fictionalized) brown bear sightings in Alaska, each
    # containing an arbitrary ID and spatial location specified as a
    # lat-lon coordinate pair.
    # * Polygon shapefile containing the boundaries of US National Parks
    # greater than 100,000 acres in size.

    bears <- read.csv("Data/bear-sightings.csv")
    coordinates(bears) <- c("longitude", "latitude")

    # read in National Parks polygons
    parks <- readOGR("Data", "10m_us_parks_area")

    # tell R that bear coordinates are in the same lat/lon reference system as the parks data
    proj4string(bears) <- proj4string(parks)

    # combine is.na() with over() to do the containment test; note that we
    # need to "demote" parks to a SpatialPolygons object first
    inside.park <- !is.na(over(bears, as(parks, "SpatialPolygons")))

    # calculate what fraction of sightings were inside a park
    ## [1] 0.1720648

    # determine which park contains each sighting and store the park name as an attribute of the bears data
    bears$park <- over(bears, parks)$Unit_Name

    # draw a map big enough to encompass all points, then add in park boundaries superimposed upon a map of the United States
    map("world", region="usa", add=TRUE)
    plot(parks, border="green", add=TRUE)
    legend("topright", cex=0.85, c("Bear in park", "Bear not in park", "Park boundary"), pch=c(16, 1, NA), lty=c(NA, NA, 1), col=c("red", "grey", "green"), bty="n")
    title(expression(paste(italic("Ursus arctos"), " sightings with respect to national parks")))

    # plot bear points with separate colors inside and outside of parks
    points(bears[!inside.park, ], pch=1, col="gray")
    points(bears[inside.park, ], pch=16, col="red")

    # write the augmented bears dataset to CSV
    write.csv(bears, "bears-by-park.csv", row.names=FALSE)

    # ...or create a shapefile from the points
    writeOGR(bears, ".", "bears-by-park", driver="ESRI Shapefile")

    ## Raster analysis

    ```{r raster, eval=T, echo=T}

    tmin=getData('worldclim', var='tmin', res=10)

    # Raster calculator
    diff=tmin$tmin1 - tmin$tmin10

    ## the following code is faster for large datasets.
    overlay(tmin$tmin1, tmin$tmin10, fun=function(x,y){return (x-y)})

    elevation <- getData("alt", country = "ESP")
    slope <- terrain(elevation, opt = "slope")
    aspect <- terrain(elevation, opt = "aspect")
    hill <- hillShade(slope, aspect, 40, 270)
    plot(hill, col = grey(0:100/100), legend = FALSE, main = "Spain")
    plot(elevation, col = rainbow(25, alpha = 0.35), add = TRUE)



    ```{r raster2, eval=F, echo=T}
    #crop raster
    plot(hill, col = grey(0:100/100), legend = FALSE, main = "Spain")
    plot(elevation, col = rainbow(25, alpha = 0.35), add = TRUE)
    cropElev <- crop(elevation, extent)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/2008nmj/p/11831964.html
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