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  • ERROR installing/upgrading ArcSDE, Error = -549

    [To create an SDE schema geodatabase, revoke database owner from the SDE login.]
    See the setup log in the following location for additional error information:
    Could not create geodatabase tables and stored procedures.
    Failed to execute (CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase).



    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:54 2021] 
    ST_Geometry is not installed.[Wed Aug 04 11:37:54 2021] Instance initialized for ((sde)) . . .
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:54 2021] VERSION table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:54 2021] SPATIAL_REFERENCES table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:54 2021] SPATIAL_REFERENCES table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:54 2021] GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] LAYERS table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] LAYERS table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] METADATA table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] METADATA table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] RASTER_COLUMNS table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] RASTER_COLUMNS table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] TABLE_REGISTRY table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] TABLE_REGISTRY table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] COLUMN_REGISTRY table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] COLUMN_REGISTRY table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] STATES table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] STATES table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] VERSIONS table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] VERSIONS table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] MVTABLES_MODIFIED table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] MVTABLES_MODIFIED table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:55 2021] STATE_LINEAGES table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:56 2021] STATE_LINEAGES table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:56 2021] LOCATORS table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:56 2021] LOCATORS table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:56 2021] XML tables being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] XML tables created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] Instances tables being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] Instances tables created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] ARCHIVES table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] ARCHIVES table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] LAYER_STATS table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] LAYER_STATS table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] LOGFILE_POOL tables being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] SQL Stmt: <UPDATE  SDE.SERVER_CONFIG set num_prop_value = 0 WHERE prop_name='MINSTANDALONELOGS' >
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] SQL Stmt: <UPDATE  SDE.SERVER_CONFIG set num_prop_value = 0 WHERE prop_name='MAXSTANDALONELOGS' >
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] SQL Stmt: <UPDATE  SDE.SERVER_CONFIG set num_prop_value = 0 WHERE prop_name='LOGFILEPOOLSIZE' >
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] SQL Stmt: <UPDATE  SDE.SERVER_CONFIG set num_prop_value = 0 WHERE prop_name='ALLOWSESSIONLOGFILE' >
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] LOGFILE_POOL tables created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] DBTUNE table being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] DBTUNE table created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] SERVER_CONFIG tables being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] SERVER_CONFIG tables created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:57 2021] SDENUMTAB type being created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:58 2021] SDENUMTAB type created...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:37:59 2021] DBMS stored procedures being created or updated...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:04 2021] DBMS stored procedures created or updated...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:05 2021] 
    Successfully installed ArcSde.
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:07 2021] 
    ST_Geometry is not installed.[Wed Aug 04 11:38:07 2021] Instance initialized for ((sde)) . . .
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:08 2021] St_Geometry type being installed or updated...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:09 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM ALL_ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:09 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM USER_ST_GEOM_INDEX>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Contains FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Within FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Intersects FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Overlaps FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Touches FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Crosses FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Orderingequals FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_Equals FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_AsText FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_AsBinary FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_GeomFromWkb FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_PointFromWkb FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_LineFromWkb FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_PolyFromWkb FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MPointFromWkb FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MLineFromWkb FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MPolyFromWkb FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Boundary FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_CoordDim FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Dimension FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Envelope FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Geometry FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Is3D FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_IsMeasured FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_IsClosed FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_IsEmpty FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_IsRing FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_IsSimple FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Area FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Buffer FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Relate FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Centroid FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_ConvexHull FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_StartPoint FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_EndPoint FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_PointOnSurface FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_ExteriorRing FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_InteriorRingN FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_NumInteriorRing FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_NumGeometries FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_GeometryN FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_GeometryType FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Difference FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Union FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_SymmetricDiff FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_PointN FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Intersection FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Transform FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Entity FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Numpoints FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MinX FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MaxX FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MinY FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MaxY FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MinZ FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MaxZ FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MinM FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_MaxM FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Length FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Srid FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_X FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Y FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Z FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_M FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Distance FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Disjoint FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:20 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR SDE.ST_Verify FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:21 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM ST_EnvIntersects>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:21 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP OPERATOR ST_EnvIntersects FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:21 2021] SQL Stmt: <DROP INDEXTYPE SDE.ST_SPATIAL_INDEX FORCE>
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:28 2021] St_Geometry type created or updated...
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:32 2021] Successfully created  GDB_Tables_Last_Modified table... 
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:36 2021] Successfully created  GDB_Items table... 
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:37 2021] Successfully created  GDB_ItemRelationships table... 
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:37 2021] Successfully created  GDB_ItemTypes table... 
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:37 2021] Successfully created  GDB_ItemRelationshipTypes table... 
    [Wed Aug 04 11:38:37 2021] Successfully created  GDB_ReplicaLog table... 
    [Mon Aug 09 14:18:49 2021] ERROR installing/upgrading ArcSDE, Error = -549





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