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  • peewee Field的创建

    tweets = (Tweet .select(Tweet, User) .join(User) .order_by(Tweet.created_date.desc())) for tweet in tweets: print(tweet.user.username, tweet.message)

    tweets = Tweet.select().order_by(Tweet.created_date.desc())
    for tweet in tweets:
        # WARNING: an additional query will be issued for EACH tweet
        # to fetch the associated User data.
        print(tweet.user.username, tweet.message)
    class Message(Model):
        from_user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='outbox')
        to_user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='inbox')
        text = TextField()
    for message in some_user.outbox:
        # We are iterating over all Messages whose from_user is some_user.
    for message in some_user.inbox:
        # We are iterating over all Messages whose to_user is some_user


    DateField has properties for: year month day TimeField has properties for: hour minute second DateTimeField has all of the above.

    # Get the current time.
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Get days that have events for the current month.
        (Event.event_date.year == now.year) &
        (Event.event_date.month == now.month))

    class Post(Model):
        content i= TextField()
        flags = BitField()
        is_favorite = flags.flag(1)
        is_sticky = flags.flag(2)
        is_minimized = flags.flag(4)
        is_deleted = flags.flag(8)
    >>> p = Post()
    >>> p.is_sticky = True
    >>> p.is_minimized = True
    >>> print(p.flags)  # Prints 4 | 2 --> "6"
    >>> p.is_favorite
    >>> p.is_sticky
    # Generates a WHERE clause that looks like:
    # WHERE (post.flags & 1 != 0)
    favorites = Post.select().where(Post.is_favorite)
    # Query for sticky + favorite posts:
    sticky_faves = Post.select().where(Post.is_sticky & Post.is_favorite)
    class Bitmap(Model):
        data = BigBitField()
    bitmap = Bitmap()
    # Sets the ith bit, e.g. the 1st bit, the 11th bit, the 63rd, etc.
    bits_to_set = (1, 11, 63, 31, 55, 48, 100, 99)
    for bit_idx in bits_to_set:
    # We can test whether a bit is set using "is_set":
    assert bitmap.data.is_set(11)
    assert not bitmap.data.is_set(12)


    from peewee import *
    contacts_db = SqliteDatabase('contacts.db')
    class Person(Model):
        name = CharField()
        class Meta:
            database = contacts_db
    >>> Person._meta.fields
    {'id': <peewee.PrimaryKeyField object at 0x7f51a2e92750>,
     'name': <peewee.CharField object at 0x7f51a2f0a510>}
    >>> Person._meta.primary_key
    <peewee.PrimaryKeyField object at 0x7f51a2e92750>
    >>> Person._meta.database
    <peewee.SqliteDatabase object at 0x7f519bff6dd0>
    database          database for model    yes
    table_name        name of the table to store data    no
    table_function    function to generate table name dynamically    yes
    indexes    a list of fields to index    yes
    primary_key    a CompositeKey instance    yes
    constraints    a list of table constraints    yes
    schema    the database schema for the model    yes
    only_save_dirty    when calling model.save(), only save dirty fields    yes
    options    dictionary of options for create table extensions    yes
    table_settings    list of setting strings to go after close parentheses    yes
    temporary    indicate temporary table    yes
    legacy_table_names    use legacy table name generation (enabled by default)    yes
    table_alias    an alias to use for the table in queries    no
    depends_on    indicate this table depends on another for creation    no
    without_rowid    indicate table should not have rowid (SQLite only)    no
    class BlogToTag(Model):
        """A simple "through" table for many-to-many relationship."""
        blog = ForeignKeyField(Blog)
        tag = ForeignKeyField(Tag)
        class Meta:
            primary_key = CompositeKey('blog', 'tag')


    class Product(Model):
        name = CharField(unique=True)
        price = DecimalField(constraints=[Check('price < 10000')])
        created = DateTimeField(
            constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT (datetime('now'))")])


    class Transaction(Model):
        from_acct = CharField()
        to_acct = CharField()
        amount = DecimalField()
        date = DateTimeField()
        class Meta:
            indexes = (
                # create a unique on from/to/date    #是否建立唯一索引
                (('from_acct', 'to_acct', 'date'), True),
                # create a non-unique on from/to    #该列数据每一个是否唯一
                (('from_acct', 'to_acct'), False),


    class Category(Model):
        name = CharField()
        parent = ForeignKeyField('self', null=True, backref='children')

    Parent = Category.alias()
    GrandParent = Category.alias()
    query = (Category
             .select(Category, Parent)
             .join(Parent, on=(Category.parent == Parent.id))
             .join(GrandParent, on=(Parent.parent == GrandParent.id))
             .where(GrandParent.name == 'some category')


    class User(Model):
        username = CharField()
        # Tweet has not been defined yet so use the deferred reference.
        favorite_tweet = DeferredForeignKey('Tweet', null=True)
    class Tweet(Model):
        message = TextField()
        user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='tweets')
    # Now that Tweet is defined, "favorite_tweet" has been converted into
    # a ForeignKeyField.
    # <ForeignKeyField: "user"."favorite_tweet">
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/52forjie/p/9873216.html
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