Topic: what is better to buy VVDI MB BGA Tool or Abrites MB?
Vote VVDI MB Tool and reviews:
- vvdi mb get that, I have both and abtires times to get key password is horrible.
- I have AVDI, but sometimes VVDI has better working times on pulling out the password from the car. But sometimes VVDI has advantages, sometimes not. I know, that VVDI works with tokens, but when you use VVDI Benz keys, you get some tokens for that too, and don’t 4get, that there is some free calculations/day too and a token free version for a handfull of money.
From the other hand AVDI makes everything 4 free, but you have to pay AMS yearly just to be able to use the whole thing.
The wise ones have both of ’em + CGDI Benz, just to b able to make the fastest choice.For Example: S-Class 2015, W222, akl. Abritas counting Time was nearly 26-30 hours. VVDI foretold 4-5 hours.
PS: W222 2015 on fbs3 .In the cars papers was 2015, didn’t checked the windows for date.
- Buy VVDI with an xhorse key cutter then token free 1 a day
-assume offer still available.
Vote Abrites MB and reviews:
- Abrites is a good tool but will cost you every time you need to update with VVDI free updates they both does the same job.
- If your work involves more than key jobs AVDI is more of a complete tool specially if you learn to use properly.