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    typedef struct _EPROCESS {
    // Lock used to protect:
    // The list of threads in the process.
    // Process token.
    // Win32 process field.
    // Process and thread affinity setting.
    EX_PUSH_LOCK ProcessLock;
    LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime;
    // Structure to allow lock free cross process access to the process
    // handle table, process section and address space. Acquire rundown
    // protection with this if you do cross process handle table, process
    // section or address space references.
    EX_RUNDOWN_REF RundownProtect;
    HANDLE UniqueProcessId;
    // Global list of all processes in the system. Processes are removed
    // from this list in the object deletion routine. References to
    // processes in this list must be done with ObReferenceObjectSafe
    // because of this.
    LIST_ENTRY ActiveProcessLinks;
    // Quota Fields.
    SIZE_T QuotaUsage[PsQuotaTypes];
    SIZE_T QuotaPeak[PsQuotaTypes];
    SIZE_T CommitCharge;
    // VmCounters.
    SIZE_T PeakVirtualSize;
    SIZE_T VirtualSize;
    LIST_ENTRY SessionProcessLinks;
    PVOID DebugPort;
    PVOID ExceptionPort;
    PHANDLE_TABLE ObjectTable;
    // Security.
    EX_FAST_REF Token;
    PFN_NUMBER WorkingSetPage;
    KGUARDED_MUTEX AddressCreationLock;
    KSPIN_LOCK HyperSpaceLock;
    struct _ETHREAD *ForkInProgress;
    ULONG_PTR HardwareTrigger;
    PMM_AVL_TABLE PhysicalVadRoot;
    PVOID CloneRoot;
    PFN_NUMBER NumberOfPrivatePages;
    PFN_NUMBER NumberOfLockedPages;
    PVOID Win32Process;
    struct _EJOB *Job;
    PVOID SectionObject;
    PVOID SectionBaseAddress;
    HANDLE Win32WindowStation;
    HANDLE InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
    PVOID LdtInformation;
    PVOID VadFreeHint;
    PVOID VdmObjects;
    PVOID DeviceMap;
    PVOID Spare0[3];
    union {
    HARDWARE_PTE PageDirectoryPte;
    ULONGLONG Filler;
    PVOID Session;
    UCHAR ImageFileName[ 16 ];
    LIST_ENTRY JobLinks;
    PVOID LockedPagesList;
    LIST_ENTRY ThreadListHead;
    // Used by rdr/security for authentication.
    PVOID SecurityPort;
    #ifdef _WIN64
    PWOW64_PROCESS Wow64Process;
    PVOID PaeTop;
    ULONG ActiveThreads;
    ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;
    ULONG DefaultHardErrorProcessing;
    NTSTATUS LastThreadExitStatus;
    // Peb
    PPEB Peb;
    // Pointer to the prefetches trace block.
    EX_FAST_REF PrefetchTrace;
    LARGE_INTEGER ReadOperationCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER WriteOperationCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER OtherOperationCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER ReadTransferCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER WriteTransferCount;
    LARGE_INTEGER OtherTransferCount;
    SIZE_T CommitChargeLimit;
    SIZE_T CommitChargePeak;
    PVOID AweInfo;
    // This is used for SeAuditProcessCreation.
    // It contains the full path to the image file.
    SE_AUDIT_PROCESS_CREATION_INFO SeAuditProcessCreationInfo;
    #if !defined(_WIN64)
    LIST_ENTRY MmProcessLinks;
    ULONG Spares[2];
    ULONG ModifiedPageCount;
    #define PS_JOB_STATUS_NOT_REALLY_ACTIVE 0x00000001UL
    ULONG JobStatus;
    // Process flags. Use interlocked operations with PS_SET_BITS, etc
    // to modify these.
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_CREATE_REPORTED 0x00000001UL // Create process debug call has occurred
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_NO_DEBUG_INHERIT 0x00000002UL // Don't inherit debug port
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_PROCESS_EXITING 0x00000004UL // PspExitProcess entered
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_PROCESS_DELETE 0x00000008UL // Delete process has been issued
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_WOW64_SPLIT_PAGES 0x00000010UL // Wow64 split pages
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_VM_DELETED 0x00000020UL // VM is deleted
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_OUTSWAP_ENABLED 0x00000040UL // Outswap enabled
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_OUTSWAPPED 0x00000080UL // Outswapped
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_FORK_FAILED 0x00000100UL // Fork status
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_WOW64_4GB_VA_SPACE 0x00000200UL // Wow64 process with 4gb virtual address space
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_ADDRESS_SPACE1 0x00000400UL // Addr space state1
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_ADDRESS_SPACE2 0x00000800UL // Addr space state2
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_SET_TIMER_RESOLUTION 0x00001000UL // SetTimerResolution has been called
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_BREAK_ON_TERMINATION 0x00002000UL // Break on process termination
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_CREATING_SESSION 0x00004000UL // Process is creating a session
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_USING_WRITE_WATCH 0x00008000UL // Process is using the write watch APIs
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_IN_SESSION 0x00010000UL // Process is in a session
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE_ADDRESS_SPACE 0x00020000UL // Process must use native address space (Win64 only)
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_HAS_ADDRESS_SPACE 0x00040000UL // This process has an address space
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_LAUNCH_PREFETCHED 0x00080000UL // Process launch was prefetched
    #define PS_PROCESS_INJECT_INPAGE_ERRORS 0x00100000UL // Process should be given inpage errors - hardcoded in trap.asm too
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_VM_TOP_DOWN 0x00200000UL // Process memory allocations default to top-down
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_IMAGE_NOTIFY_DONE 0x00400000UL // We have sent a message for this image
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_PDE_UPDATE_NEEDED 0x00800000UL // The system PDEs need updating for this process (NT32 only)
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_VDM_ALLOWED 0x01000000UL // Process allowed to invoke NTVDM support
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_SMAP_ALLOWED 0x02000000UL // Process allowed to invoke SMAP support
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_CREATE_FAILED 0x04000000UL // Process create failed
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_DEFAULT_IO_PRIORITY 0x38000000UL // The default I/O priority for created threads. (3 bits)
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_EXECUTE_SPARE1 0x40000000UL //
    #define PS_PROCESS_FLAGS_EXECUTE_SPARE2 0x80000000UL //
    union {
    ULONG Flags;
    // Fields can only be set by the PS_SET_BITS and other interlocked
    // macros. Reading fields is best done via the bit definitions so
    // references are easy to locate.
    struct {
    ULONG CreateReported : 1;
    ULONG NoDebugInherit : 1;
    ULONG ProcessExiting : 1;
    ULONG ProcessDelete : 1;
    ULONG Wow64SplitPages : 1;
    ULONG VmDeleted : 1;
    ULONG OutswapEnabled : 1;
    ULONG Outswapped : 1;
    ULONG ForkFailed : 1;
    ULONG Wow64VaSpace4Gb : 1;
    ULONG AddressSpaceInitialized : 2;
    ULONG SetTimerResolution : 1;
    ULONG BreakOnTermination : 1;
    ULONG SessionCreationUnderway : 1;
    ULONG WriteWatch : 1;
    ULONG ProcessInSession : 1;
    ULONG OverrideAddressSpace : 1;
    ULONG HasAddressSpace : 1;
    ULONG LaunchPrefetched : 1;
    ULONG InjectInpageErrors : 1;
    ULONG VmTopDown : 1;
    ULONG ImageNotifyDone : 1;
    ULONG PdeUpdateNeeded : 1; // NT32 only
    ULONG VdmAllowed : 1;
    ULONG SmapAllowed : 1;
    ULONG CreateFailed : 1;
    ULONG DefaultIoPriority : 3;
    ULONG Spare1 : 1;
    ULONG Spare2 : 1;
    NTSTATUS ExitStatus;
    USHORT NextPageColor;
    union {
    struct {
    UCHAR SubSystemMinorVersion;
    UCHAR SubSystemMajorVersion;
    USHORT SubSystemVersion;
    UCHAR PriorityClass;
    MM_AVL_TABLE VadRoot;
    ULONG Cookie;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DeeLMind/p/7249111.html
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