DECLARE @PageSiz INT, @CurPage INT
SET @PageSiz = 10
SET @CurPage = 28
select top (@PageSiz) * from JS_ARTICLE
where [GUID] not in(
select top ((@CurPage-1)*@PageSiz) [GUID] from JS_ARTICLE where ArticleID not in (33,36,39) and ClassId='7f57a331-1e17-46ef-aaea-a6c0d1f0f0c7' order by ArticleID,[GUID])
and ArticleID not in (33,36,39) and ClassId='7f57a331-1e17-46ef-aaea-a6c0d1f0f0c7' order by ArticleID,[GUID]
SET @PageSiz = 10
SET @CurPage = 28
select top (@PageSiz) * from JS_ARTICLE
where [GUID] not in(
select top ((@CurPage-1)*@PageSiz) [GUID] from JS_ARTICLE where ArticleID not in (33,36,39) and ClassId='7f57a331-1e17-46ef-aaea-a6c0d1f0f0c7' order by ArticleID,[GUID])
and ArticleID not in (33,36,39) and ClassId='7f57a331-1e17-46ef-aaea-a6c0d1f0f0c7' order by ArticleID,[GUID]