Chord Algorithm is used to search the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) in a Peer-to-Peer Network, where a peer only remembers the addresses of a few companions but can get access to any peer who is responsible for a given key. This demo program is largely based on such thinking although there may be some modifications and simplifications.
Moreover, in this program I used Java UDP sockets to simulate a simple reliable data transfer protocol, which can deal with bit error, packet error and packet loss. A message is encapsulated with a SEQ number, an ACK number and a CRC checksum. To simplify the application layer programming, I provide a Client class and a Server class with some convenient APIs. A Server should always listen and answer alternatively, and can be informed or inquired by calling a Client method.
all: ./bin/Chord.class ./bin/Peer.class ./bin/Chord.class: ./src/ ./src/ javac -classpath ./bin/ -d ./bin/ ./src/ ./bin/Peer.class: ./src/ javac -d ./bin/ ./src/ clean: rm ./bin/*.class
1 import java.util.concurrent.*; 2 import java.util.*; 3 import*; 4 5 6 public class Chord extends Thread { 7 private static int num; 8 private static Process[] p; 9 private static Chord[] t; 10 private static int[] port; 11 private BufferedReader in; 12 private PrintWriter out; 13 14 public Chord(Process proc) { 15 in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); 16 out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(proc.getOutputStream())); 17 start(); 18 } 19 public void run() { 20 try { 21 out.println(num); 22 for (int i=0;i<num;i++) { 23 out.println(port[i]); 24 } 25 out.close(); 26 String str = null; 27 while (true) { 28 str = in.readLine(); 29 if (str.charAt(0)!='#') { 30 System.out.println(str); 31 } else { 32 break; 33 } 34 } 35 in.close(); 36 } catch (Exception e) { 37 e.printStackTrace(); 38 } 39 } 40 public static void main(String[] args) { 41 num = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); 42 p = new Process[num]; 43 t = new Chord[num]; 44 port = new int[num]; 45 Random rand = new Random(); 46 for (int i=0;i<num;i++) { 47 port[i] = 1024+rand.nextInt(8192); 48 } 49 System.out.println(" Wait Please ~ "); 50 try { 51 for (int i=0;i<num;i++) { 52 /* Thread t[i] is resp for the standard IO of Process p[i] */ 53 p[i] = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -classpath ./bin/ Peer "+port[i]); 54 t[i] = new Chord(p[i]); 55 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); 56 } 57 for (int i=0;i<num;i++) { 58 p[i].waitFor(); 59 t[i].join(); 60 } 61 } catch (Exception e) { 62 e.printStackTrace(); 63 } 64 System.out.println(); 65 } 66 }
1 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; 2 import java.util.concurrent.*; 3 import java.util.*; 4 import java.text.*; 5 import*; 6 import*; 7 8 9 abstract class RDT { 10 /** RDT is a class using UDP sockets to simulate 11 * reliable data transfer that implements packet 12 * loss/error detection and retransmission. 13 * An RDT message = SEQ + ACK + content + CRC checksum 14 * if (SEQ==0) 15 * no reply is expected, a client "ACK" message 16 * else 17 * a reply with the identical ACK is expected 18 */ 19 20 private static final int GEN = 0x04C11DB7; 21 private static final int SIZE = 256; 22 protected static final int TIME_LIMIT = 10; 23 protected static Random rand; 24 protected InetAddress addr; 25 protected int targetPort; 26 protected DatagramSocket socket; 27 private DatagramPacket packet; 28 private byte[] buffer; 29 private byte ack = 0; 30 31 static { 32 rand = new Random(); 33 } 34 protected String rcvd() { 35 /* Receive a message with desired ACK # */ 36 try { 37 do { 38 buffer = new byte[SIZE]; 39 packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer,SIZE); 40 socket.receive(packet); 41 } while (checksum()!=0||buffer[1]!=ack); 42 ack = buffer[0]; // next ACK # to be written 43 if (ack!=0) { 44 addr = packet.getAddress(); 45 targetPort = packet.getPort(); 46 } 47 return new String(buffer,"ASCII").substring(2,SIZE-4); 48 } catch (Exception e) { 49 // Timeout Exception: the packet is lost! 50 return null; 51 } 52 } 53 protected void send(byte seq,String str) { 54 /* Send a message with 'best effort' */ 55 buffer = new byte[SIZE]; 56 buffer[0] = seq; 57 buffer[1] = ack; 58 try { // write the data content 59 byte[] tmp = str.getBytes("ASCII"); 60 System.arraycopy(tmp,0,buffer,2,tmp.length); 61 } catch (Exception e) { 62 e.printStackTrace(); 63 } 64 // write the checksum field 65 int cks = checksum(); 66 buffer[SIZE-4] = (byte)(cks&0xFF); 67 cks >>= 8; 68 buffer[SIZE-3] = (byte)(cks&0xFF); 69 cks >>= 8; 70 buffer[SIZE-2] = (byte)(cks&0xFF); 71 cks >>= 8; 72 buffer[SIZE-1] = (byte)(cks&0xFF); 73 // encapsulate and send the packet 74 packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer,SIZE,addr,targetPort); 75 try { 76 socket.send(packet); 77 } catch (Exception e) { 78 System.out.println("Cannot send msg: "+str); 79 } 80 // next ACK # to be read 81 ack = buffer[0]; 82 } 83 private int checksum() { 84 /* Calculate the CRC checksum */ 85 int rem = 0, N = (SIZE<<3); 86 for (int pos=0;pos<N;pos++) { 87 byte tmp = (byte)(buffer[pos>>3]>>(pos&7)); 88 if (rem>=0) { 89 rem = (rem<<1)|(tmp&1); 90 } else { 91 rem = (rem<<1)|(tmp&1); 92 rem ^= GEN; 93 } 94 } 95 return revBits(rem); 96 } 97 private int revBits(int val) { 98 /* Reverse the bits of an integer */ 99 int tmp = 0; 100 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { 101 tmp |= (((1<<i)&val)<<(31-i-i)); 102 tmp |= (((1<<(31-i))&val)>>>(31-i-i)); 103 } 104 return tmp; 105 } 106 protected static boolean isACK(String str) throws Exception { 107 /* Test whether a string is equal to "ACK" */ 108 if (str==null) { 109 return false; 110 } else { 111 byte[] b = str.getBytes("ASCII"); 112 return (b.length>=3 && b[0]=='A' 113 && b[1]=='C' && b[2]=='K'); 114 } 115 } 116 } 117 118 119 class Client extends RDT { 120 /** An RDT client should always send a message first, 121 * then receives a reply, and finally send an "ACK" 122 * message to terminate the conversation. 123 * An "ACK" message from the client indicates that 124 * it has received the reply and left. 125 */ 126 127 private Client(int port) { 128 try { 129 addr = InetAddress.getByName("localhost"); 130 targetPort = port; 131 socket = new DatagramSocket(); 132 socket.setSoTimeout(TIME_LIMIT); 133 } catch(Exception e) { 134 e.printStackTrace(); 135 } 136 } 137 public static String inquire(int port,String str) { 138 /* Send a inquiry and return a pending reply */ 139 Client c = new Client(port); 140 String res = null; 141 while (res==null) { 142 c.send((byte)(1+rand.nextInt(255)),str); 143 res = c.rcvd(); 144 } 145 c.send((byte)0,"ACK"); 146 c.socket.close(); 147 return res; 148 } 149 public static void inform(int port,String str) { 150 /* Send a piece of info and get an "ACK" */ 151 Client c = new Client(port); 152 String res = null; 153 try { 154 while (!isACK(res)) { 155 c.send((byte)(1+rand.nextInt(255)),str); 156 res = c.rcvd(); 157 } 158 } catch (Exception e) { 159 e.printStackTrace(); 160 } 161 c.send((byte)0,"ACK"); 162 c.socket.close(); 163 } 164 } 165 166 167 class Server extends RDT { 168 /** An RDT server should always listen to a request 169 * first, then respond with a reply, and finally 170 * get an "ACK" message. 171 * An "ACK" message from the server indicates that 172 * it has been informed of something. 173 */ 174 175 public Server(int port) { 176 try { 177 socket = new DatagramSocket(port); 178 socket.setSoTimeout(TIME_LIMIT); 179 } catch (Exception e) { 180 e.printStackTrace(); 181 } 182 } 183 public String listen() { 184 String req = null; 185 while (req==null) { 186 req = rcvd(); 187 } 188 return req; 189 } 190 public void answer(String str) { 191 String res = null; 192 try { 193 while (!isACK(res)) { 194 send((byte)(1+rand.nextInt(255)),str); 195 res = rcvd(); 196 } 197 } catch (Exception e) { 198 e.printStackTrace(); 199 } 200 } 201 } 202 203 204 public class Peer extends Thread { 205 /** A node on a Peer-to-Peer Network 206 * For consecutive peers with indexes i and j: 207 * peer[i] is resp for key k iff i <= k < j; 208 * finger[k] is the port # of the on-line peer with 209 * the minimum index not less than index+2^{k}. 210 */ 211 212 private static final int LEN = 16; 213 private static final int NUM = (1<<LEN); 214 private static DecimalFormat df; 215 private static int port, index; 216 private static AtomicInteger[] finger; 217 private Server sv; 218 219 private Peer() { 220 sv = new Server(port); 221 start(); 222 } 223 public void run() { 224 while (true) { 225 String msg = sv.listen(); 226 if (msg.charAt(0)=='?') { 227 msg = msg.substring(1,6); 228 int next = search(Integer.parseInt(msg)); 229 if (next==port) { 230 sv.answer("!"); 231 } else { 232 sv.answer("@"+next); 233 } 234 } else if (msg.charAt(0)=='#') { 235 sv.answer("ACK"); 236 break; 237 } 238 } 239 System.out.println("#"); 240 } 241 private static int calDelt(int val) { 242 int delt = hashIdx(val)-index; 243 return delt+((delt<=0)? NUM:0); 244 } 245 private static boolean within(int a,int x,int b) { 246 a -= index; 247 a += (a<0)? NUM:0; 248 x -= index; 249 x += (x<0)? NUM:0; 250 b -= index; 251 b += (b<0)? NUM:0; 252 return a<=x && x<b; 253 } 254 private static boolean insfinger(int val) { 255 /* Insert a port number to the finger table */ 256 boolean flag = false; 257 if (val==port) { 258 return flag; 259 } 260 int delt = calDelt(val); 261 for (int i=0;(1<<i)<=delt;i++) { 262 if (delt<calDelt(finger[i].get())) { 263 finger[i].set(val); 264 flag = true; 265 } 266 } 267 return flag; 268 } 269 private static int search(int key) { 270 /* Chord Algorithm Implementation */ 271 if (within(index,key,hashIdx(finger[0].get()))) { 272 return port; 273 } 274 for (int i=0;i<LEN-1;i++) { 275 int a = hashIdx(finger[i].get()); 276 int b = hashIdx(finger[i+1].get()); 277 if (b==index||within(a,key,b)) { 278 return finger[i].get(); 279 } 280 } 281 return finger[LEN-1].get(); 282 } 283 private static int locate(int key) { 284 /* Locate the peer who is resp for a given key */ 285 int next = search(key); 286 if (next==port) { 287 return port; 288 } 289 String s = null; 290 while (true) { 291 s = Client.inquire(next,"?"+df.format(key)); 292 if (s.charAt(0)=='@') { 293 s = s.substring(1,5); 294 next = Integer.parseInt(s); 295 } else { 296 break; 297 } 298 } 299 return next; 300 } 301 private static int hashIdx(int key) { 302 /* Hash function using multiplication */ 303 double tmp = 0.61803*key; 304 tmp -= Math.floor(tmp); 305 return (int)Math.floor(NUM*tmp); 306 } 307 public static void main(String[] args) { 308 df = new DecimalFormat("00000"); 309 try { 310 port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); 311 index = hashIdx(port); 312 finger = new AtomicInteger[LEN]; 313 for (int i=0;i<LEN;i++) { 314 finger[i] = new AtomicInteger(port); 315 } 316 // acquaint all the on-line peers 317 Scanner in = new Scanner(; 318 int num = in.nextInt(); 319 for (int i=0;i<num;i++) { 320 insfinger(in.nextInt()); 321 } 322 Peer server = new Peer(); 323 // for all peers to set up the finger table 324 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(num*100); 325 Random rand = new Random(); 326 for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { 327 // Each peer has three searching tasks. 328 int key = rand.nextInt(NUM); 329 System.out.println("Port "+port+": port "+locate(key) 330 +" is resp for key "+df.format(key)); 331 } 332 // for all peers to finish the searching task 333 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(num*100); 334 Client.inform(port,"#"); 335 server.join(); 336 } catch (Exception e) { 337 System.out.println("Main Error: "+e); 338 } 339 } 340 }
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