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1 from 模块 import 函数 2 >>> from math import sin 3 >>> sin(1.5) 4 0.9974949866040544 5 6 直接import 7 >>> import cmath 8 >>> cmath.sqrt(-9) 9 3j 10 11 字符串表示,str和repr 12 >>> print 100000L 13 100000 14 >>> print (10000L) 15 10000 16 >>> print ("1000L") 17 1000L 18 >>> print repr("Hello world!") repr:创建一个字符串,以合法的Python表达式的形式来表示值。 19 'Hello world!' 20 >>> print repr(10000L) 21 10000L 22 >>> print str("Hello") str:把值转换为合理形式的字符串,以便用户理解 23 Hello 24 >>> print str(1000L) 25 1000 26 (Plus 反引号`: used in 2.7 deprecated.) 27 28 raw_input: 把所有的输入当做原始数据,放入字符串中 29 30 长字符串: 三个引号 or \[回车] 31 32 print r's\tring' 输入原始字符串。不能以'\'结尾(显而易见) 33 34 print u"unicode string" 2.7以后不支持? 35 36 序列: 37 38 1 索引: 39 >>> week = ['Mon', 'Tue'] + 3 * ['Wed'] 40 >>> week 41 ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Wed', 'Wed'] 42 >>> week[1] 43 'Tue' 44 45 2 分片: 46 >>> week[1:3] 47 ['Tue', 'Wed'] 48 >>> week[1:2] 49 ['Tue'] 50 >>> week[-3:] 51 ['Wed', 'Wed', 'Wed'] 52 53 3 步长 54 >>> num = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] 55 >>> num[1:7:2] 56 [2, 4, 6] 57 >>> num[7:1:-2] 58 [8, 6, 4] 59 60 空值 None 61 62 布尔值 True False 63 64 成员资格 in 65 >>> array = [1,2,3] 66 >>> 1 in array 67 True 68 >>> 4 in array 69 False 70 71 长度、最大值和最小值 len max min 72 73 列表: 74 list函数 返回列表 75 >>> array=[1,2,3,4,5] 76 >>> list(array) 77 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 78 79 del array[1] 删除元素 80 分片赋值 and so on. 81 82 列表方法: 83 append(element) 84 count(element) 85 extend(lsit) 86 index(element) 87 isert(index, element) 88 pop() & pop(index) 89 remove(element) 90 reverse() 91 sort() 92 cmp(element, element) 93 94 95 元组: 96 >>> (1, 2, 3) 97 (1, 2, 3) 98 >>> (1,) 99 (1,) 100 >>> (1) 101 1 102 103 tuple函数:返回元组 104 >>> tuple([1, 2, 3]) 105 (1, 2, 3) 106 >>> tuple('yes') 107 ('y', 'e', 's') 108 109 字符串 110 格式化输出 111 方法: 112 find rfind index rindex count startwith endwith 113 join split(element) splitlines 114 lower islower capitalize swapcase title istitile upper isupper 115 replace(a, b) 116 strip() strip(element) 117 118 >>> import string 119 >>> table = string.maketrans('ex', 'ez') 120 >>> len(table) 121 256 122 >>> table[97: 123] 123 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz' 124 >>> 'index fix fex'.translate(table) 125 'indez fiz fez' 126 127 字典: 128 >>> stu = {'tom': '026', 'van': '027', 'von': '028', 'Liang': '029'} 129 >>> stu 130 {'von': '028', 'van': '027', 'Liang': '029', 'tom': '026'} 131 >>> stu['von'] 132 '028' 133 >>> stu = [('tom', '1'), ('jim', '2')] 134 >>> stu 135 [('tom', '1'), ('jim', '2')] 136 >>> d = dict(stu) 137 >>> d 138 {'jim': '2', 'tom': '1'} 139 >>> d['jim'] 140 '2' 141 >>> d = dict(name = 'tom', age = '23') 142 >>> d 143 {'age': '23', 'name': 'tom'} 144 145 键可以为任何不可变类型 146 147 >>> x = [None] * 5 148 >>> x 149 [None, None, None, None, None] 150 151 >>> x = {} 152 >>> x 153 {} 154 >>> x['q'] = 123 155 >>> x 156 {'q': 123} 157 158 字典的格式化字符串: 159 >>> phone = {'tom': '110', 'jim': '120'} 160 >>> 'tom\'s phone number is %(tom)s' % phone 161 "tom's phone number is 110" 162 163 字典方法 164 clear 165 copy 浅复制; deepcopy 深复制 166 fromkeys([key1, key2]) 使用给定的键建立新的字典,键值为None. 167 get(key, default value) 168 has_key(key) 169 items() 以列表方式返回item 170 iteritems() 返回迭代器对象(高效) 171 keys() 以列表方式返回键 172 iterkeys() 以迭代器方式返回 173 pop(key) 返回键的值并移除键值对 174 popitem() 弹出随机项 175 setdefault(key, default value) ≈ get + 在字典中不含有给定键的情况下设定相应的键值 176 update(dict) 用一个字典项更新另外一个字典 177 values() 178 itervalues() 179 180 print 181 在3.0前为语句,3.0后为函数 182 183 导入模块、方法 184 import somemodule 185 from somemodule import somefuction1, ... 186 from somemodule import * 187 import somemodule as alias 188 from somemodule import somefuction as alias 189 190 序列解包 191 >>> x, y, z = 1, 2, 3 192 >>> print x, y, z 193 1 2 3 194 >>> value = 1, 2, 3 195 >>> value 196 (1, 2, 3) 197 >>> print value 198 (1, 2, 3) 199 >>> x, y = y, z 200 >>> x, y, z 201 (2, 3, 3) 202 >>> d = {'tom': 1, 'jim': 2} 203 >>> key, value = d.popitem() 204 >>> key, value 205 ('jim', 2) 206 >>> key 207 'jim' 208 >>> value 209 2 210 211 链式赋值 212 x = y = ... 213 214 增量赋值 215 >>> x = 't' 216 >>> x += 'om' 217 >>> x 218 'tom' 219 >>> x *= 2 220 >>> x 221 'tomtom' 222 223 if语句 224 if(clause): 225 ... 226 ... 227 elif(clause): 228 ... 229 ... 230 else: 231 ... 232 ... 233 234 is 235 同一性运算符 236 237 in 238 成员资格运算符 239 240 and or not 241 布尔运算符 242 Special 243 >>> name = raw_input("Name: ") or '<unknown>' 244 Name: 245 >>> name 246 '<unknown>' 247 >>> name = raw_input("Name: ") or '<unknown>' 248 Name: Tom 249 >>> name 250 'Tom' 251 三元运算 252 a if b else c 253 254 >>> b = 1 255 >>> a = 'true' if (b == 1) else 'false' 256 >>> a 257 'true' 258 >>> b = 0 259 >>> a = 'true' if (b == 1) else 'false' 260 >>> a 261 'false' 262 263 assert 断言 264 >>> a = 1 265 >>> assert a == 2, 'a should equals 2' 266 267 Traceback (most recent call last): 268 File "<pyshell#13>", line 1, in <module> 269 assert a == 2, 'a should equals 2' 270 AssertionError: a should equals 2 271 272 while语句 273 >>> x = 1 274 >>> while x < 10: 275 print x 276 x += 1 277 278 range() 范围函数 279 >>> range(10) 280 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 281 >>> range(0, 10) 282 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 283 284 for 语句 285 nums = [1, 2, 3] 286 for num in nums: 287 print num 288 289 for x in range(0, 3): 290 print x 291 292 遍历字典元素: 293 >>> d = {'a': 'tom', 'b': 'jim'} 294 >>> for key in d: 295 print key, ":", d[key] 296 a : tom 297 b : jim 298 >>> for key, value in d.items(): 299 print key, ":", value 300 a : tom 301 b : jim 302 303 并行迭代: 304 >>> name = ['tom', 'jim'] 305 >>> age = [18, 20] 306 >>> for i in range(len(name)): 307 print name[i], ":", age[i] 308 tom : 18 309 jim : 20 310 >>> for n, a in zip(name, age): 311 print n, ":", a 312 tom : 18 313 jim : 20 314 315 zip函数可用于不等长的序列 316 317 编号迭代: 318 >>> s = ['xxx', 'yyy', 'xdresxxx'] 319 >>> for index, string in enumerate(s): 320 if('xxx' in string): 321 s[index] = '@@@' 322 >>> s 323 ['@@@', 'yyy', '@@@'] 324 325 sorted、reversed、join函数 326 327 break、continue语句 328 329 pass语句 330 331 del 删除名称 not 值 332 333 exec 执行字符串的语句 334 命名空间/作用域 335 >>> from math import sqrt 336 >>> scope = {} 337 >>> exec 'sqrt = 1' in scope 338 >>> sqrt(4) 339 2.0 340 >>> scope['sqrt'] 341 1 342 343 eval 计算Python表达式 344 >>> eval(raw_input("Expression: ")) 345 Expression: 2 + 3 - 4 *5 346 -15 347 >>> raw_input("Expression: ") 348 Expression: 1 + 1 349 '1 + 1' 350 351 >>> scope = {} 352 >>> exec 'x = 2' in scope 353 >>> eval ('x * x', scope) 354 4 355 356 callable 判断函数是否可以调用(3.0不可用) 357 358 创建函数 359 >>> def hello(name): 360 return 'Hello ' + name 361 >>> hello('tom') 362 'Hello tom' 363 364 记录函数 365 >>> def plus(a, b): 366 'Return a + b' 367 return a + b 368 >>> plus.__doc__ 369 'Return a + b' 370 371 >>> help(plus) 372 Help on function plus in module __main__: 373 plus(a, b) 374 Return a + b 375 376 关键字参数 377 plus(a = xxx, b = yyy) 等于 plua(b == yyy, a = xxx) 378 379 在函数给参数提供默认值: 380 >>> def demo(greeting = 'Hello!'): 381 print greeting 382 >>> demo() 383 Hello! 384 >>> demo('你好') 385 你好 386 387 收集参数 388 >>> def say_hello(greeting, *names, **extras): 389 print greeting, names, extras 390 >>> say_hello('Hi', 'tom', 'jim', 'lara', x = 'glad', y = 'to see you.') 391 Hi ('tom', 'jim', 'lara') {'y': 'to see you.', 'x': 'glad'} 392 393 逆转过程(分割) 394 >>> def hi(hi, you): 395 print hi, you 396 >>> hello = ('Hello', 'Tom') 397 >>> hi(*hello) 398 Hello Tom 399 400 >>> yeah = {'hi': 'Hello, ', 'you': 'Tom'} 401 >>> hi(**yeah) 402 Hello, Tom 403 404 作用域 405 vars():返回变量字典 406 >>> x = 1 407 >>> scope = vars() 408 >>> scope['x'] 409 1 410 >>> scope['x'] += 1 411 >>> scope['x'] 412 2 413 globals():返回全局变量的字典 414 locals():返回局部变量的字典 415 global关键字:声明变量为全局变量 416 >>> x 417 3 418 >>> def change_x(): 419 global x 420 x += 1 421 return x 422 >>> change_x() 423 4 424 >>> 425 426 嵌套函数 427 >>> def multiply(a): 428 def multiplyByFactor(b): 429 return a * b 430 return multiplyByFactor 431 >>> num = multiply(2) 432 >>> num 433 <function multiplyByFactor at 0x0000000002B79C18> 434 >>> num(3) 435 6 436 >>> num(4) 437 8 438 >>> multiply(4)(5) 439 20 440 441 类: 442 调查继承: 443 issubclass(subclass, baseclass) 444 subclass.__bases__ 445 446 判断类的实例: 447 isinstance(instance, class) 448 449 对象所属类: 450 object.__class__ 451 452 多继承: 453 def class X (class1, class2) 454 455 hasattr(object, '<attr name>') 456 457 getattr(object, '<attr name>', <default value>) 458 459 setattr(object, '<attr name>', <value>) 460 461 object.__dict__ 查看对象内所有存储的值