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  • 牛客国庆集训派对Day1 Solution

    A    Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     4 int a[3], b[3];
     6 void Run()
     7 {
     8     while (scanf("%d", a) != EOF)
     9     {
    10         for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) scanf("%d", a + i);
    11         for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) scanf("%d", b + i); 
    12         printf("%d
    ", min(a[0], b[1]) + min(a[1], b[2]) + min(a[2], b[0]));  
    13     }
    14 }
    16 int main()
    17 {
    18     #ifdef LOCAL
    19         freopen("Test.in", "r", stdin);
    20     #endif    
    22     Run();
    23     return 0;
    24 }
    View Code

    B    Attack on Titan


    C    Utawarerumono


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std; 
     3 using ll = long long;
     5 ll a, b, c, p1, p2, q1, q2;
     7 int main() 
     8 {
     9     while (scanf("%lld%lld%lld", &a, &b, &c) != EOF) 
    10     {
    11         scanf("%lld%lld", &p1, &p2);
    12         scanf("%lld%lld", &q1, &q2);
    13         ll res = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;
    14         for (ll x = -100000; x <= 100000; ++x)
    15         {
    16             if ((c - a * x) % b) continue;
    17             ll y = (c - a * x) / b;
    18             res = min(res, p2 * x * x + p1 * x + q2 * y * y + q1 * y);
    19         }
    20         if (res == 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f)
    21         {
    22             puts("Kuon");
    23             continue;
    24         }
    25         printf("%lld
    ", res);
    26     }
    27     return 0;
    28 }
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    D    Love Live!


      1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      4 #define N 100010
      6 struct Edge
      7 {
      8     int u, v, nx, w;
      9     Edge() {}
     10     Edge(int u, int v, int nx, int w) : u(u), v(v), nx(nx), w(w) {}
     11     Edge(int u, int v, int w) : u(u), v(v), w(w) {} 
     12     bool operator < (const Edge &r) const
     13     {
     14         return w < r.w;  
     15     }
     16 }edge[N << 1], G[N];
     18 int n;
     19 int head[N], pos;
     20 int prefix[N], fa[N], sz[N];
     21 vector <int> v[N];
     23 void addedge(int u, int v, int w)
     24 {
     25     edge[++pos] = Edge(u, v, head[u], w); head[u] = pos;
     26 } 
     28 void DFS(int u, int fa)
     29 {
     30     for (int it = head[u]; ~it; it = edge[it].nx)
     31     {
     32         int v = edge[it].v; 
     33         if (v == fa) continue;
     34         prefix[v] = prefix[u] ^ edge[it].w;
     35         DFS(v, u); 
     36     }
     37 }
     39 struct TRIE
     40 {
     41     int cnt;
     42     int T[N]; 
     43     struct node
     44     {
     45         int son[2]; 
     46         node()
     47         {
     48             memset(son, 0, sizeof son);
     49         }
     50     }a[N * 400]; 
     52     void Init()
     53     {
     54         cnt = n + 1; 
     55     }
     57     void Insert(int root, int x)
     58     {
     59         bitset <20> b; b = x; 
     60         for (int i = 19; i >= 0; --i)
     61         {
     62             if (!a[root].son[b[i]])
     63                 a[root].son[b[i]] = ++cnt;
     64             root = a[root].son[b[i]];
     65         }
     66     }
     68     int query(int root, int x)
     69     {
     70         bitset <20> b; b = x;
     71         int res = 0; 
     72         for (int i = 19; i >= 0; --i)
     73         {
     74             int id = b[i] ^ 1;
     75             bool flag = true;
     76             if (!a[root].son[id])
     77             {
     78                 flag = false;
     79                 id ^= 1;  
     80             }
     81             if (flag) res += 1 << i;
     82             root = a[root].son[id];
     83         }
     84         return res;  
     85     }
     86 }trie;
     88 int find(int x)
     89 {
     90     if (x != fa[x])
     91         fa[x] = find(fa[x]);
     92     return fa[x]; 
     93 }
     95 void Init()
     96 {
     97     memset(head, -1, sizeof head); pos = 0;
     98     prefix[1] = 0;
     99     trie.Init();
    100 }
    102 void Run()
    103 {
    104     while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
    105     {
    106         Init(); 
    107         for (int i = 1, u, v, w; i < n; ++i)
    108         {
    109             scanf("%d%d%d", &u, &v, &w);
    110             addedge(u, v, w);
    111             addedge(v, u, w);
    112             G[i] = Edge(u, v, w);
    113         } 
    114         DFS(1, 1);
    115         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    116         {
    117             fa[i] = i;
    118             sz[i] = 1;
    119             trie.T[i] = i;
    120             trie.Insert(trie.T[i], prefix[i]);  
    121             v[i].push_back(prefix[i]); 
    122         }
    123         sort(G + 1, G + n);
    124         for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)     
    125         {
    126             int x = G[i].u, y = G[i].v;
    127             int fx = find(x), fy = find(y);  
    128             if (sz[fx] > sz[fy]) swap(x, y), swap(fx, fy);
    129             int res = 0; 
    130             for (auto it : v[fx]) 
    131             {
    132                 res = max(res, trie.query(trie.T[fy], it));  
    133             }
    134             for (auto it : v[fx])
    135             {
    136                 trie.Insert(trie.T[fy], it);
    137                 v[fy].push_back(it);
    138             }
    139             printf("%d%c", res, " 
    "[i == n - 1]);
    140             fa[fx] = fy; 
    141             sz[fy] += sz[fx];
    142         }
    143     }
    144 }
    146 int main()
    147 {
    148     #ifdef LOCAL
    149         freopen("Test.in", "r", stdin);
    150     #endif
    152     Run();
    153     return 0;
    154 }
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    E    Eustia of the Tarnished Wings


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     4 #define N 1000010
     6 int n, m;
     7 int arr[N];
     9 void Run()
    10 {
    11     while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) != EOF)
    12     {
    13         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) scanf("%d", arr + i);
    14         sort(arr + 1, arr + 1 + n);
    15         int res = 1;
    16         for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) if (arr[i] - arr[i - 1] > m)
    17             ++res;
    18         printf("%d
    ", res); 
    19     }
    20 }
    22 int main()
    23 {
    24     #ifdef LOCAL
    25         freopen("Test.in", "r", stdin);
    26     #endif    
    28     Run();
    29     return 0;
    30 }
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    F    Baldr Sky


    G    Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi


    H    One Piece


    I    Steins;Gate


    J    Princess Principal


    其实假设存在合法文档 那么每一个括号都有一个唯一的对应括号

    比如说 (())  肯定是中间两个匹配,再外面两个匹配

    那么我们直接用栈维护一下,找到每个左括号的右匹配,以及找到每个有括号的左匹配,然后RMQ倍增维护最括号的最大右匹配,右括号的最小左匹配,如果最大值超过r 或者 最小值小于l 那么是不合法的

    还有一种情况 就是 ([)  那么这三个括号都是不合法的

      1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      4 #define N 1000010
      5 #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
      7 int n, m, q; 
      8 int arr[N], L[N], R[N];
      9 int mm[N];  
     10 stack <int> sta;
     12 void Init() 
     13 {
     14     mm[0] = -1;
     15     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
     16         mm[i] = ((i & (i - 1)) == 0) ? mm[i - 1] + 1 : mm[i - 1]; 
     17 }
     19 struct RMQ
     20 {
     21     int dp[N][20]; // 1 max 0 min 
     22     void Init(int n, int b[], int vis)  
     23     {
     24         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
     25             dp[i][0] = b[i];
     26         for (int j = 1; j <= mm[n]; ++j)
     27             for (int i = 1; i + (1 << j) - 1 <= n; ++i)
     28             {
     29                 if (vis) 
     30                     dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j - 1], dp[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1]);
     31                 else
     32                     dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j - 1], dp[i + (1 << (j - 1))][j - 1]); 
     33             }
     34     }
     36     int query(int x, int y, int vis)
     37     {
     38         int k = mm[y - x + 1];  
     39         if (vis)
     40             return max(dp[x][k], dp[y - (1 << k) + 1][k]);
     41         else
     42             return min(dp[x][k], dp[y - (1 << k) + 1][k]); 
     43     }
     44 }rmq[2]; 
     46 bool ok(int x, int y)
     47 { 
     48     if (rmq[0].query(x, y, 0) < x) return false;
     49     if (rmq[1].query(x, y, 1) > y) return false; 
     50     return true;  
     51 }
     53 void Run()
     54 {
     55     while (scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &q) != EOF) 
     56     {
     57         memset(L, -1, sizeof L);
     58         memset(R, 0x3f, sizeof R);
     59         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) scanf("%d", arr + i);
     60         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
     61         {
     62             if (arr[i] & 1)
     63             {
     64                 if (!sta.empty()) 
     65                 {
     66                     int top = sta.top(); sta.pop();
     67                     if (arr[i] / 2 == arr[top] / 2) L[i] = top;  
     68                 }
     69             }
     70             else
     71                 sta.push(i);         
     72         }
     73         while (!sta.empty()) sta.pop();
     74         for (int i = n; i >= 1; --i)
     75         {
     76             if (arr[i] % 2 == 0)
     77             {
     78                 if (!sta.empty())
     79                 {
     80                     int top = sta.top(); sta.pop();
     81                     if (arr[i] / 2 == arr[top] / 2) R[i] = top;
     82                 }
     83             }
     84             else
     85                 sta.push(i);
     86         }
     87         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)  
     88         {
     89             if (arr[i] & 1) R[i] = -1; 
     90             else L[i] = INF;  
     91         }
     92         Init();
     93         rmq[0].Init(n, L, 0); 
     94         rmq[1].Init(n, R, 1);
     95         for (int i = 1, x, y; i <= q; ++i)
     96         {
     97             scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
     98             puts(ok(x, y) ? "Yes" : "No");
     99         }
    100     }
    101 }
    103 int main()
    104 {
    105     #ifdef LOCAL
    106         freopen("Test.in", "r", stdin);
    107     #endif
    109     Run();
    110     return 0;
    111 }
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    K    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


    L    New Game!

    思路:分别处理 直线到圆的最短距离,圆到圆的最短距离,直线到直线的最短距离,然后跑最短路即可

      1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      4 #define N 1010
      5 #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
      7 const double eps = 1e-8;
      9 int sgn(double x)
     10 {
     11     if (fabs(x) < eps) return 0;
     12     if (x < 0) return -1;
     13     else return 1;
     14 }
     16 struct Point
     17 {
     18     double x, y;
     19     Point() {}
     20     Point(double _x, double _y)
     21     {
     22         x = _x; y = _y;
     23     }
     24     double operator ^(const Point &b) const { return x * b.y - y * b.x; }
     25     double distance(Point p) { return hypot(x - p.x, y - p.y); }
     26     Point operator - (const Point &b) const { return Point(x - b.x, y - b.y); }
     27 };
     29 struct Line
     30 {
     31     Point s, e;
     32     Line() {}
     33     Line(double a, double b, double c)
     34     {
     35         if (sgn(a) == 0)
     36         {
     37             s = Point(0, -c / b);
     38             e = Point(1, -c / b);
     39         }
     40         else if (sgn(b) == 0)
     41         {
     42             s = Point(-c / a, 0);
     43             e = Point(-c / a, 1);
     44         }
     45         else
     46         {
     47             s = Point(0, -c / b);
     48             e = Point(1, (-c - a) / b);
     49         }
     50     }
     51     double length() { return s.distance(e); }
     52     double dispointtoline(Point p) { return fabs((p - s) ^ (e - s)) / length(); }
     53 }L[2];
     55 struct circle
     56 {
     57     Point p;
     58     double r;
     59     circle() {}
     60     circle(double x, double y, double _r)
     61     {
     62         p = Point(x, y);
     63         r = _r;
     64     }
     65 }arr[N];
     68 int n, A, B, C1, C2;
     69 double x, y, r;
     70 double G[N][N];
     72 void work0(int x, int y)
     73 {
     74     double dis = arr[x].p.distance(arr[y].p);
     75     G[x][y] = max(0.0, dis - arr[x].r - arr[y].r);
     76     G[y][x] = G[x][y];
     77 }
     79 void work1(int x, int y)
     80 {
     81     double dis = L[x].dispointtoline(arr[y].p);
     82     G[x][y] = max(0.0, dis - arr[y].r);
     83     G[y][x] = G[x][y];
     84 }
     86 double dis[N];
     87 bool used[N];
     89 void Dijkstra ()
     90 {
     91     for (int i = 0; i <= n + 1; ++i) dis[i] = INF * 1.0, used[i] = false;
     92     dis[0] = 0;
     93     for (int j = 0; j <= n + 1; ++j)
     94     {
     95         int k = -1;
     96         double Min = INF * 1.0;
     97         for (int i = 0; i <= n + 1; ++i)
     98         {
     99             if (!used[i] && dis[i] < Min)
    100             {
    101                 Min = dis[i];
    102                 k = i;
    103             }
    104         }
    105         used[k] = 1;
    106         for (int i = 0; i <= n + 1; ++i)
    107             if (!used[i] && dis[k] + G[k][i] < dis[i])
    108                 dis[i] = dis[k] + G[k][i];
    109     }
    110 }
    112 void Run()
    113 {
    114     while (scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &n, &A, &B, &C1, &C2) != EOF)
    115     {
    116         memset(G, 0x3f, sizeof G);
    117         L[0] = Line(A, B, C1);
    118         L[1] = Line(A, B, C2);
    119         for (int i = 2; i <= n + 1; ++i)
    120         {
    121             scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &r);
    122             arr[i] = circle(x, y, r);
    123             G[i][i] = 0;
    124         }
    125         for (int i = 2; i <= n + 1; ++i)
    126             for (int j = i + 1; j <= n + 1; ++j)
    127                 work0(i, j);
    128         for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
    129             for (int j = 2; j <= n + 1; ++j)
    130                 work1(i, j);
    131         G[0][1] = abs(C1 - C2) / sqrt(A * A + B * B);
    132         G[1][0] = G[0][1];  
    133         Dijkstra();
    134         printf("%.10f
    ", dis[1]);
    135     }
    136 }
    138 int main()
    139 {
    140     Run();
    141     return 0;
    142 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dup4/p/9734909.html
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