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  • 营业额统计


    按天数插入,每次插入之后,比较和前驱后继的差,取 min 统计入答案即可

    注意之前已经插入过的值就不需要插入了.然后这题就 A 了


    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <map>
    #define Drt pair < Treap * , Treap * >
    #define siz(rt) ( rt == NULL ? 0 : rt->size )
    using std::pair ;
    using std::map ;
    const int INF = 1061109567 ;
    map < int , bool > mk ;
    int n , ans , xx ;
    struct Treap {
        Treap * son[2] ;
        int val , size , rank ;
        Treap ( int val ) : val ( val ) { son[0] = son[1] = NULL ; size = 1 ; rank = rand () ; }
        inline void maintain () {
            this->size = 1 ;
            if ( this->son[0] != NULL ) this->size += this->son[0]->size ;
            if ( this->son[1] != NULL ) this->size += this->son[1]->size ;
            return ;
    } * root = NULL ;
    inline Drt Split ( Treap * rt , int k ) {
        if ( rt == NULL ) return Drt ( NULL , NULL ) ;
        Drt t ;
        if ( k <= siz ( rt->son[0] ) ) {
            t = Split ( rt->son[0] , k ) ; rt->son[0] = t.second ;
            rt->maintain () ; t.second = rt ;
        } else {
            t = Split ( rt->son[1] , k - siz ( rt->son[0] ) - 1 ) ;
            rt->son[1] = t.first ; rt->maintain () ; t.first = rt ;
        return t ;
    inline Treap * merge ( Treap * x , Treap * y ) {
        if ( x == NULL ) return y ; if ( y == NULL ) return x ;
        if ( x->rank < y->rank ) {
            x->son[1] = merge ( x->son[1] , y ) ;
            x->maintain () ; return x ;
        } else {
            y->son[0] = merge ( x , y->son[0] ) ;
            y->maintain () ; return y ;
    inline int Getrank ( Treap * rt , int key ) {
        if ( rt == NULL ) return 0 ;
        if ( key <= rt->val ) return Getrank ( rt->son[0] , key ) ;
        else return Getrank ( rt->son[1] , key ) + siz ( rt->son[0] ) + 1 ;
    inline int Getkth ( Treap * & rt , int key ) {
        Drt x = Split ( rt , key - 1 ) ;
        Drt y = Split ( x.second , 1 ) ;
        Treap * node = y.first ;
        rt = merge ( x.first , merge ( node , y.second ) ) ;
        return node == NULL ? 0 : node->val ;
    inline void insert ( Treap * & rt , int key ) {
        int k = Getrank ( rt , key ) ; Drt t = Split ( rt , k ) ;
        Treap * node = new Treap ( key ) ;
        rt = merge ( t.first , merge ( node , t.second ) ) ;
        return ;
    int main () {
        scanf ("%d" , & n ) ; scanf ("%d" , & xx ) ; n -- ;
        ans = xx ; mk[xx] = true ; insert ( root , xx ) ;
        while ( n -- ) {
            scanf ("%d" , & xx ) ;
            if ( mk[xx] ) continue ; mk[xx] = true ; insert ( root , xx ) ;
            int a = abs ( Getkth ( root , Getrank ( root , xx ) ) - xx ) ;
            int b = abs ( Getkth ( root , Getrank ( root , xx + 1 ) + 1 ) - xx ) ;
            if ( a == 0 ) a = INF ; if ( b == 0 ) b = INF ;
            ans += std::min ( a , b ) ;
        printf ("%d
    " , ans ) ; system ("pause") ; return 0 ;
    May you return with a young heart after years of fighting.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Equinox-Flower/p/10785273.html
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