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  • DelphiXE FireMonkey 如何画图









      1 {
      2 相关资料:
      3 http://www.delphitop.com/html/FMX/2646.html
      4 http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Rio/en/FMXTCanvasDrawFunctions_(Delphi)
      6 FMX 的 Canvas 在不同的系统上会分别使用:
      7 WinVista、Win7: D2D (FMX.Canvas.D2D.pas)
      8 WinXP: GDI+ (FMX.Canvas.GDIP.pas)
      9 Mac 系列: Core Graphics (FMX.Canvas.Mac.pas)
     11 和 HTML5 中的 Canvas 非常类似, 现在的 Canvas 模糊了 Pen 的概念:
     12 之前的 Canvas.Pen 对应: Canvas.Stroke;
     13 之前的 Canvas.Brush 对应: Canvas.Fill.
     15 在 FMX 中, Canvas 无处不在, 其 Canvas.Stroke、Canvas.Fill 的状态也各不相同, 一般要先初始化它们.
     16 }
     17 unit Unit1;
     19 interface
     21 uses
     22   System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants,
     23   FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Objects,
     24   FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.ListBox, FMX.Edit, FMX.ComboEdit,
     25   FMX.Colors;
     27 type
     28   TMYStyle = record
     29     StrokeColor: TAlphaColor;
     30     StrokeThickness: Integer;
     31     StrokeCap: TStrokeCap;
     32     StrokeDash: TStrokeDash;
     33      StrokeJoin: TStrokeJoin;
     34     FillColor: TAlphaColor;
     35     FontSize: Integer;
     36   end;
     37   TForm1 = class(TForm)
     38     Image1: TImage;
     39     DrawLine: TButton;
     40     DrawEllipse: TButton;
     41     DrawArc: TButton;
     42     DrawBitmap: TButton;
     43     GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
     44     Label1: TLabel;
     45     StrokeColor: TColorComboBox;
     46     Label2: TLabel;
     47     Label3: TLabel;
     48     Label4: TLabel;
     49     Label5: TLabel;
     50     Label6: TLabel;
     51     Label7: TLabel;
     52     StrokeThickness: TEdit;
     53     StrokeCap: TComboBox;
     54     StrokeDash: TComboBox;
     55     StrokeJoin: TComboBox;
     56     FillColor: TColorComboBox;
     57     FontSize: TEdit;
     58     scFlat: TListBoxItem;
     59     scRound: TListBoxItem;
     60     sjMiter: TListBoxItem;
     61     sjRound: TListBoxItem;
     62     sjBevel: TListBoxItem;
     63     GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
     64     DrawRectSides: TButton;
     65     DrawRect: TButton;
     66     Edit3: TEdit;
     67     FillText: TButton;
     68     Claer: TButton;
     69     DrawPath: TButton;
     70     DrawPolygon: TButton;
     71     CreateThumbnail: TButton;
     72     OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
     73     procedure DrawLineClick(Sender: TObject);
     74     procedure ClaerClick(Sender: TObject);
     75     procedure DrawRectSidesClick(Sender: TObject);
     76     procedure Image1Paint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas;
     77       const ARect: TRectF);
     78     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     79     procedure DrawArcClick(Sender: TObject);
     80     procedure DrawBitmapClick(Sender: TObject);
     81     procedure DrawEllipseClick(Sender: TObject);
     82     procedure DrawPathClick(Sender: TObject);
     83     procedure DrawPolygonClick(Sender: TObject);
     84     procedure DrawRectClick(Sender: TObject);
     85     procedure CreateThumbnailClick(Sender: TObject);
     86     procedure FillTextClick(Sender: TObject);
     87     procedure StrokeColorChange(Sender: TObject);
     88   private
     89     { Private declarations }
     90     procedure SetMYStyle;
     91   public
     92     { Public declarations }
     93   end;
     95 var
     96   Form1: TForm1;
     97   oStyle: TMYStyle;
     99 implementation
    100 uses
    101   System.UIConsts,
    102   System.Math.Vectors;
    104 {$R *.fmx}
    105 {$R *.LgXhdpiPh.fmx ANDROID}
    107 procedure TForm1.DrawLineClick(Sender: TObject);
    108 var
    109   p1, p2: TPointF;
    110 begin
    111   // sets the ends of the line to be drawn
    112   p1 := TPointF.Create(20, 2);
    113   p2 := TPointF.Create(350, 400);
    114   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    115   SetMYStyle;
    116   // draws the line on the canvas
    117   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawLine(p1, p2, 100);
    118   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    119 end;
    121 procedure TForm1.DrawPathClick(Sender: TObject);
    122 var
    123   path: TPathData;
    124   MyRect1, MyRect2: TRectF;
    125 begin
    126   // set the circumscribed rectangle of the ellipse to be add in the path
    127   MyRect1 := TRectF.Create(90, 100, 230, 300);
    128   /// sets the rectangle to be add in the path
    129   MyRect2 := TRectF.Create(70, 90, 220, 290);
    130   // initializes and creates the path to be drawn
    131   path := TPathData.Create;
    132   path.AddEllipse(MyRect1);
    133   path.AddRectangle(MyRect2, 0, 0, AllCorners);
    134   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    135   SetMYStyle;
    136   // draws the path on the canvas
    137   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawPath(path, 200);
    138   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    139 end;
    141 procedure TForm1.DrawPolygonClick(Sender: TObject);
    142 var
    143   p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6: TPointF;
    144   MyPolygon: TPolygon; //System.Math.Vectors unit needed.
    145 begin
    146   // sets the points that define the polygon
    147   p1 := TPointF.Create(80, 200);
    148   p2 := TPointF.Create(225, 30);
    149   p3 := TPointF.Create(370, 200);
    150   p4 := TPointF.Create(300, 340);
    151   p5 := TPointF.Create(150, 340);
    152   p6 := TPointF.Create(80, 200);
    153   // creates the polygon
    154   SetLength(MyPolygon, 6);
    155   MyPolygon[0] := p1;
    156   MyPolygon[1] := p2;
    157   MyPolygon[2] := p3;
    158   MyPolygon[3] := p4;
    159   MyPolygon[4] := p5;
    160   MyPolygon[5] := p6;
    161   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    162   SetMYStyle;
    163   // draws the polygon on the canvas
    164   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawPolygon(MyPolygon, 50);
    165   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    166 end;
    168 procedure TForm1.DrawRectClick(Sender: TObject);
    169 var
    170   MyRect: TRectF;
    171 begin
    172   // sets the rectangle to be drawn
    173   MyRect := TRectF.Create(50, 40, 200, 270);
    174   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    175   SetMYStyle;
    176   // draws the rectangle on the canvas
    177   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawRect(MyRect, 30, 60, AllCorners, 100);
    178   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    179 end;
    181 procedure TForm1.CreateThumbnailClick(Sender: TObject);
    182 var
    183   MyBitmap: TBitmap;
    184 begin
    185   // loads the bitmap using the TOpenDialog.
    186   if OpenDialog1.Execute then
    187     MyBitmap := TBitmap.CreateFromFile(OpenDialog1.Files[0]);
    188   // draws a thumbnail with given sizes
    189   Image1.Bitmap :=  MyBitmap.CreateThumbnail(300,300);
    190 end;
    192 procedure TForm1.DrawArcClick(Sender: TObject);
    193 var
    194   p1, p2: TPointF;
    195 begin
    196   // Sets the center of the arc
    197   p1 := TPointF.Create(200, 200);
    198   // sets the radius of the arc
    199   p2 := TPointF.Create(150, 150);
    200   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    201   SetMYStyle;
    202   // draws the arc on the canvas
    203   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawArc(p1, p2, 90, 230, 20);
    204   // updates the bitmap to show the arc
    205   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    206 end;
    208 procedure TForm1.DrawBitmapClick(Sender: TObject);
    209 var
    210   // MyBitmap is the bitmap to be drawn on the canvas
    211   MyBitmap: TBitmap;
    212   // is the area where to draw the bitmap
    213   // also is the area of the bitmap to be drawn on the canvas
    214   MyRect: TRectF;
    215 begin
    216   // loads the bitmap using the TOpenDialog.
    217   if OpenDialog1.Execute then
    218     MyBitmap := TBitmap.CreateFromFile(OpenDialog1.Files[0]);
    219   // set the  MyRect coordinates
    220   MyRect := TRectF.Create(0, 0, 150, 200);
    221   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    222   SetMYStyle;
    223   // draws on the rectangle specified by MyRect the area from MyBitmap specified by MyRect
    224   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawBitmap(MyBitmap, MyRect, MyRect, 20);
    225   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    226 end;
    228 procedure TForm1.DrawEllipseClick(Sender: TObject);
    229 var
    230   MyRect: TRectF;
    231 begin
    232   // sets the circumscribed rectangle of the ellipse
    233   MyRect := TRectF.Create(50, 40, 200, 270);
    234   // draws the ellipse on the canvas
    235   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    236   SetMYStyle;
    237   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawEllipse(MyRect, 40);
    238   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    239 end;
    241 procedure TForm1.DrawRectSidesClick(Sender: TObject);
    242 var
    243   MyRect: TRectF;
    244 begin
    245   // sets the rectangle to be customized and drawn
    246   MyRect := TRectF.Create(50, 40, 200, 270);
    247   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    248   SetMYStyle;
    249   // customize the rectangle and draws it on the canvas
    250   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawRectSides(MyRect, 50, 20, AllCorners, 40, AllSides,
    251     TCornerType.Bevel);
    252   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    253 end;
    255 procedure TForm1.FillTextClick(Sender: TObject);
    256 var
    257   MyRect: TRectF;
    258 begin
    259   // sets the rectangle to be customized and drawn
    260   MyRect := TRectF.Create(0, 0, 100, 200);
    261   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene;
    262   SetMYStyle;
    263   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.FillText(MyRect, Edit3.Text, false, 100, [], TTextAlign.taLeading, TTextAlign.taCenter);
    264   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
    265 end;
    267 procedure TForm1.ClaerClick(Sender: TObject);
    268 begin
    269   Image1.Bitmap.Clear(TAlphaColors.White);
    270 end;
    272 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    273 begin
    274   SetMYStyle;
    275   //第一种方式
    276 //  Self.OnPaint := Image1.OnPaint;
    277 //  Button1.OnPaint := Image1.OnPaint;
    278 //  Image1.Opacity := 0.75;
    279   //第2种方式
    280   Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(Round(Image1.Width), Round(Image1.Height));
    281   Image1.Bitmap.Clear(TAlphaColors.White);
    282 end;
    284 procedure TForm1.Image1Paint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas;
    285   const ARect: TRectF);
    286 var
    287   //图片
    288   oBMP: TBitmap;
    289   //路径
    290   oPath: TPathData;
    291   MyRect1, MyRect2: TRectF;
    292   //多边形
    293   p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6: TPointF;
    294   MyPolygon: TPolygon; //System.Math.Vectors unit needed.
    295 begin
    296 //下面的代码是第二种方式,上面几个按钮事件是第一种方式。都可以
    297 //  //图片
    298 //  oBMP := TBitMap.Create;
    299 //  oBMP.LoadFromFile('....123.bmp');
    300 //  //路径
    301 //  MyRect1 := TRectF.Create(90, 100, 230, 300);
    302 //  MyRect2 := TRectF.Create(70, 90, 220, 290);
    303 //  oPath := TPathData.Create();
    304 //  oPath.AddEllipse(MyRect1);
    305 //  oPath.AddRectangle(MyRect2, 0, 0, AllCorners);
    306 //  //多边形
    307 //  p1 := TPointF.Create(80, 200);
    308 //  p2 := TPointF.Create(225, 30);
    309 //  p3 := TPointF.Create(370, 200);
    310 //  p4 := TPointF.Create(300, 340);
    311 //  p5 := TPointF.Create(150, 340);
    312 //  p6 := TPointF.Create(80, 200);
    313 //
    314 //  SetLength(MyPolygon, 6);
    315 //  MyPolygon[0] := p1;
    316 //  MyPolygon[1] := p2;
    317 //  MyPolygon[2] := p3;
    318 //  MyPolygon[3] := p4;
    319 //  MyPolygon[4] := p5;
    320 //  MyPolygon[5] := p6;
    321 //
    322 //  Canvas.Stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid;
    323 //  Canvas.Stroke.Color := StrokeColor.Color;
    324 //  Canvas.Fill.Color := FillColor.Color;
    325 //  Canvas.Font.Size := 30;
    326 //  //画直线
    327 //  Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Location, ARect.BottomRight, 1);
    328 //  //画矩形; 集合 TCorners: 四个角是否使用指定的样式类型; 枚举 TCornerType: 角样式类型
    329 //  Canvas.DrawRect(RectF(ARect.Width/4, ARect.Height/4, ARect.Width/4*2, ARect.Height/4*2), 0.5, 0.5, [TCorner.TopLeft], 1, TCornerType.Round);
    330 //  //画矩形边; 集合 TSides 指定要画的边
    331 //  Canvas.DrawRectSides(RectF(ARect.Width/3, ARect.Height/3, ARect.Width/3*4, ARect.Height/3*4), 0.5, 0.5,[TCorner.TopLeft], 1, [TSide.Left], TCornerType.Round);
    332 //  //画椭圆
    333 //  Canvas.DrawEllipse(RectF(ARect.Width/2, ARect.Height/2, ARect.Width/2*2, ARect.Height/2*2), 1);
    334 //  //画弧
    335 //  Canvas.DrawArc(ARect.TopLeft, ARect.BottomRight/2, 40, 40, 1);
    336 //  //画路径
    337 //  Canvas.DrawPath(oPath, 200);
    338 //  //画多边形
    339 //  Canvas.DrawPolygon(MyPolygon, 50);
    340 //  //图片
    341 //  Canvas.DrawBitmap(oBMP,
    342 //                    RectF(0, 0, oBMP.Width, oBMP.Height),
    343 //                    RectF(100, 100, 100 + oBMP.Width, 100 + oBMP.Height),
    344 //                    1);
    346 //  //填充矩形
    347 //  Canvas.FillRect();
    348 //  //填充椭圆
    349 //  Canvas.FillEllipse(RectF(ARect.Width/2, ARect.Height/2, ARect.Width/2*2, ARect.Height/2*2), 1);
    350 //  //填充弧
    351 //  Canvas.FillArc(ARect.TopLeft, ARect.BottomRight/2, 40, 40, 1);
    352 //  //填充路径
    353 //  Canvas.FillPath(oPath, 200);
    354 //  //填充多边形
    355 //  Canvas.FillPolygon(MyPolygon, 50);
    356 //  //文本输出
    357 //  Canvas.FillText(ARect, 'TEST测试字符串', True, 1, [], TTextAlign.taLeading, TTextAlign.taCenter);
    358 //  oBMP.Free
    359 end;
    361 procedure TForm1.SetMYStyle;
    362 begin
    363   oStyle.StrokeColor := StrokeColor.Color;
    364   oStyle.StrokeThickness := StrToInt(StrokeThickness.Text);
    365   case StrokeCap.ItemIndex of
    366     0: oStyle.StrokeCap := TStrokeCap.Flat;
    367     1: oStyle.StrokeCap := TStrokeCap.Round;
    368   end;
    369     case StrokeDash.ItemIndex of
    370     0: oStyle.StrokeDash := TStrokeDash.Solid;
    371     1: oStyle.StrokeDash := TStrokeDash.Dash;
    372     2: oStyle.StrokeDash := TStrokeDash.Dot;
    373     3: oStyle.StrokeDash := TStrokeDash.DashDot;
    374     4: oStyle.StrokeDash := TStrokeDash.DashDotDot;
    375     5: oStyle.StrokeDash := TStrokeDash.Custom;
    376   end;
    377    case StrokeJoin.ItemIndex of
    378     0: oStyle.StrokeJoin := TStrokeJoin.Miter;
    379     1: oStyle.StrokeJoin := TStrokeJoin.Round;
    380     2: oStyle.StrokeJoin := TStrokeJoin.Bevel;
    381   end;
    382   oStyle.FillColor := FillColor.Color;
    383   oStyle.FontSize := StrToInt(FontSize.Text);
    385   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid;
    386   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Color := oStyle.StrokeColor;
    387   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Thickness := oStyle.StrokeThickness;
    388   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Cap := oStyle.StrokeCap;
    389   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Dash := oStyle.StrokeDash;
    390   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Join := oStyle.StrokeJoin;
    392   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Fill.Color := oStyle.FillColor;
    393   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Font.Size := oStyle.FontSize;
    394   Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.Font.Style := [];
    395 end;
    397 procedure TForm1.StrokeColorChange(Sender: TObject);
    398 begin
    399   SetMYStyle;
    400 end;
    402 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/FKdelphi/p/12837201.html
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