// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.net // See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help. #r @"C:\Program Files()\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\FSharp\3.0\Runtime\v4.0\Type Providers\FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll" #r @"C:\Program Files()\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5\System.Data.Linq.dll" #r @"C:\Program Files()\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5\System.ServiceModel.dll" #r @"C:\Program Files()\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5\System.Data.dll" open System.Timers open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders open System.Data type T = Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.SqlDataConnection<ConnectionString = "Data Source=mdsql3;Initial Catalog=OrcasTS;Integrated Security=True"> let defaultstartTime = new System.DateTime(2011,12,1,0,0,0) let defaultendTime = new System.DateTime(2012,3,1,0,0,0) let sqlConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=mdsql3;Initial Catalog=OrcasTS;Integrated Security=True") let queryStr = " select * from dbo.Results where dbo.Results.RunID in ( select dbo.run.RunID from dbo.run where dbo.run.OwnerID = 1170 and dbo.run.StartTime >= '2011-12-1 0:0:0' and dbo.run.EndTime < '2012-3-1 0:0:0' ) " let sqlAdapter = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(queryStr, sqlConnection) let dataSet = new DataSet() sqlAdapter.Fill(dataSet) |> ignore let count = dataSet.Tables.Item(0).Rows.Count let rows = dataSet.Tables.Item(0).Rows let resultSeq = seq{ for i in 0 .. (count - 1) -> rows.[i]} let fsrunsSeq = resultSeq |> Seq.map( fun item -> (item.[0].ToString(), item.[1].ToString())) |> Seq.filter( fun i -> snd i = "1610322") |> Seq.map(fun x -> fst x) |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.sort fsrunsSeq |> Seq.length type RunsByOwnerName( alias : string) = let client = T.GetDataContext() [<DefaultValue>] val mutable startTime : System.DateTime [<DefaultValue>] val mutable endTime : System.DateTime //query the runs in database by the specific rules member this.QueryRun() = let runQuery = query{ for run in client.Run do where(run.StartTime >= this.startTime && run.EndTime < this.endTime && run.Owners.OwnerName = alias && (run.RunStateID = 8 || run.RunStateID = 6) && run.Product.TestSourcesLocation <> "" && run.Results.Count > 0 ) select run } //return the Seq which reduce the duplicated items runQuery |> Seq.distinct //|> Seq.sort type AnalyzedFsRunsByAlias(alias : string, ? startTime : System.DateTime, ? endTime : System.DateTime) = let client = T.GetDataContext() let defaultstartTime = new System.DateTime(2011,12,1,0,0,0) let defaultendTime = new System.DateTime(2012,4,1,0,0,0) let startTime = defaultArg startTime defaultstartTime let endTime = defaultArg endTime defaultendTime member this.AllFsRunsInAllRuns ()= //"v-lindfe",v-naz,matteot,v-sezha, v-shuzhu let runsByOwener = new RunsByOwnerName(alias) runsByOwener.startTime <- startTime runsByOwener.endTime <- endTime //get the runs of the owner which specified by the alias let runs = runsByOwener.QueryRun() //the number of runs let totalRunsNum = runs |> Seq.length //get the Fsharp runs kicked off by the owner which specified by the alias let fsRuns = //filter the runs whose testcase query contain one of fsharp testcase. i.e: 1610322, also can specify another typical Fsharp testcase runs |> Seq.filter( fun x -> x.Results |> Seq.exists( fun y -> y.TestCaseID = 1610322)) let fsRunsID = fsRuns |> Seq.map( fun x -> x.RunID ) |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.sort let fsRunsNum = fsRunsID |> Seq.length //return Fsharp runs number and total runs, Fsharp runs' ID fsRunsNum,totalRunsNum,fsRunsID member this.FsAnalyzedRunsNumAndID() = //get fsharp runs number and ID in all runs let fsRunandTotalRunandfsRunID = this.AllFsRunsInAllRuns() //Function to get analyzed or not information about Fsharp runs , argument runIDSeq is the Fsharp runs ID Seq let fsRunsIDAndAnalyzedInfo(runIDSeq : int seq) = runIDSeq |> Seq.map( fun x -> let resultInEachRun = query{ for result in client.Results do where(result.RunID = x) select result } let tcIDandAnalyzedOrNot = resultInEachRun |> Seq.map( fun y -> (y.TestCaseID, y.Analyzed)) x, tcIDandAnalyzedOrNot ) let (_,_,srcIDSeq) = fsRunandTotalRunandfsRunID let infoForEachFsRun = fsRunsIDAndAnalyzedInfo(srcIDSeq) let finalRuns = infoForEachFsRun |> Seq.filter(fun x -> let tcSrc = snd x let failedTc = tcSrc |> Seq.filter(fun y -> let (tcID,analyzed) = y analyzed = false) let tcOnwerSrc = failedTc |> Seq.exists(fun z -> let owners = query{ for i in client.Testcases do where(i.TestCaseID = (fst z)) select i.Owners } //check if contain our Fsharp failed testcases that weren't analyzed. owners |> Seq.exists(fun u -> u.OwnerName = "MatteoT" || u.OwnerName = "JackHu" || u.OwnerName = "v-anxia") ) //exculed the runs which contain the fsharp failed testcases that weren't analyzed not tcOnwerSrc ) |> Seq.map (fun k -> fst k) let count = finalRuns |> Seq.length count, finalRuns //"v-lindfe",v-naz,matteot,v-sezha, v-shuzhu,v-amzh v-alhua v-yazhou let runs = new AnalyzedFsRunsByAlias("v-alhua") let num = runs.FsAnalyzedRunsNumAndID()