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  • 贪吃蛇案列---2.0可调速版

      1 <html>
      3 <head>
      4     <title>贪吃蛇 Snake v2.4</title>
      5     <style>
      6         body {
      7             font-size: 20px;
      8         }
     10         table {
     11             border-collapse: collapse;
     12             border: solid rgb(182, 178, 178) 1px;
     13             background: #fff;
     14         }
     16         td {
     17             height: 20px;
     18             width: 20px;
     19             font-size: 0px;
     20         }
     22         .filled {
     23             background-color: blue;
     24         }
     25     </style>
     26 </head>
     27 <script>
     28     function $(id) {
     29         return document.getElementById(id);
     30     }
     31     /**************************************************************
     32      * javascript贪吃蛇
     33      **************************************************************/
     34     //贪吃蛇类
     35     var Snake = {
     36         tbl: null,
     37         /**
     38          * body: 蛇身,数组放蛇的每一节,
     39          * 数据结构{x:x0, y:y0, color:color0},
     40          * x,y表示坐标,color表示颜色
     41          **/
     42         body: [],
     43         //当前移动的方向,取值0,1,2,3, 分别表示向上,右,下,左, 按键盘方向键可以改变它
     44         direction: 0,
     45         //定时器
     46         timer: null,
     47         //速度
     48         speed: 250,
     49         //是否已经暂停
     50         paused: true,
     51         //行数
     52         rowCount: 20,
     53         //列数
     54         colCount: 40,
     55         //初始化
     56         init: function() {
     57             var colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'pink'];
     58             this.tbl = $("main");
     59             var x = 0;
     60             var y = 0;
     61             var colorIndex = 0;
     62             //产生初始移动方向
     63             this.direction = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
     64             //构造table
     65             for (var row = 0; row < this.rowCount; row++) {
     66                 var tr = this.tbl.insertRow(-1);
     67                 for (var col = 0; col < this.colCount; col++) {
     68                     var td = tr.insertCell(-1);
     69                 }
     70             }
     71             //产生20个松散节点
     72             for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
     73                 x = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.colCount);
     74                 y = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.rowCount);
     75                 colorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7);
     76                 if (!this.isCellFilled(x, y)) {
     77                     this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = colors[colorIndex];
     78                 }
     79             }
     80             //产生蛇头
     81             while (true) {
     82                 x = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.colCount);
     83                 y = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.rowCount);
     84                 if (!this.isCellFilled(x, y)) {
     85                     this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = "black";
     86                     this.body.push({
     87                         x: x,
     88                         y: y,
     89                         color: 'black'
     90                     });
     91                     break;
     92                 }
     93             }
     94             this.paused = true;
     95             //添加键盘事件
     96             document.onkeydown = function(e) {
     97                 if (!e) e = window.event;
     98                 switch (e.keyCode | e.which | e.charCode) {
     99                     case 13:
    100                         {
    101                             if (Snake.paused) {
    102                                 Snake.move();
    103                                 Snake.paused = false;
    104                             } else {
    105                                 //如果没有暂停,则停止移动
    106                                 Snake.pause();
    107                                 Snake.paused = true;
    108                             }
    109                             break;
    110                         }
    111                     case 37:
    112                         { //left
    113                             //阻止蛇倒退走
    114                             if (Snake.direction == 1) {
    115                                 break;
    116                             }
    118                             Snake.direction = 3;
    119                             break;
    120                         }
    121                     case 38:
    122                         { //up
    123                             //快捷键在这里起作用
    124                             if (event.ctrlKey) {
    125                                 Snake.speedUp(-20);
    126                                 break;
    127                             }
    128                             if (Snake.direction == 2) { //阻止蛇倒退走
    129                                 break;
    130                             }
    131                             Snake.direction = 0;
    132                             break;
    133                         }
    134                     case 39:
    135                         { //right
    136                             if (Snake.direction == 3) { //阻止蛇倒退走
    137                                 break;
    138                             }
    139                             Snake.direction = 1;
    140                             break;
    141                         }
    142                     case 40:
    143                         { //down
    144                             if (event.ctrlKey) {
    145                                 Snake.speedUp(20);
    146                                 break;
    147                             }
    148                             if (Snake.direction == 0) { //阻止蛇倒退走
    149                                 break;
    150                             }
    151                             Snake.direction = 2;
    152                             break;
    153                         }
    154                 }
    155             }
    156         },
    157         //移动
    158         move: function() {
    159             this.timer = setInterval(function() {
    160                 Snake.erase();
    161                 Snake.moveOneStep();
    162                 Snake.paint();
    163             }, this.speed);
    164         },
    165         //移动一节身体
    166         moveOneStep: function() {
    167             if (this.checkNextStep() == -1) {
    168                 clearInterval(this.timer);
    169                 alert("Game over!/nPress Restart to continue.");
    170                 return;
    171             }
    172             if (this.checkNextStep() == 1) {
    173                 var _point = this.getNextPos();
    174                 var _x = _point.x;
    175                 var _y = _point.y;
    176                 var _color = this.getColor(_x, _y);
    177                 this.body.unshift({
    178                     x: _x,
    179                     y: _y,
    180                     color: _color
    181                 });
    182                 //因为吃了一个食物,所以再产生一个食物
    183                 this.generateDood();
    184                 return;
    185             }
    186             //window.status = this.toString();
    187             var point = this.getNextPos();
    188             //保留第一节的颜色
    189             var color = this.body[0].color;
    190             //颜色向前移动
    191             for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length - 1; i++) {
    192                 this.body[i].color = this.body[i + 1].color;
    193             }
    194             //蛇尾减一节, 蛇尾加一节,呈现蛇前进的效果
    195             this.body.pop();
    196             this.body.unshift({
    197                 x: point.x,
    198                 y: point.y,
    199                 color: color
    200             });
    201             //window.status = this.toString();
    202         },
    203         //探寻下一步将走到什么地方
    204         pause: function() {
    205             clearInterval(Snake.timer);
    206             this.paint();
    207         },
    208         getNextPos: function() {
    209             var x = this.body[0].x;
    211             var y = this.body[0].y;
    212             var color = this.body[0].color;
    213             //向上
    214             if (this.direction == 0) {
    215                 y--;
    216             }
    217             //向右
    218             else if (this.direction == 1) {
    219                 x++;
    220             }
    221             //向下
    222             else if (this.direction == 2) {
    223                 y++;
    224             }
    225             //向左
    226             else {
    227                 x--;
    228             }
    229             //返回一个坐标
    230             return {
    231                 x: x,
    232                 y: y
    233             };
    234         },
    235         //检查将要移动到的下一步是什么
    236         checkNextStep: function() {
    237             var point = this.getNextPos();
    238             var x = point.x;
    239             var y = point.y;
    240             if (x < 0 || x >= this.colCount || y < 0 || y >= this.rowCount) {
    241                 return -1; //触边界,游戏结束
    242             }
    243             for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) {
    244                 if (this.body[i].x == x && this.body[i].y == y) {
    245                     return -1; //碰到自己的身体,游戏结束
    246                 }
    247             }
    248             if (this.isCellFilled(x, y)) {
    249                 return 1; //有东西
    250             }
    251             return 0; //空地
    252         },
    253         //擦除蛇身
    254         erase: function() {
    255             for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) {
    256                 this.eraseDot(this.body[i].x, this.body[i].y);
    257             }
    258         },
    259         //绘制蛇身
    260         paint: function() {
    261             for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) {
    262                 this.paintDot(this.body[i].x, this.body[i].y, this.body[i].color);
    263             }
    264         },
    265         //擦除一节
    266         eraseDot: function(x, y) {
    267             this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = "";
    268         },
    269         paintDot: function(x, y, color) {
    270             this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = color;
    271         },
    272         //得到一个坐标上的颜色
    273         getColor: function(x, y) {
    274             return this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor;
    275         },
    276         //用于调试
    277         toString: function() {
    278             var str = "";
    279             for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) {
    280                 str += "x:" + this.body[i].x + " y:" + this.body[i].y + " color:" + this.body[i].color + " - ";
    281             }
    282             return str;
    283         },
    284         //检查一个坐标点有没有被填充
    285         isCellFilled: function(x, y) {
    286             if (this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor == "") {
    287                 return false;
    288             }
    289             return true;
    290         },
    291         //重新开始
    292         restart: function() {
    293             if (this.timer) {
    294                 clearInterval(this.timer);
    295             }
    296             for (var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) {
    297                 this.tbl.deleteRow(0);
    298             }
    299             this.body = [];
    300             this.init();
    301             this.speed = 250;
    302         },
    303         //加速
    304         speedUp: function(time) {
    305             if (!this.paused) {
    306                 if (this.speed + time < 10 || this.speed + time > 2000) {
    307                     return;
    308                 }
    309                 this.speed += time;
    310                 this.pause();
    311                 this.move();
    312             }
    313         },
    314         //产生食物。
    315         generateDood: function() {
    316             var colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', '#ccc'];
    317             var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.colCount);
    318             var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.rowCount);
    319             var colorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7);
    320             if (!this.isCellFilled(x, y)) {
    321                 this.tbl.rows[y].cells[x].style.backgroundColor = colors[colorIndex];
    322             }
    323         }
    324     };
    325 </script>
    327 <body onload="Snake.init();">
    329     <br />
    330     <table id="main" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"></table>
    331     <input type="button" id="btn" value="开始/暂停" />点左边按钮或按Enter开始/暂停游戏<br />
    332     <input type="button" id="reset" value="重新开始" /><br />
    333     <input type="button" id="upSpeed" value="加速" />点左边按钮或按Ctrl + ↑加速<br />
    334     <input type="button" id="downSpeed" value="减速" />点左边按钮或按Ctrl + ↓减速
    335     <script>
    336         $('btn').onclick = function() {
    337             if (Snake.paused) {
    338                 Snake.move();
    339                 Snake.paused = false;
    340             } else {
    341                 Snake.pause();
    342                 Snake.paused = true;
    343             }
    344         };
    345         $("reset").onclick = function() {
    346             Snake.restart();
    347             this.blur();
    348         };
    349         $("upSpeed").onclick = function() {
    350             Snake.speedUp(-20);
    351         };
    352         $("downSpeed").onclick = function() {
    353             Snake.speedUp(20);
    354         };
    355     </script>
    356 </body>
    358 </html>
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