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  • 数据库建标练习完结篇(32~45)

    select sname, ssex, sbirthday from student where ssex = '' 
    union select tname, tsex,tbirthday from teacher where tsex = '';
    select c.cno,c.degree from score c 
    where c.degree  < (select avg(s.degree) from score s  where s.cno = c.cno  group by s.cno);
    --34、 查询所有任课教师的Tname和Depart.
    select  t.tname, t.depart from teacher t, course c where t.tno = c.tno;
    select distinct t.tname, t.depart from teacher t, course c where t.tno not in (select tno from course);
    select * from (select s.sclass, count(s.sclass) c from student s where s.ssex = '' group by s.sclass) where  c>=2 ;
    select * from student s where s.sname not like '王%'; 
    select s.sname,to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')-to_char(s.sbirthday,'yyyy') from student s;
    select min(s.sbirthday) 最大生日,max(s.sbirthday) 最小生日 from student s;
    select * from student s order by s.sclass desc ,s.sbirthday;
    select t.tname,c.cname from teacher t,course c where t.tno = c.tno and t.tsex = '';
    select s.sname,c.cname,r.degree from student s ,course c,score r where r.degree = (select max(degree) from score)
    and s.sno = r.sno and c.cno = r.cno;
    select t.sname from student t where t.ssex = (select s.ssex from student s where s.sname = '李军');
    select t.sname from student t where t.ssex = (select s.ssex from student s where s.sname = '李军') and 
    t.sclass = (select s.sclass from student s where s.sname = '李军');
    select t.sname,t.ssex,s.degree from score s,course c,student t where s.cno = c.cno 
    and s.sno = t.sno and t.ssex = '' and c.cname = '计算机导论';
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HRZJ/p/5972022.html
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