CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_user_goshop_update] @goshop_modify_date varchar(10)='' --日期,默认今天,格式:yyyy-mm-dd ,@batchsize int=100 --批次数量 ,@waitfordelay int=3 --批次等待时间(秒) AS BEGIN set nocount on set xact_abort on declare @cal_date datetime --计算日期 declare @sql_user nvarchar(4000) --动态SQL_user declare @sql_shop nvarchar(4000) --动态SQL_shop declare @n int --分表ID declare @i int --循环ID declare @row_count_user int --user记录数 declare @row_count_shop int --shop记录数 set @n=0 -- 初始化日期 if @goshop_modify_date='' or isdate(@goshop_modify_date)=0 begin set @cal_date=convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120) end else begin set @cal_date=@goshop_modify_date end create table #temp_user(id int identity(1,1) primary key,userid int) create table #temp_shop(id int identity(1,1) primary key,shopid int,go_count int) while @n<10 begin set @sql_user='select userid from openquery(mysql62,''select distinct userid from 51fanli_fun.tb_goshop_tracking_ticket_'+convert(varchar,@n)+' where ctime>=unix_timestamp('''''+convert(varchar(10),@cal_date,120)+''''');'')' set @sql_shop='select shopid,go_count from openquery(mysql62,''select shopid,count(1) go_count from 51fanli_fun.tb_goshop_tracking_ticket_'+convert(varchar,@n)+' where ctime>=unix_timestamp('''''+convert(varchar(10),@cal_date,120)+''''') group by shopid;'')' set @row_count_user=0 set @row_count_shop=0 truncate table #temp_user truncate table #temp_shop insert into #temp_user(userid) exec sp_executesql @sql_user select @row_count_user=@@rowcount insert into #temp_shop(shopid,go_count) exec sp_executesql @sql_shop select @row_count_shop=@@rowcount -- dv_user -- 如果用户的,则认为是新注册用户,点击“去商城”后,更新 set @i=0 while @i<@row_count_user begin update dv_user set active=1 from #temp_user t inner loop join dv_user u on u.userid=t.userid where between @i+1 and @i+@batchsize and set @i=@i+@batchsize waitfor delay @waitfordelay end -- product,productview -- 更新商城每天购物点击次数 set @i=0 while @i<@row_count_shop begin begin tran update product set viewhistory=viewhistory+t.go_count from #temp_shop t inner loop join product p on where between @i+1 and @i+@batchsize update productview set viewnum=viewnum+t.go_count from #temp_shop t inner loop join productview pv on t.shopid=pv.shopid where between @i+1 and @i+@batchsize and pv.viewdate>@cal_date and pv.viewdate<=dateadd(day,1,@cal_date) insert into productview(viewdate,shopid,viewnum) select convert(varchar(10),@cal_date,120)+right(convert(varchar(19),getdate(),120),9),t.shopid,t.go_count from #temp_shop t left loop join productview pv with(nolock) on t.shopid=pv.shopid and pv.viewdate>@cal_date and pv.viewdate<=dateadd(day,1,@cal_date) where between @i+1 and @i+@batchsize and pv.shopid is null commit set @i=@i+@batchsize waitfor delay @waitfordelay end set @n=@n+1 end END