This sample illustrates how to create an instance of a simple PrintDialog and then display it. The sample uses both Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and procedural code.
public void InvokePrint(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PrintDialog pDialog = new PrintDialog();
pDialog.PageRangeSelection = PageRangeSelection.AllPages;
pDialog.UserPageRangeEnabled = true;
public void GetHeight(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PrintDialog pDialog = new PrintDialog();
PrintTicket pt = pDialog.PrintTicket; //force initialization of the dialog's PrintTicket or PrintQueue
txt1.Text = pDialog.PrintableAreaHeight.ToString() + " is the printable height";
public void GetWidth(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PrintDialog pDialog = new PrintDialog();
PrintQueue pq = pDialog.PrintQueue; //force initialization of the dialog's PrintTicket or PrintQueue
txt2.Text = pDialog.PrintableAreaWidth.ToString() + " is the printable width";
PrintDialog pDialog = new PrintDialog();
pDialog.PageRangeSelection = PageRangeSelection.AllPages;
pDialog.UserPageRangeEnabled = true;
public void GetHeight(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PrintDialog pDialog = new PrintDialog();
PrintTicket pt = pDialog.PrintTicket; //force initialization of the dialog's PrintTicket or PrintQueue
txt1.Text = pDialog.PrintableAreaHeight.ToString() + " is the printable height";
public void GetWidth(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PrintDialog pDialog = new PrintDialog();
PrintQueue pq = pDialog.PrintQueue; //force initialization of the dialog's PrintTicket or PrintQueue
txt2.Text = pDialog.PrintableAreaWidth.ToString() + " is the printable width";