- 解析身份证号:生日、性别、出生地等。
file = open('region.txt','r') text = file.read() file.close() text = text.replace('u3000','') list = text.split(' ') print(list) Id=input('请输入身份证号码:') for areaVerify in list: if Id[0:6] == areaVerify[0:6]: city = areaVerify[6:] Birth_year = Id[6:10] Birth_month = Id[10:12] Birth_day = Id[12:14] sex = '女' if int(Id[16]) % 2 == 0 else '男' print('{},出生于{}年{}月{}日,{}人'.format(sex,Birth_year,Birth_month,Birth_day,city))
- 凯撒密码编码与解码
Plaintext=input('请输入明文:') pas='' pla='' print('密文为:',end='') for i in range(0, len(Plaintext)): if Plaintext[i] in ['x', 'y', 'z']: pas += chr(ord(Plaintext[i]) - 23) else: pas += chr(ord(Plaintext[i]) + 3) print(pas,end='') print(' 原文为:',end='') for i in range(0,len(pas)): if pas[i] in ['a','b','c']: pla += chr(ord(pas[i]) + 23) else: pla += chr(ord(pas[i])-3) print(pla,end='')
- 网址观察与批量生成
for i in range(2,6): url='http://news.gzcc.cn/html/xiaoyuanxinwen/{}.html'.format(i) print(url) import webbrowser as web for i in range(2,6): web.open_new_tab('http://news.gzcc.cn/html/xiaoyuanxinwen/'+ str(i) +'.html')
text='''For you I gave my life, my everything, you were my reason why And you were true to me, and in our darkest hour, your love set me free You were the only one for me, what love was meant to be Forever you will be my love, all I need Our dreams of life together gone, I don’t know what went wrong I will miss you forever my love I feel so lonely without you I don’t know what to do Cause you were everything to me, yeah it’s true The light that shined into my life The fire that stirs desire Burning out like a flame in the night You were the only one for me, what love was meant to be Forever you will be my love, all I need Our dreams of life together gone, I don’t know what went wrong I will miss you forever my love And now, I walk alone An empty heart, the precious moments gone But I know that you are there one day when heaven calls, I’ll see you again when heaven calls, I’ll see you again''' text = text.lower() pun = ',.?! ' for i in pun: text = text.replace(i,' ') words = text.split(' ') print(words) word_count = {} for word in words: if word in word_count.keys(): word_count[word] += 1 else: word_count[word] = 1 print('单词 个数') for i in word_count: print('{:<20}{:<8}'.format(i,word_count[i]))