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  • Swift学习-1.基础与函数





    let x = 5
    switch x {
    case 0...1:
        print("This is printed for the range 0 to 1 inclusive")
    case 2...4:
        print("This is printed for the range 2 to 4 inclusive")
    case 5...8:
        print("This is printed for the range 5 to 8 inclusive")
        fallthrough//fallthrough would print the next statements as well
    default://The default statement isn't needed if the cases cover all the possibilities.But if there is a case not covered then the default statement is a must,else compile time error would occur.
        print("Default is only needed when cases are not exhaustive. Else compile time error will come.")
    This is printed for the range 5 to 8 inclusive
    Default is only needed when cases are not exhaustive. Else compile time error will come.


    enum MoodType{
        case Happy,Sad,Worried,Tensed,Angry
    func getMood(mood:MoodType) -> String{//return type can be nil,just appending a ? at the end of it
        if mood == MoodType.Angry {
            return nil
        }else if mood == MoodType.Happy{
            return "Today is your day"
            return "Something is wrong with your mood today!"
    print(getMood(mood: .Happy)!)

    ###3.function 函数一般构成:函数标识符+函数名(入参名:入参类型,...) → 返回类型 ####3.1普通函数无返回类型 func : 函数标识符 display:函数名 websiteName 与 withTutorial:外部参数名(也可称为:参数标签),调用函数时使用; w 与 t:内部参数,在函数内部使用

    func display(websiteName w:String,withTutorial t:String){
        print(w + " " + t)
    display(websiteName: "www.huihuang.com", withTutorial: "excellent")
    //print:www.huihuang.com excellent


    func sumTwoNumbers(_ a:Int,_ b:Int) -> Int{
        return a+b
    sumTwoNumbers(2, 3)
    //result : 5


    func sumTwoNumberWithDefaultValue(_ a:Int,_ b:Int = 2) -> Int{
        return a + b
    sumTwoNumberWithDefaultValue(5)//result : 5
    sumTwoNumberWithDefaultValue(5, 6)//result : 11

    ####3.4 inout参数函数

    var i = 3
    func increment(_ i :inout Int,by x : Int) -> Int{
        i = i + x
        return i
    increment(&i, by: 3)
    print(i)// result : i = 6


    func makeSentence(words : String...,other:String) -> String{
        var sentence = ""
        for word in words {
            sentence = sentence + " " + word
        sentence = sentence + other
        return sentence
    makeSentence(words: "Function","having", "Variadic parameters","Add as many strings here you want", "Can use one variadic parameter per func","Make full use",other:".")
    //打印结果:Function having Variadic parameters Add as many strings here you want Can use one variadic parameter per func Make full use."


    func returnSentenceAndWordCount(_ strings: String...) -> (sentence: String, wordCount: Int)
        var sentence = ""
        for s in strings
            sentence = sentence + " " + s
        return (sentence, strings.count)
    let data = returnSentenceAndWordCount("Function","returns a tuple", "containing", "sentence and number of strings and word count")
    print(data.sentence + "
    //打印结果:Function returns a tuple containing sentence and number of strings and word count


    func sayHello(to name: String) {
        let s = "Hello " + name
        func printString() {
    sayHello(to: "Anupam") 
    //打印结果: Hello Anupam


    func square(_ num : Int) -> Int{
        return num * num
    func cube(_ num : Int) -> Int{
        return num * num * num
    var exponentialFunction = square


    var integers = [1,2,3,4,5]
    func sumOfExponentialsOf(array a: [Int], with function: (Int)->Int)->Int
        var result = 0
        for x in a
            result = result + function(x)
        return result
    sumOfExponentialsOf(array: integers, with: exponentialFunction)


    func chooseComputation(isSquared b : Bool) -> (Int)->Int{
        func square(_ num :Int)->Int
            return num*num
        func cube(_ num :Int)->Int
            return num*num*num
        if b {
            return square
            return cube
    var result = chooseComputation(isSquared: true)
    result = chooseComputation(isSquared: false)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/PotatoToEgg/p/14900424.html
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