鄙司原始用的都是ADO来访问数据库,而我现在着手的项目是从我的GPS历史数据库中,取出历时数据的一个接口,一个DLL.用ADO写完之后,测试下来,平均4000条的数据,需要 180 毫秒左右. 包括数据包的排序.领导说有点慢.他是用C#写的.
而后我查找了资料,决定用Native Client OLEDB来试一试. 测试之后,效果还不错.取4000条的数据,只花了50毫秒左右,足足快了三倍.当然这也包括了排序.
WO 对 OLEDB 进行了简单的封装. 以下是项目的OLEDB部分代码.

1 #pragma once 2 3 #include <oledb.h> 4 #include <oledberr.h> 5 #include <stdio.h> 6 #include <stddef.h> // for offsetof 7 8 #include <msdaguid.h> 9 #include <msdasql.h> 10 #include <msdasc.h> 11 #include <sqlncli.h> 12 #include <string> 13 //#include "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110SDKIncludesqlncli.h" 14 15 #ifndef _AUTHOR_NAME 16 #define _AUTHOR_NAME "沈春钟" 17 #define _CREATE_DATE "2016-05-18" 18 #define _LIBRARY_TITLE "NativeClientOLEDB" 19 #define _LIBRARY_DESC "对NaTiveClientOLEDB的封装" 20 #define _MAINTAIN_CONTACT "SamRichard@live.cn" 21 #define _MAX_COL_NUM 100 22 #endif 23 24 #pragma comment(lib, "sqlncli11.lib") 25 26 27 // @type UWORD | 2 byte unsigned integer. 28 typedef unsigned short UWORD; 29 30 // @type SDWORD | 4 byte signed integer. 31 typedef signed long SDWORD; 32 33 using namespace std; 34 35 //委托表数据结构体 36 #pragma pack(push, 1) 37 class Data 38 { 39 //SDWORD SOID_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 40 //DWORD SOID_status; // Status of column. 41 //int SOID_value; 42 }; 43 #pragma pack(pop) 44 45 //// How to lay out each column in memory. 46 //struct COLUMNDATA { 47 // SDWORD idLen; // Length of data (not space allocated). 48 // DWORD idStatus; // Status of column. 49 // int id; // Store data here as a variant. 50 // SDWORD dateLen; 51 // DWORD dateStatus; 52 // char date[21]; 53 //}; 54 55 class CNativeClientOLEDB 56 { 57 public: 58 CNativeClientOLEDB(void); 59 ~CNativeClientOLEDB(void); 60 61 public: 62 //初始化连接 63 HRESULT Init(CStringW strDataSource, CStringW strUserID, CStringW strPassWD, CStringW strCataLOG); 64 //不建议用此方式初始化 65 HRESULT Init(CStringW strConnectionString); 66 //释放连接 67 void UnInit(); 68 69 protected: 70 //函数申明 71 virtual void set_bindings(); 72 //设置每列数据列的类型 73 virtual void SetColType(void); 74 //设置每列数据列的长度 75 virtual void SetColLen(void); 76 77 //bind one by one 78 void set_bind(DBBINDING &binding, int col, DBBYTEOFFSET len_offset, DBBYTEOFFSET status_offset, DBBYTEOFFSET value_offset, DBLENGTH len, DBTYPE type); 79 80 void DumpErrorInfo(IUnknown* pObjectWithError, REFIID IID_InterfaceWithError); 81 82 //HRESULT FastInsertData(); 83 //快速查询数据 84 HRESULT FastQueryData(CStringW strSql,ULONG& nColNum, IRowset** pIRowset,IAccessor** pIAccessor, HACCESSOR& hAccessor); 85 //释放RowSet和IAccessor 86 HRESULT ReleaseRowsetAndIAccessor(IRowset** pIRowset,IAccessor** pIAccessor,const HACCESSOR& hAccessor); 87 //快速插入数据 88 HRESULT FastInsertData(CStringW strTable, ULONG& nColNum, IRowsetFastLoad** pIRowsetFastLoad, IAccessor** pIAccessor, HACCESSOR& hAccessor); 89 //释放RowsetFast和IAccessor 90 HRESULT ReleaseRowsetFastLoadAndIAccessor(IRowsetFastLoad** pIRowset,IAccessor** pIAccessor,const HACCESSOR& hAccessor); 91 92 private: 93 94 // Given an ICommand pointer, properties, and query, a rowsetpointer is returned. 95 HRESULT DBInitAndConnect(DBPROPSET* rgPropertySets, ULONG ulcPropCount, CLSID clsidProv); 96 97 // Use to set properties and execute a given query. 98 HRESULT ExecuteQuery(IDBCreateCommand* pIDBCreateCommand, 99 WCHAR* pwszQuery, 100 DBPROPSET* rgPropertySets, 101 ULONG ulcPropCount, 102 LONG* pcRowsAffected, 103 IRowset** ppIRowset, 104 BOOL fSuccessOnly = TRUE); 105 106 // Use to set up options for call to IDBInitialize::Initialize. 107 void SetupOption(DBPROPID PropID, WCHAR *wszVal, DBPROP * pDBProp); 108 109 // Sets fastload property on/off for session. 110 HRESULT SetFastLoadProperty(BOOL fSet); 111 112 public: 113 //创建会话和命令 114 HRESULT CreateSessionAndCommand(); 115 //释放会话和命令 116 HRESULT ReleaseSessionAndCommand(); 117 //设置模式和创建会话 118 HRESULT SetPropertiesAndCreateSessionAndIOpenRowset(BOOL bFast = TRUE); 119 //释放会话 120 HRESULT ReleaseSessionIOpenRowset(); 121 122 private: 123 //初始化层 124 IMalloc* m_pIMalloc; 125 IDataInitialize* m_pIDataInitialize; 126 IDBInitialize* m_pIDBInitialize; 127 // OLE initialized? 128 BOOL m_bInitialized; 129 //回话和命令层 130 IDBCreateSession* m_pIDBSession; 131 IOpenRowset* m_pIOpenRowset; 132 ICommand* m_pICommand; 133 IDBCreateCommand* m_pIDBCreateCommand; 134 ICommandText* m_pICommandText; 135 DBID TableID; 136 137 protected: 138 //binding数组 139 DBBINDING m_bindings[_MAX_COL_NUM]; 140 141 //委托表每列的数据类型 142 DBTYPEENUM col_type[_MAX_COL_NUM]; 143 144 //委托表每列的数据长度 145 DBBYTEOFFSET col_len[_MAX_COL_NUM]; 146 }; 147 148

1 #include "StdAfx.h" 2 #include "NativeClientOLEDB.h" 3 #include <time.h> 4 #include <Base64.h> 5 6 #define COUNT 10000 7 #define ROW_SIZE 1000 8 9 #define COLUMN_ALIGNVAL 8 10 #define ROUND_UP(Size, Amount)(((DWORD)(Size) + ((Amount)-1)) & ~((Amount)-1)) 11 12 const UWORD g_cOPTION = 4; 13 const UWORD MAXPROPERTIES = 5; 14 const ULONG DEFAULT_CBMAXLENGTH = 20; 15 16 17 CNativeClientOLEDB::CNativeClientOLEDB(void) 18 { 19 m_pIMalloc = NULL; 20 m_pIDBInitialize = NULL; 21 m_bInitialized = FALSE; 22 m_pIDBSession = NULL; 23 m_pIOpenRowset = NULL; 24 m_pICommand = NULL; 25 m_pIDBCreateCommand = NULL; 26 m_pICommandText = NULL; 27 TableID.uName.pwszName = NULL; 28 m_pIDataInitialize = NULL; 29 SetColType(); 30 SetColLen(); 31 } 32 33 CNativeClientOLEDB::~CNativeClientOLEDB(void) 34 { 35 ReleaseSessionAndCommand(); 36 UnInit(); 37 } 38 39 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::Init(CStringW strDataSource, CStringW strUserID, CStringW strPassWD, CStringW strCataLOG) 40 { 41 HRESULT hr = NOERROR; 42 // One property set for initializing. 43 DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[1]; 44 // Properties within above property set. 45 DBPROP rgDBProperties[g_cOPTION]; 46 do 47 { 48 // Basic initialization. 49 if (FAILED(CoInitialize(NULL))) 50 break; 51 else 52 m_bInitialized = TRUE; 53 54 hr = CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &m_pIMalloc); 55 if ((!m_pIMalloc) || FAILED(hr)) 56 break; 57 58 // Set up property set for call to IDBInitialize in CreateSessionCommand. 59 rgPropertySets[0].rgProperties = rgDBProperties; 60 rgPropertySets[0].cProperties = g_cOPTION; 61 rgPropertySets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_DBINIT; 62 63 SetupOption(DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE, (WCHAR *)(LPCWSTR)strDataSource, &rgDBProperties[0]); 64 SetupOption(DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG, (WCHAR *)(LPCWSTR)strCataLOG, &rgDBProperties[1]); 65 SetupOption(DBPROP_AUTH_USERID, (WCHAR *)(LPCWSTR)strUserID, &rgDBProperties[2]); 66 SetupOption(DBPROP_AUTH_PASSWORD, (WCHAR *)(LPCWSTR)strPassWD, &rgDBProperties[3]); 67 68 //if (S_OK != (hr = DBInitAndConnect(rgPropertySets, 1, SQLNCLI_CLSID))) 69 if (S_OK != (hr = DBInitAndConnect(rgPropertySets, 1, CLSID_SQLNCLI11))) 70 break; 71 return S_OK; 72 } while (0); 73 74 return hr; 75 } 76 77 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::Init(CStringW strConnectionString) 78 { 79 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 80 do 81 { 82 83 if (FAILED(CoInitialize(NULL))) 84 break; 85 else 86 m_bInitialized = TRUE; 87 88 hr = CoCreateInstance( 89 CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE, 90 NULL, 91 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 92 IID_IDataInitialize, 93 reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&m_pIDataInitialize)); 94 if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) 95 break; 96 97 98 hr = m_pIDataInitialize->GetDataSource( 99 NULL, 100 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 101 strConnectionString, 102 IID_IDBInitialize, 103 reinterpret_cast<IUnknown **>(&m_pIDBInitialize)); 104 105 if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) 106 break; 107 108 if (!SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIDBInitialize->Initialize())) { 109 printf("Call to initialize failed. "); 110 break; 111 } 112 113 return S_OK; 114 115 } while (0); 116 117 UnInit(); 118 return hr; 119 } 120 121 void CNativeClientOLEDB::UnInit() 122 { 123 HRESULT hr = NOERROR; 124 125 //ReleaseSessionAndCommand(); 126 //ReleaseSessionIOpenRowset(); 127 128 if (m_pIMalloc){ 129 m_pIMalloc->Release(); 130 m_pIMalloc = NULL; 131 } 132 133 if (m_pIDBInitialize) { 134 hr = m_pIDBInitialize->Uninitialize(); 135 m_pIDBInitialize = NULL; 136 if (FAILED(hr)) 137 printf("Uninitialize failed "); 138 } 139 140 if (m_bInitialized){ 141 CoUninitialize(); 142 m_bInitialized = FALSE; 143 } 144 145 if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 146 printf("Test completed successfully. "); 147 else 148 printf("Test failed. "); 149 150 } 151 152 void CNativeClientOLEDB::SetColType(void) 153 { 154 155 } 156 157 void CNativeClientOLEDB::SetColLen(void) 158 { 159 160 } 161 162 void CNativeClientOLEDB::set_bindings() 163 { 164 165 } 166 167 void CNativeClientOLEDB::set_bind(DBBINDING &binding, int col, DBBYTEOFFSET len_offset, DBBYTEOFFSET status_offset, DBBYTEOFFSET value_offset, DBLENGTH len, DBTYPE type) 168 { 169 binding.dwPart = DBPART_VALUE | DBPART_LENGTH | DBPART_STATUS; 170 binding.iOrdinal = col; 171 binding.pTypeInfo = NULL; 172 binding.obValue = value_offset; 173 binding.obLength = len_offset; 174 binding.obStatus = status_offset; 175 binding.cbMaxLen = len; // Size of varchar column. 176 binding.pTypeInfo = NULL; 177 binding.pObject = NULL; 178 binding.pBindExt = NULL; 179 binding.dwFlags = 0; 180 binding.eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM; 181 binding.dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED; 182 binding.bPrecision = 0; 183 binding.bScale = 0; 184 binding.wType = type; 185 } 186 187 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::DBInitAndConnect(DBPROPSET* rgPropertySets, ULONG ulcPropCount, CLSID clsidProv) 188 { 189 HRESULT hr = NOERROR; 190 IDBProperties* pIDBProperties = NULL; 191 UWORD i = 0, j = 0; // indexes. 192 193 if (ulcPropCount && !rgPropertySets) { 194 hr = E_INVALIDARG; 195 return hr; 196 } 197 198 if (S_OK != (hr = CoCreateInstance(clsidProv, 199 NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 200 IID_IDBInitialize, 201 (void **)&m_pIDBInitialize))){ 202 goto CLEANUP; 203 } 204 205 if (S_OK != (hr = m_pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, 206 (void **)&pIDBProperties))) 207 goto CLEANUP; 208 209 if (S_OK != (hr = pIDBProperties->SetProperties(ulcPropCount, rgPropertySets))){ 210 goto CLEANUP; 211 } 212 213 if (S_OK != (hr = m_pIDBInitialize->Initialize())) { 214 215 printf("Call to initialize failed. "); 216 goto CLEANUP; 217 } 218 219 CLEANUP: 220 if (pIDBProperties) 221 pIDBProperties->Release(); 222 223 for (i = 0; i < ulcPropCount; i++) 224 for (j = 0; j < rgPropertySets[i].cProperties; j++) 225 VariantClear(&(rgPropertySets[i].rgProperties[j]).vValue); 226 return hr; 227 } 228 229 void CNativeClientOLEDB::DumpErrorInfo(IUnknown* pObjectWithError, REFIID IID_InterfaceWithError) 230 { 231 // Interfaces used in the example. 232 IErrorInfo* pIErrorInfoAll = NULL; 233 IErrorInfo* pIErrorInfoRecord = NULL; 234 IErrorRecords* pIErrorRecords = NULL; 235 ISupportErrorInfo* pISupportErrorInfo = NULL; 236 ISQLErrorInfo* pISQLErrorInfo = NULL; 237 ISQLServerErrorInfo* pISQLServerErrorInfo = NULL; 238 239 // Number of error records. 240 ULONG nRecs; 241 ULONG nRec; 242 243 // Basic error information from GetBasicErrorInfo. 244 ERRORINFO errorinfo; 245 246 // IErrorInfo values. 247 BSTR bstrDescription; 248 BSTR bstrSource; 249 250 // ISQLErrorInfo parameters. 251 BSTR bstrSQLSTATE; 252 LONG lNativeError; 253 254 // ISQLServerErrorInfo parameter pointers. 255 SSERRORINFO* pSSErrorInfo = NULL; 256 OLECHAR* pSSErrorStrings = NULL; 257 258 // Hard-code an American English locale for the example. 259 DWORD MYLOCALEID = 0x0409; 260 261 // Only ask for error information if the interface supports 262 // it. 263 if (FAILED(pObjectWithError->QueryInterface(IID_ISupportErrorInfo, 264 (void**)&pISupportErrorInfo))) 265 { 266 wprintf_s(L"SupportErrorErrorInfo interface not supported"); 267 return; 268 } 269 if (FAILED(pISupportErrorInfo-> 270 InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(IID_InterfaceWithError))) 271 { 272 wprintf_s(L"InterfaceWithError interface not supported"); 273 return; 274 } 275 276 // Do not test the return of GetErrorInfo. It can succeed and return 277 // a NULL pointer in pIErrorInfoAll. Simply test the pointer. 278 GetErrorInfo(0, &pIErrorInfoAll); 279 280 if (pIErrorInfoAll != NULL) 281 { 282 // Test to see if it's a valid OLE DB IErrorInfo interface 283 // exposing a list of records. 284 if (SUCCEEDED(pIErrorInfoAll->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorRecords, 285 (void**)&pIErrorRecords))) 286 { 287 pIErrorRecords->GetRecordCount(&nRecs); 288 289 // Within each record, retrieve information from each 290 // of the defined interfaces. 291 for (nRec = 0; nRec < nRecs; nRec++) 292 { 293 // From IErrorRecords, get the HRESULT and a reference 294 // to the ISQLErrorInfo interface. 295 pIErrorRecords->GetBasicErrorInfo(nRec, &errorinfo); 296 pIErrorRecords->GetCustomErrorObject(nRec, 297 IID_ISQLErrorInfo, (IUnknown**)&pISQLErrorInfo); 298 299 // Display the HRESULT, then use the ISQLErrorInfo. 300 wprintf_s(L"HRESULT: %#X ", errorinfo.hrError); 301 302 if (pISQLErrorInfo != NULL) 303 { 304 pISQLErrorInfo->GetSQLInfo(&bstrSQLSTATE, 305 &lNativeError); 306 307 // Display the SQLSTATE and native error values. 308 wprintf_s(L"SQLSTATE: %s Native Error: %ld ", 309 bstrSQLSTATE, lNativeError); 310 311 // SysFree BSTR references. 312 SysFreeString(bstrSQLSTATE); 313 314 // Get the ISQLServerErrorInfo interface from 315 // ISQLErrorInfo before releasing the reference. 316 pISQLErrorInfo->QueryInterface( 317 IID_ISQLServerErrorInfo, 318 (void**)&pISQLServerErrorInfo); 319 320 pISQLErrorInfo->Release(); 321 } 322 323 // Test to ensure the reference is valid, then 324 // get error information from ISQLServerErrorInfo. 325 if (pISQLServerErrorInfo != NULL) 326 { 327 pISQLServerErrorInfo->GetErrorInfo(&pSSErrorInfo, 328 &pSSErrorStrings); 329 330 // ISQLServerErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo succeeds 331 // even when it has nothing to return. Test the 332 // pointers before using. 333 if (pSSErrorInfo) 334 { 335 // Display the state and severity from the 336 // returned information. The error message comes 337 // from IErrorInfo::GetDescription. 338 wprintf_s(L"Error state: %d Severity: %d ", 339 pSSErrorInfo->bState, 340 pSSErrorInfo->bClass); 341 342 // IMalloc::Free needed to release references 343 // on returned values. For the example, assume 344 // the g_pIMalloc pointer is valid. 345 m_pIMalloc->Free(pSSErrorStrings); 346 m_pIMalloc->Free(pSSErrorInfo); 347 } 348 349 pISQLServerErrorInfo->Release(); 350 } 351 352 if (SUCCEEDED(pIErrorRecords->GetErrorInfo(nRec, 353 MYLOCALEID, &pIErrorInfoRecord))) 354 { 355 // Get the source and description (error message) 356 // from the record's IErrorInfo. 357 pIErrorInfoRecord->GetSource(&bstrSource); 358 pIErrorInfoRecord->GetDescription(&bstrDescription); 359 360 if (bstrSource != NULL) 361 { 362 wprintf_s(L"Source: %s ", bstrSource); 363 SysFreeString(bstrSource); 364 } 365 if (bstrDescription != NULL) 366 { 367 wprintf_s(L"Error message: %s ", 368 bstrDescription); 369 SysFreeString(bstrDescription); 370 } 371 372 pIErrorInfoRecord->Release(); 373 } 374 } 375 376 pIErrorRecords->Release(); 377 } 378 else 379 { 380 // IErrorInfo is valid; get the source and 381 // description to see what it is. 382 pIErrorInfoAll->GetSource(&bstrSource); 383 pIErrorInfoAll->GetDescription(&bstrDescription); 384 385 if (bstrSource != NULL) 386 { 387 wprintf_s(L"Source: %s ", bstrSource); 388 SysFreeString(bstrSource); 389 } 390 if (bstrDescription != NULL) 391 { 392 wprintf_s(L"Error message: %s ", bstrDescription); 393 SysFreeString(bstrDescription); 394 } 395 } 396 397 pIErrorInfoAll->Release(); 398 } 399 else 400 { 401 wprintf_s(L"GetErrorInfo failed."); 402 } 403 404 pISupportErrorInfo->Release(); 405 406 return; 407 } 408 409 void CNativeClientOLEDB::SetupOption(DBPROPID PropID, WCHAR *wszVal, DBPROP * pDBProp) 410 { 411 pDBProp->dwPropertyID = PropID; 412 pDBProp->dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; 413 pDBProp->colid = DB_NULLID; 414 pDBProp->vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; 415 pDBProp->vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocStringLen(wszVal, wcslen(wszVal)); 416 } 417 418 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::SetFastLoadProperty(BOOL fSet) 419 { 420 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 421 IDBProperties* pIDBProps = NULL; 422 DBPROP rgProps[1]; 423 DBPROPSET PropSet; 424 425 VariantInit(&rgProps[0].vValue); 426 427 rgProps[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; 428 rgProps[0].colid = DB_NULLID; 429 rgProps[0].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; 430 rgProps[0].dwPropertyID = SSPROP_ENABLEFASTLOAD; 431 432 if (fSet == TRUE) 433 rgProps[0].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; 434 else 435 rgProps[0].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; 436 437 PropSet.rgProperties = rgProps; 438 PropSet.cProperties = 1; 439 PropSet.guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCE; 440 441 if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (LPVOID *)&pIDBProps))) 442 hr = pIDBProps->SetProperties(1, &PropSet); 443 444 VariantClear(&rgProps[0].vValue); 445 446 if (pIDBProps) 447 pIDBProps->Release(); 448 449 return hr; 450 } 451 452 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::FastQueryData(CStringW strSql,ULONG& nColNum,IRowset** pIRowset,IAccessor** pIAccessor, HACCESSOR& hAccessor) 453 { 454 455 HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; 456 if (NULL != *pIRowset || NULL != *pIAccessor || strSql.IsEmpty() || NULL == m_pICommandText || NULL == m_pICommand || nColNum <= 0){ 457 return hr; 458 } 459 do 460 { 461 if (FAILED(hr = m_pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, strSql))){ 462 break; 463 } 464 465 LONG lAffected; 466 if (FAILED(hr = m_pICommand->Execute(NULL, IID_IRowset, NULL, &lAffected, (IUnknown **)pIRowset))){ 467 break; 468 } 469 470 if (FAILED(hr = (*pIRowset)->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void **)pIAccessor))){ 471 break; 472 } 473 474 set_bindings(); 475 476 DBBINDSTATUS dbs[_MAX_COL_NUM] = { 0 }; 477 if (FAILED(hr = (*pIAccessor)->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, (DBCOUNTITEM)nColNum, m_bindings, sizeof(Data),&hAccessor, dbs))){ 478 //dbs是绑定状态 479 break; 480 } 481 482 return S_OK; 483 } while (0); 484 485 ReleaseRowsetAndIAccessor(pIRowset, pIAccessor, hAccessor); 486 } 487 488 489 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::FastInsertData(CStringW strTable, ULONG& nColNum, IRowsetFastLoad** pIRowsetFastLoad, IAccessor** pIAccessor, HACCESSOR& hAccessor) 490 { 491 HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; 492 TableID.uName.pwszName = NULL; 493 TableID.eKind = DBKIND_NAME; 494 TableID.uName.pwszName = new WCHAR[strTable.GetLength() + 2]; 495 wcsncpy_s(TableID.uName.pwszName, strTable.GetLength() + 2, strTable, strTable.GetLength() + 1); 496 TableID.uName.pwszName[strTable.GetLength() + 1] = (WCHAR)NULL; 497 498 do 499 { 500 // Get IRowsetFastLoad initialized to use the test table. 501 if (FAILED(hr = m_pIOpenRowset->OpenRowset(NULL, &TableID, NULL, IID_IRowsetFastLoad, 0, NULL, (LPUNKNOWN *)pIRowsetFastLoad))){ 502 break; 503 } 504 505 set_bindings(); 506 DBBINDSTATUS bds[_MAX_COL_NUM] = { 0 }; 507 if (FAILED(hr = (*pIRowsetFastLoad)->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void **)pIAccessor))){ 508 break; 509 } 510 511 if (FAILED(hr = (*pIAccessor)->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, (DBCOUNTITEM)nColNum, m_bindings, (ROUND_UP(sizeof(Data), COLUMN_ALIGNVAL)), &hAccessor, bds))){ 512 //dbs是绑定状态 513 break; 514 } 515 516 return S_OK; 517 } while (0); 518 519 ReleaseRowsetFastLoadAndIAccessor(pIRowsetFastLoad, pIAccessor, hAccessor); 520 return E_FAIL; 521 } 522 523 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::ReleaseRowsetAndIAccessor(IRowset** pIRowset,IAccessor** pIAccessor,const HACCESSOR& hAccessor) 524 { 525 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 526 if (*pIRowset){ 527 (*pIRowset)->Release(); 528 (*pIRowset) = NULL; 529 } 530 531 if (*pIAccessor && hAccessor){ 532 if (FAILED((*pIAccessor)->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL))){ 533 hr = E_FAIL; 534 } 535 (*pIAccessor)->Release(); 536 *pIAccessor = NULL; 537 } 538 539 return hr; 540 } 541 542 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::ReleaseRowsetFastLoadAndIAccessor(IRowsetFastLoad** pIRowset,IAccessor** pIAccessor,const HACCESSOR& hAccessor) 543 { 544 545 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 546 if (FAILED(hr = SetFastLoadProperty(FALSE))) 547 printf("SetFastLoadProperty(FALSE) failed with %x", hr); 548 549 if (*pIAccessor && hAccessor) 550 if (FAILED((*pIAccessor)->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL))) 551 hr = E_FAIL; 552 553 if (*pIAccessor){ 554 (*pIAccessor)->Release(); 555 *pIAccessor = NULL; 556 } 557 558 if (*pIRowset){ 559 (*pIRowset)->Release(); 560 (*pIRowset) = NULL; 561 } 562 563 if (TableID.uName.pwszName) 564 delete[]TableID.uName.pwszName; 565 566 return hr; 567 } 568 569 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::CreateSessionAndCommand() 570 { 571 HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; 572 if (NULL == m_pIDBInitialize || m_pIDBSession || m_pIOpenRowset || m_pIDBCreateCommand || m_pICommand || m_pICommandText){ 573 return hr; 574 } 575 576 do 577 { 578 if (FAILED(hr = 579 m_pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBCreateSession, (void **)&m_pIDBSession))) 580 break; 581 582 if (FAILED(hr = 583 m_pIDBSession->CreateSession(NULL, IID_IOpenRowset, (IUnknown **)&m_pIOpenRowset ))) 584 break; 585 586 if (FAILED(hr = m_pIOpenRowset ->QueryInterface(IID_IDBCreateCommand, (void **)&m_pIDBCreateCommand))){ 587 break; 588 } 589 590 if (FAILED(hr = m_pIDBCreateCommand->CreateCommand(NULL, IID_ICommand, (IUnknown **)&m_pICommand))){ 591 break; 592 } 593 594 if (FAILED(hr = m_pICommand->QueryInterface(&m_pICommandText))){ 595 break; 596 } 597 598 return S_OK; 599 600 } while (0); 601 602 ReleaseSessionAndCommand(); 603 return hr; 604 } 605 606 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::ReleaseSessionAndCommand() 607 { 608 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 609 if (m_pICommandText){ 610 m_pICommandText->Release(); 611 m_pICommandText = NULL; 612 } 613 614 if (m_pICommand){ 615 m_pICommand->Release(); 616 m_pICommand = NULL; 617 } 618 619 if (m_pIDBCreateCommand){ 620 m_pIDBCreateCommand->Release(); 621 m_pIDBCreateCommand = NULL; 622 } 623 624 if (m_pIOpenRowset){ 625 m_pIOpenRowset->Release(); 626 m_pIOpenRowset = NULL; 627 } 628 629 if (m_pIDBSession){ 630 m_pIDBSession->Release(); 631 m_pIDBSession = NULL; 632 } 633 634 return S_OK; 635 } 636 637 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::SetPropertiesAndCreateSessionAndIOpenRowset(BOOL bFast /*= TRUE*/) 638 { 639 HRESULT hr; 640 if (NULL == m_pIDBInitialize){ 641 return E_FAIL; 642 } 643 do 644 { 645 if (FAILED(hr = SetFastLoadProperty(bFast))) 646 break; 647 648 if (FAILED(hr = 649 m_pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBCreateSession, (void **)&m_pIDBSession))) 650 break; 651 652 if (FAILED(hr = 653 m_pIDBSession->CreateSession(NULL, IID_IOpenRowset, (IUnknown **)&m_pIOpenRowset))) 654 break; 655 656 return S_OK; 657 } while (0); 658 // Get the fastload pointer. 659 660 ReleaseSessionIOpenRowset(); 661 return E_FAIL; 662 } 663 664 HRESULT CNativeClientOLEDB::ReleaseSessionIOpenRowset() 665 { 666 if (m_pIDBSession){ 667 m_pIDBSession->Release(); 668 m_pIDBSession = NULL; 669 } 670 671 if (m_pIOpenRowset){ 672 m_pIOpenRowset->Release(); 673 m_pIOpenRowset = NULL; 674 } 675 return S_OK; 676 }
1. 调用CoInitialize 来初始化控件.因为它是基于com组件的.
2. 通过调用 CoCreateInstance 方法来创建数据源对象的实例。
每个 OLE DB 访问接口都具有一个唯一的类标识符 (CLSID)。 对于 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB 访问接口,类标识符为 CLSID_SQLNCLI10。 也可以使用符号 SQLNCLI_CLSID,该符号将解析为您引用的 sqlncli.h 中使用的 SQL Server Native Client OLE DB 访问接口。
数据源对象公开了 IDBProperties 接口,使用者使用该接口提供基本的身份验证信息,如服务器名、数据库名、用户 ID 和密码。 可调用IDBProperties::SetProperties 方法设置这些属性。
3. 调用 IDBProperties::Initialize 接口来建立与数据源的连接.
4. 在建立与某一数据源的连接后,使用者调用 IDBCreateSession::CreateSession 方法以创建一个会话。 该会话充当命令、行集或事务工厂。
5. IOpenRowset::OpenRowset 方法打开并返回一个行集,该行集包括来自单个基表或索引的所有行。
6. 执行IDBCreateCommand::CreateCommand 方法,以便为 ICommandText 接口创建一个命令对象和请求。
7. 利用 ICommandText::SetCommandText 指定要执行的命令。
当然在我的代码中有 set_bindings(); 这个函数是用来把数据库中的类型与OLEDB中的数据类型进行一个绑定. 可以参照:
8. 调用 Execute 命令用于执行该命令。
9. 从IRowset中取出数据等等操作.
10. 调用ReleaseRowsetAndIAccessor 来释放RowSet和IAccessor
11. 调用 ReleaseSessionAndCommand 来释放会话和命令
12. 最后调用UnInit 来释放连接.

1 #pragma once 2 #include <OLEDB/NativeClientOLEDB.h> 3 4 #pragma pack(push, 1) 5 class HistoryData : 6 public Data{ 7 public: 8 /* 9 SDWORD SOID_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 10 DWORD SOID_status; // Status of column. 11 int SOID_value; 12 13 SDWORD TerminalID_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 14 DWORD TerminalID_status; // Status of column. 15 int TerminalID_value; 16 */ 17 SDWORD Longitude_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 18 DWORD Longitude_status; // Status of column. 19 int Longitude_value; 20 21 SDWORD Latitude_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 22 DWORD Latitude_status; // Status of column. 23 int Latitude_value; 24 25 SDWORD Speed_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 26 DWORD Speed_status; // Status of column. 27 WORD Speed_value; 28 29 // 30 31 SDWORD Direction_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 32 DWORD Direction_status; // Status of column. 33 WORD Direction_value; 34 35 SDWORD Height_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 36 DWORD Height_status; // Status of column. 37 short Height_value; 38 39 SDWORD Lock_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 40 DWORD Lock_status; // Status of column. 41 BYTE Lock_value; 42 43 44 SDWORD Gpstime_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 45 DWORD Gpstime_status; // Status of column. 46 char Gpstime_value[30]; 47 48 SDWORD InStatus_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 49 DWORD InStatus_status; // Status of column. 50 short InStatus_value; 51 52 // 53 SDWORD TmlStatus_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 54 DWORD TmlStatus_status; // Status of column. 55 short TmlStatus_value; 56 57 SDWORD WarnFlag_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 58 DWORD WarnFlag_status; // Status of column. 59 short WarnFlag_value; 60 61 SDWORD Resver2_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 62 DWORD Resver2_status; // Status of column. 63 short Resver2_value; 64 65 SDWORD Alldis_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 66 DWORD Alldis_status; // Status of column. 67 int Alldis_value; 68 69 SDWORD Temperature_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 70 DWORD Temperature_status; // Status of column. 71 int Temperature_value; 72 73 // 74 SDWORD Oil_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 75 DWORD Oil_status; // Status of column. 76 short Oil_value; 77 78 SDWORD Smsid1_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 79 DWORD Smaid1_status; // Status of column. 80 short Smaid1_value; 81 82 SDWORD Smaid2_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 83 DWORD Smaid2_status; // Status of column. 84 short Smaid2_value; 85 /* 86 SDWORD Longitude2_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 87 DWORD Longitude2_status; // Status of column. 88 int Longitude2_value; 89 90 SDWORD Latitude2_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 91 DWORD Latitude2_status; // Status of column. 92 int Latitude2_value; 93 */ 94 // 95 SDWORD AffixData_len; // Length of data (not space allocated). 96 DWORD AffixData_status; // Status of column. 97 char AffixData_value[2000]; 98 }; 99 #pragma pack(pop) 100 101 class CHistoryDataOLEDB : 102 public CNativeClientOLEDB 103 { 104 public: 105 CHistoryDataOLEDB(void); 106 ~CHistoryDataOLEDB(void); 107 108 virtual void SetColType(void); 109 110 virtual void SetColLen(void); 111 112 virtual void set_bindings(); 113 114 void Lock() { cs.Lock(); }; 115 void Unlock() { cs.Unlock(); }; 116 117 public: 118 //快速查询数据 119 LPBYTE FastQueryData(CStringW strSql,ULONG nColNum, int* nLen, int* nCount); 120 //快速插入数据 121 BOOL FastInsertData(const CStringW strTable, HistoryData* const pData, const int nDataNum); 122 123 private: 124 CCriticalSection cs; 125 };

1 #include "StdAfx.h" 2 #include "HistoryDataOLEDB.h" 3 #include "HistoryDefine.h" 4 #include "Base64.h" 5 6 CHistoryDataOLEDB::CHistoryDataOLEDB(void) 7 { 8 SetColLen(); 9 SetColType(); 10 } 11 12 13 CHistoryDataOLEDB::~CHistoryDataOLEDB(void) 14 { 15 } 16 17 void CHistoryDataOLEDB::SetColType(void) 18 { 19 col_type[0] = DBTYPE_I4; 20 col_type[1] = DBTYPE_I4; 21 col_type[2] = DBTYPE_I4; 22 col_type[3] = DBTYPE_I4; 23 col_type[4] = DBTYPE_I2; 24 25 col_type[5] = DBTYPE_I2; 26 col_type[6] = DBTYPE_I2; 27 col_type[7] = DBTYPE_UI1; 28 col_type[8] = DBTYPE_STR; 29 col_type[9] = DBTYPE_I2; 30 31 col_type[10] = DBTYPE_I2; 32 col_type[11] = DBTYPE_I2; 33 col_type[12] = DBTYPE_I2; 34 col_type[13] = DBTYPE_I4; 35 col_type[14] = DBTYPE_I4; 36 37 col_type[15] = DBTYPE_I2; 38 col_type[16] = DBTYPE_I2; 39 col_type[17] = DBTYPE_I2; 40 col_type[18] = DBTYPE_I4; 41 col_type[19] = DBTYPE_I4; 42 43 col_type[20] = DBTYPE_STR; 44 } 45 46 void CHistoryDataOLEDB::SetColLen(void) 47 { 48 col_len[0] = sizeof(int); 49 col_len[1] = sizeof(int); 50 col_len[2] = sizeof(int); 51 col_len[3] = sizeof(int); 52 col_len[4] = sizeof(short); 53 54 col_len[5] = sizeof(short); 55 col_len[6] = sizeof(short); 56 col_len[7] = sizeof(char); 57 col_len[8] = 30; 58 col_len[9] = sizeof(short); 59 60 col_len[10] = sizeof(short); 61 col_len[11] = sizeof(short); 62 col_len[12] = sizeof(short); 63 col_len[13] = sizeof(int); 64 col_len[14] = sizeof(int); 65 66 col_len[15] = sizeof(short); 67 col_len[16] = sizeof(short); 68 col_len[17] = sizeof(short); 69 col_len[18] = sizeof(int); 70 col_len[19] = sizeof(int); 71 72 col_len[20] = 2000; 73 } 74 75 void CHistoryDataOLEDB::set_bindings() 76 { 77 set_bind(m_bindings[0], 1, offsetof(HistoryData, Longitude_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Longitude_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Longitude_value), col_len[2], col_type[2]); 78 set_bind(m_bindings[1], 2, offsetof(HistoryData, Latitude_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Latitude_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Latitude_value), col_len[3], col_type[3]); 79 set_bind(m_bindings[2], 3, offsetof(HistoryData, Speed_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Speed_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Speed_value), col_len[4], col_type[4]); 80 81 set_bind(m_bindings[3], 4, offsetof(HistoryData, Direction_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Direction_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Direction_value), col_len[5], col_type[5]); 82 set_bind(m_bindings[4], 5, offsetof(HistoryData, Height_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Height_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Height_value), col_len[6], col_type[6]); 83 set_bind(m_bindings[5], 6, offsetof(HistoryData, Lock_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Lock_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Lock_value), col_len[7], col_type[7]); 84 set_bind(m_bindings[6], 7, offsetof(HistoryData, Gpstime_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Gpstime_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Gpstime_value), col_len[8], col_type[8]); 85 set_bind(m_bindings[7], 8, offsetof(HistoryData, InStatus_len), offsetof(HistoryData, InStatus_status), offsetof(HistoryData, InStatus_value), col_len[9], col_type[9]); 86 87 set_bind(m_bindings[8], 9, offsetof(HistoryData, TmlStatus_len), offsetof(HistoryData, TmlStatus_status), offsetof(HistoryData, TmlStatus_value), col_len[10], col_type[10]); 88 set_bind(m_bindings[9], 10, offsetof(HistoryData, WarnFlag_len), offsetof(HistoryData, WarnFlag_status), offsetof(HistoryData, WarnFlag_value), col_len[11], col_type[11]); 89 set_bind(m_bindings[10], 11, offsetof(HistoryData, Resver2_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Resver2_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Resver2_value), col_len[12], col_type[12]); 90 set_bind(m_bindings[11], 12, offsetof(HistoryData, Alldis_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Alldis_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Alldis_value), col_len[13], col_type[13]); 91 set_bind(m_bindings[12], 13, offsetof(HistoryData, Temperature_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Temperature_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Temperature_value), col_len[14], col_type[14]); 92 93 set_bind(m_bindings[13], 14, offsetof(HistoryData, Oil_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Oil_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Oil_value), col_len[15], col_type[15]); 94 set_bind(m_bindings[14], 15, offsetof(HistoryData, Smsid1_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Smaid1_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Smaid1_value), col_len[16], col_type[16]); 95 set_bind(m_bindings[15], 16, offsetof(HistoryData, Smaid2_len), offsetof(HistoryData, Smaid2_status), offsetof(HistoryData, Smaid2_value), col_len[17], col_type[17]); 96 97 set_bind(m_bindings[16], 17, offsetof(HistoryData, AffixData_len), offsetof(HistoryData, AffixData_status), offsetof(HistoryData, AffixData_value), col_len[20], col_type[20]); 98 99 } 100 101 LPBYTE CHistoryDataOLEDB::FastQueryData(CStringW strSql,ULONG nColNum, int* nLen, int* nCount) 102 { 103 HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; 104 HistoryData rmd; //历史数据 105 HROW* rghRows = NULL; 106 LONG cRows = 100; //一次读取10行 107 ULONG uRowsObtained = 0; //实际读取的条数 108 109 IRowset *pIRowset = NULL; 110 IAccessor* pIAccessor = NULL; 111 HACCESSOR hAccessor = DB_NULL_HACCESSOR; 112 if (S_OK != (hr = CNativeClientOLEDB::FastQueryData(strSql, nColNum, &pIRowset, &pIAccessor, hAccessor))){ 113 return NULL; 114 } 115 LPBYTE lpData = new BYTE[10 * 1024 * 1024]; 116 ZeroMemory(lpData, 10 * 1024 * 1024); 117 int nDataLen = 0; 118 int nDataCount = 0; 119 while (FALSE == FAILED(hr = pIRowset->GetNextRows( DB_NULL_HCHAPTER, 0, cRows, &uRowsObtained, &rghRows))) 120 { 121 int j = 0; 122 if (cRows != uRowsObtained){ 123 printf("cRows != uRowsObtained. "); 124 } 125 126 for (int i = 0; i < uRowsObtained; ++i){ 127 if (FAILED( hr = pIRowset->GetData(rghRows[i], hAccessor, &rmd ))) 128 { 129 printf("获取数据失败 %d . ", i); 130 break; 131 //std::cout << "获取数据失败." << std::endl; 132 } 133 134 if (rmd.AffixData_status != 0 || rmd.Alldis_status != 0 || rmd.Direction_status != 0 || rmd.Gpstime_status != 0 || 135 rmd.Height_status != 0 || rmd.InStatus_status != 0 || rmd.Latitude_status != 0 || rmd.Latitude_status != 0 || rmd.Lock_status != 0 || 136 rmd.Oil_status != 0 || rmd.Speed_status != 0 || rmd.Direction_status != 0 || 137 rmd.Resver2_status != 0 || rmd.Smaid1_status != 0 || rmd.Smaid2_status != 0 || rmd.Temperature_status != 0 || 138 rmd.WarnFlag_status != 0){ 139 ASSERT(0); 140 break; 141 } 142 143 HistoryGPSData gpsdata; 144 memset(&gpsdata, 0, sizeof(HistoryGPSData)); 145 gpsdata.longitude = rmd.Longitude_value; 146 gpsdata.latitude = rmd.Latitude_value; 147 gpsdata.speed = rmd.Speed_value; 148 gpsdata.direction = rmd.Direction_value; 149 gpsdata.gpsHeight = rmd.Height_value; 150 gpsdata.byLock = rmd.Lock_value; 151 //TRACE("%s ", rmd.Gpstime_value); 152 SYSTEMTIME sysGps; 153 sscanf(rmd.Gpstime_value, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &sysGps.wYear, &sysGps.wMonth, &sysGps.wDay, &sysGps.wHour, &sysGps.wMinute, &sysGps.wSecond); 154 gpsdata.gpstm[0] = sysGps.wYear - 2000; 155 gpsdata.gpstm[1] = sysGps.wMonth; 156 gpsdata.gpstm[2] = sysGps.wDay; 157 gpsdata.gpstm[3] = sysGps.wHour; 158 gpsdata.gpstm[4] = sysGps.wMinute; 159 gpsdata.gpstm[5] = sysGps.wSecond; 160 int nInStatus = rmd.InStatus_value; 161 gpsdata.InStatus1 = nInStatus & 0xFF; 162 gpsdata.InStatus2 = (nInStatus >> 8) & 0xFF; 163 int nTmlStatus = rmd.TmlStatus_value; 164 gpsdata.TmlStatus1 = nTmlStatus & 0xFF; 165 gpsdata.TmlStatus2 = (nTmlStatus >> 8) & 0xFF; 166 int nWarnFlag = rmd.WarnFlag_value; 167 gpsdata.WarnFlag1 = nWarnFlag & 0xFF; 168 gpsdata.WarnFlag2 = (nWarnFlag >> 8) & 0xFF; 169 int resver2 = rmd.Resver2_value; 170 gpsdata.extflag = resver2 &0xFF; 171 gpsdata.netid = (resver2 >> 8) & 0xFF; 172 gpsdata.alldis = rmd.Alldis_value; 173 int nTemperatue = rmd.Temperature_value; 174 memcpy(gpsdata.temperture, &nTemperatue, 4); 175 gpsdata.oil = rmd.Oil_value; 176 gpsdata.cellid = rmd.Smaid2_value; 177 gpsdata.lacid = rmd.Smaid1_value; 178 CString strAffixData = rmd.AffixData_value; 179 180 gpsdata.longitude = htonl(gpsdata.longitude); 181 gpsdata.latitude = htonl(gpsdata.latitude); 182 gpsdata.speed = htons(gpsdata.speed); 183 gpsdata.direction = htons(gpsdata.direction); 184 gpsdata.gpsHeight = htons(gpsdata.gpsHeight); 185 gpsdata.alldis = htonl(gpsdata.alldis); 186 gpsdata.oil = htons(gpsdata.oil); 187 gpsdata.cellid = htons(gpsdata.cellid); 188 gpsdata.lacid = htons(gpsdata.lacid); 189 190 nDataCount++; 191 memcpy(lpData + nDataLen, &gpsdata, sizeof(HistoryGPSData)); 192 nDataLen += sizeof(HistoryGPSData); 193 194 //写入扩展数据 195 if(!strAffixData.IsEmpty()) 196 { 197 BYTE bAffixData[4096] = {0}; 198 int nSrcLen = strAffixData.GetLength(); 199 LPBYTE pSrcData = (LPBYTE)strAffixData.GetBuffer(); 200 int nAffixLen = base64_decode(bAffixData, pSrcData, nSrcLen); 201 strAffixData.ReleaseBuffer(); 202 if(nAffixLen > 2) 203 { 204 int nTmpLen = nAffixLen - 2; 205 bAffixData[0] = (nTmpLen >> 8) & 0xFF; 206 bAffixData[1] = nTmpLen & 0xFF; 207 memcpy(lpData + nDataLen, bAffixData, nAffixLen); 208 nDataLen += nAffixLen; 209 } 210 } 211 } 212 213 if (uRowsObtained){ 214 pIRowset->ReleaseRows(uRowsObtained, rghRows, NULL, NULL, NULL); 215 } 216 //释放 217 CoTaskMemFree(rghRows); 218 rghRows = NULL; 219 220 if (hr == DB_S_ENDOFROWSET){ 221 printf("数据已经全部读取完成共计:%d 条.", nDataCount); 222 break; 223 } 224 } 225 226 //释放 IRowSet 和 IAccessor 227 ReleaseRowsetAndIAccessor(&pIRowset, &pIAccessor, hAccessor); 228 229 if (0 == nDataLen){ 230 delete[] lpData; 231 lpData = NULL; 232 nDataCount = 0; 233 nDataLen = 0; 234 } 235 *nLen = nDataLen; 236 *nCount = nDataCount; 237 return lpData; 238 } 239 240 BOOL CHistoryDataOLEDB::FastInsertData(const CStringW strTable, HistoryData* const pData, const int nDataNum) 241 { 242 if (NULL == pData || 0 == nDataNum || strTable.IsEmpty()){ 243 return TRUE; 244 } 245 246 HRESULT hr = NOERROR; 247 IRowsetFastLoad * pIRowsetFastLoad = NULL; 248 IAccessor* pIAccessor = NULL; 249 HACCESSOR hAccessor = 0; 250 ULONG nColNum = 21; 251 if (S_OK != (hr = CNativeClientOLEDB::FastInsertData(strTable, nColNum, &pIRowsetFastLoad, &pIAccessor, hAccessor))){ 252 return FALSE; 253 } 254 BOOL bRet = TRUE; 255 for (int i = 0; i < nDataNum; i++){ 256 if (FAILED(hr = pIRowsetFastLoad->InsertRow(hAccessor, &pData[i]))) 257 { 258 259 DumpErrorInfo(pIRowsetFastLoad, IID_ISQLServerErrorInfo); 260 bRet = TRUE; 261 break; 262 } 263 } 264 //全部插入之后,提交一次 265 if (FAILED(hr = pIRowsetFastLoad->Commit(TRUE))) 266 { 267 DumpErrorInfo(pIRowsetFastLoad, IID_ISQLServerErrorInfo); 268 bRet = TRUE; 269 printf("Error on IRFL::Commit "); 270 } 271 272 ReleaseRowsetFastLoadAndIAccessor(&pIRowsetFastLoad, &pIAccessor, hAccessor); 273 if (bRet){ 274 return FALSE; 275 } else { 276 return TRUE; 277 } 278 }
这个类继承于前面的类,用于对历史数据表的读取与插入. 以下我简单地说明一下:
1. 重写SetColLen() 来设置每列数据的长度.用于绑定
2. 重写SetColType() 来设置每列数据的类别.用于绑定
3. 重写 set_bindings() 来进行绑定.
4. FastQueryData 函数是快速查询数据的接口.
5. 释放 IRowSet 和 IAccessor
6. 数据都是以数据流的方式查询返回和插入.
到此为止,基本OLEDB 操作算是结束了.
后续. 我写了个数据池来存储数据源的多个连接.其中也利用了信号量来保证了多线程同步的问题.

1 #pragma once 2 3 #include <list> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 template <class T> 7 class CNativeClientOLEDBPool 8 { 9 public: 10 CNativeClientOLEDBPool(void){ 11 m_hSemaphore = NULL; 12 m_nMaxCount = 1; 13 } 14 ~CNativeClientOLEDBPool(void){ 15 Clear(); 16 } 17 //static CNativeClientOLEDBPool* Instance() { return &m_Instance; } 18 19 //nCount连接数 20 HRESULT Init(CStringW strDataSource, CStringW strUserID, CStringW strPassWD, CStringW strCataLOG, int nCount = 1){ 21 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 22 ASSERT(nCount >= 1); 23 m_hSemaphore = ::CreateSemaphore(NULL, nCount, 0x7FFFFFFF, NULL); 24 25 m_cs.Lock(); 26 m_nMaxCount = nCount; 27 m_strDataSource = strDataSource; 28 m_strUserID = strUserID; 29 m_strPassWD = strPassWD; 30 m_strCataLOG = strCataLOG; 31 32 for(int i=0; i<m_nMaxCount; i++){ 33 T* pConn = new T; 34 if (S_OK == (hr = pConn->Init(m_strDataSource, m_strUserID, m_strPassWD, m_strCataLOG))){ 35 m_pConnList.push_back(pConn); 36 } else { 37 delete pConn; 38 break; 39 } 40 } 41 if(m_pConnList.size() != m_nMaxCount){ 42 ASSERT(0); 43 } 44 m_cs.Unlock(); 45 return hr; 46 } 47 48 void Clear(){ 49 if(m_hSemaphore) 50 { 51 ::CloseHandle(m_hSemaphore); 52 m_hSemaphore = NULL; 53 } 54 55 m_cs.Lock(); 56 57 m_nMaxCount = 0; 58 list<T*>::iterator it = m_pConnList.begin(); 59 for(; it != m_pConnList.end(); it++) 60 { 61 T* pConn = *it; 62 if(pConn) 63 { 64 pConn->UnInit(); 65 delete pConn; 66 } 67 } 68 m_pConnList.clear(); 69 70 m_cs.Unlock(); 71 } 72 73 T* GetConnection(){ 74 T* pConn = NULL; 75 if(::WaitForSingleObject(m_hSemaphore, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) 76 return pConn; 77 78 m_cs.Lock(); 79 if(!m_pConnList.empty()) 80 { 81 pConn = m_pConnList.front(); 82 m_pConnList.pop_front(); 83 } 84 m_cs.Unlock(); 85 86 if(pConn == NULL) 87 { 88 //create new database connection 89 pConn = new T(); 90 HRESULT hr = NOERROR; 91 if(S_OK != (hr = pConn->Init(m_strDataSource, m_strUserID, m_strPassWD, m_strCataLOG))) { 92 delete pConn; 93 pConn = NULL; 94 } 95 } 96 return pConn; 97 } 98 void FreeConnection(T* pConn){ 99 ASSERT(pConn != NULL); 100 101 BOOL bSemaphore = FALSE; 102 103 m_cs.Lock(); 104 if(m_pConnList.size() >= m_nMaxCount) 105 { 106 pConn->UnInit(); 107 delete pConn; 108 } 109 else 110 { 111 m_pConnList.push_back(pConn); 112 bSemaphore = TRUE; 113 } 114 m_cs.Unlock(); 115 116 if(bSemaphore) 117 { 118 ::ReleaseSemaphore(m_hSemaphore, 1, NULL); 119 } 120 } 121 122 public: 123 BOOL ReOpenConnection(T* pConn){ 124 return FALSE; 125 } 126 127 BOOL VerifyConnection(T* pConn){ 128 return TRUE; 129 } 130 131 protected: 132 int m_nMaxCount; 133 CStringW m_strDataSource; 134 CStringW m_strUserID; 135 CStringW m_strPassWD; 136 CStringW m_strCataLOG; 137 CCriticalSection m_cs; 138 list<T*> m_pConnList; 139 140 HANDLE m_hSemaphore; 141 //static CNativeClientOLEDBPool m_Instance; 142 }; 143 144 145 146 147 148 #pragma once 149 150 #include <list> 151 using namespace std; 152 153 template <class T> 154 class CNativeClientOLEDBPool 155 { 156 public: 157 CNativeClientOLEDBPool(void){ 158 m_hSemaphore = NULL; 159 m_nMaxCount = 1; 160 } 161 ~CNativeClientOLEDBPool(void){ 162 Clear(); 163 } 164 //static CNativeClientOLEDBPool* Instance() { return &m_Instance; } 165 166 //nCount连接数 167 HRESULT Init(CStringW strDataSource, CStringW strUserID, CStringW strPassWD, CStringW strCataLOG, int nCount = 1){ 168 HRESULT hr = S_OK; 169 ASSERT(nCount >= 1); 170 m_hSemaphore = ::CreateSemaphore(NULL, nCount, 0x7FFFFFFF, NULL); 171 172 m_cs.Lock(); 173 m_nMaxCount = nCount; 174 m_strDataSource = strDataSource; 175 m_strUserID = strUserID; 176 m_strPassWD = strPassWD; 177 m_strCataLOG = strCataLOG; 178 179 for(int i=0; i<m_nMaxCount; i++){ 180 T* pConn = new T; 181 if (S_OK == (hr = pConn->Init(m_strDataSource, m_strUserID, m_strPassWD, m_strCataLOG))){ 182 m_pConnList.push_back(pConn); 183 } else { 184 delete pConn; 185 break; 186 } 187 } 188 if(m_pConnList.size() != m_nMaxCount){ 189 ASSERT(0); 190 } 191 m_cs.Unlock(); 192 return hr; 193 } 194 195 void Clear(){ 196 if(m_hSemaphore) 197 { 198 ::CloseHandle(m_hSemaphore); 199 m_hSemaphore = NULL; 200 } 201 202 m_cs.Lock(); 203 204 m_nMaxCount = 0; 205 list<T*>::iterator it = m_pConnList.begin(); 206 for(; it != m_pConnList.end(); it++) 207 { 208 T* pConn = *it; 209 if(pConn) 210 { 211 pConn->UnInit(); 212 delete pConn; 213 } 214 } 215 m_pConnList.clear(); 216 217 m_cs.Unlock(); 218 } 219 220 T* GetConnection(){ 221 T* pConn = NULL; 222 if(::WaitForSingleObject(m_hSemaphore, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) 223 return pConn; 224 225 m_cs.Lock(); 226 if(!m_pConnList.empty()) 227 { 228 pConn = m_pConnList.front(); 229 m_pConnList.pop_front(); 230 } 231 m_cs.Unlock(); 232 233 if(pConn == NULL) 234 { 235 //create new database connection 236 pConn = new T(); 237 HRESULT hr = NOERROR; 238 if(S_OK != (hr = pConn->Init(m_strDataSource, m_strUserID, m_strPassWD, m_strCataLOG))) { 239 delete pConn; 240 pConn = NULL; 241 } 242 } 243 return pConn; 244 } 245 void FreeConnection(T* pConn){ 246 ASSERT(pConn != NULL); 247 248 BOOL bSemaphore = FALSE; 249 250 m_cs.Lock(); 251 if(m_pConnList.size() >= m_nMaxCount) 252 { 253 pConn->UnInit(); 254 delete pConn; 255 } 256 else 257 { 258 m_pConnList.push_back(pConn); 259 bSemaphore = TRUE; 260 } 261 m_cs.Unlock(); 262 263 if(bSemaphore) 264 { 265 ::ReleaseSemaphore(m_hSemaphore, 1, NULL); 266 } 267 } 268 269 public: 270 BOOL ReOpenConnection(T* pConn){ 271 return FALSE; 272 } 273 274 BOOL VerifyConnection(T* pConn){ 275 return TRUE; 276 } 277 278 protected: 279 int m_nMaxCount; 280 CStringW m_strDataSource; 281 CStringW m_strUserID; 282 CStringW m_strPassWD; 283 CStringW m_strCataLOG; 284 CCriticalSection m_cs; 285 list<T*> m_pConnList; 286 287 HANDLE m_hSemaphore; 288 //static CNativeClientOLEDBPool m_Instance; 289 };
CNativeClientOLEDBPool.cpp 为空
DWORD dwTick = ::GetTickCount();
m_lpData = pDB->FastQueryData(strSql, 17, &m_nDataLen, &m_nCount);
DWORD dwTick2 = ::GetTickCount();
实测: 确实比ADO的要快三倍以上.虽然比ADO访问上复杂一点.但你要懂了,也觉得很简单.
查询的话.每张表都要写相对应的数据绑定. 当然你也可以在外层调用,自行绑定.哈哈~
后来我也进行了ODBC API的数据访问测试,效率跟OLEDB相差不多.