1. case .. when .. then .. end Oracle CASE WHEN 用法介绍
1 select nvl(sum(case p.need_mistake_audit_level 2 when 1 then 3 (case 4 when mis.audit_status in (-1, 0) then 5 1 6 else 7 0 8 end) 9 when 2 then 10 (case 11 when mis.audit_status in (-1, 0) or 12 (mis.audit_status in (1) and mis.audit_status2 in (0, 3)) then 13 1 14 else 15 0 16 end) 17 else 18 0 19 end), 20 0) status 21 from base_mistake mis 22 left join permission_sgdac p 23 on mis.sec_id = p.id 24 where mis.data_table = 'XXX' 25 and mis.data_column = 'OOO' 26 and mis.data_id = '8612bada1581445796a8f644d65c7968';
2. Ruthless的 oracle 博文
3. 账户相关操作
查询数据库账户信息:select a.username, a.password, a.lock_date, a.account_status from dba_users a;
使用ALTER USER语句为scott账户设置口令:ALTER USER scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger;