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  • 【mysql学习-1】


    #use mysql;
    show tables;
    select * from user;
    use mysql;
    show databases;
    #create database db1;
    #drop database test;
    #show enginesg; #存储引擎
    #show engineG; #"g,G友好形式

    #show variables like "Storage_engine%"; #系统全部存储引擎
    #default InnoB
    #HELP contents; #帮助

    #use mysql;
    #create table test( id int);
    #insert into test values(1),(-1),(10000000000);
    #show warnings; #警告

    #select * from test;

    #use mysql;
    #create table test2( a float(1,2),b double(1,10));
    #insert into test2 values(1.00000,4.00);
    #create table test3 (a bit(10));
    #insert into test3 values(11,b'11');
    #select * from test3;

    create table date_test(
    f_date DATE, #日期类型
    f_datetime datetime,
    f_timestmp timestamp,
    f_time time,
    f_year year

    insert into date_test values(curdate(),now(),now(),time(now()),year(now()));

    select * from date_test;
    create table date_test_2(
    id int,
    name char(10),
    sex varchar(10),
    number binary(3)
    insert into date_test_2 values(1,"张三","man",0);
    insert into date_test_2 values(2,"李四","man",1);
    insert into date_test_2 values(3,"吴燕","women",0);
    insert into date_test_2 values(4,"赵九","man",1);
    #select * from date_test_1;

    #use mysql;
    #describe example_1; #date_test_2; #定义
    #drop table example_1; #删除
    #show create table example_1; #详细定义

    #use mysql;
    #alter table example RENAME example_2; #修改
    #describe example_2;

    #alter table example_2 add sex varchar(10); #最后增加列

    #describe example_2;

    #alter table example_2 add money int first; #在首行增加列
    #describe example_2;

    #alter table example_2 add weather varchar(10) after name; #指定字段后增减列
    #describe example_2;

    #alter table example_2 drop sex ; #删除字段

    #alter table example_2 modify name varchar(10); #修改字段数据类型

    #alter table example_2 change names name varcharacter(10); #修改字段名称

    #alter table example_2 modify id int first ;
    alter table example_2 modify money int after weather;
    describe example_2;


    create table example_4(id int not null,name varchar(10),sex char(10));
    describe example_4;

    #insert into example_4(id,name,sex)values(null,"王明","man");
    #drop table example_4;
    #use mysql;
    #create table example_6( id int not null, name varchar(20) default '王大牛', sex char(10));
    #describe example_6;

    #create table example_7(id int not null, name char(10) unique,sex varchar(10) default 'man');
    /*drop table example_7;
    create table example_7(id int not null, name char(10) ,
    constraint uk_name unique(name)); #约束名:唯一简写_字段名
    */ #主键约束:非空+唯一
    create table example_7( id int primary key,name char(10),sex varchar(20));
    describe example_7; #试图插入重复数据,报错脚本显示主建生效
    insert into example_7(id,name,sex)values(1,"李兰","women");
    insert into example_7(id,name,sex)values(1,"江山","man");
    create table example_7(id int,name char(10),tempature bit(11),
    constraint PK_id_tempature primary key(id,tempature) #联合主键
    /* #自动属性
    drop table example_7;
    #create table example_7(id int primary key auto_increment,name char(10),sex varchar(20));
    describe example_7;

    use mysql;
    create table company(
    id int primary key,
    name char(10),
    login time
    ); #父表注册主键为id字段
    create table employ(
    pople varchar(10),
    sex char(10),
    id int primary key,
    constraint FK_id foreign key(id) references company(id) #子表外键id字段继承父表id属性

    describe employ;
    describe company;


    use mysql;
    drop table index_test;
    create table index_test(
    id int,
    name char(10),
    index index_x(name) #在表的新建过程中引入索引到name字段

    show create table index_test;

    EXPLAIN #检验索引是不是有效
    select * from index_test where name=1;

    #use mysql; #在原有表的基础上创建索引
    #create index index_test_y on index_test(id);
    #show create table index_test;
    alter table index_test add sex varchar(20); #通过修改表格时创建索引
    alter table index_test add index index_test_z(sex);

    select * from index_test where sex=1;

    create table index_test1(
    id int,
    name char(10),
    unique index index_test_w(id) #唯一索引{指定自动索引和手动索引}
    show create table index_test1;

    create unique index index_test_q on index_test1(name); #在已存在的表上创建唯一索引
    show create table index_test1;

    alter table index_test1 add sex varchar(20);
    alter table index_test1 add unique index index_test_r(sex); #修改表格的基础上映射sex字段唯一索引
    select * from index_test1 where sex=1;

    create table index_test2(
    id int,
    name varchar(40),
    fulltext index index_test2_x(name) #创建表格的同时为name字段设置全文索引
    ); #fulltext针对{char,varchar,test}
    show create table index_test2;
    select * from index_test2 where name=1;

    drop table index_test2;

    create table index_test2(
    id char(10) ,
    name varchar(30)

    #create fulltext index index_test2_y on index_test2(name); #在已有的表格上为name字段设置全文索引

    #show create table index_test2;

    alter table index_test2 add fulltext index index_test2_z(id); #修改时增加id字段全文索引
    show create table index_test2;



    create table index_test3(
    id int,
    name char(10),
    index index_test3_x(id,name)
    show create table index_test3; #在创建表格的同时,指定id和name字段关联为多列索引

    create table index_test4(
    id int,
    name varchar(10)
    create index index_test4_x on index_test4(id,name); #在已存在的表格上为id和name字段关联多列索引
    show create table index_test4;
    drop table index_test5;
    create table index_test5( #修改字段的同时为id和name设置多列索引
    id int,
    name varchar(10)
    alter table index_test5 add index index_test_5(id,name);
    show create table index_test5;
    use mysql;
    drop index index_test_5 on index_test5; #删除索引

    use mysql;
    drop view view_index5;
    create view view_index5
    as #把id,name字段看成别名作为视图的特定查询
    select id,name from index_test5;

    select * from view_index5;
    describe view_index5;

    drop view view_x;
    create view view_x
    select 3.1415926; #封装数据类型视图
    select * from view_x;

    insert into index_test5 values(1,"xm");
    insert into index_test5 values(4,"wu");
    insert into index_test5 values(3,"zl");
    drop view view_y;
    create view view_y #封装按统计id行数的视图
    select count(id) from index_test5 ;

    select * from view_y;

    drop view view_z;
    create view view_z
    select * from index_test5 order by id asc; #desc; #封装按id字段升序|降序的视图

    select * from view_z;


    drop table view_test_x;
    create table view_test_x(
    id int,
    name char(10)
    insert into view_test_x values(1,"xm");
    insert into view_test_x values(4,"zw");
    insert into view_test_x values(10,"lt");

    drop table view_test_y;
    create table view_test_y(
    number int,
    sex char(10)
    insert into view_test_x values(1,"man");
    insert into view_test_x values(5,"women");
    insert into view_test_x values(10,"women");
    # drop view view_f;
    create view view_f
    select * from view_test_x; #封装联合表view_test_x和view_test_y的视图

    union all
    select * from view_test_y;
    select * from view_f;

    show tables; #可用来显示视图名
    show table status from mysql like "view_f"; #来自mysql库内的视图状态
    show create view view_f; #显示视图的详细信息
    desc view_f;

    show databases;
    use information_schema;
    desc views;
    select * from views where TABLE_NAME="view_f"; #通过系统库的全局映射查询指定视图


    USE mysql;
    CREATE TABLE tb_x(
    id INT,
    NAME CHAR(10)
    CREATE TABLE tb_y(
    times DATE,
    weather VARCHAR(20)
    ON tb_x FOR EACH ROW #指定在下一条语句生效后立即触发
    INSERT INTO tb_y VALUES(TIME(NOW()),"sun");

    INSERT INTO tb_x VALUES(1,"约翰");

    SELECT * FROM tb_x;
    SELECT * FROM tb_y;


    DELIMITER $$ #为语句的结束设置别名

    CREATE TRIGGER tri_a #营造触发
    BEFORE INSERT #在insert后触发
    ON tb_x FOR EACH ROW #选择触发表
    BEGIN #开始
    INSERT INTO tb_y VALUES(NOW(),"杰克"); #多条触发条件
    INSERT INTO tb_y VALUES(NOW(),"李向");
    END$$ #结束

    INSERT INTO tb_x VALUES(10,"jk");


    SELECT * FROM tb_y;

    SHOW TRIGGERS; #全局显示触发器

    SHOW DATABASES; #在系统表内显示触发器
    USE information_schema;


    DROP TRIGGER tri_a; #删除出触发器


    USE mysql;
    DROP TABLE test_x;
    CREATE TABLE test_x
    id INT,
    NAME CHAR(10)

    CREATE TABLE test_y
    id INT,
    NAME CHAR(10)


    INSERT INTO test_y(id,NAME)
    SELECT id,NAME FROM test_x;

    SELECT * FROM test_y;

    UPDATE test_y
    SET id=1
    WHERE NAME="wd";

    DELETE FROM test_y
    WHERE id=2;

    #distinct 排除重复的字段

    SELECT (id+10)/(10*9-1) AS math_id,NAME FROM test_x;

    SELECT CONCAT(id,NAME) total
    FROM test_x; #同时为多列合并成新列

    SELECT DISTINCT * FROM test_x #逻辑运算和比较运算符筛选字段
    #where id=2 and name="wd";
    #where id=2 && name="wd";
    #where id=2 || name="wd";
    #where id!=10 and id>2&&id<110;
    #where id not between 5 and 10;#between | not between关键字筛选
    #where id is not null; #null| not null关键字筛选
    #where not id is null;
    #where id not in(5,10); #in | not in:关键字查询
    #where name like "_p%";
    #where name not like "%t%";
    #where id in(2,10) order by id asc limit 2;#desc;
    WHERE id BETWEEN 2 AND 10 LIMIT 2,3;


  • 相关阅读:
    php 处理上百万条的数据库如何提高处理查询速度
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/activecode/p/9820752.html
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