- # 不过安装的是2.6 version
- yum install -y python
- wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.5.0/Python-3.5.0.tgz
- tar -xvf Python-3.5.0.tgz
- cd Python-3.5.0
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local--enable-shared
- make
- make install
- ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3
echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf
python3 --version
- [root@03_sdwm Python-3.5.0]# echo/usr/local/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf
- [root@03_sdwm Python-3.5.0]# ldconfig
- [root@03_sdwm Python-3.5.0]#
- [root@03_sdwm Python-3.5.0]#
- [root@03_sdwm Python-3.5.0]# python3--version
- Python 3.5.0
- [root@03_sdwm Python-3.5.0]#
安装方法有2种,分别是Installing with pip和Installing with easy_install,这里采用Installing witheasy_install参考官方文章:
安装python pymongo
- [root@03_sdwm ~]# python3 -m easy_install pymongo
- Searching for pymongo
- Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/pymongo/
- Best match: pymongo 3.4.0
- Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/82/26/f45f95841de5164c48e2e03aff7f0702e22cef2336238d212d8f93e91ea8/pymongo-3.4.0.tar.gz#md5=aa77f88e51e281c9f328cea701bb6f3e
- Processing pymongo-3.4.0.tar.gz
- Running pymongo-3.4.0/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-ZZv1Ig/pymongo-3.4.0/egg-dist-tmp-LRDmoy
- zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
- Adding pymongo 3.4.0 to easy-install.pth file
- Installed /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pymongo-3.4.0-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg
- Processing dependencies for pymongo
- Finished processing dependencies for pymongo
- [root@03_sdwm ~]#
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import pymongo
- import datetime
- def get_db():
- # 建立连接
- client = pymongo.MongoClient(host="", port=27017)
- db = client['example']
- #或者 db = client.example
- return db
- def get_collection(db):
- # 选择集合(mongo中collection和database都是延时创建的)
- coll = db['informations']
- print db.collection_names()
- return coll
- def insert_one_doc(db):
- # 插入一个document
- coll = db['informations']
- information = {"name": "quyang", "age": "25"}
- information_id = coll.insert(information)
- print information_id
- def insert_multi_docs(db):
- # 批量插入documents,插入一个数组
- coll = db['informations']
- information = [{"name": "xiaoming", "age": "25"}, {"name": "xiaoqiang", "age": "24"}]
- information_id = coll.insert(information)
- print information_id
- def get_one_doc(db):
- # 有就返回一个,没有就返回None
- coll = db['informations']
- print coll.find_one() # 返回第一条记录
- print coll.find_one({"name": "quyang"})
- print coll.find_one({"name": "none"})
- def get_one_by_id(db):
- # 通过objectid来查找一个doc
- coll = db['informations']
- obj = coll.find_one()
- obj_id = obj["_id"]
- print "_id 为ObjectId类型,obj_id:" + str(obj_id)
- print coll.find_one({"_id": obj_id})
- # 需要注意这里的obj_id是一个对象,不是一个str,使用str类型作为_id的值无法找到记录
- print "_id 为str类型 "
- print coll.find_one({"_id": str(obj_id)})
- # 可以通过ObjectId方法把str转成ObjectId类型
- from bson.objectid import ObjectId
- print "_id 转换成ObjectId类型"
- print coll.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(str(obj_id))})
- def get_many_docs(db):
- # mongo中提供了过滤查找的方法,可以通过各种条件筛选来获取数据集,还可以对数据进行计数,排序等处理
- coll = db['informations']
- #ASCENDING = 1 升序;DESCENDING = -1降序;default is ASCENDING
- for item in coll.find().sort("age", pymongo.DESCENDING):
- print item
- count = coll.count()
- print "集合中所有数据 %s个" % int(count)
- #条件查询
- count = coll.find({"name":"quyang"}).count()
- print "quyang: %s"%count
- def clear_all_datas(db):
- #清空一个集合中的所有数据
- db["informations"].remove()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- db = get_db()
- my_collection = get_collection(db)
- post = {"author": "Mike", "text": "My first blog post!", "tags": ["mongodb", "python", "pymongo"],
- "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
- # 插入记录
- my_collection.insert(post)
- insert_one_doc(db)
- # 条件查询
- print my_collection.find_one({"x": "10"})
- # 查询表中所有的数据
- for iii in my_collection.find():
- print iii
- print my_collection.count()
- my_collection.update({"author": "Mike"},
- {"author": "quyang", "text": "My first blog post!", "tags": ["mongodb", "python", "pymongo"],
- "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()})
- for jjj in my_collection.find():
- print jjj
- get_one_doc(db)
- get_one_by_id(db)
- get_many_docs(db)
- # clear_all_datas(db)
- mysql> show profile for query 4;
- +--------------------+----------+
- | Status | Duration |
- +--------------------+----------+
- | executing | 0.000017 |
- | Sending data | 0.018048 |
- | executing | 0.000028 |
- | Sending data | 0.018125 |
- | executing | 0.000022 |
- | Sending data | 0.015749 |
- | executing | 0.000017 |
- | Sending data | 0.015633 |
- | executing | 0.000017 |
- | Sending data | 0.015382 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015707 |
- | executing | 0.000023 |
- | Sending data | 0.015890 |
- | executing | 0.000022 |
- | Sending data | 0.015908 |
- | executing | 0.000017 |
- | Sending data | 0.015761 |
- | executing | 0.000022 |
- | Sending data | 0.015542 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015561 |
- | executing | 0.000016 |
- | Sending data | 0.015546 |
- | executing | 0.000037 |
- | Sending data | 0.015555 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015779 |
- | executing | 0.000026 |
- | Sending data | 0.015815 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015468 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015457 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015457 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015500 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015557 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015537 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015395 |
- | executing | 0.000021 |
- | Sending data | 0.015416 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015416 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015399 |
- | executing | 0.000023 |
- | Sending data | 0.015407 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015585 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015385 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015412 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015408 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015753 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015376 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015416 |
- | executing | 0.000019 |
- | Sending data | 0.015368 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015481 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015619 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015662 |
- | executing | 0.000016 |
- | Sending data | 0.015574 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015566 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015488 |
- | executing | 0.000013 |
- | Sending data | 0.015493 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015386 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015485 |
- | executing | 0.000018 |
- | Sending data | 0.015760 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015386 |
- | executing | 0.000015 |
- | Sending data | 0.015418 |
- | executing | 0.000014 |
- | Sending data | 0.015458 |
- | end | 0.000016 |
- | query end | 0.000019 |
- | closing tables | 0.000018 |
- | freeing items | 0.000825 |
- | logging slow query | 0.000067 |
- | cleaning up | 0.000025 |
- +--------------------+----------+
- 100 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
- mysql>