例如,在大多数语言中,对于int这样的内建类型(primary type)变量a,b,一个运算过程可以写成:a + b / a – 300,这与数学运算表达式完全一样。但对于非内建类型,比如Complex就不一定了。比如在Java中,它只能写成a.add(b.div(a).sub(300)),这就很难看了。而C++中可以通过自定义运算符实现与int类似的运算表达式。
a = a + b 等价于 a += b
有a < b,也应有 b > a, b>= a, a<=b
class A
A& operator+=(A const& a);
A operator+(A const& a, A const& b)
A result = a;
result += b;
return result;
template <class _Tp>
inline bool _STLP_CALL operator>(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) {
return __y < __x;
template <class _Tp>
inline bool _STLP_CALL operator<=(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) {
return !(__y < __x);
template <class _Tp>
inline bool _STLP_CALL operator>=(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) {
return !(__x < __y);
它们被定义在std::rel_ops命名空间中,要使用它们,需要在类中声明using namespace std::rel_ops。
class A : boost:: less_than_comparable<A>
friend bool operator<(A const&a, A const& b);
class A
friend bool operator<(A const&a, A const& b);
template boost:: less_than_comparable<A>; //显式实例化模板。
boost:: less_than_comparable模板类提供了以下一组友元:
friend bool operator>(const T& x, const T& y) { return y < x; }
friend bool operator<=(const T& x, const T& y) { return !(y < x); }
friend bool operator>=(const T& x, const T& y) { return !(x < y); }
class A : boost:: less_than_comparable<A,B>
friend bool operator<(A const&a, B const& b);
friend bool operator>(A const&a, B const& b);
class A
friend bool operator<(A const&a, B const& b);
friend bool operator>(A const&a, B const& b);
template boost:: less_than_comparable<A, B>; //显式实例化模板。
boost:: less_than_comparable<A,B>模板类提供了以下一组友元:
bool operator<=(const T&, const U&)
bool operator>=(const T&, const U&)
bool operator>(const U&, const T&)
bool operator<(const U&, const T&)
bool operator<=(const U&, const T&)
bool operator>=(const U&, const T&)
: primary operand type U
: alternate operand type t
, t1
: values of type T u
: value of type U
模板 |
提供的操作符 |
所依赖的运算符 |
less_than_comparable<T> less_than_comparable1<T> |
bool operator>(const T&, const T&) |
t < t1. |
less_than_comparable<T, U> |
bool operator<=(const T&, const U&) |
t < u. t > u. |
equality_comparable<T> |
bool operator!=(const T&, const T&) |
t == t1. |
equality_comparable<T, U> |
bool operator==(const U&, const T&) |
t == u. |
addable<T> |
T operator+(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp += t1. |
addable<T, U> |
T operator+(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp += u. |
subtractable<T> |
T operator-(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp -= t1. |
subtractable<T, U> |
T operator-(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp -= u. |
subtractable2_left<T, U> |
T operator-(const U&, const T&) |
T temp(u); temp -= t. |
multipliable<T> |
T operator*(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp *= t1. |
multipliable<T, U> |
T operator*(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp *= u. |
dividable<T> |
T operator/(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp /= t1. |
dividable<T, U> |
T operator/(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp /= u. |
dividable2_left<T, U> |
T operator/(const U&, const T&) |
T temp(u); temp /= t. |
modable<T> |
T operator%(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp %= t1. |
modable<T, U> |
T operator%(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp %= u. |
modable2_left<T, U> |
T operator%(const U&, const T&) |
T temp(u); temp %= t. |
orable<T> |
T operator|(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp |= t1. |
orable<T, U> |
T operator|(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp |= u. |
andable<T> |
T operator&(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp &= t1. |
andable<T, U> |
T operator&(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp &= u. |
xorable<T> |
T operator^(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp ^= t1. |
xorable<T, U> |
T operator^(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp ^= u. |
incrementable<T> |
T operator++(T&, int) |
T temp(t); ++t |
decrementable<T> |
T operator--(T&, int) |
T temp(t); --t; |
left_shiftable<T> |
T operator<<(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp <<= t1. |
left_shiftable<T, U> |
T operator<<(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp <<= u. |
right_shiftable<T> |
T operator>>(const T&, const T&) |
T temp(t); temp >>= t1. |
right_shiftable<T, U> |
T operator>>(const T&, const U&) |
T temp(t); temp >>= u. |
equivalent<T> |
bool operator==(const T&, const T&) |
t < t1. |
equivalent<T, U> |
bool operator==(const T&, const U&) |
t < u. t > u. |
partially_ordered<T> |
bool operator>(const T&, const T&) |
t < t1. t == t1. |
partially_ordered<T, U> |
bool operator<=(const T&, const U&) |
t < u. t > u. t == u. |
class A : boost:: less_than_comparable<A, equality_comparable<A> >
friend bool operator<(A const&a, A const& b);
friend bool operator==(A const&a, A const& b);
class A : boost:: less_than_comparable<A,B,equality_comparable<A,B> >
friend bool operator<(A const&a, B const& b);
friend bool operator>(A const&a, B const& b);
friend bool operator==(A const&a, B const& b);
class A : totally_ordered<T>
friend bool operator<(A const&a, A const& b);
friend bool operator==(A const&a, A const& b);
Template |
Component Operator Templates |
totally_ordered<T> |
· less_than_comparable<T> |
totally_ordered<T, U> |
additive<T> |
additive<T, U> |
multiplicative<T> |
multiplicative<T, U> |
integer_multiplicative<T> |
integer_multiplicative<T, U> |
arithmetic<T> |
arithmetic<T, U> |
integer_arithmetic<T> |
integer_arithmetic<T, U> |
bitwise<T> |
bitwise<T, U> |
unit_steppable<T> |
shiftable<T> |
shiftable<T, U> |
ring_operators<T> |
ring_operators<T, U> |
ordered_ring_operators<T> |
ordered_ring_operators<T, U> |
field_operators<T> |
field_operators<T, U> |
ordered_field_operators<T> |
ordered_field_operators<T, U> |
euclidian_ring_operators<T> |
euclidian_ring_operators<T, U> |
ordered_euclidian_ring_operators<T> |
ordered_euclidian_ring_operators<T, U> |
· euclidian_ring_operators<T, U> · totally_ordered<T, U> |
与其它boost库一样,operators要求支持C++98标准的编译器,现在完全支持的编译器有VC7.1,GCC3.3,EGD 2.5以上。通过一定的方式支持GCC2.95和VC6 sp3以上。
对于完全支持的编译器,推荐使用operatorable<T>和operatorable<T, U>模板。对于不完全支持的编译器,可以使用operatorable1<T>和operatorable2<T,U>这两个接口。