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  • bootstrap Table的使用方法


      url:http://bootstrap-table.wenzhixin.net.cn/zh-cn/documentation/  文档包含了表格属性、列属性、事件、方法等等.


      只要引入 jquery、bootstrap 、bootstrap-table的包,不用在js里面定义就可以使用默认有写data-toggle=”table”,data-toggle应该知道吧,常用的有”tooltip、popover等等”,这边就不说了.


    1 <!-- 主表单 -->
    2     <table id="datatable"></table>
    3 <!-- /主表单 -->


      1 <!DOCTYPE HTML>
      2 <html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org" xmlns:sec="http://www.thymeleaf.org/thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4">
      3 <head th:include="@{import} :: head"></head>
      4 <style type="text/css">
      5     #select-form{
      6          100%;
      7         height: 50px;
      8         border: 1px #ddd solid;
      9         padding: 5px;
     10         min- 600px;
     11     }
     12     #select-form label{
     13          250px;
     14         height: 40px;
     15         padding: 6px;
     16     }
     17     #select-form label input{
     18          200px;
     19         height: 30px;
     20         outline: none;
     21         font-size: 12px;
     22         text-indent: 20px;
     23         font-weight: normal;
     24         border-radius: 3px;
     25         border: none;
     26         border: 1px #ddd solid;
     27     }
     28     #select-form button{
     29         outline: none;
     30         cursor: pointer;
     31     }
     32 </style>
     33 <body>
     35 <!-- nav -->
     36 <section th:include="@{import} :: nav"></section>
     38 <!-- container start -->
     39 <div class="wrapper">
     40 <div class="container-fluid" id="main-container">
     41     <div class="row">
     42         <!-- section of left menu -->
     43         <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-12" th:include="@{import} :: leftMenu"></div>
     44         <!-- /section of left menu -->
     46         <!-- section of main 主表单区域 -->
     47         <section class="col-md-11 col-sm-12 box">
     48             <!-- 用于显示警告信息 -->
     49             <div id="alert"></div>
     51             <!-- 表单按钮 -->
     52             <div id="toolbar" class="btn-group btn-group-sm">
     53                 <button id="btn_add" type="button" class="btn btn-default">
     54                     <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>新增
     55                 </button>
     56                 <button id="btn_edit" type="button" class="btn btn-default" disabled="true">
     57                     <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></span>修改
     58                 </button>
     59                 <button id="btn_delete" type="button" class="btn btn-default" disabled="true">
     60                     <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true"></span>删除
     61                 </button>
     62             </div>
     63             <!-- /表单按钮 -->
     64             <!--搜索框-->
     65             <div id="select-form">
     66                 <label class="control-label">
     67                     <span>名称:</span><input type="text" class="select-name" placeholder="请输入用户名称"/>
     68                 </label>
     69                 <label class="control-label">
     70                     <span>描述:</span><input type="text" class="select-description" placeholder="请输入描述"/>
     71                 </label>
     72                 <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-search bt">搜索</button>
     73             </div>
     74             <!--/搜索框-->
     75             <!-- 主表单 -->
     76             <table id="datatable"></table>
     77             <!-- /主表单 -->
     79             <!-- 新增/编辑 表单 -->
     80             <div class="modal fade" id="datatable-editor" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="datatable-editor">
     81                 <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
     82                     <div class="modal-content">
     83                         <div class="modal-header">
     84                             <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
     85                                 <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
     86                             </button>
     87                             <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">编辑表单</h4>
     88                         </div>
     89                         <div class="modal-body">
     90                             <form class="form-horizontal" id="form">
     91                                 <input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" />
     92                                 <input type="hidden" name="_method" id="_method" />
     93                                 <div class="form-group">
     94                                     <label for="name" class="col-md-2 control-label">名称</label>
     95                                     <div class="col-md-10">
     96                                         <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="名称">
     97                                     </div>
     98                                 </div>
     99                                 <div class="form-group">
    100                                     <label for="description" class="col-md-2 control-label">描述</label>
    101                                     <div class="col-md-10">
    102                                         <input type="text" name="description" id="description" class="form-control" placeholder="描述">
    103                                     </div>
    104                                 </div>
    105                             </form>
    106                         </div>
    107                         <div class="modal-footer">
    108                             <button type="button" id="btn-ok" class="btn btn-primary pt-close">保存</button>
    109                             <button type="button" id="btn-cancel" class="btn btn-default pt-close" data-dismiss="modal">取消</button>
    110                         </div>
    111                     </div>
    112                 </div>
    113             </div>
    114             <!-- /新增/编辑 表单 -->
    116             <!-- 删除确认 -->
    117             <div class="modal fade" id="datatable-confirm" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="datatable-confirm">
    118                 <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
    119                     <div class="modal-content">
    120                         <div class="modal-header">
    121                             <h4 class="modal-title">删除确认</h4>
    122                         </div>
    123                         <div class="modal-body">
    124                             <p>确认删除以下数据,此操作不可恢复?</p>
    125                             <ul class="list-group" id="delete-list"></ul>
    126                         </div>
    127                         <div class="modal-footer">
    128                             <button type="button" id="btn-ok" class="btn btn-primary pt-close">确认</button>
    129                             <button type="button" id="btn-cancel" class="btn btn-default pt-close" data-dismiss="modal">取消</button>
    130                         </div>
    131                     </div>
    132                 </div>
    133             </div>
    134             <!-- /删除确认 -->
    135         </section>
    136         <!-- /section of main -->
    137     </div>
    138 </div>
    139 </div>
    140 <!--/.container end-->
    142 <script th:inline="javascript">
    143 $(document).ready(function() {
    144     var tableEditor = $("#datatable-editor");
    145     var URL = {
    146         insert : {url : "/system/role/roles" , method : "POST"},
    147         update : {url : "/system/role/roles" , method : "PUT"},
    148         "delete" : {url : "/system/role/roles/batch" , method : "DELETE"}
    149     }
    151     var getEditorInsert = function() {
    152         tableEditor.find("#_method").val(URL.insert.method);
    153         var url = URL.insert.url;
    154         return {editor : tableEditor, url : url};
    155     }
    157     var getEditorUpdate = function(id) {
    158         tableEditor.find("#_method").val(URL.update.method);
    159         var url = URL.update.url + "/" + id;
    160         return {editor : tableEditor, url : url};
    161     }
    163     var getEditorDelete = function() {
    164         var url = URL["delete"].url;
    165         return {editor : tableEditor, url : url , method: URL["delete"].method};
    166     }
    168     /* 表格操作 */
    169     //    根据选中项目数切换按钮点击状态
    170     var changeToolbarStatus = function(row,tr) {
    171         var select = $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('getSelections');
    172         $("#toolbar").find("#btn_edit").attr("disabled",select.length != 1);
    173         $("#toolbar").find("#btn_delete").attr("disabled",select.length == 0);
    174     }
    175     // 表格属性
    176     var initTable = function() {
    177         $('#datatable').bootstrapTable({
    178             showColumns: true,
    179             toolbar: "#toolbar",
    180             iconSize: "sm",
    181             idField : "id",
    182             clickToSelect: true,
    184             url: "roles",
    185             contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    186             dataField : "rows",
    187             queryParams: function(params) {
    188                 params["std.offset"] = params.offset;
    189                 params["std.limit"] = params.limit;
    190                 return params;
    191             },
    193             sidePagination: "server",
    194             pagination: true,
    195             pageNumer: 1,
    196             pageSize: 20,
    197             pageList: [20,50,100],
    199             columns:[
    200                 {
    201                     title:'',
    202                     field:'_select',
    203                     checkbox:true,
    204                     align:'center'
    205                 },
    206                 {
    207                     title: "ID",
    208                     field: "id",
    209                     visible: false
    210                 },
    211                 {
    212                     title: "名称",
    213                     field: "name"
    214                 },
    215                 {
    216                     title: "描述",
    217                     field: "description"
    218                 }
    219             ],
    221             onCheck: changeToolbarStatus,
    222             onUncheck: changeToolbarStatus
    223         });
    224     }
    225     initTable();
    228     // ajax提交数据后的操作
    229     var onSubmitOver = function(data) {
    230         if(data.success)
    231             $("#datatable").bootstrapTable("refresh");
    232         else {
    233             var html = '<div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade in" role="alert">';
    234             html += '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>';
    235             html += '<p>' + data.errorMsg + '</p>';
    236             html += '</div>';
    237             $("#alert").append(html);
    238         }    
    239     }
    241     // 用于打开编辑表单
    242     var openEditor = function(editor,onBeforeOpen) {
    243         return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
    244             if(onBeforeOpen)
    245                 onBeforeOpen(editor.editor.find("form"));
    247             editor.editor.modal('show');
    248             editor.editor.find("input[type=text]:first")[0].focus();
    250             editor.editor.find("#btn-ok").on("click",function() {
    251                 var data = editor.editor.find("form").serializeArray();
    252                 resolve(data);
    253                 editor.editor.modal("hide");
    254             });
    255             editor.editor.find("#btn-cancel").on("click",function() {
    256                 reject();
    257             });
    259         });
    260     }
    261     // 用于对第一个输入框聚焦
    262     tableEditor.on("shown.bs.modal",function() {
    263         tableEditor.find("input[type=text]:first")[0].focus();
    264     });
    265     // 关闭时清除form内容
    266     tableEditor.on("hidden.bs.modal",function() {
    267         tableEditor.find(":input").not(':button,:submit,:reset').val("");
    268     });
    270     // 打开新增表单
    271     $("#toolbar").find("#btn_add").on("click",function() {
    272         var editor = getEditorInsert();
    273         openEditor(editor).then(function(data) {
    274             var submitParam = {};
    275             for(idx in data) {
    276                 var item = data[idx];
    277                 if(item.name != "id") {
    278                     submitParam[item.name] = item.value;
    279                 }
    280             }
    281             $.post(editor.url,submitParam,onSubmitOver,'json');
    282         });
    283     });    
    285     // 打开编辑表单
    286     $("#toolbar").find("#btn_edit").on("click",function() {
    287         var select = $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('getSelections');
    288         var line = select[0];
    290         var beforeOpen = function(form) {
    291             $.each(line,function(key,value) {
    292                 form.find("#" + key).val(value);
    293             });
    294         }
    295         var editor = getEditorUpdate(line.id);
    296         openEditor(editor,beforeOpen).then(function(data) {
    297             var submitParam = {};
    298             for(idx in data) {
    299                 var item = data[idx];
    300                 submitParam[item.name] = item.value;
    302             }
    303             //console.info(submitParam)
    304             $.post(editor.url,submitParam,onSubmitOver,'json');
    305         });
    306     });
    308     // 删除确认
    309     var deleteConfirm = function() {
    310         return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
    311             var select = $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('getSelections');
    312             if(select.length == 0) {
    313                 reject();
    314                 return;
    315             }
    317             $("#datatable-confirm").find("#btn-ok").on("click",function() {
    318                 resolve(select);
    319                 $("#datatable-confirm").modal("hide");
    320             });
    321             $("#datatable-confirm").find("#btn-cancel").on("click",function() {
    322                 reject();
    323             });
    324             $("#datatable-confirm").modal("show");
    325         });
    326     }
    327     // 删除按钮点击
    328     $("#toolbar").find("#btn_delete").on("click",function() {
    329         var editor = getEditorDelete();
    330         deleteConfirm().then(function(select) {
    331             var ids = [];
    332             $.each(select,function(idx,item) {
    333                 ids.push(item.id);
    334             });
    336             $.post(editor.url,{"_method":editor.method,ids:ids},onSubmitOver,'json');
    337         });
    338     });
    339     //    查询用户    
    340     var oInp=document.querySelector('.select-name');
    341     var oSet=document.querySelector('.select-description');
    342     var searchName=null,searchDes=null;
    343     var str='';
    344     var arrDate=[];
    345     function getName(){
    346         searchName = oInp.value;
    347     }
    348     function getDes(){
    349         searchDes = oSet.value;
    350     }
    351     oInp.oninput = getName;
    352     oSet.oninput = getDes;
    353     $('#select-form').find('.btn-search').on('click',function(){
    354         //按name和description检索
    355         if(searchName!= null && searchDes!= null){
    356             $.ajax({
    357                 async: false,
    358                 type: "get",
    359                 url:'http://*.*.*.*:8090/system/role/roles',
    360                 contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
    361                 data:{
    362                     name:searchName,
    363                     description:searchDes
    364                 },
    365                 success: function (res) {
    366                     $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('removeAll')  //删除表格数据
    367                     $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('append', res.rows)  //新增表格数据
    368                 },
    369                 error: function (err) {
    370                     console.log('服务器有误'+err)
    371                 }
    372            })
    373         //按name搜索
    374         }else if(searchName != '' && searchDes == null){
    375             $.ajax({
    376                 async: false,
    377                 type: "get",
    378                 url:'http://*.*.*.*:8090/system/role/roles',
    379                 contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
    380                 data:{
    381                     name:searchName
    382                 },
    383                 success: function (res) {
    384                     $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('removeAll')  //删除表格数据
    385                     $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('append', res.rows)  //新增表格数据
    386                 },
    387                 error: function (err) {
    388                     console.log('服务器有误'+err)
    389                 }
    390            })
    391         }else if(searchName == null && searchDes != ''){
    392             $.ajax({
    393                 async: false,
    394                 type: "get",
    395                 url:'http://*.*.*.*:8090/system/role/roles',
    396                 contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
    397                 data:{
    398                     description:searchDes
    399                 },
    400                 success: function (res) {
    401                     $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('removeAll')  //删除所有表格数据
    402                     $('#datatable').bootstrapTable('append', res.rows)  //新增表格数据
    403                 },
    404                 error: function (err) {
    405                     console.log('服务器有误'+err)
    406                 }
    407            })
    408         }
    409     })
    410 });
    411 </script>
    412 <!-- footer -->
    413 <div th:include="@{import} :: footer"></div>
    414 </body>
    415 </html>




      刚想贴图,发现服务器炸了······下次再贴   看这个的时候对着文档一起看。


  • 相关阅读:

    document.querySelector bug All In One
    js logical or assignment bug All In One
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/alongup/p/9324670.html
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