After completing this lesson,you should be able to do the following:
- Explain the need for PL/SQL
- Explain the benefits of PL/SQL
- Indentify the different types of PL/SQL blocks
- Out messages in PL/SQL
About PL/SQL
- Stands for "Procedural Language extension to SQL".
- Is Oracle Corporation`s standard data access language for relatinal databases.
- Seamlessly integrates procedureal constructs with SQL.
- Provides a block structure for executable units of code.
- Maintenance of code is moade easier such a well-defined structure.
- Provides procedure constructs such as:
- -Variables,constants,and data types
- -Control structures such as conditional statements and loops
- -Reusable program units that are written once and executed mamy times.
PL/SQL Environment
Benefits of PL/SQL
- Integration of procedural constructs with SQL
- Improved performance
Select Specific Columns
- Modularized program development
- Integration with Oracle tools
- Portablity
- Exception handing
PL/SQL Block Structure
- DECLARE(optional)
- -Variables,cursors,user-defined exceptions
- BEGIN(mandatory)
- -SQL statements
- -PL/SQL statements
- EXCEPTION(optional)
- -Actions to perform when erros occur
- END; (mandatory)
Block Types
- Anonymons
- Procedure
- Function
FUNCTION name RETURN datatype IS BEGIN --statements RETURN value; END;
- Procedure 与 Function的区别
- Procedure不需要有返回值,Function一定要有返回值.
- Anonymous不会存储在Oracle Database中,而Procedure与Function则存储在Oracle Database.
Program Constructs
Create an Anonymous Block
1 DECLARE 2 v_fname VARCHAR2(20); 3 BEGIN 4 SELECT first_name INTO v_fname 5 FROM employees 6 WHERE employee_id = 100; 7 8 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_fname); 9 10 END;
SQL> l 1 DECLARE 2 v_fname VARCHAR2(20); 3 BEGIN 4 SELECT first_name INTO v_fname 5 FROM employees 6 WHERE employee_id = 100; 7 8 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_fname); 9 10* END; SQL> / Steven PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
In this lesson,you should have learned how to:
- Interate SQL statement with PL/SQL program constructs
- Descibe the benefits of PL/SQL
- Differentiate between PL/SQL block typs
- Output messages in PL/SQL