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  • LINQ标准查询操作符


    • Select :对单个序列或集合中的值进行投影。

    string[] Devices = { "电视", "电冰箱", "洗衣机", "电话", "微波炉" };

    var SelectDevices1 = from device in Devices

    select device;

    // var SelectDevices = Devices.Select(device=>device);

    foreach (string dev in SelectDevices1)


    Console.WriteLine("带电的设备:{0}", dev);


    • SelectMany:将序列的每个元素投影到 IEnumerable<(Of <(T>)>) 并将结果序列合并为一个序列。
    • SelectMany:将序列的每个元素投影到 IEnumerable<(Of <(T>)>) 并将结果序列合并为一个序列。

    class Devices


    public string Name

    { get; set; }

    public List<double> Price

    { get; set; }


    static void Main()


    Devices[] DeviceGroup = { new Devices { Name = "电视", Price =new List<double>{ 3000,2000} }, new Devices { Name = "电冰箱", Price =new List<double> { 4000,5000 }}, new Devices { Name = "洗衣机", Price =new List<double> { 1500,1000 }} };

    var devices = DeviceGroup.SelectMany(device => device.Price );

    foreach (var v in devices)






    • Where:对单个序列或集合中的值进行投影。

    string[] Devices = { "电视", "电冰箱", "洗衣机", "电话", "微波炉" };

    var SelectDevices = from device in Devices

    where device.StartsWith("电")

    select device;

    //var SelectDevices = Devices.Where(device=>device.StartsWith ("电"));

    foreach (string dev in SelectDevices)


    Console.WriteLine("带电的设备:{0}", dev);



    • OrderBy:将序列中的返回值按照升序的顺序进行排列。

    string[] Devices = { "电视", "电冰箱", "洗衣机", "电话", "微波炉" };

    var SelectDevices = from device in Devices

    orderby device

    select device;

    // var SelectDevices = Devices.OrderBy (device => device);

    foreach (string dev in SelectDevices)


    Console.WriteLine("带电的设备:{0}", dev);


    • OrderByDescending:将序列中的返回值按照降序的顺序进行排列。

    string[] Devices = { "电视", "电冰箱", "洗衣机", "电话", "微波炉" };

    var SelectDevices = from device in Devices

    orderby device descending

    select device;

    // var SelectDevices = Devices.OrderByDescending(device => device);

    foreach (string dev in SelectDevices)


    Console.WriteLine("带电的设备:{0}", dev);


    • ThenBy:排序依据的次关键字。

    Devices[] DeviceGroup = { new Devices { Name = "电视", Price = 10000 }, new Devices { Name = "电话", Price = 240 }, new Devices { Name = "电视", Price = 3000 } };

    var devices = from device in DeviceGroup

    orderby device.Name,device .Price

    select device;

    // var devices = DeviceGroup.AsQueryable().OrderBy(device => device.Name).ThenBy(device => device.Price);

    foreach (var dev in devices)


    Console.WriteLine("品名:{0},价格:{1}",dev.Name,dev.Price );


    • ThenByDescending:倒排序依据的次关键字。

    Devices[] DeviceGroup = { new Devices { Name = "电视", Price = 10000 }, new Devices { Name = "电话", Price = 240 }, new Devices { Name = "电视", Price = 3000 } };

    var devices = from device in DeviceGroup

    orderby device.Name,device .Price descending

    select device;

    // var devices = DeviceGroup.AsQueryable().OrderBy(device => device.Name).ThenByDescending(device => device.Price);

    foreach (var dev in devices)


    Console.WriteLine("品名:{0},价格:{1}",dev.Name,dev.Price );


    • ThenByDescending:倒排序依据的次关键字。

    Devices[] DeviceGroup = { new Devices { Name = "电视", Price = 10000 }, new Devices { Name = "电话", Price = 240 }, new Devices { Name = "电视", Price = 3000 } };

    var devices = from device in DeviceGroup

    orderby device.Name,device .Price descending

    select device;

    // var devices = DeviceGroup.AsQueryable().OrderBy(device => device.Name).ThenByDescending(device => device.Price);

    foreach (var dev in devices)


    Console.WriteLine("品名:{0},价格:{1}",dev.Name,dev.Price );


    • Reverse:反转序列。

    string[] Devices = { "电视", "电冰箱", "洗衣机", "电话", "微波炉" };

    var SelectDevices = from device in Devices.Reverse()

    select device;

    //var SelectDevices = Devices.Select(device=>device).Reverse ();

    foreach (string dev in SelectDevices)


    Console.WriteLine("带电的设备:{0}", dev);



    • Join:按照一定的条件,将两个数据源关联起来。


    static void Main()


    List<StudentMessage> A_Class = new List<StudentMessage>(); //声名一个A班,来存放学员

    A_Class.Add(new StudentMessage { ID = 1001, Name = "张三", Sex = true, Age = 20 }); //添加学员

    A_Class.Add(new StudentMessage { ID = 1002, Name = "李四", Sex = false, Age = 21 });//添加学员

    A_Class.Add(new StudentMessage { ID = 1003, Name = "王五", Sex = true, Age = 19 }); //添加学员

    List<StudentScort> A_ScortSheet = new List<StudentScort>(); //声名一个成绩表

    A_ScortSheet.Add(new StudentScort { ID = 1001, ChineseScort = 90f, MathsScort = 88f }); //添加学员成绩

    A_ScortSheet.Add(new StudentScort { ID = 1002, ChineseScort = 80f, MathsScort = 68f }); //添加学员成绩

    A_ScortSheet.Add(new StudentScort { ID = 1003, ChineseScort = 60f, MathsScort = 98f }); //添加学员成绩

    var messages = from mes in A_Class

    join sco in A_ScortSheet on mes.ID equals sco.ID

    select new { mes.ID, mes.Name, sco.ChineseScort, sco.MathsScort };

    //var messages=A_Class.Join (A_ScortSheet ,mes=>mes .ID ,sco=>sco.ID ,(mes,sco)=>new {mes.ID, mes.Name, sco.ChineseScort, sco.MathsScort });

    Console.WriteLine("{0,4} {1,10} {2,3} {3,3}", "学号","姓名","语文","数学");

    foreach (var scort in messages)


    Console.WriteLine("{0,6} {1,10} {2,4} {3,4}",scort .ID ,scort .Name ,scort.ChineseScort ,scort .MathsScort );



    • GroupJoin:将主数据源中的每一个值或元素与次数据源中相应的值联接起来。


    static void Main()


    List<StudentMessage> A_Class = new List<StudentMessage>(); //声名一个A班,来存放学员

    A_Class.Add(new StudentMessage { ID = 1001, Name = "张三", Sex = true, Age = 20 }); //添加学员

    A_Class.Add(new StudentMessage { ID = 1002, Name = “李四”, Sex = false, Age = 21 });//添加学员

    List<Scort> A_ScortSheet = new List<Scort>(); //声名一个成绩表

    A_ScortSheet.Add(new ChineaseScort { ID = 1001, Scort = 100f, Subject = "语文" }); //添加语文成绩

    A_ScortSheet.Add(new ChineaseScort { ID = 1002, Scort = 80f, Subject = “语文” }); //添加语文成绩

    A_ScortSheet.Add(new MathsScort { ID = 1001, Scort = 90f, Subject = “数学” }); //添加数学成绩

    A_ScortSheet.Add(new MathsScort { ID = 1002, Scort = 60f, Subject = “数学” }); //添加数学成绩

    var messages = A_Class.GroupJoin(A_ScortSheet, mes => mes.ID, sco => sco.ID, (mess, scor) => new { Mess = mess.ID, Mename = mess.Name, Scor = scor.Select(Scor => Scor) });

    foreach (var scort in messages)


    Console.WriteLine("学号:{0,4} 姓名:{1}", scort.Mess, scort.Mename);

    foreach (var sc in scort.Scor)


    Console.WriteLine(" {0}:{1}分", sc.Subject, sc.Scort);





    • GroupBy:将序列中的返回值按照升序的顺序进行排列。

    class Student


    public string ClassName

    { get; set; }

    public string Name

    { get; set; }


    static void Main()


    Student[] students = new Student[] {

    new Student{ClassName="A", Name="张三"},

    new Student{ClassName ="B", Name ="李四"},

    new Student{ClassName ="A" ,Name ="王五"},

    new Student {ClassName ="B", Name ="赵六"},

    new Student{ClassName ="B" ,Name ="钱七"},

    new Student {ClassName ="B", Name ="孙八"}


    var stus = (from stu in students

    select stu).GroupBy(st => st.ClassName);

    //var stus = students.GroupBy(st => st.ClassName);

    foreach (var v in stus)


    Console.WriteLine("{0}班学生:", v.Key);

    foreach (var va in v)


    Console.WriteLine(" 姓名:{0}", va.Name);





    • Concat:

    string[] Citys = new string[] { "北京","上海","东京"};

    string[] Mobiles = new string[] {"诺基亚","摩托罗拉","三星" };

    var Cont = Citys.Select(city => city).Concat(Mobiles.Select(mobil => mobil));

    foreach (var v in Cont)





    • Aggregate:从序列或集合中收集值。

    string[] citys = {"北京","上海","东京"};

    string newcity = citys.Aggregate((cityname,next)=>next+"-"+cityname);


    • Average:求一个数值序列的平均值。


    double[] nums = {1.2,34.1,45.21,43.1 };

    Console.WriteLine(nums.Average ());


    List<StudentSoc> list = new List<StudentSoc>();

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "张三", Chinese = 90f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "王五", Chinese = 92f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "赵六", Chinese = 78f });

    var quer = from stu in list select stu.Chinese;

    Console.WriteLine(quer .Average ());

    //var quer = list.Average(lis=>lis.Chinese );


    • Count:求一个数值序列的个数。(LongCount用法相同)


    double[] nums = {1.2,34.1,45.21,43.1 };



    List<StudentSoc> list = new List<StudentSoc>();

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "张三", Chinese = 90f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "王五", Chinese = 92f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "赵六", Chinese = 78f });

    var quer = from stu in list

    where stu.Chinese >80

    select stu.Chinese;


    //var quer = list.Count(lis=>lis.Chinese >80);


    • Sum:求一个数值序列的和。


    double[] nums = {1.2,34.1,45.21,43.1 };

    Console.WriteLine(nums.Where (numm=>numm>10).Sum(num=>num));


    List<StudentSoc> list = new List<StudentSoc>();

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "张三", Chinese = 90f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "王五", Chinese = 92f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "赵六", Chinese = 78f });

    var quer = from stu in list

    where stu.Chinese < 93

    select stu.Chinese;


    //var quer = list.Where(liss => liss.Chinese < 93).Sum(lis => lis.Chinese);

    // Console.WriteLine(quer);


    • Distinct:删除集合中重复的值,并返回该项集合中互不相同的元素。

    List<StudentSoc> list = new List<StudentSoc>();

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "王五", Chinese = 92f });

    StudentSoc s = new StudentSoc { Name = "赵六", Chinese = 78f };



    //var quer = from stu in list

    // select stu;

    //foreach (var que in quer.Distinct())


    // Console.WriteLine(que.Name +":"+que.Chinese );


    var quer = list.Distinct();

    foreach (var que in quer)


    Console.WriteLine(que.Name + ":" + que.Chinese);


    • Union:将两个集合或序列合并后返回不同的元素。

    int[] nums1 = {1,2,3,3,4};

    int[] nums2 = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

    var newnums = nums1.Union(nums2);

    foreach (var num in newnums)




    • Intersect:返回两个集合的交集。

    int[] nums1 = {1,2,3,3,4};

    int[] nums2 = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

    var newnums = nums1.Intersect(nums2);

    foreach (var num in newnums)




    • Except:返回序列一中序列二没有的值。

    int[] nums1 = {1,2,3,3,4,7};

    int[] nums2 = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,9,23};

    var newnums = nums1.Except(nums2);

    foreach (var num in newnums)





    • Empty:指定类型的空集。

    var s= Enumerable.Empty<string>();

    Console.WriteLine(s.Count ());

    • Range:创建一个包含数字序列的集合。

    foreach (var num in Enumerable.Range(3, 9))




    • Repeat:将值重复一定的次数。

    foreach (var num in Enumerable.Repeat(“*****”,9))





    • AsEnumerable:

    int[] ArrInt = {1,2,3,4,5 };

    foreach (int i in ArrInt .Where (arr=>arr>1))




    foreach (int i in ArrInt.AsEnumerable().Where(arr => arr > 1))




    • Cast:将序列转换成指定的类型。


    ArrayList AL = new ArrayList();





    IEnumerable <int> que=AL.Cast<int>().Select (arr=>arr);

    foreach (int i in que)




    • OfType:过滤序列中的某种类型。

    ArrayList AL = new ArrayList();





    var que = AL.OfType<int>();

    foreach (var i in que)




    • ToArray:从Ienumerable序列创建一个数组。

    List<StudentSoc> list = new List<StudentSoc>();

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "张三", Chinese = 90f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "王五", Chinese = 92f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "赵六", Chinese = 78f });

    var stu1 = list.Select(stud => stud.Chinese);

    var stu = list.Select(stud => stud.Chinese).ToArray();

    • ToDictionary:从Ienumerable序列创建一个Dictionary序列。

    class StudentSoc


    public string Name

    { get; set; }

    public float Chinese

    { get; set; }


    List<StudentSoc> list = new List<StudentSoc>();

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "张三", Chinese = 90f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "王五", Chinese = 92f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "赵六", Chinese = 78f });

    Dictionary<float ,StudentSoc> stu = list.ToDictionary(stud => stud.Chinese );

    foreach (KeyValuePair<float,StudentSoc > item in stu)


    Console.WriteLine(item.Key +" "+item.Value.Name +" "+item.Value .Chinese );


    • ToList:从Ienumerable序列创建一个List序列。

    class StudentSoc


    public string Name

    { get; set; }

    public float Chinese

    { get; set; }


    List<StudentSoc> list = new List<StudentSoc>();

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "张三", Chinese = 90f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "李四", Chinese = 94f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "王五", Chinese = 92f });

    list.Add(new StudentSoc { Name = "赵六", Chinese = 78f });

    var stu = list.Select(lis=>lis.Chinese).ToList();

    foreach (var item in stu)


    Console.WriteLine(item );


    • ToLookup:从Ienumerable序列创建一个 Lookup序列。Lookup是主键的集合,其中主键对应着一个或多个值。

    class OrderTable


    public int OrderNum

    { get; set; }

    public double Amount

    { get; set; }


    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var lis = list.ToLookup(num => num.OrderNum, num => num.Amount);

    foreach (var item in lis)


    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}",item.Key );

    foreach (var v in item)


    Console.WriteLine(" {0}元",v);




    • DefaultIfEmpty:将空集合替换为包含默认的单个值的集合。

    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var lis = list.Where(num => num.OrderNum == 1001);

    foreach (var item in lis.DefaultIfEmpty(new OrderTable { OrderNum =0,Amount =0}))


    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}", item.Amount);


    • ElementAt:返回集合中给定索引的元素。

    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var value = list.Where(num => num.OrderNum == 1001).ElementAt (1);

    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}", value.Amount );

    • ElementAtOrDefault:是将ElementAt和DefaultIfEmpty。

    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var value = list.Select (lis=>lis.OrderNum).ElementAtOrDefault(3);

    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}", value);

    • First:返回集合中的第一个元素(Last返回最后一个)。

    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var value = list.Select (lis=>lis.OrderNum).First ();

    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}", value);

    • FirstOrDefault:返回集合中的第一个元素,如果不存在,返回默认值(LastOrDefault返回最后一个,如果不存在,返回默认值)。

    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var value = list.Where (li=>li.OrderNum ==1003).Select(lis=>lis.OrderNum).FirstOrDefault();

    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}", value);

    • Single:从一个序列中返回单个元素,或唯一满足某一特定条件的元素。(LastOrDefault返回最后一个,如果不存在,返回默认值)。

    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var value = list.Where (li=>li.OrderNum ==1002).Select(lis=>lis.OrderNum).Single();

    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}", value);

    • SingleOrDefault:从一个序列中返回单个元素,或唯一满足某一特定条件的元素。如果存在多条记录,抛出异常。

    List<OrderTable> list = new List<OrderTable>();

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 1234.5 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1002, Amount = 2340 });

    list.Add(new OrderTable { OrderNum = 1001, Amount = 3000 });

    var value = list.Where (li=>li.OrderNum ==1001).Select(lis=>lis.OrderNum).SingleOrDefault();

    Console.WriteLine("订单号:{0}", value);


    • SequenceEqual

    int[] Arr1 = { 1, 2, 3 };

    int[] Arr2 = { 1, 2, 3 };



    • All:判定在集合中是否所有的值都满足特定的条件。

    int[] Arr1 = { 1, 1, 1 };

    Console.WriteLine(Arr1.All (arr=>arr==1));

    • Any:判定在集合中是否有的值满足特定的条件。

    int[] Arr1 = { 1, 2, 3 };

    Console.WriteLine(Arr1.Any (arr=>arr==1));

    • Contains:判定在集合中是否包含某个值。

    int[] Arr1 = { 1, 2, 3 };



    • Skip:跳过序列的前n个元素后返回所有的元素。

    int[] Arr = { 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 };

    foreach (int i in Arr.Skip(2))




    • SkipWhile:跳过不满足条件的元素,返回余下元素的序列。


    int[] Arr = { 1, 12, 3,4,15,6};

    foreach (int i in Arr.OrderBy (nu=>nu).SkipWhile(arr=>arr<=10))




    • Take:返回序列的从开始到参数指定位置的元素。

    int[] Arr = { 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 };

    foreach (int i in Arr.Take(2))




    • TakeWhile:返回满足条件的元素。


    int[] Arr = { 1, 12, 3,4,15,6};

    foreach (int i in Arr.OrderBy (ar=>ar).TakeWhile(arr=>arr<12))




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/axzxs2001/p/1552667.html
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