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  • python的数字图像处理学习(2)


     1 from skimage import transform,data
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 img = data.camera()
     4 print(img.shape)
     5 plt.subplot(221)
     6 plt.imshow(img)
     7 plt.subplot(222)
     8 plt.imshow(transform.resize(img,(64,64)))
     9 plt.subplot(223)
    10 plt.imshow(transform.rescale(img,0.2))
    11 plt.subplot(224)
    12 plt.imshow(transform.rotate(img,30,resize=True))
    13 plt.show()


     1 import numpy as np
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 from skimage import data,transform
     4 image = data.astronaut()  #载入宇航员图片
     5 pyramid = transform.pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=2)  #产生高斯金字塔图像
     6 #pyramid = transform.pyramid_laplacian(image, downscale=2)
     7 #共生成了log(512)=9幅金字塔图像,加上原始图像共10幅,pyramid[0]-pyramid[1]
     8 i = 1
     9 for p in pyramid:
    10     plt.subplot(2,5,i)
    11     i+=1
    12     #p[:,:,:]*=255
    13     plt.title(p.shape)
    14     plt.imshow(p)
    15 plt.show()

    gamma调整原理:I=Ig 如果gamma>1, 新图像比原图像暗。如果gamma<1,新图像比原图像亮



     1 from skimage import data, exposure, img_as_float
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 image = img_as_float(data.moon())
     4 gam1= exposure.adjust_gamma(image, 4)   #调暗
     5 gam2= exposure.adjust_gamma(image, 0.7)  #调亮
     6 gam3= exposure.adjust_log(image)   #对数调整
     7 plt.figure('adjust_gamma',figsize=(10,10))
     8 plt.subplot(141)
     9 plt.imshow(image)
    10 plt.subplot(142)
    11 plt.imshow(gam1)
    12 plt.subplot(143)
    13 plt.imshow(gam2,plt.cm.gray)
    14 plt.subplot(144)
    15 plt.imshow(gam3)
    16 plt.show()   #原理:I=Ig
    17 result=exposure.is_low_contrast(gam1)
    18 result


     1 import numpy as np
     2 from skimage import exposure
     3 image = data.moon()
     4 mat=exposure.rescale_intensity(image,out_range=(0,100))
     5 plt.subplot(121)
     6 plt.imshow(mat)
     7 print(image)
     8 print(mat)
     9 mat1=exposure.rescale_intensity(image, in_range=(0, 200))
    10 plt.subplot(122)
    11 plt.imshow(mat1)
    12 print(mat1.min())
    13 print(mat1)


    1 from skimage import data
    2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    3 img=data.camera()
    4 plt.figure("hist")
    5 arr=img.flatten()
    6 n, bins, patches = plt.hist(arr, bins=256, normed=1,facecolor='red')  
    7 plt.show()


     1 from skimage import data
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 img=data.astronaut()
     4 ar=img[:,:,0].flatten()
     5 plt.hist(ar, bins=256, normed=1,facecolor='r',edgecolor='r',hold=1)
     6 ag=img[:,:,1].flatten()
     7 plt.hist(ag, bins=256, normed=1, facecolor='g',edgecolor='g',hold=1)
     8 ab=img[:,:,2].flatten()
     9 plt.hist(ab, bins=256, normed=1, facecolor='b',edgecolor='b')
    10 plt.show()



     1 from skimage import data,exposure
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 img=data.moon()
     4 plt.figure("hist",figsize=(8,8))
     6 arr=img.flatten()
     7 plt.subplot(221)
     8 plt.imshow(img,plt.cm.gray)  #原始图像
     9 plt.subplot(222)
    10 plt.hist(arr, bins=256, normed=1,edgecolor='None',facecolor='red') #原始图像直方图
    12 img1=exposure.equalize_hist(img)
    13 arr1=img1.flatten()
    14 plt.subplot(223)
    15 plt.imshow(img1,plt.cm.gray)  #均衡化图像
    16 plt.subplot(224)
    17 arr1*=255
    18 plt.hist(arr1, bins=256, normed=1,edgecolor='None',facecolor='red') #均衡化直方图
    20 plt.show()







     1 from skimage import data,filters,feature
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 from skimage.morphology import disk
     4 img = data.camera()
     5 edges = filters.sobel(img)
     6 edges = filters.roberts(img)
     7 edges = filters.scharr(img)
     8 edges = filters.prewitt(img)
     9 edges = feature.canny(img,sigma=3)
    10 edges,filt_imag  = filters.gabor(img, frequency=0.5)
    11 edges = filters.gaussian(img,sigma=5)
    12 edges = filters.median(img,disk(9))
    13 edges = filters.sobel_h(img) 
    14 #水平边缘检测:sobel_h, prewitt_h, scharr_h
    15 #垂直边缘检测: sobel_v, prewitt_v, scharr_v
    16 edges = filters.roberts_neg_diag(img)
    17 edges = filters.roberts_pos_diag(img)
    18 plt.imshow(edges,plt.cm.gray)


     1 from skimage import data,filters
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 image = data.camera()
     4 thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(image)
     5 thresh = filters.threshold_yen(image) 
     6 thresh = filters.threshold_li(image)
     7 thresh = filters.threshold_isodata(image)
     9 dst =(image <= thresh)*1.0   #根据阈值进行分割
    10 #dst =filters.threshold_adaptive(image, 31,'mean')
    11 plt.subplot(121)
    12 plt.title('original image')
    13 plt.imshow(image,plt.cm.gray)
    14 plt.subplot(122)
    15 plt.title('binary image')
    16 plt.imshow(dst,plt.cm.gray)
    17 plt.show()


    1 from skimage import draw,data
    2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    3 img=data.chelsea()
    4 rr, cc=draw.ellipse(150, 150, 30, 80)   #返回像素坐标
    5 draw.set_color(img,[rr,cc],[255,0,0])
    6 plt.imshow(img,plt.cm.gray)



     1 from skimage import data
     2 import skimage.morphology as sm
     3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     4 img=data.checkerboard()
     5 dst=sm.dilation(img,sm.square(5))  #用边长为15的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波
     6 dst1=sm.erosion(img,sm.square(5))  #用边长为5的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波
     7 plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
     8 plt.subplot(131)
     9 plt.imshow(img,plt.cm.gray)
    10 plt.subplot(132)
    11 plt.imshow(dst,plt.cm.gray)
    12 plt.subplot(133)
    13 plt.imshow(dst1,plt.cm.gray)
    14 #找到像素值为1的点,将它的邻近像素点都设置成这个值。1值表示白,0值表示黑,因此膨胀操作可以扩大白色值范围,压缩黑色值范围。一般用来扩充边缘或填充小的孔洞
    15 #将0值扩充到邻近像素。扩大黑色部分,减小白色部分。可用来提取骨干信息,去掉毛刺,去掉孤立的像素。


     1 from skimage import io,color,data
     2 import skimage.morphology as sm
     3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     4 img=color.rgb2gray(data.camera())
     5 dst=sm.opening(img,sm.disk(9))  #用边长为9的圆形滤波器进行膨胀腐蚀滤波
     6 dst1=sm.closing(img,sm.disk(9))  #用边长为5的圆形滤波器进行腐蚀膨胀滤波
     7 plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
     8 plt.subplot(131)
     9 plt.imshow(img,plt.cm.gray)
    10 plt.subplot(132)
    11 plt.imshow(dst,plt.cm.gray)
    12 plt.subplot(133)
    13 plt.imshow(dst1,plt.cm.gray)



     1 from skimage import io,color
     2 import skimage.morphology as sm
     3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     4 img=color.rgb2gray(data.camera())
     5 dst=sm.white_tophat(img,sm.square(21))  #将原图像减去它的开运算值,返回比结构化元素小的白点
     6 dst1=sm.black_tophat(img,sm.square(21))  #将原图像减去它的闭运算值,返回比结构化元素小的黑点,且将这些黑点反色。
     7 plt.figure('morphology',figsize=(10,10))
     8 plt.subplot(131)
     9 plt.imshow(img,plt.cm.gray)
    10 plt.subplot(132)
    11 plt.imshow(dst,plt.cm.gray)
    12 plt.subplot(133)
    13 plt.imshow(dst1,plt.cm.gray)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bai2018/p/10492758.html
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