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  • SUMO学习笔记(3)





    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- generated on Mon Mar 25 08:13:01 2019 by Eclipse SUMO netgenerate Version v1_0_1+0645-93703db
    <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/netgenerateConfiguration.xsd">
            <grid value="true"/>
            <grid.number value="10"/>
            <no-turnarounds value="true"/>


    netgenerate -c 111.netgcfg


    python randomTrips.py -n net.net.xml -o flows.xml --begin 0 --end 1 --flows 100 --jtrrouter


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- generated on Mon Mar 25 08:12:46 2019 by Eclipse SUMO jtrrouter Version v1_0_1+0645-93703db
    <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/jtrrouterConfiguration.xsd">
            <net-file value="net.net.xml"/>
            <route-files value="flows.xml"/>
            <output-file value="routes.xml"/>
            <turn-defaults value="25,50,25"/>
            <accept-all-destinations value="true"/>
            <allow-loops value="true"/>


    jtrrouter -c 111.jtrrcfg


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- generated on Mon Mar 25 08:16:37 2019 by Eclipse SUMO Version v1_0_1+0645-93703db
    <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
            <net-file value="net.net.xml"/>
            <route-files value="routes.xml"/>
            <no-step-log value="true"/>





    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <nodes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/nodes_file.xsd">
       <node id="0" x="0.0" y="0.0"  type="traffic_light"/>
       <node id="1" x="-500.0" y="0.0" type="priority"/>
       <node id="2" x="+500.0" y="0.0" type="priority"/>
       <node id="3" x="0.0" y="-500.0" type="priority"/>
       <node id="4" x="0.0" y="+500.0" type="priority"/>
       <node id="51" x="-510.0" y="0.0" type="priority"/>
       <node id="52" x="+510.0" y="0.0" type="priority"/>
       <node id="53" x="0.0" y="-510.0" type="priority"/>
       <node id="54" x="0.0" y="+510.0" type="priority"/>  
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <edges xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/edges_file.xsd">
       <edge id="1i" from="1" to="0" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="1o" from="0" to="1" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
       <edge id="2i" from="2" to="0" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="2o" from="0" to="2" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
       <edge id="3i" from="3" to="0" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="3o" from="0" to="3" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
       <edge id="4i" from="4" to="0" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="4o" from="0" to="4" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
       <edge id="51i" from="1" to="51" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="51o" from="51" to="1" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
       <edge id="52i" from="2" to="52" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="52o" from="52" to="2" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
       <edge id="53i" from="3" to="53" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="53o" from="53" to="3" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
       <edge id="54i" from="4" to="54" priority="78" numLanes="1" speed="19.444" />
       <edge id="54o" from="54" to="4" priority="46" numLanes="1" speed="11.111" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <connections xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/connections_file.xsd">
    	<connection from="1i" to="2o"/>
    	<connection from="2i" to="1o"/>
    	<connection from="3i" to="4o"/>
    	<connection from="4i" to="3o"/>


    netconvert -n 111.nod.xml -e 111.edg.xml -x 111.con.xml -o 111.net.xml


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
            <net-file value="111.net.xml"/>
            <route-files value="111.rou.xml"/>
            <additional-files value="111.det.xml"/>
            <begin value="0"/>
            <verbose value="true"/>
            <no-step-log value="true"/>


    <e1Detector id="0" lane="4i_0" pos="450" freq="30" file="111.out" friendlyPos="x"/>




    from __future__ import absolute_import
    from __future__ import print_function
    import os
    import sys
    import optparse
    import random
    # we need to import python modules from the $SUMO_HOME/tools directory
    if 'SUMO_HOME' in os.environ:
        tools = os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'tools')
        sys.exit("please declare environment variable 'SUMO_HOME'")
    from sumolib import checkBinary  # noqa
    import traci  # noqa
    def generate_routefile():
        random.seed(42)  # make tests reproducible
        N = 3600  # number of time steps
        # demand per second from different directions
        pWE = 1. / 10
        pEW = 1. / 11
        pNS = 1. / 30
        with open("111.rou.xml", "w") as routes:
            <vType id="typeWE" accel="0.8" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" length="5" minGap="2.5" maxSpeed="16.67" 
            <vType id="typeNS" accel="0.8" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" length="7" minGap="3" maxSpeed="25" guiShape="bus"/>
            <route id="right" edges="51o 1i 2o 52i" />
            <route id="left" edges="52o 2i 1o 51i" />
            <route id="down" edges="54o 4i 3o 53i" />""", file=routes)
            vehNr = 0
            for i in range(N):
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < pWE:
                    print('    <vehicle id="right_%i" type="typeWE" route="right" depart="%i" />' % (
                        vehNr, i), file=routes)
                    vehNr += 1
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < pEW:
                    print('    <vehicle id="left_%i" type="typeWE" route="left" depart="%i" />' % (
                        vehNr, i), file=routes)
                    vehNr += 1
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < pNS:
                    print('    <vehicle id="down_%i" type="typeNS" route="down" depart="%i" color="1,0,0"/>' % (
                        vehNr, i), file=routes)
                    vehNr += 1
            print("</routes>", file=routes)
    # The program looks like this
    #    <tlLogic id="0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
    # the locations of the tls are      NESW
    #        <phase duration="31" state="GrGr"/>
    #        <phase duration="6"  state="yryr"/>
    #        <phase duration="31" state="rGrG"/>
    #        <phase duration="6"  state="ryry"/>
    #    </tlLogic>
    def run():
        """execute the TraCI control loop"""
        step = 0
        # we start with phase 2 where EW has green
        traci.trafficlight.setPhase("0", 2)
        while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
            if traci.trafficlight.getPhase("0") == 2:
                # we are not already switching
                if traci.inductionloop.getLastStepVehicleNumber("0") > 0:
                    # there is a vehicle from the north, switch
                    traci.trafficlight.setPhase("0", 3)
                    # otherwise try to keep green for EW
                    traci.trafficlight.setPhase("0", 2)
            step += 1
    def get_options():
        optParser = optparse.OptionParser()
        optParser.add_option("--nogui", action="store_true",
                             default=False, help="run the commandline version of sumo")
        options, args = optParser.parse_args()
        return options
    # this is the main entry point of this script
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        options = get_options()
        # this script has been called from the command line. It will start sumo as a
        # server, then connect and run
        if options.nogui:
            sumoBinary = checkBinary('sumo')
            sumoBinary = checkBinary('sumo-gui')
        # first, generate the route file for this simulation
        # this is the normal way of using traci. sumo is started as a
        # subprocess and then the python script connects and runs
        traci.start([sumoBinary, "-c", "111.sumocfg",
                                 "--tripinfo-output", "tripinfo.xml"])





     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <nodes version="0.13" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/nodes_file.xsd">
     3     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-100.00,-50.00,100.00,50.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
     5     <node id="C" x="0.00" y="0.00" type="traffic_light"/>
     6     <node id="E" x="100.00" y="0.00" type="unregulated"/>
     7     <node id="N" x="0.00" y="50.00" type="unregulated"/>
     8     <node id="S" x="0.00" y="-50.00" type="unregulated"/>
     9     <node id="W" x="-100.00" y="0.00" type="unregulated"/>
    10 </nodes>
    12 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    13 <edges version="0.13" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/edges_file.xsd">
    14     <edge id="CE" from="C" to="E" priority="1" numLanes="2" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89"/>
    15     <edge id="CW" from="C" to="W" priority="1" numLanes="2" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89"/>
    16     <edge id="EC" from="E" to="C" priority="1" numLanes="2" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89"/>
    17     <edge id="WC" from="W" to="C" priority="1" numLanes="2" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89"/>
    19     <edge id="NC" from="N" to="C" priority="1" numLanes="1" allow="pedestrian" speed="5.00" spreadType="center" width="3.00"/>
    20     <edge id="CS" from="C" to="S" priority="1" numLanes="1" allow="pedestrian" speed="5.00" spreadType="center" width="3.00"/>
    21 </edges>
    23 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    24 <connections version="0.13" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/connections_file.xsd">
    25     <crossing node="C" edges="CE EC" width="6"/>
    26 </connections>
    View Code


     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     3 <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/netconvertConfiguration.xsd">
     4     <input>
     5         <node-files value="111.nod.xml"/>
     6         <edge-files value="111.edg.xml"/>
     7         <connection-files value="111.con.xml"/>
     8     </input>
     9     <output>
    10         <output-file value="111.net.xml"/>
    11     </output>
    12     <junctions>
    13         <no-turnarounds value="true"/>
    14     </junctions>
    15 </configuration>
    View Code


    1 <routes>
    2     <flow id="EW" begin="0" end="3600" probability="0.1" from="EC" to="CW"/>
    3     <flow id="WE" begin="0" end="3600" probability="0.1" from="WC" to="CE"/>
    4 </routes>
    View Code


     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     3 <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
     5     <input>
     6         <net-file value="111.net.xml"/>
     7         <route-files value="111.rou.xml,111.trip.xml"/>
     8         <additional-files value="111.tll.xml"/>
     9     </input>
    11     <report>
    12         <verbose value="true"/>
    13         <no-step-log value="true"/>
    14     </report>
    16     <gui_only>
    17         <gui-settings-file value="viewsettings.xml"/>
    18     </gui_only>
    20 </configuration>
    View Code


      1 """
      2 Tutorial for traffic light control via the TraCI interface.
      3 This scenario models a pedestrian crossing which switches on demand.
      4 """
      5 from __future__ import absolute_import
      6 from __future__ import print_function
      8 import os
      9 import sys
     10 import optparse
     11 import subprocess
     14 # the directory in which this script resides
     15 THISDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
     18 # we need to import python modules from the $SUMO_HOME/tools directory
     19 # If the the environment variable SUMO_HOME is not set, try to locate the python
     20 # modules relative to this script
     21 if 'SUMO_HOME' in os.environ:
     22     tools = os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'tools')
     23     sys.path.append(tools)
     24 else:
     25     sys.exit("please declare environment variable 'SUMO_HOME'")
     26 import traci  # noqa
     27 from sumolib import checkBinary  # noqa
     28 import randomTrips  # noqa
     30 # minimum green time for the vehicles
     31 MIN_GREEN_TIME = 15
     32 # the first phase in tls plan. see '111.tll.xml'
     35 # the id of the traffic light (there is only one). This is identical to the
     36 # id of the controlled intersection (by default)
     37 TLSID = 'C'
     39 # pedestrian edges at the controlled intersection
     40 WALKINGAREAS = [':C_w0', ':C_w1']
     41 CROSSINGS = [':C_c0']
     44 def run():
     45     """execute the TraCI control loop"""
     46     # track the duration for which the green phase of the vehicles has been
     47     # active
     48     greenTimeSoFar = 0
     50     # whether the pedestrian button has been pressed
     51     activeRequest = False
     53     # main loop. do something every simulation step until no more vehicles are
     54     # loaded or running
     55     while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
     56         traci.simulationStep()
     58         # decide wether there is a waiting pedestrian and switch if the green
     59         # phase for the vehicles exceeds its minimum duration
     60         if not activeRequest:
     61             activeRequest = checkWaitingPersons()
     62         if traci.trafficlight.getPhase(TLSID) == VEHICLE_GREEN_PHASE:
     63             greenTimeSoFar += 1
     64             if greenTimeSoFar > MIN_GREEN_TIME:
     65                 # check whether someone has pushed the button
     67                 if activeRequest:
     68                     # switch to the next phase
     69                     traci.trafficlight.setPhase(
     70                         TLSID, VEHICLE_GREEN_PHASE + 1)
     71                     # reset state
     72                     activeRequest = False
     73                     greenTimeSoFar = 0
     75     sys.stdout.flush()
     76     traci.close()
     79 def checkWaitingPersons():
     80     """check whether a person has requested to cross the street"""
     82     # check both sides of the crossing
     83     for edge in WALKINGAREAS:
     84         peds = traci.edge.getLastStepPersonIDs(edge)
     85         # check who is waiting at the crossing
     86         # we assume that pedestrians push the button upon
     87         # standing still for 1s
     88         for ped in peds:
     89             if (traci.person.getWaitingTime(ped) == 1 and
     90                     traci.person.getNextEdge(ped) in CROSSINGS):
     91                 numWaiting = traci.trafficlight.getServedPersonCount(TLSID, PEDESTRIAN_GREEN_PHASE)
     92                 print("%s: pedestrian %s pushes the button (waiting: %s)" %
     93                       (traci.simulation.getTime(), ped, numWaiting))
     94                 return True
     95     return False
     98 def get_options():
     99     """define options for this script and interpret the command line"""
    100     optParser = optparse.OptionParser()
    101     optParser.add_option("--nogui", action="store_true",
    102                          default=False, help="run the commandline version of sumo")
    103     options, args = optParser.parse_args()
    104     return options
    107 # this is the main entry point of this script
    108 if __name__ == "__main__":
    109     # load whether to run with or without GUI
    110     options = get_options()
    112     # this script has been called from the command line. It will start sumo as a
    113     # server, then connect and run
    114     if options.nogui:
    115         sumoBinary = checkBinary('sumo')
    116     else:
    117         sumoBinary = checkBinary('sumo-gui')
    119     net = '111.net.xml'
    120     # build the multi-modal network from plain xml inputs
    121     subprocess.call([checkBinary('netconvert'),
    122                      '-c', os.path.join('', '111.netccfg'),
    123                      '--output-file', net],
    124                     stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
    127     # generate the pedestrians for this simulation
    128     randomTrips.main(randomTrips.get_options([
    129         '--net-file', net,
    130         '--output-trip-file', '111.trip.xml',
    131         '--seed', '42',  # make runs reproducible
    132         '--pedestrians',
    133         '--prefix', 'ped',
    134         # prevent trips that start and end on the same edge
    135         '--min-distance', '1',
    136         '--trip-attributes', 'departPos="random" arrivalPos="random"',
    137         '--binomial', '4',
    138         '--period', '35']))
    140     traci.start([sumoBinary, '-c', os.path.join('', '111.sumocfg')])
    141     run()
    View Code


    1 <tlLogics version="0.13" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tllogic_file.xsd">
    3     <tlLogic id="C" type="static" programID="custom" offset="0">
    4         <phase duration="100000" state="GGGGr"/> <!-- do not switch vehicle phase automatically -->
    5         <phase duration="4" state="yyyyr"/>
    6         <phase duration="10" state="rrrrG"/>
    7         <phase duration="10" state="rrrrr"/> <!-- give pedestrians time to clear the intersection -->
    8     </tlLogic>
    9 </tlLogics>
    View Code


      1 <viewsettings>
      2     <scheme name="custom_2">
      3         <opengl antialiase="0" dither="0"/>
      4         <background backgroundColor="51,128,51" showGrid="0" gridXSize="100.00" gridYSize="100.00"/>
      5         <edges laneEdgeMode="0" scaleMode="0" laneShowBorders="1" showLinkDecals="1" showRails="1" hideConnectors="1" widthExaggeration="1.00"
      6                 edgeName_show="0" edgeName_size="50.00" edgeName_color="orange"
      7                 internalEdgeName_show="0" internalEdgeName_size="40.00" internalEdgeName_color="128,64,0"
      8                 cwaEdgeName_show="0" cwaEdgeName_size="50.00" cwaEdgeName_color="magenta"
      9                 streetName_show="0" streetName_size="55.00" streetName_color="yellow">
     10             <colorScheme name="uniform">
     11                 <entry color="black" name="road"/>
     12                 <entry color="grey" name="sidewalk"/>
     13                 <entry color="192,66,44" name="bike lane"/>
     14                 <entry color="0,0,0,0" name="green verge"/>
     15                 <entry color="150,200,200" name="waterway"/>
     16             </colorScheme>
     17             <colorScheme name="by selection (lane-/streetwise)">
     18                 <entry color="grey" name="unselected"/>
     19                 <entry color="0,80,180" name="selected"/>
     20             </colorScheme>
     21             <colorScheme name="by permission code" interpolated="1">
     22                 <entry color="240,240,240" threshold="0.00"/>
     23                 <entry color="10,10,10" threshold="32.00"/>
     24                 <entry color="166,147,26" threshold="128.00"/>
     25                 <entry color="40,100,40" threshold="256.00"/>
     26                 <entry color="192,66,44" threshold="524288.00"/>
     27                 <entry color="grey" threshold="1048576.00"/>
     28                 <entry color="80,80,80" threshold="1049600.00"/>
     29                 <entry color="150,200,200" threshold="4194304.00"/>
     30                 <entry color="64,0,86" threshold="31719423.00"/>
     31                 <entry color="black" threshold="32505855.00"/>
     32                 <entry color="green" threshold="33554431.00"/>
     33             </colorScheme>
     34             <colorScheme name="by allowed speed (lanewise)" interpolated="1">
     35                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
     36                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="8.33"/>
     37                 <entry color="green" threshold="15.28"/>
     38                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="22.22"/>
     39                 <entry color="blue" threshold="33.33"/>
     40                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="41.67"/>
     41             </colorScheme>
     42             <colorScheme name="by current occupancy (lanewise, brutto)" interpolated="1">
     43                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
     44                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.95"/>
     45             </colorScheme>
     46             <colorScheme name="by current occupancy (lanewise, netto)" interpolated="1">
     47                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
     48                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.95"/>
     49             </colorScheme>
     50             <colorScheme name="by first vehicle waiting time (lanewise)" interpolated="1">
     51                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
     52                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="30.00"/>
     53                 <entry color="green" threshold="100.00"/>
     54                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="200.00"/>
     55                 <entry color="red" threshold="300.00"/>
     56             </colorScheme>
     57             <colorScheme name="by lane number (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
     58                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
     59                 <entry color="blue" threshold="5.00"/>
     60             </colorScheme>
     61             <colorScheme name="by CO2 emissions" interpolated="1">
     62                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     63                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.27"/>
     64             </colorScheme>
     65             <colorScheme name="by CO emissions" interpolated="1">
     66                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
     67                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     68             </colorScheme>
     69             <colorScheme name="by PMx emissions" interpolated="1">
     70                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
     71                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     72             </colorScheme>
     73             <colorScheme name="by NOx emissions" interpolated="1">
     74                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
     75                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     76             </colorScheme>
     77             <colorScheme name="by HC emissions" interpolated="1">
     78                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
     79                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     80             </colorScheme>
     81             <colorScheme name="by fuel consumption" interpolated="1">
     82                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     83                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.07"/>
     84             </colorScheme>
     85             <colorScheme name="by noise emissions (Harmonoise)" interpolated="1">
     86                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     87                 <entry color="red" threshold="100.00"/>
     88             </colorScheme>
     89             <colorScheme name="by global travel time" interpolated="1">
     90                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
     91                 <entry color="red" threshold="100.00"/>
     92             </colorScheme>
     93             <colorScheme name="by global speed percentage" interpolated="1">
     94                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
     95                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="50.00"/>
     96                 <entry color="green" threshold="100.00"/>
     97             </colorScheme>
     98             <colorScheme name="by given length/geometrical length" interpolated="1">
     99                 <entry color="black" threshold="0.00"/>
    100                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.25"/>
    101                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.50"/>
    102                 <entry color="179,179,179" threshold="1.00"/>
    103                 <entry color="green" threshold="2.00"/>
    104                 <entry color="blue" threshold="4.00"/>
    105             </colorScheme>
    106             <colorScheme name="by angle">
    107                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    108             </colorScheme>
    109             <colorScheme name="by loaded weight" interpolated="1">
    110                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    111                 <entry color="red" threshold="100.00"/>
    112             </colorScheme>
    113             <colorScheme name="by priority" interpolated="1">
    114                 <entry color="red" threshold="-20.00"/>
    115                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.00"/>
    116                 <entry color="green" threshold="20.00"/>
    117             </colorScheme>
    118             <colorScheme name="by height at start" interpolated="1">
    119                 <entry color="blue" threshold="-10.00"/>
    120                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    121                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="50.00"/>
    122                 <entry color="green" threshold="100.00"/>
    123                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="200.00"/>
    124             </colorScheme>
    125             <colorScheme name="by height at segment start" interpolated="1">
    126                 <entry color="blue" threshold="-10.00"/>
    127                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    128                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="50.00"/>
    129                 <entry color="green" threshold="100.00"/>
    130                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="200.00"/>
    131             </colorScheme>
    132             <colorScheme name="by inclination" interpolated="1">
    133                 <entry color="blue" threshold="-0.30"/>
    134                 <entry color="green" threshold="-0.10"/>
    135                 <entry color="grey" threshold="0.00"/>
    136                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.10"/>
    137                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.30"/>
    138             </colorScheme>
    139             <colorScheme name="by inclination at segment start" interpolated="1">
    140                 <entry color="blue" threshold="-0.30"/>
    141                 <entry color="green" threshold="-0.10"/>
    142                 <entry color="grey" threshold="0.00"/>
    143                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.10"/>
    144                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.30"/>
    145             </colorScheme>
    146             <colorScheme name="by average speed" interpolated="1">
    147                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    148                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="8.33"/>
    149                 <entry color="green" threshold="15.28"/>
    150                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="22.22"/>
    151                 <entry color="blue" threshold="33.33"/>
    152                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="41.67"/>
    153             </colorScheme>
    154             <colorScheme name="by average relative speed " interpolated="1">
    155                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    156                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.25"/>
    157                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.50"/>
    158                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="0.75"/>
    159                 <entry color="blue" threshold="1.00"/>
    160                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="1.25"/>
    161             </colorScheme>
    162             <scalingScheme name="default">
    163                 <entry color="1.00" name="uniform"/>
    164             </scalingScheme>
    165             <scalingScheme name="by selection (lane-/streetwise)">
    166                 <entry color="0.50" name="unselected"/>
    167                 <entry color="5.00" name="selected"/>
    168             </scalingScheme>
    169             <scalingScheme name="by allowed speed (lanewise)" interpolated="1">
    170                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    171                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="41.67"/>
    172             </scalingScheme>
    173             <scalingScheme name="by current occupancy (lanewise, brutto)" interpolated="1">
    174                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    175                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.95"/>
    176             </scalingScheme>
    177             <scalingScheme name="by current occupancy (lanewise, netto)" interpolated="1">
    178                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    179                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.95"/>
    180             </scalingScheme>
    181             <scalingScheme name="by first vehicle waiting time (lanewise)" interpolated="1">
    182                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    183                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="300.00"/>
    184             </scalingScheme>
    185             <scalingScheme name="by lane number (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    186                 <entry color="1.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    187                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="5.00"/>
    188             </scalingScheme>
    189             <scalingScheme name="by CO2 emissions" interpolated="1">
    190                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    191                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.27"/>
    192             </scalingScheme>
    193             <scalingScheme name="by CO emissions" interpolated="1">
    194                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    195                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    196             </scalingScheme>
    197             <scalingScheme name="by PMx emissions" interpolated="1">
    198                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    199                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    200             </scalingScheme>
    201             <scalingScheme name="by NOx emissions" interpolated="1">
    202                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    203                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    204             </scalingScheme>
    205             <scalingScheme name="by HC emissions" interpolated="1">
    206                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    207                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    208             </scalingScheme>
    209             <scalingScheme name="by fuel consumption" interpolated="1">
    210                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    211                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.07"/>
    212             </scalingScheme>
    213             <scalingScheme name="by noise emissions (Harmonoise)" interpolated="1">
    214                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    215                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="100.00"/>
    216             </scalingScheme>
    217             <scalingScheme name="by global travel time" interpolated="1">
    218                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    219                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="100.00"/>
    220             </scalingScheme>
    221             <scalingScheme name="by global speed percentage" interpolated="1">
    222                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    223                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="100.00"/>
    224             </scalingScheme>
    225             <scalingScheme name="by given length/geometrical length" interpolated="1">
    226                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    227                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="10.00"/>
    228             </scalingScheme>
    229             <scalingScheme name="by loaded weight" interpolated="1">
    230                 <entry color="-1000.00" threshold="-1000.00"/>
    231                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    232                 <entry color="1000.00" threshold="1000.00"/>
    233             </scalingScheme>
    234             <scalingScheme name="by priority" interpolated="1">
    235                 <entry color="0.50" threshold="-20.00"/>
    236                 <entry color="1.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    237                 <entry color="5.00" threshold="20.00"/>
    238             </scalingScheme>
    239             <scalingScheme name="by average speed" interpolated="1">
    240                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    241                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="41.67"/>
    242             </scalingScheme>
    243             <scalingScheme name="by average relative speed" interpolated="1">
    244                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    245                 <entry color="0.50" threshold="0.50"/>
    246                 <entry color="2.00" threshold="1.00"/>
    247                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="2.00"/>
    248             </scalingScheme>
    249             <colorScheme name="uniform (streetwise)">
    250                 <entry color="black"/>
    251             </colorScheme>
    252             <colorScheme name="by selection (streetwise)">
    253                 <entry color="grey" name="unselected"/>
    254                 <entry color="0,80,180" name="selected"/>
    255             </colorScheme>
    256             <colorScheme name="by purpose (streetwise)">
    257                 <entry color="0,0,0,0" name="normal"/>
    258                 <entry color="128,0,128" name="connector"/>
    259                 <entry color="blue" name="internal"/>
    260             </colorScheme>
    261             <colorScheme name="by allowed speed (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    262                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    263                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="8.33"/>
    264                 <entry color="green" threshold="15.28"/>
    265                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="22.22"/>
    266                 <entry color="blue" threshold="33.33"/>
    267                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="41.67"/>
    268             </colorScheme>
    269             <colorScheme name="by current occupancy (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    270                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
    271                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.95"/>
    272             </colorScheme>
    273             <colorScheme name="by current speed (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    274                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    275                 <entry color="blue" threshold="41.67"/>
    276             </colorScheme>
    277             <colorScheme name="by current flow (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    278                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
    279                 <entry color="red" threshold="5000.00"/>
    280             </colorScheme>
    281             <colorScheme name="by relative speed (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    282                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    283                 <entry color="blue" threshold="1.00"/>
    284             </colorScheme>
    285             <scalingScheme name="uniform">
    286                 <entry color="1.00"/>
    287             </scalingScheme>
    288             <scalingScheme name="by selection (streetwise)">
    289                 <entry color="0.50" name="unselected"/>
    290                 <entry color="5.00" name="selected"/>
    291             </scalingScheme>
    292             <scalingScheme name="by allowed speed (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    293                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    294                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="41.67"/>
    295             </scalingScheme>
    296             <scalingScheme name="by current occupancy (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    297                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    298                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="0.95"/>
    299             </scalingScheme>
    300             <scalingScheme name="by current speed (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    301                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    302                 <entry color="10.00" threshold="41.67"/>
    303             </scalingScheme>
    304             <scalingScheme name="by current flow (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    305                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    306                 <entry color="20.00" threshold="5000.00"/>
    307             </scalingScheme>
    308             <scalingScheme name="by relative speed (streetwise)" interpolated="1">
    309                 <entry color="0.00" threshold="0.00"/>
    310                 <entry color="20.00" threshold="1.00"/>
    311             </scalingScheme>
    312         </edges>
    313         <vehicles vehicleMode="8" vehicleQuality="2" vehicle_minSize="0.00" vehicle_exaggeration="1.00" vehicle_constantSize="0" showBlinker="1"
    314                   vehicleName_show="0" vehicleName_size="50.00" vehicleName_color="204,153,0">
    315             <colorScheme name="given vehicle/type/route color">
    316                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    317             </colorScheme>
    318             <colorScheme name="uniform">
    319                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    320             </colorScheme>
    321             <colorScheme name="given/assigned vehicle color">
    322                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    323             </colorScheme>
    324             <colorScheme name="given/assigned type color">
    325                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    326             </colorScheme>
    327             <colorScheme name="given/assigned route color">
    328                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    329             </colorScheme>
    330             <colorScheme name="depart position as HSV">
    331                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    332             </colorScheme>
    333             <colorScheme name="arrival position as HSV">
    334                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    335             </colorScheme>
    336             <colorScheme name="direction/distance as HSV">
    337                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    338             </colorScheme>
    339             <colorScheme name="by speed" interpolated="1">
    340                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    341                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="8.33"/>
    342                 <entry color="green" threshold="15.28"/>
    343                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="22.22"/>
    344                 <entry color="blue" threshold="33.33"/>
    345                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="41.67"/>
    346             </colorScheme>
    347             <colorScheme name="by waiting time" interpolated="1">
    348                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
    349                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="30.00"/>
    350                 <entry color="green" threshold="100.00"/>
    351                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="200.00"/>
    352                 <entry color="red" threshold="300.00"/>
    353             </colorScheme>
    354             <colorScheme name="by time since lane change" interpolated="1">
    355                 <entry color="189,189,179" threshold="-180.00"/>
    356                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="-20.00"/>
    357                 <entry color="red" threshold="-1.00"/>
    358                 <entry color="179,179,179" threshold="0.00"/>
    359                 <entry color="blue" threshold="1.00"/>
    360                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="20.00"/>
    361                 <entry color="179,189,189" threshold="180.00"/>
    362             </colorScheme>
    363             <colorScheme name="by max speed" interpolated="1">
    364                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    365                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="8.33"/>
    366                 <entry color="green" threshold="15.28"/>
    367                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="22.22"/>
    368                 <entry color="blue" threshold="33.33"/>
    369                 <entry color="magenta" threshold="41.67"/>
    370             </colorScheme>
    371             <colorScheme name="by CO2 emissions" interpolated="1">
    372                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    373                 <entry color="red" threshold="5.00"/>
    374             </colorScheme>
    375             <colorScheme name="by CO emissions" interpolated="1">
    376                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    377                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.05"/>
    378             </colorScheme>
    379             <colorScheme name="by PMx emissions" interpolated="1">
    380                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    381                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.01"/>
    382             </colorScheme>
    383             <colorScheme name="by NOx emissions" interpolated="1">
    384                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    385                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.12"/>
    386             </colorScheme>
    387             <colorScheme name="by HC emissions" interpolated="1">
    388                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    389                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.02"/>
    390             </colorScheme>
    391             <colorScheme name="by fuel consumption" interpolated="1">
    392                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    393                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.01"/>
    394             </colorScheme>
    395             <colorScheme name="by noise emissions (Harmonoise)" interpolated="1">
    396                 <entry color="green" threshold="0.00"/>
    397                 <entry color="red" threshold="100.00"/>
    398             </colorScheme>
    399             <colorScheme name="by reroute number" interpolated="1">
    400                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    401                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="1.00"/>
    402                 <entry color="white" threshold="10.00"/>
    403             </colorScheme>
    404             <colorScheme name="by selection">
    405                 <entry color="179,179,179" name="unselected"/>
    406                 <entry color="0,102,204" name="selected"/>
    407             </colorScheme>
    408             <colorScheme name="by offset from best lane" interpolated="1">
    409                 <entry color="red" threshold="-3.00"/>
    410                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="-1.00"/>
    411                 <entry color="179,179,179" threshold="0.00"/>
    412                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="1.00"/>
    413                 <entry color="blue" threshold="3.00"/>
    414             </colorScheme>
    415             <colorScheme name="by acceleration" interpolated="1">
    416                 <entry color="red" threshold="-4.50"/>
    417                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="-0.10"/>
    418                 <entry color="179,179,179" threshold="0.00"/>
    419                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="0.10"/>
    420                 <entry color="blue" threshold="2.60"/>
    421             </colorScheme>
    422             <colorScheme name="by time gap" interpolated="1">
    423                 <entry color="179,179,179" threshold="-1.00"/>
    424                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.00"/>
    425                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="1.00"/>
    426                 <entry color="blue" threshold="2.00"/>
    427             </colorScheme>
    428             <colorScheme name="random">
    429                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    430             </colorScheme>
    431         </vehicles>
    432         <persons personMode="4" personQuality="2" person_minSize="1.00" person_exaggeration="1.00" person_constantSize="0"
    433                  personName_show="1" personName_size="70.00" personName_color="yellow">
    434             <colorScheme name="given person/type color">
    435                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    436             </colorScheme>
    437             <colorScheme name="uniform">
    438                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    439             </colorScheme>
    440             <colorScheme name="given/assigned person color">
    441                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    442             </colorScheme>
    443             <colorScheme name="given/assigned type color">
    444                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    445             </colorScheme>
    446             <colorScheme name="by speed" interpolated="1">
    447                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    448                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.69"/>
    449                 <entry color="green" threshold="1.39"/>
    450                 <entry color="blue" threshold="2.78"/>
    451             </colorScheme>
    452             <colorScheme name="by mode" interpolated="1">
    453                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.00"/>
    454                 <entry color="blue" threshold="1.00"/>
    455                 <entry color="red" threshold="2.00"/>
    456                 <entry color="green" threshold="3.00"/>
    457             </colorScheme>
    458             <colorScheme name="by waiting time" interpolated="1">
    459                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
    460                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="30.00"/>
    461                 <entry color="green" threshold="100.00"/>
    462                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="200.00"/>
    463                 <entry color="red" threshold="300.00"/>
    464             </colorScheme>
    465             <colorScheme name="by selection">
    466                 <entry color="179,179,179" name="unselected"/>
    467                 <entry color="0,102,204" name="selected"/>
    468             </colorScheme>
    469             <colorScheme name="by angle">
    470                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    471             </colorScheme>
    472             <colorScheme name="random">
    473                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    474             </colorScheme>
    475         </persons>
    476         <containers containerMode="0" containerQuality="2" container_minSize="1.00" container_exaggeration="1.00" container_constantSize="0"
    477                  containerName_show="1" containerName_size="70.00" containerName_color="yellow">
    478             <colorScheme name="given person/type color">
    479                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    480             </colorScheme>
    481             <colorScheme name="uniform">
    482                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    483             </colorScheme>
    484             <colorScheme name="given/assigned person color">
    485                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    486             </colorScheme>
    487             <colorScheme name="given/assigned type color">
    488                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    489             </colorScheme>
    490             <colorScheme name="by speed" interpolated="1">
    491                 <entry color="red" threshold="0.00"/>
    492                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.69"/>
    493                 <entry color="green" threshold="1.39"/>
    494                 <entry color="blue" threshold="2.78"/>
    495             </colorScheme>
    496             <colorScheme name="by mode" interpolated="1">
    497                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="0.00"/>
    498                 <entry color="blue" threshold="1.00"/>
    499                 <entry color="red" threshold="2.00"/>
    500                 <entry color="green" threshold="3.00"/>
    501             </colorScheme>
    502             <colorScheme name="by waiting time" interpolated="1">
    503                 <entry color="blue" threshold="0.00"/>
    504                 <entry color="cyan" threshold="30.00"/>
    505                 <entry color="green" threshold="100.00"/>
    506                 <entry color="yellow" threshold="200.00"/>
    507                 <entry color="red" threshold="300.00"/>
    508             </colorScheme>
    509             <colorScheme name="by selection">
    510                 <entry color="179,179,179" name="unselected"/>
    511                 <entry color="0,102,204" name="selected"/>
    512             </colorScheme>
    513             <colorScheme name="by angle">
    514                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    515             </colorScheme>
    516             <colorScheme name="random">
    517                 <entry color="yellow"/>
    518             </colorScheme>
    519         </containers>
    520         <junctions junctionMode="0" drawLinkTLIndex="0" drawLinkJunctionIndex="0"
    521                    junctionName_show="0" junctionName_size="50.00" junctionName_color="0,255,128"
    522                    internalJunctionName_show="0" internalJunctionName_size="50.00" internalJunctionName_color="0,204,128"
    523                    showLane2Lane="0" drawShape="1">
    524             <colorScheme name="uniform">
    525                 <entry color="black"/>
    526                 <entry color="150,200,200" name="waterway"/>
    527             </colorScheme>
    528             <colorScheme name="by selection">
    529                 <entry color="grey" name="unselected"/>
    530                 <entry color="0,80,180" name="selected"/>
    531             </colorScheme>
    532             <colorScheme name="by type">
    533                 <entry color="green" name="traffic_light"/>
    534                 <entry color="0,128,0" name="traffic_light_unregulated"/>
    535                 <entry color="yellow" name="priority"/>
    536                 <entry color="red" name="priority_stop"/>
    537                 <entry color="blue" name="right_before_left"/>
    538                 <entry color="cyan" name="allway_stop"/>
    539                 <entry color="grey" name="district"/>
    540                 <entry color="magenta" name="unregulated"/>
    541                 <entry color="black" name="dead_end"/>
    542                 <entry color="orange" name="rail_signal"/>
    543             </colorScheme>
    544         </junctions>
    545         <additionals addMode="0" add_minSize="1.00" add_exaggeration="1.00" add_constantSize="0" addName_show="0" addName_size="50.00" addName_color="255,0,128"/>
    546         <pois poi_minSize="0.00" poi_exaggeration="1.00" poi_constantSize="0" poiName_show="0" poiName_size="50.00" poiName_color="255,0,128"/>
    547         <polys poly_minSize="0.00" poly_exaggeration="1.00" poly_constantSize="0" polyName_show="0" polyName_size="50.00" polyName_color="255,0,128"/>
    548         <legend showSizeLegend="1"/>
    549     </scheme>
    550     <delay value="50.00"/>
    551 </viewsettings>
    View Code

    Le vent se lève! . . . il faut tenter de vivre!

    Le vent se lève! . . . il faut tenter de vivre!
  • 相关阅读:
    EBS_FORM_开发:实现form record ctrl+F6复制
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bai2018/p/14742486.html
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