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  • 使用ar_receipt_api_pub.apply失误


     1           ar_receipt_api_pub.apply( -- Standard API parameters.
     2                                    p_api_version      => 1.0,
     3                                    p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_true,
     4                                    p_commit           => fnd_api.g_true,
     5                                    p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
     6                                    x_return_status    => l_return_status,
     7                                    x_msg_count        => l_msg_count,
     8                                    x_msg_data         => l_msg_data,
    11                                    p_cash_receipt_id => rec_reciept.cash_receipt_id, --收款ID
    12                                    p_customer_trx_id => rec_invoice.customer_trx_id, --事务处理ID
    14                                    );




    1. 标准功能核销时候,A核销1500,B核销3500,C核销2000,D核销1000,即最后仅剩下D还有未核销的情况。

    2. 新开发的功能中,客户可能是想A核销1000,B核销3000,C核销1500,D核销2500,即每张发票都有余额。



     1           ar_receipt_api_pub.apply( -- Standard API parameters.
     2                                    p_api_version      => 1.0,
     3                                    p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_true,
     4                                    p_commit           => fnd_api.g_true,
     5                                    p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
     6                                    x_return_status    => l_return_status,
     7                                    x_msg_count        => l_msg_count,
     8                                    x_msg_data         => l_msg_data,
     9                                    --Receipt application parameters.
    10                                    p_cash_receipt_id => rec_reciept.cash_receipt_id, --收款ID
    11                                    p_customer_trx_id => rec_invoice.customer_trx_id, --事务处理ID
    12                                    p_amount_applied_from => rec_invoice.apply_account --核销金额
    13                                    );


    FND_FILE 中日志消息开始
    返回状态 :E
    error:ORA-0000: normal, successful completion
    FND_FILE 中日志消息结束


    还是我的失误,翻看Oracle User Guide查看API,在APPLY的与金额相关的三个参数说明:

    Amount Applied
     The amount applied cannot be null. The error message raised for an invalid value is AR_RAPI_APPLIED_AMT_NULL.
     The amount applied must not be greater than the line amount for the given customer_trx_line ID (if specified). The error message raised for an invalid value is AR_RW_APPLIED_GREATER_LINE.
     Depending on the creation sign, natural application flag, allow overapplication flag, and the amount due remaining of the specified transaction installment, the amount applied is validated to check for overapplication and natural application. The error messages raised for invalid values are AR_CKAP_OVERAPP, AR_CKAP_NATURALAPP, and AR_CKAP_CT_SIGN. For details of the messages, refer to Messages on page 7-131.
    Note: This transaction can be in a currency that is different from the receipt currency.

    For a cross currency application, the following equation sheould always be valid:

    amount applied * trans to receipt rate = amount applied from
    The error message raised is AR_RAPI_INVALID_CC_AMTS.

    Amount Applied From
     The amount applied from cannot be null. The error message raised for an invalid value is AR_RAPI_AMT_APP_FROM_NULL.
     The amount applied from cannot be greater than the unapplied amount available on the receipt. The error message raised for invalid values is AR_RW_APP_NEG_UNAPP.
     If the transaction currency and the receipt currency are the same, then the amount applied from must always be equal to the amount applied. The error message raised for an invalid value is AR_RAPI_AMT_APP_FROM_INVALID.
     As mentioned previously for a cross currency application, the following equation must always be valid:
    amount applied * trans to receipt rate = amount applied from

    Trans to Receipt Rate
     For a cross currency application, the trans to receipt rate should have a positive value. The error message raised for an invalid value is AR_RW_CC_RATE_POSITIVE.
     If the transaction currency and the receipt currency are the same, then the rate should not have any value specified. The error message raised for an invalid value is AR_RAPI_INVALID_CC_RATE.
     For a cross currency application, the following equation should always be valid:  
    amount applied * trans to receipt rate = amount applied from
    If this condition is violated, then the error raised is AR_RAPI_CC_RATE_AMTS_INVALID.


     1           ar_receipt_api_pub.apply( -- Standard API parameters.
     2                                    p_api_version      => 1.0,
     3                                    p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_true,
     4                                    p_commit           => fnd_api.g_true,
     5                                    p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
     6                                    x_return_status    => l_return_status,
     7                                    x_msg_count        => l_msg_count,
     8                                    x_msg_data         => l_msg_data,
     9                                    --Receipt application parameters.
    10                                    p_cash_receipt_id => rec_reciept.cash_receipt_id, --收款ID
    11                                    p_customer_trx_id => rec_invoice.customer_trx_id, --事务处理ID
    12                                    p_amount_applied      => rec_invoice.apply_account--, --核销金额
    13                                    );
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