set<string*> ssp; // ssp = “set of string ptrs” ssp.insert(new string("Anteater")); ssp.insert(new string("Wombat")); ssp.insert(new string("Lemur")); ssp.insert(new string("Penguin"));
You then write the following code to print the contents of the set, expecting the strings to come out in alphabetical order. After all, sets keep their contents sorted.
for (auto i : ssp) cout << i << endl;
真正打印出来的会是字符串的指针值。或许你说那我在i前面加个*,取出字符串不就搞定了,so easy!是可以,但是别忘了我们的需求,我们需要使得字符串有序排列,而这样得到的只是对指针值有序排列了,显然不满足我们得要求!
其实我们上述的语句set<string*> ssp;是下面语句的简化写法:
set<string*, less<string*> > ssp;
If you want the string* pointers to be stored in the set in an order determined by the string values, you can’t use the default comparison functor class less<string*>. You must instead write your own comparison functor class, one whose objects take string* pointers and order them by the values of the strings they point to. Like this:
struct StringPtrLess: public binary_function<const string*, const string*, bool> { bool operator()(const string *ps1, const string *ps2) const { return *ps1 < *ps2; } };
Then you can use StringPtrLess as ssp’s comparison type:
typedef set<string*, StringPtrLess> StringPtrSet; StringPtrSet ssp;
typedef set<string*, StringPtrLess> StringPtrSet; StringPtrSet ssp; ssp.insert(new string("Anteater")); ssp.insert(new string("Wombat")); ssp.insert(new string("Lemur")); ssp.insert(new string("Penguin")); for (auto i : ssp) { cout << *i << endl; }
If you want to use an algorithm instead, you could write a function that knows how to dereference string* pointers before printing them, then use that function in conjunction with for_each:
void print(const string *ps) { cout << *ps << endl; } for_each(ssp.begin(), ssp.end(), print);
Published by Windows Live Writer.