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  • TA-Lib中文文档(一):快速开始



    这是一个Python 金融指数处理库TA-LIB,他是基于 Cython
    而不是 SWIG。

    TA-Lib is widely used by trading software developers requiring to perform
    technical analysis of financial market data.

    • Includes 150+ indicators such as ADX, MACD, RSI, Stochastic, Bollinger
      Bands, etc.
    • Candlestick pattern recognition
    • Open-source API for C/C++, Java, Perl, Python and 100% Managed .NET
    • 包含了炒股150+的数据指标:ADX, MACD, RSI, Stochastic, Bollinger Bands, etc.
    • K线趋势识别
    • 完全开源,支持 C/C++, Java, Perl, Python and 100% Managed .NET



    Similar to TA-Lib, the function interface provides a lightweight wrapper of
    the exposed TA-Lib indicators.

    Each function returns an output array and have default values for their
    parameters, unless specified as keyword arguments. Typically, these functions
    will have an initial "lookback" period (a required number of observations
    before an output is generated) set to NaN.

    All of the following examples use the function API:

    import numpy
    import talib
    close = numpy.random.random(100)


    output = talib.SMA(close)


    from talib import MA_Type
    upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(close, matype=MA_Type.T3)


    output = talib.MOM(close, timeperiod=5)

    Abstract API Quick Start

    If you're already familiar with using the function API, you should feel right
    at home using the abstract API. Every function takes the same input, passed
    as a dictionary of Numpy arrays:

    import numpy as np
    # note that all ndarrays must be the same length!
    inputs = {
        'open': np.random.random(100),
        'high': np.random.random(100),
        'low': np.random.random(100),
        'close': np.random.random(100),
        'volume': np.random.random(100)


    from talib import abstract
    sma = abstract.SMA
    sma = abstract.Function('sma')


    from talib.abstract import *
    output = SMA(input_arrays, timeperiod=25) # SMA均线价格计算收盘价
    output = SMA(input_arrays, timeperiod=25, price='open') # SMA均线价格计算收盘价
    upper, middle, lower = BBANDS(input_arrays, 20, 2, 2)
    slowk, slowd = STOCH(input_arrays, 5, 3, 0, 3, 0) # uses high, low, close by default
    slowk, slowd = STOCH(input_arrays, 5, 3, 0, 3, 0, prices=['high', 'low', 'open'])

    了解更多高级使用TA库 here.

    Supported Indicators 支持指标

    We can show all the TA functions supported by TA-Lib, either as a list or
    as a dict sorted by group (e.g. "Overlap Studies", "Momentum Indicators",
    我们可以显示Ta lib的所有TA函数,返回一个 list 或者 dict

    import talib
    print talib.get_functions()
    print talib.get_function_groups()

    Function Groups

    Overlap Studies

    BBANDS               Bollinger Bands #布林带
    DEMA                 Double Exponential Moving Average #双指数移动平均线
    EMA                  Exponential Moving Average #指数滑动平均
    HT_TRENDLINE         Hilbert Transform - Instantaneous Trendline #希尔伯特变换瞬时趋势
    KAMA                 Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average #卡玛考夫曼自适应移动平均
    MA                   Moving average #均线
    MAMA                 MESA Adaptive Moving Average #自适应移动平均 
    MAVP                 Moving average with variable period #变周期移动平均
    MIDPOINT             MidPoint over period #在周期的中点
    MIDPRICE             Midpoint Price over period #中间时段价格
    SAR                  Parabolic SAR #抛物线转向指标
    SAREXT               Parabolic SAR - Extended
    SMA                  Simple Moving Average
    T3                   Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3)
    TEMA                 Triple Exponential Moving Average
    TRIMA                Triangular Moving Average
    WMA                  Weighted Moving Average

    Momentum Indicators

    ADX                  Average Directional Movement Index
    ADXR                 Average Directional Movement Index Rating
    APO                  Absolute Price Oscillator
    AROON                Aroon
    AROONOSC             Aroon Oscillator
    BOP                  Balance Of Power
    CCI                  Commodity Channel Index
    CMO                  Chande Momentum Oscillator
    DX                   Directional Movement Index
    MACD                 Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
    MACDEXT              MACD with controllable MA type
    MACDFIX              Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Fix 12/26
    MFI                  Money Flow Index
    MINUS_DI             Minus Directional Indicator
    MINUS_DM             Minus Directional Movement
    MOM                  Momentum
    PLUS_DI              Plus Directional Indicator
    PLUS_DM              Plus Directional Movement
    PPO                  Percentage Price Oscillator
    ROC                  Rate of change : ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100
    ROCP                 Rate of change Percentage: (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice
    ROCR                 Rate of change ratio: (price/prevPrice)
    ROCR100              Rate of change ratio 100 scale: (price/prevPrice)*100
    RSI                  Relative Strength Index
    STOCH                Stochastic
    STOCHF               Stochastic Fast
    STOCHRSI             Stochastic Relative Strength Index
    TRIX                 1-day Rate-Of-Change (ROC) of a Triple Smooth EMA
    ULTOSC               Ultimate Oscillator
    WILLR                Williams' %R

    Volume Indicators

    AD                   Chaikin A/D Line
    ADOSC                Chaikin A/D Oscillator
    OBV                  On Balance Volume

    Volatility Indicators

    ATR                  Average True Range
    NATR                 Normalized Average True Range
    TRANGE               True Range

    Price Transform

    AVGPRICE             Average Price
    MEDPRICE             Median Price
    TYPPRICE             Typical Price
    WCLPRICE             Weighted Close Price

    Cycle Indicators

    HT_DCPERIOD          Hilbert Transform - Dominant Cycle Period
    HT_DCPHASE           Hilbert Transform - Dominant Cycle Phase
    HT_PHASOR            Hilbert Transform - Phasor Components
    HT_SINE              Hilbert Transform - SineWave
    HT_TRENDMODE         Hilbert Transform - Trend vs Cycle Mode

    Pattern Recognition

    CDL2CROWS            Two Crows
    CDL3BLACKCROWS       Three Black Crows
    CDL3INSIDE           Three Inside Up/Down
    CDL3LINESTRIKE       Three-Line Strike
    CDL3OUTSIDE          Three Outside Up/Down
    CDL3STARSINSOUTH     Three Stars In The South
    CDL3WHITESOLDIERS    Three Advancing White Soldiers
    CDLABANDONEDBABY     Abandoned Baby
    CDLADVANCEBLOCK      Advance Block
    CDLBELTHOLD          Belt-hold
    CDLBREAKAWAY         Breakaway
    CDLCLOSINGMARUBOZU   Closing Marubozu
    CDLCONCEALBABYSWALL  Concealing Baby Swallow
    CDLCOUNTERATTACK     Counterattack
    CDLDARKCLOUDCOVER    Dark Cloud Cover
    CDLDOJI              Doji
    CDLDOJISTAR          Doji Star
    CDLDRAGONFLYDOJI     Dragonfly Doji
    CDLENGULFING         Engulfing Pattern
    CDLEVENINGDOJISTAR   Evening Doji Star
    CDLEVENINGSTAR       Evening Star
    CDLGAPSIDESIDEWHITE  Up/Down-gap side-by-side white lines
    CDLGRAVESTONEDOJI    Gravestone Doji
    CDLHAMMER            Hammer
    CDLHANGINGMAN        Hanging Man
    CDLHARAMI            Harami Pattern
    CDLHARAMICROSS       Harami Cross Pattern
    CDLHIGHWAVE          High-Wave Candle
    CDLHIKKAKE           Hikkake Pattern
    CDLHIKKAKEMOD        Modified Hikkake Pattern
    CDLHOMINGPIGEON      Homing Pigeon
    CDLIDENTICAL3CROWS   Identical Three Crows
    CDLINNECK            In-Neck Pattern
    CDLINVERTEDHAMMER    Inverted Hammer
    CDLKICKING           Kicking
    CDLKICKINGBYLENGTH   Kicking - bull/bear determined by the longer marubozu
    CDLLADDERBOTTOM      Ladder Bottom
    CDLLONGLEGGEDDOJI    Long Legged Doji
    CDLLONGLINE          Long Line Candle
    CDLMARUBOZU          Marubozu
    CDLMATCHINGLOW       Matching Low
    CDLMATHOLD           Mat Hold
    CDLMORNINGDOJISTAR   Morning Doji Star
    CDLMORNINGSTAR       Morning Star
    CDLONNECK            On-Neck Pattern
    CDLPIERCING          Piercing Pattern
    CDLRICKSHAWMAN       Rickshaw Man
    CDLRISEFALL3METHODS  Rising/Falling Three Methods
    CDLSEPARATINGLINES   Separating Lines
    CDLSHOOTINGSTAR      Shooting Star
    CDLSHORTLINE         Short Line Candle
    CDLSPINNINGTOP       Spinning Top
    CDLSTALLEDPATTERN    Stalled Pattern
    CDLSTICKSANDWICH     Stick Sandwich
    CDLTAKURI            Takuri (Dragonfly Doji with very long lower shadow)
    CDLTASUKIGAP         Tasuki Gap
    CDLTHRUSTING         Thrusting Pattern
    CDLTRISTAR           Tristar Pattern
    CDLUNIQUE3RIVER      Unique 3 River
    CDLUPSIDEGAP2CROWS   Upside Gap Two Crows
    CDLXSIDEGAP3METHODS  Upside/Downside Gap Three Methods

    Statistic Functions

    BETA                 Beta
    CORREL               Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r)
    LINEARREG            Linear Regression
    LINEARREG_ANGLE      Linear Regression Angle
    LINEARREG_INTERCEPT  Linear Regression Intercept
    LINEARREG_SLOPE      Linear Regression Slope
    STDDEV               Standard Deviation
    TSF                  Time Series Forecast
    VAR                  Variance

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bitquant/p/ta-lib1.html
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