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  • 移动端小功能杂记(一)

    一. IOS webView的修改Title Hack


      但是存在一种特例,比如:用户点击某个btn后修改网页title。此时大部分情况也是没问题的,只有IOS webView修改title不成功。

      针对于IOS webView,原因:title在网页加载后就定下来,要想用户点击btn后修改网页title,必须加载html。于是,也就有了解决方法。

    setTitle: function(title) {
      var $body = $('body');
      document.title = title;
      // Hack, Used for IOS weixin and dahuo
      var $iframe = $('<iframe src="' + 空的HTML + '" style="display:none;"></iframe>').on('load', function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 0)

    二. 获取某月的最后时刻的时间戳

    getTheMonthLastTime: function(year, month) {
      var new_year = year;
      var new_month = month++;
      if (month > 12) {
        new_month -= 12;
      var new_date = new Date(new_year, new_month, 1);
      return (new Date(new_date.getTime() - 1)).getTime();

    三. 判断是否在微信

    is_weixin: function() {
      var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
      if (ua.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == "micromessenger") {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

    四. 判断手机系统

    aori: function() {
      if (/Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
        return 'android';
      } else if (/iPhone|iPod|iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
        return 'ios';
      } else {
        return 'unknown';

    五. 微信分享

    weixin_share: {
      addWXScript: function() { //引入js文件
        var self = this;
        var existScript = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.type = 'text/javascript';
        script.src = 'https://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.0.0.js';
        document.body.insertBefore(script, existScript);
        script.onload = function() {
      wx_config: function(appId, timestamp, nonceStr, signature, jsApiList) {
          debug: false, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
          appId: appId, // 必填,公众号的唯一标识
          timestamp: timestamp, // 必填,生成签名的时间戳
          nonceStr: nonceStr, // 必填,生成签名的随机串
          signature: signature, // 必填,签名,见附录1
          jsApiList: jsApiList
      wx_shareTimeline: function(title, link, imgUrl) {
          title: desc, // 分享标题
          link: link, // 分享链接
          imgUrl: imgUrl, // 分享图标
          success: function() {},
          cancel: function() {}
      wx_shareAppMessage: function(title, desc, link, imgUrl) {
          title: title, // 分享标题
          desc: desc, // 分享描述
          link: link, // 分享链接
          imgUrl: imgUrl, // 分享图标
          type: '', // 分享类型,music、video或link,不填默认为link
          dataUrl: '', // 如果type是music或video,则要提供数据链接,默认为空
          success: function() {},
          cancel: function() {}
      wx_onMenuShareQQ: function(title, desc, link, imgUrl) {
          title: title, // 分享标题
          desc: desc, // 分享描述
          link: link, // 分享链接
          imgUrl: imgUrl, // 分享图标
          success: function() {
            // 用户确认分享后执行的回调函数
          cancel: function() {
            // 用户取消分享后执行的回调函数
      webchatShare: function() {
        var self = this;
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
          try {
            if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
              if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status == 304) {
                var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
                var config = response.data;
                if (typeof config == 'object' && config.appid) {
                  var jsApiList = ['onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareTimeline'];
                  self.wx_config(config.appid, config.timestamp, config.noncestr, config.signature, jsApiList);
                  wx.ready(function() {
                    self.wx_shareTimeline(title, link, imgUrl);
                    self.wx_shareAppMessage(title, desc, link, imgUrl);
                    self.wx_onMenuShareQQ(title, desc, link, imgUrl);
          } catch (e) {
        xhr.open('get', 'https://simu.dahuo.la/wechat/jswechat', true);
        xhr.timeout = 30000;

    五. 获取url hashParams

    getHashParams: function() {
      var hash = location.hash;
      var tmpArr = hash.split("&");
      var parmObj = {};
      if (tmpArr.length > 0 && tmpArr[0] !== "") {
        for (var i = 0, len = tmpArr.length; i < len; i++) {
          var tmp = tmpArr[i].replace("#", "").split("=");
          parmObj[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
      } else {
        parmObj = null;
      return parmObj;

    六. localStorage和sessionStorage操作

     *get the localstorage
     *@method getLocal
     *@return {string}获取浏览器中保存的某个key对应的值
    getLocal: function(key) {
      var storage = window.localStorage;
      return storage.getItem(key);
     *set the localStorage
     *@method setLocal
     *@return 将某个key对应的值永久保存到浏览器
    setLocal: function(key, value) {
      var storage = window.localStorage;
      try {
        storage.setItem(key, value);
      } catch (e) {
        return "error";
     *get the sessionStorage
     *@method getSession
     *@return 将某个key对应的值永久保存到浏览器
    getSession: function(key) {
      var session = window.sessionStorage;
      return session.getItem(key);
     *set the sessionStorage
     *@method setSession
     *@return 获取浏览器中保存的某个key对应的session值
    setSession: function(key, value) {
      var session = window.sessionStorage;
      try {
        session.setItem(key, value);
      } catch (e) {
        return "error";
    clearLocal: function(key) {
      var storage = window.localStorage;
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        return "error";
    clearSession: function(key) {
      var session = window.sessionStorage;
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        return "error";

    七. 模态框


    modal: function() {
      var defaulOptions = {
        height: "auto",
        isCenter: true,
        animate: true
      var $modal = null,
      var setOption = function(options) {
        opts = $.extend({}, defaulOptions, options);
      var show = function(options) {
        $modal = $("#" + opts.id);
        if ($modal.length) {
        } else {
          var modal = '<div class="modal-overlay" id="' + opts.id + '">';
          modal += '<div class="dahuo-modal">';
          if (opts.title) {
            modal += '<div class="modal-header">' + opts.title + '</div>';
          modal += '<div class="modal-body">' + opts.body + '</div>';
          if (opts.footer) {
            modal += '<div class="modal-footer">' + opts.footer + '</div>';
          modal += '</div></div>';
          $modal = $("#" + opts.id);
        $modal.addClass("visible").find(".dahuo-modal").css("width", opts.width).addClass("modal-in");
      var hide = function() {
      var bindEvent = function() {
        $(".modal-cancle").on("click", function(event) {
        $(".modal-confirm").off().on("click", function(event) {
          if ($.type(opts.callback) == "function") {
          } else {
        $(".modal-overlay").off().on("click", function(event) {
          var target = $(event.target);
          if (target.closest(".dahuo-modal").length == 0 && target.closest("[data-modal]").length == 0) {
      return {
        show: show,
        hide: hide

    八. 简易的Toast提醒

    toast: function(opts) {
      var defaulOptions = {
        "content": "",
        "timeout": "1500",
        "width": "auto"
      var options = $.extend({}, defaulOptions, opts);
      var time = options.timeout;
      var $template = '<div class="dahuo-toast" style="' + options.width + '">' + options.content + '</div>';
      var $toast = $(".dahuo-toast");
      if ($toast.length) {
      } else {
        $toast = $(".dahuo-toast");
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, time);

    九. 简易的Loading效果

    loading: function() {
      var $loading = $("#loading");
      if (!$loading.length) {
        $loading = '<div class="loading" id="loading"><span></span></div>';
      return {
        show: function() {
        hide: function() {

    十. 简易的时间格式化方法

    dateFormat("1434511073","yy-mm-hh hh:mm:ss") rerurn 2015-06-17 11:17:53    
    dateFormat("1434511073","yy-mm-hh") rerurn 2015-06-17
    dateFormat("1434511073","yy/mm/hh hh:mm:ss") rerurn 2015/06/17 11:17:53        
    dateFormat("1434511073","yy/mm/hh") rerurn 2015/06/17    
    dateFormat("1434511073","tomorrow") rerurn 今天11:17
    dateFormat: function(date, format) {
      var len = date.length,
      var y, month, m, d, h, min, s, days, offset, today;
      if (len === 13) {
        rdate = new Date(parseInt(date));
      } else if (len === 10) {
        rdate = new Date(parseInt(date) * 1000);
        date = date * 1000;
      } else {
        rdate = new Date(parseInt(date));
      y = rdate.getFullYear();
      month = parseInt(rdate.getMonth()) + 1;
      m = month < 10 ? "0" + month : month;
      d = rdate.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + rdate.getDate() : rdate.getDate();
      h = rdate.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + rdate.getHours() : rdate.getHours();
      min = rdate.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + rdate.getMinutes() : rdate.getMinutes();
      s = rdate.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + rdate.getSeconds() : rdate.getSeconds();
      switch (format) {
        case "yy-mm":
            return y + "-" + m;
        case "yy-mm-dd":
            return y + "-" + m + "-" + d;
        case "mm-dd":
            return m + "-" + d;
        case "yy/mm/dd":
            return y + "/" + m + "/" + d;
        case "yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss":
            return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + s;
        case "yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss":
            return y + "/" + m + "/" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + s;
        case "tomorrow":
            days = parseInt((new Date() - date) / 86400000);
            today = new Date().getDate();
            offset = Math.abs(today - d);
            if (days < 4 && offset < 4) {
              if (offset === 0) {
                return "今天" + h + ":" + min;
              } else if (offset === 1) {
                return "昨天" + h + ":" + min;
              } else if (offset === 2) {
                return "前天" + h + ":" + min;
            } else {
              return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + s;
          return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + s;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ccblogs/p/5258593.html
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