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  • 【ASP.NET基础】简单企业产品展示网站--产品编辑CRUD



    二,网站基本框架:新建项目ProductWeb ,并完成基本框架的搭建(SQLHelper,ckEditor,Common_Nvelocity,Bootstrap等添加到项目中)。并创建ProductWebDB 。【下载基本模板框架

    三,在基本模板的基础上,添加后台 产品列表页面(ProductList_Admin.html)

      A,新增数据库: ProduceWebDB 并新建表ProCategories、Products

    USE [ProduceWebDB]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[ProCategories]    Script Date: 2015/6/2 15:54:49 ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProCategories](
        [CateID] [decimal](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [CateName] [varchar](250) NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Products]    Script Date: 2015/6/2 15:54:50 ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Products](
        [ProID] [decimal](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [ProName] [nvarchar](250) NOT NULL,
        [ProImagePath] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
        [ProIntroduce] [text] NOT NULL,
        [ProCateID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
        [AddTime] [datetime] NULL,
        [AddIP] [nchar](18) NULL,
        [IsDelete] [bit] NOT NULL
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Products] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_Products_CreateTime]  DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [AddTime]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Products] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_Products_IsDelete]  DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [IsDelete]
    View Code

      B,项目新增ProductList_Admin.ashx一般处理程序 , 在Templates/Admin下添加对应的 ProductList_Admin.html 页面 ,在后台显示产品列表。

    Templates/Admin/Head.html: 相当于模板页的页头部分,用Bootstrap导航组件 其他页面通过#parse("Head.html")调用

    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    Templates/Admin/Foot.html: 相当于模板页的页头部分,标注版权信息,其他页面通过#parse("Foot.html")

    <div id="footer" class="container">
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    Templates/Admin/ProductList_Admin.html:  产品列表展示页面,遍历显示产品数据

    <div style=" 70%; text-align: center; margin-left: 15%;">
        <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
            #foreach($Pro in $data.Products)
                    <td>$Pro.CateName />
                    <td><a href="ProductEdit.html?action=edit&id=$Pro.ProID">编辑</a></td>
                    <td><a href="ProductEdit.html?action=delete&id=$Pro.ProID">删除</a></td>
    View Code

    ProductList_Admin.ashx: 从数据库中读取产品信息

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Data;
    namespace ProductWeb
        /// <summary>
        /// ProductList_Admin 后台显示产品列表
        /// </summary>
        public class ProductList_Admin : IHttpHandler
            public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                string sql = "SELECT [ProID],[ProName],[ProImagePath],[ProIntroduce],b.[CateName] as CateName  FROM [dbo].[Products]  as a left join [dbo].[ProCategories] as b on a.ProCateID=b.CateID ";
                SQLHelper sqlH = new SQLHelper();
                DataTable dt = sqlH.ExecuteQuery(sql, CommandType.Text);
                var data = new { PageTitle = "产品列表", Products = dt.Rows };
                string strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductList_Admin.html", data);
            public bool IsReusable
                    return false;
    View Code

    C,Ctrl+F5运行程序,查看 ProductList_Admin.ashx 读出了DB中的数据:



      A, 更新webconfig允许写入 html 标签

        <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
        <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0"/>
    View Code

      B, 添加ProductEdit.html 页面 (1,三个隐藏控件分别记录当前页面是否是首次加载,点击“保存”按钮需要执行的操作,传递过来的id的值 2, 注意下拉列表的实现)

    <script src="../../ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
    <div style=" 70%; text-align: left; margin-left: 15%;">
             <h2 class="text-center">产品编辑</h2>
        #elseif ($data.ActionEdit=="delete")
             <h2 class="text-center">产品删除 </h2>
        #elseif ($data.ActionEdit=="addnew")
             <h2 class="text-center">产品新增</h2>
        <form method="post" action="ProductEdit.ashx">
            <!--三个隐藏,IspostBack 记录页面是否首次加载,action 记录提交按钮后是需要新增还是编辑,txtProIDHiddden 隐藏当前编辑的id  -->
            <input type="hidden" name="IsPostBack" value="true" />
            <input type="hidden" name="txtaction" value="$data.ActionEdit" />
            <input type="hidden" name="txtProIDHiddden" value="$data.Product.ProID" />
            <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
                        <input type="text" name="txtProName" value="$data.Product.ProName" /></td>
                        <select name="txtProCateID">
                            #foreach($cate in $data.Categories)
                                <option value="$cate.CateID" selected="selected">$cate.CateName</option>
                               <option value="$cate.CateID">$cate.CateName</option>
                        <img id="ProImg" src="$data.Product.ProImagePath" class="img-rounded" /></td>
                        <textarea id="idProIntroduce" name="txtProIntroduce">$data.Product.ProIntroduce </textarea>
                    <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center">
                        <input type="submit" value="保存" class="btn btn-primary" />
                        <a href="ProductList_Admin.ashx" class="btn btn-default">返回</a>
        <div style=" 70%; text-align: center; margin-left: 15%;">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var txtIntro = document.getElementById("idProIntroduce");
    View Code

      C, 添加ProductEdit.ashx 处理新增、编辑、删除操作,并把数据交给Nvelocity模板从而加载到前台页面

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    namespace ProductWeb
        /// <summary>
        /// ProductEdit Product编辑页面 
        /// </summary>
        public class ProductEdit : IHttpHandler
            public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                string strHtml = "";
                string sqlCates = "SELECT [CateID],[CateName] FROM [dbo].[ProCategories]";
                SQLHelper sqlH = new SQLHelper();
                DataTable dtCates = sqlH.ExecuteQuery(sqlCates, CommandType.Text);
                //[ProID],[ProName],[ProImagePath],[ProIntroduce],[ProCateID],b.[CateName] as CateName,b.[CateID] as CateID  FROM [Products]  as a left join [ProCategories] as b on a.ProCateID=b.CateID and a.ProID=@strProID ";     //
                var ProductOriginal = new { ProID = 0, ProName = "", ProImagePath = "", ProIntroduce = "", CateName = "", CateID = "" };
                //页面首次加载 , 显示Product信息
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Form["IsPostBack"]) == true)
                    string strProID = context.Request.QueryString["id"];   // 点击 编辑 按钮,传递过来 action 和 id值
                    string strAction = context.Request.QueryString["action"] == null ? "" : context.Request.QueryString["action"].ToString().ToLower(); //  点击保存后,具体是 edit、 delte还是 add,  保存在页面的隐藏控件中
                    string strPageTitle = "产品操作";  //default
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProID))   // id 存在
                        //从DB中选出 id 对应的Product 信息
                        SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                            new SqlParameter("@strProID",strProID)
                        if (strAction == "edit")
                            strPageTitle = "产品编辑";
                        else if (strAction == "delete")
                            strPageTitle = "产品删除";
                        else if (strAction == "addnew")
                            strPageTitle = "产品新增";
                        DataTable dtPro = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                        int numExist = 0;
                        numExist = dtPro.Rows.Count;
                        if (numExist > 0)
                            // 产品存在,显示产品信息
                            var data = new { PageTitle = strPageTitle, Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtPro.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction };
                            strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                            // 不存在,显示编辑页面
                            var data = new { PageTitle = strPageTitle, Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, ActionEdit = strAction };
                            strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        var data = new { PageTitle = strPageTitle, Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, ActionEdit = strAction };
                        strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                //点击了 submit 按钮,根据传递过来的action进行操作 update/delete
                    string strAction = context.Request.Form["txtaction"];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAction))
                        string strInfo = "";
                        if (strAction == "edit")
                            string strProID = context.Request.Form["txtProIDHiddden"];
                            string strProName = context.Request.Form["txtProName"];
                            string strProCateID = context.Request.Form["txtProCateID"];
                            //string strProImagePath = context.Request.Form["strProImgPath"];
                            string strProIntroduce = context.Request.Form["txtProIntroduce"];
                            DataTable dtPro = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                            int numExist = 0;
                            numExist = dtPro.Rows.Count;
                            if (numExist > 0)
                                string sqlUpdate = "update [Products] set [ProName]=@ProName,[ProIntroduce]=@ProIntroduce,[ProCateID]=@ProCateID where [IsDelete]=0 and [ProID]=@ProID ";
                                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProName",strProName),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProCateID",strProCateID),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProIntroduce",strProIntroduce),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProID",strProID)
                                int numSuccUpd = 0;
                                numSuccUpd = sqlH.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpdate, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                                if (numSuccUpd > 0)
                                    strInfo = "更新成功";
                                    DataTable dtProNew = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品编辑", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtProNew.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction, InfoMeg = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                                    strInfo = "更新失败";
                                    DataTable dtProNew = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品编辑", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtProNew.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction, InfoMeg = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        else if (strAction == "delete")
                            string strProID = context.Request.Form["txtProIDHiddden"];
                            DataTable dtPro = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                            int numExist = 0;
                            numExist = dtPro.Rows.Count;
                            if (numExist > 0)
                                string sqlUpdate = "update [Products] set [IsDelete]=1  where  [ProID]=@ProID ";
                                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProID",strProID)
                                int numSuccUpd = 0;
                                numSuccUpd = sqlH.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpdate, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                                if (numSuccUpd > 0)
                                    strInfo = "删除成功";
                                    DataTable dtProNew = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品删除", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtProNew.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction, InfoMeg = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        else if (strAction == "addnew")
                            string strProName = context.Request.Form["txtProName"];
                            string strProCateID = context.Request.Form["txtProCateID"];
                            string strProImagePath = "updloadFiles/3.jpg";
                            string strProIntroduce = context.Request.Form["txtProIntroduce"];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProCateID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProIntroduce))
                                strInfo = "不允许为空";
                                var data = new { PageTitle = "产品新增", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, MesgInfo = strInfo };
                                strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                                string sqlInsert = "  insert into [Products]([ProName],[ProCateID],[ProIntroduce],[ProImagePath]) values(@ProName,@ProCateID,@ProIntroduce,@ProImagePath) ";
                                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProName",strProName),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProCateID",strProCateID),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProIntroduce",strProIntroduce),
                                     new SqlParameter("@ProImagePath",strProImagePath)
                                int numSucc = sqlH.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlInsert, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                                if (numSucc == 1)
                                    strInfo = "添加成功";
                                    strInfo = "添加失败";
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品新增", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, MesgInfo = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        var data = new { PageTitle = "产品编辑", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, MesgInfo = "" };
                        strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
            public DataTable dtGetProductByID(string strProID)
                SQLHelper sqlH = new SQLHelper();
                string sqlPro = "SELECT [ProID],[ProName],[ProImagePath],[ProIntroduce],[ProCateID],b.[CateName] as CateName,b.[CateID] as CateID  FROM [Products]  as a left join [ProCategories] as b on a.ProCateID=b.CateID where [IsDelete]=0 and a.ProID=@ProID ";
                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                         new SqlParameter("@ProID", strProID)
                DataTable dtPro = sqlH.ExecuteQuery(sqlPro, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                return dtPro;
            public bool IsReusable
                    return false;
    View Code

    ---------------------------------------------------实现效果: 新增 AddNew---------------------------------------------------

    ----------------------------------------------------实现效果:  编辑 Edit-------------------------------------------------------

    ----------------------------------------------------实现效果:  删除 Delete-----------------------------------------------------

    五,实现图片上传和分页 (知识点:1,From表单设置enctype属性 2,文件上传并SaveAs到Server.MapPath  3,Row_Number()进行分页

      A,分别更新ProductEdit.html和ProductEdit.ashx 实现图片的上传和更新(图片存储在服务器,图片名称存储DB)

    Templates/Admin/ProductEdit.html:  Form表单添加enctype="multipart/form-data"属性 ,图片src读取图片路径

    <script src="../../ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
    <div style=" 70%; text-align: left; margin-left: 15%;">
             <h2 class="text-center">产品编辑</h2>
        #elseif ($data.ActionEdit=="delete")
             <h2 class="text-center">产品删除 </h2>
        #elseif ($data.ActionEdit=="addnew")
             <h2 class="text-center">产品新增</h2>
        <form method="post" action="ProductEdit.ashx" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <!--三个隐藏,IspostBack 记录页面是否首次加载,action 记录提交按钮后是需要新增还是编辑,txtProIDHiddden 隐藏当前编辑的id  -->
            <input type="hidden" name="IsPostBack" value="true" />
            <input type="hidden" name="txtaction" value="$data.ActionEdit" />
            <input type="hidden" name="txtProIDHiddden" value="$data.Product.ProID" />
            <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
                        <input type="text" name="txtProName" value="$data.Product.ProName" /></td>
                        <select name="txtProCateID">
                            #foreach($cate in $data.Categories)
                                <option value="$cate.CateID" selected="selected">$cate.CateName</option>
                               <option value="$cate.CateID">$cate.CateName</option>
                    <td>#if ($data.ActionEdit=="addnew")
                        <input type="file" name="ProductImage" value="上传图片" />
                        <img id="ProImg" src="../../uploadFiels/$data.Product.ProImagePath" class="img-rounded" style=" 40px; height: 40px" />
                        <input type="file" name="ProductImage" value="更新图片" />
                        <textarea id="idProIntroduce" name="txtProIntroduce">$data.Product.ProIntroduce </textarea>
                    <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center">
                        <input type="submit" value="保存" class="btn btn-primary" />
                        <a href="ProductList_Admin.ashx" class="btn btn-default">返回</a>
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var txtIntro = document.getElementById("idProIntroduce");
    View Code

    ProductEdit.ashx:   实现图片保存到uploadfiles文件夹,图片名称保存到DB

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.IO;
    namespace ProductWeb
        /// <summary>
        /// ProductEdit Product编辑页面 
        /// </summary>
        public class ProductEdit : IHttpHandler
            public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                string strHtml = "";
                string sqlCates = "SELECT [CateID],[CateName] FROM [dbo].[ProCategories]";
                SQLHelper sqlH = new SQLHelper();
                DataTable dtCates = sqlH.ExecuteQuery(sqlCates, CommandType.Text);
                //[ProID],[ProName],[ProImagePath],[ProIntroduce],[ProCateID],b.[CateName] as CateName,b.[CateID] as CateID  FROM [Products]  as a left join [ProCategories] as b on a.ProCateID=b.CateID and a.ProID=@strProID ";     //
                var ProductOriginal = new { ProID = 0, ProName = "", ProImagePath = "", ProIntroduce = "", CateName = "", CateID = "" };
                //页面首次加载 , 显示Product信息
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Form["IsPostBack"]) == true)
                    string strProID = context.Request.QueryString["id"];   // 点击 编辑 按钮,传递过来 action 和 id值
                    string strAction = context.Request.QueryString["action"] == null ? "" : context.Request.QueryString["action"].ToString().ToLower(); //  点击保存后,具体是 edit、 delte还是 add,  保存在页面的隐藏控件中
                    string strPageTitle = "产品操作";  //default
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProID))   // id 存在
                        //从DB中选出 id 对应的Product 信息
                        SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                            new SqlParameter("@strProID",strProID)
                        if (strAction == "edit")
                            strPageTitle = "产品编辑";
                        else if (strAction == "delete")
                            strPageTitle = "产品删除";
                        else if (strAction == "addnew")
                            strPageTitle = "产品新增";
                        DataTable dtPro = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                        int numExist = 0;
                        numExist = dtPro.Rows.Count;
                        if (numExist > 0)
                            // 产品存在,显示产品信息
                            var data = new { PageTitle = strPageTitle, Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtPro.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction };
                            strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                            // 不存在,显示编辑页面
                            var data = new { PageTitle = strPageTitle, Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, ActionEdit = strAction };
                            strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        var data = new { PageTitle = strPageTitle, Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, ActionEdit = strAction };
                        strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                //点击了 submit 按钮,根据传递过来的action进行操作 update/delete
                    string strAction = context.Request.Form["txtaction"];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAction))
                        string strInfo = "";
                        if (strAction == "edit")
                            string strProID = context.Request.Form["txtProIDHiddden"];
                            string strProName = context.Request.Form["txtProName"];
                            string strProCateID = context.Request.Form["txtProCateID"];
                            string strProImageName = ""; //文件名
                            string strProIntroduce = context.Request.Form["txtProIntroduce"];
                            DataTable dtPro = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                            int numExist = 0;
                            numExist = dtPro.Rows.Count;
                            if (numExist > 0)
                                HttpPostedFile proImg = context.Request.Files["ProductImage"];  //获得客户端上传图片信息
                                string imgServerPath = context.Server.MapPath("~/uploadFiels/"); //项目中 uploadFiles路径
                                string strTimeNow = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                                strProImageName = strTimeNow + Path.GetExtension(proImg.FileName);
                                if ((Path.GetExtension(proImg.FileName) == ".jpg" || Path.GetExtension(proImg.FileName) == ".png") && proImg.ContentLength < 102400)
                                    proImg.SaveAs(imgServerPath + strProImageName);       //上传
                                //update DB
                                string sqlUpdate = "update [Products] set [ProName]=@ProName,[ProIntroduce]=@ProIntroduce,[ProCateID]=@ProCateID,[ProImagePath]=@ProImagePath where [IsDelete]=0 and [ProID]=@ProID ";
                                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProName",strProName),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProCateID",strProCateID),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProIntroduce",strProIntroduce),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProID",strProID),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProImagePath",strProImageName)
                                int numSuccUpd = 0;
                                numSuccUpd = sqlH.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpdate, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                                if (numSuccUpd > 0)
                                    strInfo = "更新成功";
                                    DataTable dtProNew = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品编辑", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtProNew.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction, InfoMeg = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                                    strInfo = "更新失败";
                                    DataTable dtProNew = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品编辑", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtProNew.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction, InfoMeg = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        else if (strAction == "delete")
                            string strProID = context.Request.Form["txtProIDHiddden"];
                            DataTable dtPro = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                            int numExist = 0;
                            numExist = dtPro.Rows.Count;
                            if (numExist > 0)
                                string sqlUpdate = "update [Products] set [IsDelete]=1  where  [ProID]=@ProID ";
                                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProID",strProID)
                                int numSuccUpd = 0;
                                numSuccUpd = sqlH.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpdate, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                                if (numSuccUpd > 0)
                                    strInfo = "删除成功";
                                    DataTable dtProNew = dtGetProductByID(strProID);
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品删除", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = dtProNew.Rows[0], ActionEdit = strAction, InfoMeg = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        else if (strAction == "addnew")
                            string strProName = context.Request.Form["txtProName"];
                            string strProCateID = context.Request.Form["txtProCateID"];
                            string strProImageName = "";
                            string strProIntroduce = context.Request.Form["txtProIntroduce"];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProCateID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProIntroduce))
                                strInfo = "不允许为空";
                                var data = new { PageTitle = "产品新增", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, MesgInfo = strInfo };
                                strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                                HttpPostedFile proImg = context.Request.Files["ProductImage"];  //获得客户端上传图片信息
                                string imgServerPath = context.Server.MapPath("~/uploadFiels/"); //项目中 uploadFiles路径
                                string strTimeNow = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                                strProImageName = strTimeNow + Path.GetExtension(proImg.FileName);
                                if ((Path.GetExtension(proImg.FileName) == ".jpg" || Path.GetExtension(proImg.FileName) == ".png") && proImg.ContentLength < 102400)
                                    proImg.SaveAs(imgServerPath + strProImageName);       //上传
                                // Insert DB
                                string sqlInsert = "  insert into [Products]([ProName],[ProCateID],[ProIntroduce],[ProImagePath]) values(@ProName,@ProCateID,@ProIntroduce,@ProImagePath) ";
                                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProName",strProName),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProCateID",strProCateID),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProIntroduce",strProIntroduce),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ProImagePath",strProImageName)
                                int numSucc = sqlH.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlInsert, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                                if (numSucc == 1)
                                    strInfo = "添加成功";
                                    strInfo = "添加失败";
                                    var data = new { PageTitle = "产品新增", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, MesgInfo = strInfo };
                                    strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
                        var data = new { PageTitle = "产品编辑", Categories = dtCates.Rows, Product = ProductOriginal, MesgInfo = "" };
                        strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductEdit.html", data);
            // Query Product By ID
            public DataTable dtGetProductByID(string strProID)
                SQLHelper sqlH = new SQLHelper();
                string sqlPro = "SELECT [ProID],[ProName],[ProImagePath],[ProIntroduce],[ProCateID],b.[CateName] as CateName,b.[CateID] as CateID  FROM [Products]  as a left join [ProCategories] as b on a.ProCateID=b.CateID where [IsDelete]=0 and a.ProID=@ProID ";
                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                                         new SqlParameter("@ProID", strProID)
                DataTable dtPro = sqlH.ExecuteQuery(sqlPro, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                return dtPro;
            public bool IsReusable
                    return false;
    View Code


      B,借助SQL的Row_Number方法进行分页, 前台页面传入页码到后台,然后查询对应页码的数据。(1,Row_Number 2,页码计算 3,根据当前页面把上一页、下一页禁用)

        分别更新ProductList_Admin.html  和 ProductList_Admin.ashx页面:

    Templates/Admin/ProductList_Admin.html    调用Bootstrap分页组件

    <h2 class="text-center">产品列表维护</h2>
    <div style=" 70%; text-align: center; margin-left: 15%;">
        <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
            <tr style="font-weight: bolder">
            #foreach($Pro in $data.Products)
                    <td><a href="ProductEdit.ashx?action=edit&id=$Pro.ProID">编辑</a></td>
                    <td><a href="ProductEdit.ashx?action=delete&id=$Pro.ProID">删除</a></td>
                <td colspan="4" class="text-center">
                        <ul class="pagination">
                            <li class="disabled">
                                <a href="Productlist_admin.ashx?Page=$data.PageBeforeNext.PageBefore" aria-label="Previous">
                                    <span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
                            #foreach($pageHref in $data.PageData)
                              <li><a href="$pageHref.Href">$pageHref.Title</a></li>
                            <li class="disabled">
                                <a href="Productlist_admin.ashx?Page=$data.PageBeforeNext.PageNext" aria-label="Next">
                                    <span aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>
                <td colspan="4" class="text-center">
                    <a href="ProductEdit.ashx?action=AddNew" class="btn btn-default">新增</a></td>
    View Code

    ProductList_Admin.ashx: 1,页数计算,理解Row_Number分页  2,生成对应的href链接传递给前台页面 3, 当前页码、页面总数、上页、下页

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    namespace ProductWeb
        /// <summary>
        /// ProductList_Admin 后台显示产品列表
        /// </summary>
        public class ProductList_Admin : IHttpHandler
            public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                SQLHelper sqlH = new SQLHelper();
                //DataTable是把数据读取出来以后放入内存中,如果数据量大的话 一次性都读出来的话就很吃内存造成系统性能很差
                //这时候我们就要从DB中只读取我们需要的数据就好了 , 把数据进行分页处理,只读取需要页数的数据
                // 一,页数计算。查询出来Product总数numAllProducts. 总页数numPages=Celling(numAllProducts/10.0) .  天花板函数的结果是  >=这个数的最小整数
                int numAllProducts = Convert.ToInt32(sqlH.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from [Products] where [IsDelete]=0", CommandType.Text));
                int numPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(numAllProducts / 10.0);  // 5/10→1  10/10→1   11/10→2
                //二,生成前台页面 a 的链接地址 href
                object[] objPageData = new object[numPages];
                for (int i = 0; i < numPages; i++)
                    objPageData[i] = new { Href = "ProductList_Admin.ashx?Page=" + (i + 1).ToString(), Title = (i + 1).ToString() };
                int intRowNumber = 1; //默认为第1页 1-10条数据,第2页: 11~20条数据  (intRowNumber-1)*10+1~intRowNumber*10
                string strPageNumber = context.Request.QueryString["Page"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPageNumber))
                    intRowNumber = Convert.ToInt32(strPageNumber);  //获取传递过来的页面
                string sql = @"select * from 
                               (SELECT [ProID],[ProName],[ProImagePath],[ProIntroduce],[ProCateID],b.[CateName] as CateName,b.[CateID] as CateID,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by ProID) as RowNum  
                                 FROM [Products]  as a left join [ProCategories] as b on a.ProCateID=b.CateID where [IsDelete]=0 ) as s
                                 where s.RowNum between (@IntRowNumber-1)*10+1 and @IntRowNumber*10    ";
                SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { 
                    new SqlParameter("@IntRowNumber",intRowNumber)
                //string sql = "SELECT [ProID],[ProName],[ProImagePath],[ProIntroduce],b.[CateName] as CateName  FROM [dbo].[Products]  as a left join [dbo].[ProCategories] as b on a.ProCateID=b.CateID where [IsDelete]=0 ";
                DataTable dt = sqlH.ExecuteQuery(sql, sqlParas, CommandType.Text);
                var varPageBeforeNext = new { PageBefore = intRowNumber - 1, PageNext = intRowNumber + 1 };
                var data = new { PageTitle = "产品列表", Products = dt.Rows, PageData = objPageData, PageNums = numPages, PageBeforeNext = varPageBeforeNext };
                string strHtml = Common_Nvelocity.RenderHTML("Admin/ProductList_Admin.html", data);
            public bool IsReusable
                    return false;
    View Code


    总结:本文实现了产品编辑的增删查改功能,了解图片上传、分页实现等。  【Demo下载 】   


    NVelocity 语法: http://www.cnblogs.com/hxling/archive/2011/10/23/2221918.html

    Row_Number()使用: http://www.cnblogs.com/gy51Testing/archive/2012/07/26/2609832.html

  • 相关阅读:
    yum -y install 和yum install 的区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chengzish/p/4529148.html
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