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  • PLI, DPI, DirectC,TLI

    本文说的PLI,特指PLI 2, VPI。DPI是SV标准中组成,而DirectC和TLI是VCS中的功能组件。

    关于PLI的文献只有Verilog PLI Handbook这本书。并且Verilog PLI是一本相对成熟的技术。PLI有三个libraries, TF(task/function) interface, ACC(access) interface, 以及VPI(Verilog Procedural Interface),连同DPI,四者的时间先后顺序是1985-1989-1995-2003。而前面两个已经在IEEE 1364-2005(IEEE 1364就是verilog std)中被删除。所以重要的就是VPI和DPI。

    part 1 VPI

    Handbook一书中part 1的7章介绍了VPI的构建及应用。

    1. 创建VPI应用。共分为四步($hello system task为例)。

     先是在Verilog module中引用,即调用$hello()或者$hello;

    》》然后是编写一个calltf routine for $hello,这个routine 是VPI和C mixed,其中需要include "vpi_user.h"包含VPI的数据结构,也可以调用C std libraries 来使用C语言的相应函数。

    》》注册编写的VPI 函数,因为是calltf routine,调用s_vpi_systf_data(s_vpi_systf_data,以s_开头的为struct结构体,以t_开头的表示数据类型,以p_开头的表示指针指向struct结构体)结构,并做好相应的注册。

    》》Compiling and linking $hello system task。

    2a. VPI的分类 

    calltf routines, ---The calltf routine is executed when simulation is running

    compiletf routines, --- The compiletf routine should only be used for syntax checking, routine called before simulation time 0

    sizetf routines ---  A sizetf routine is called one time, before simulation time 0.

    sizetf的作用:The intent of the sizetf routine is to notify the simulator compiler or elaborator of the return size for system functions 

    注: even if a system function used multiple times in verilog code, sizetf routine is only called once.

    simulation callback routines 

    typedef struct t_cb_data
     PLI_INT32    reason;                        /* callback reason */
     PLI_INT32    (*cb_rtn)(struct t_cb_data *); /* call routine */
     vpiHandle    obj;                           /* trigger object */
     p_vpi_time   time;                          /* callback time */
     p_vpi_value  value;                         /* trigger object value */
     PLI_INT32    index;                         /* index of the memory word or
    var select that changed */
     PLI_BYTE8   *user_data;

    } s_cb_data, *p_cb_data; 

    t_cb_data中包含了PLI_INT32 reason来提供PLI 回调的原因。

    关于reason共分为五个部分,simulation related, time related, action related, added in 2001以及added in 2005。


    2b Special data types  


    typedef int             PLI_INT32;
    typedef unsigned int    PLI_UINT32;
    typedef short           PLI_INT16;
    typedef unsigned short  PLI_UINT16;
    typedef char            PLI_BYTE8;
    typedef unsigned char   PLI_UBYTE8; 
    --from vpi_user.h

    2c. 例子  $pow

    A sizetf routine to establish the return size of $pow.

    A VPI compiletf routine to verify that the $pow arguments are valid values.
    A calltf routine to calculate the base to the power of the exponent each time $pow is executed by the simulator.
    A VPI simulation callback routine to print a message when simulation firsts starts running (immediately prior to simulation time 0).

    其中,simulation callback routine只是演示作用。 

    由于sizetf, compiletf, 和calltf三者之间的相互关系,它们也是一起被声明在同一结构(s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;)之中。 

    tf_data.type = vpiSysFunc; //PLI_INT32 type;                       /* vpiSysTask, vpiSysFunc */
    tf_data.sysfunctype = vpiSysFuncSized;

    // PLI_INT32 sysfunctype;  /* vpiSysTask, vpi[Int,Real,Time,Sized,  SizedSigned]Func */

    /** alias 1364-1995 system function subtypes to 1364-2001 function subtypes ***/

    #define vpiSysFuncType             vpiFuncType

    #define vpiSysFuncInt              vpiIntFunc
    #define vpiSysFuncReal             vpiRealFunc
    #define vpiSysFuncTime             vpiTimeFunc

    #define vpiSysFuncSized            vpiSizedFunc 

    tf_data.tfname = "$pow"; //veirlog中调用的函数,开头必须是"$"
    tf_data.calltf = PLIbook_PowCalltf; 对应的是后面的calltf routine
    tf_data.compiletf = PLIbook_PowCompiletf; 对应的是后面的compiletf routine
    tf_data.sizetf = PLIbook_PowSizetf; 对应的是后面的sizetf routine
    tf_data.user_data = NULL;  //user_data 表示可以自行声明数据结构


    而callback 则是单开一边。

    s_cb_data cb_data_s;

    vpiHandle callback_handle; 

    cb_data_s.reason = cbStartOfSimulation;
    cb_data_s.cb_rtn = PLIbook_PowStartOfSim;
    cb_data_s.obj = NULL;
    cb_data_s.time = NULL;
    cb_data_s.value = NULL;
    cb_data_s.user_data = NULL;
    callback_handle = vpi_register_cb(&cb_data_s);

    vpi_free_object(callback_handle); /* don’t need callback handle */ 

    3a. VPI library  

    The VPI library can be divided into five basic groups of routines 

    A handle routine obtains a handle for one specific Verilog HDL object.
    An iterate routine and a scan routine obtain handles for all of a specific type of Verilog object.
    get routines access information about an object.
    set routines modify information about an object.
    A few miscellaneous routines perform a variety of operations. 

    3b. three relationships, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one 

    The VPI routines used to traverse from one type of object to another are:

    vpi_handle(), --- one-to-one  

    vpi_iterate(), vpi_scan(), --- for one-to-many

    and vpi_handle_multi (). --- for many-to-one

    In the Verilog language, the output port of one module can be connected to one or more input ports of other modules, using a net data type. The connection from an output to an input is referred to as an intermodule path. 

    the VPI library refers to intermodule paths as a many-to-one relationship. 

    这里的intermodule path既可以像hardware那样考虑delay,也可以不用。但都是many-to-one relationship 

    4. VPI object diagram 


    尽管VPI操作复杂,但是可以对Verilog 嵌入更多的操作,如果是引入sv_vpi_user.h,也可以对更多的sv objects进行操作。 


    PLI vs DPI



    由于是04年的文章,其中提及了plan中的05年Verilog HDL std已经将PLI 1.0 deprecate,而后来的标准也确实如此。

    所以,paper的结尾也是改为“the PLI 1.0 is dead...long live PLI VPI and the SystemVerilog DPI!


    $stop and $finish区别

    stop会halt simulator,进入interactive mode。而finish,表示仿真结束,直接退出。  

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenrui/p/2689956.html
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