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  • Re: help on converting bytearrayinputstream to objectinputstream [小糊涂的灵感]

    Re: help on converting bytearrayinputstream to objectinputstream
    Author: lightblue_daisy
    In Reply To: help on converting bytearrayinputstream to objectinputstream
    Jun 7, 2004 1:18 PM  
    Reply 5 of 5
    You have to writeObject first.

    A sample code as below, hope it's helpful.
    try {
    //Using ByteArrayInputStream to simulate YOUR socket.getInputStream()
    String strSocketInput = "TAIWAN";
    ByteArrayInputStream baIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(strSocketInput.getBytes());
    DataInputStream oInputStream = new DataInputStream(baIn);

    byte[] arr = new byte[oInputStream.available()];

    //A new byte array
    String strIdentifier = ", a beautiful country.";
    byte[] identifier = strIdentifier.getBytes();

    //the final one we will send
    byte[] ob = new byte[arr.length + identifier.length];
    ByteArrayInputStream baNew = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr);
    baNew.read(ob, 0, arr.length);
    //Append new byte array
    baNew = new ByteArrayInputStream(identifier);
    baNew.read(ob, arr.length, identifier.length);

    //== Coz we will invoke 'readObject', we have to 'writeObject' first.
    ByteArrayOutputStream baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(baOut);
    //write the object 'ob' to 'baOut'

    //get the byte array of 'baOut'
    byte[] baSend = baOut.toByteArray();

    //retrieve the object 'ob'
    ByteArrayInputStream baRecIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(baSend);
    ObjectInputStream objIn = new ObjectInputStream(baRecIn);
    //the object type of 'ob' is byte[]
    byte[] baRec = (byte[])objIn.readObject();

    //see what we receive
    String strReceive = new String(baRec);
    System.out.println("WHAT WE RECEIVED: " + strReceive);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Never giveup. Thanks the world.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnsoft/p/58003.html
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