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  • leetcode笔记:Ugly Number II

    一. 题目描写叙述

    Write a program to find the n-th ugly number.

    Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose prime factors only include 2, 3, 5. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 is the sequence of the first 10 ugly numbers.

    Note that 1 is typically treated as an ugly number.

    二. 题目分析

    关于丑数的概念,可參考Ugly Number
    从1開始的丑数为:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, … 该题的大意是,输入一个正整数n,返回第n个丑数。这要求比起Ugly Number一题是复杂了些。


    (以2为乘数)1×2, 2×2, 3×2, 4×2, 5×2, 6×2, 8×2, …
    (以3为乘数)1×3, 2×3, 3×3, 4×3, 5×3, 6×3, 8×3, …
    (以5为乘数)1×5, 2×5, 3×5, 4×5, 5×5, 6×5, 8×5, …


    三. 演示样例代码

    class Solution
        int nthUglyNumber(int n) {
            int* uglyNum = new int[n]; // 用于存放前n个丑数
            uglyNum[0] = 1;
            int factor2 = 2, factor3 = 3, factor5 = 5;
            int index2, index3, index5;
            index2 = index3 = index5 = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
                // 取三组中的最小
                int minNum = min(factor2, factor3, factor5);
                uglyNum[i] = minNum;
                // 分三组计算
                if(factor2 == minNum)
                     factor2 = 2 * uglyNum[++index2];
                if(factor3 == minNum)
                     factor3 = 3 * uglyNum[++index3];
                if(factor5 == minNum)
                     factor5 = 5 * uglyNum[++index5];
            int temp = uglyNum[n-1];
            delete [] uglyNum;
            return temp;
        // 求三个数的最小值
        int min(int a, int b, int c) {
            int minNum = a > b ? b : a;
            return minNum > c ?

    c : minNum; } };

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cxchanpin/p/7233197.html
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